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[FE12] Marth Emblem


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Chapter 12 is pretty dumb. I usually just give marth the 2 robes and a draco + arena him to like, level 20. The map practically forces him to get attacked, which is lame.

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I have an idea which I'm gonna try. If it goes through, I might be able to pull this off with my horribly underleveled Marth. Luckily, I hoarded enough money to get Jake up a couple of levels, and Gordin's ready for promotion.

Speaking of dumb. . .

Chapter 11 - 11/81

Reclassed Caesar to Dracoknight, Gordin to Myrmidon, and Ryan to Sniper.

Pretty sure this is doable in 10 without Rescue, but I ran out of patience, and the Master Sword guy was getting too many crits for my liking. Arran on Scorpio and Caesar baited most of the flying dragons, and MU/Ryan/Merric finished them. Malliesia and Wendell kept people healthy. Gordin's job was to bait bandits, and Marth ran. Feena fell way behind, so she wound up refreshing Gordin instead. Recruited Jake, of course.

Stats next chapter. I kinda went nuts in the arena.

Chapter 12 - 8/89

Promoted Gordin and reclassed him to Dracoknight. Reclassed Jake to Sniper after several arena levels.

This chapter. EVERYTHING about this chapter. UGH. At least Caesar with Leo, Scorpio, and Cancer could solo the trio of flying nuisances near the beginning. I had to delay a turn or Feena and Malliesia would've been eaten by dragons.

Why is Marth's Strength equal to his Defense? And why does MU fail at Magic? ;/

On the upside, Caesar's rocking on his own.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.05  33  13    0   16   16   12   13    0
MU        Mage      19.98  35   3    9   15   18   17    4    8
Arran     Drakky    13.94  28  12    1   14   13    5   14    3
Ryan      Sniper     4.98  41  19    1   24   18    9   11    3
Gordin    Drakky     2.00  36  20    1   15   14   12   18    4
Mally     Cleric    14.69  24   0    8    5   12   17    2   10
Wendell   Sage       9.80  27   3    8    6   13    6    6    6
Caesar    Drakky     7.14  41  18    1   12   23   11   17    4
Feena     Dancer     7.33  19   7    0    5   18   13    5    0
Merric    Mage      18.64  30   0   11   12   17    9    8    7
Jake      Sniper     4.27  32  12    1   15   16   14   11    5

Oh, I drafted Robert? I'm a bit short on Seals, though.

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Sorry, I was under alot of stress.

Well, its ultimately up to passive knight. I would change the rule for this specific draft so you all dont have to redo everything

So are you saying that the Prologue is kept free so no one has to restart? :/

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Sorry, I was under alot of stress.

So are you saying that the Prologue is kept free so no one has to restart? :/

Yeah. You yourself said so earlier, and to make someone redo a run for those reasons is rather silly.

Chapter 13x - 2/91

Reclassed Gordin and Ryan to Swordsmen and Caesar to Paladin.

Things are a lot easier when almost your entire team doubles the map.

Chapter 14 - 5/96

Reclassed Ryan to Paladin.

One of my chapter restarts was because Ryan whiffed two 84% shots on an Ice Dragon. ;/

On the run I took, Caesar managed to whiff against both Sorcerers and a Thief. I made it through somehow so nyeh. I'm gonna need to resupply in Chapter 16; I'm running way too low on basics! Nabbed the Again staff for good measure. I'll promote Malliesia one day. . .just not today.

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Alright then, the prologue is free. Sorry for before. ^^

Some progress:

Chapter 3x - 6/32

Reclass Palla to Cavalier

Arran was a big help on this map

Chapter 4 - 7/39

Ilyana to Cleric and Wrys to Mage

Without rescue, Marth have to move his fat ass to the gate. Ogma being a BAMF WTFZOMG'ed the boss. ^^

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No problem~!

Chapter 15 - 7/106

Reclassed Caesar to Dracoknight and Gordin to 'zerker. Fed Gordin a Speedwings and gave him the Star Orb so he'd double. Fed Ryan a couple arena levels as a 'zerker so he'd kill stuff and double reliably.

This run is dedicated to Robert, for throwing himself out of the way of a Ridersbane. Missed the Rapier, but managed to get everything else. Hope my lack of Javelins doesn't come back to bite me.

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Chapter 5 7/46

Palla and Wrys go to the base arena and reclass Arran to General.

I wanna to have Cecil take the boss kill, but I was careless and gave it to Ogma.

Chapter 6 10/56

Arran to bishop, arena'd Julian and Cecil

Julis and Rickard went thieving while Cecil and Palla guard them from danger. Recruited Samto for his sword and the orb (of course). Boss was easy thanks to Ogma and pals.


Unit    Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth   Lord         11.63   31  12   0    14   13   12   11    1   Sword-C
Ilyana  Cleric       12.71   31  5    7    11   10   10    1    10  Staff-D
Cecil   Cavalier     13.36   29  11   3    15   19   11    10   4   Srowd-C Lance-E
Arran   Bishop        5.86   27  5    3    9    8     4    6    9   Tome-E Staff-D
Palla   Cavalier     19.51   30  18   0    15   19    11   15   0   Sword-E Lance-A
Julian  Thief         8.71   21  8    0    8    14    9    7    0   Sword-E
Wrys    Mage          8.49   18  0    6    8    7     4    2    8   Tome-E
Ogma    Mercenary    14.01   34  13   0    19   16    11   10   1   Sword-B
Rickard Whoe cares?!
Frey    Cavalier      9.24   27  11   0    8    11    6    10   0   Sword-D Lance-C

Chapter 6 2/58

Palla's Chapter

Arena'd to promote, reclass her to draco and she killed The Heavy.

Chapter 7 6/64

Forged a Javelin (+2 Mt) for Palla and bring her in the arena for a little bit

Palla's a Tornado and Ogma is Dragonborn.

Stupid me forgot the Physic Staff >_>

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Chapter 16 - 2/109

Reclassed Ryan to Swordmaster, Merric to Bishop and Gordin to Paladin.

One Again charge is burned so Ryan can get the orb. Feena first dances for Merric so he can dual barrier Marth and Caesar. Once I confirm that no one died on turn 1, Gordin runs up and kills the boss, Caesar gets Fortify, and Feena dances for Marth on turn 2 for the win.

Chapter 16x - 1/110

Merric ended Chapter 16 at 5.97, so I shoved him into the arena for a Speed level.

Gordin with the Starsphere was able to double everything except the Swordmaster behind Katarina, which he chipped on his turn. MU killed the other Swordmaster, Ryan killed one Silver Axe dude, Merric killed the other, and Caesar did a hell of a lot of damage to one of the Tomahawk dudes. On EP, the guys with Tomahawks target MU; she needs to dodge one 56-57ish% attack to live. Everything else targets Gordin with a Javelin; he either finishes them (Swordmaster) or outright doubles and kills them (everyone else).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.05  33  13    0   16   16   12   13    0
MU        Mage      19.98  35   3    9   15   18   17    4    8
Arran     Drakky    14.05  28  12    1   14   13    5   14    3
Ryan      Swordity  11.58  45  23    1   29   26   10   14    3
Gordin    Paladin   11.34  47  25    1   20   20*  17   20    9
Mally     Cleric    17.50  27   0    9    6   15   19    2   12
Wendell   Sage      11.02  29   3    9    6   14    6    7    6
Caesar    Paladin   14.07  48  18    1   15   24   13   17    7
Feena     Dancer    10.87  21   8    0    8   21   15    6    0
Merric    Bishop     6.60  40   1   15   15   22   15    9   15
Jake      Sniper     7.17  33  15    1   18   19   16   11    5
Robert    Sniper     5.86  38  13    1   18   17   12    9    3
Est       She gained one level and I'm too lazy to put it here

Chapter 17 - 5/115

Reclassed Jake to Horseman.

This was pretty basic, Caesar's questionable Strength aside. Feena never caught up to Marth.

Chapter 18 - 4/119

Reclassed Jake to Berserker, and Ryan and Caesar to General.

I had more time than usual, so I had Ryan and Caesar act like walls while everything else came tumbling down~!

Chapter 19 - 7/126

Reclassed Jake to Horseman, Ryan to Dracoknight, Malliesia to Sage, and Caesar to Paladin.

Burned an Again use to have Ryan kill the boss on turn 1. Everyone else broke through the long way. Gordin was lucky enough to dodge a Ridersbane that would've otherwise sucked. The reason why my turn counts are as low as they are is because of Fortify.

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Chapter 20 - 7/133

Reclassed Caesar to Swordmaster.

Caesar was the only one who could use the Master Sword (I skipped Mercurius), so he had the honor of walking up to Hardin and dealing enough damage for Merric to Dancecalibur him to death. Managed to snag all the treasure in the main room, to boot.

The hell is up with my Marth?!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.37  36  16    0   17   17   15   15    0
MU        Sage      11.24  49   7   16   24   25   27    6   13
Arran     Drakky    14.05  28  12    1   14   13    5   14    3
Ryan      Drakky    17.43  45  26    1   26   22   13   20    4
Gordin    Paladin   16.00  52  25    1   21   23*  21   21    9
Mally     Sage       4.01  37   3   13    8   19   21    5   10
Wendell   Sage      12.02  30   3   10    6   14    6    7    6
Caesar    Swordity  17.48  49  18    1   22   30   14   16    4
Feena     Dancer    13.75  24  11    0   10   24   16    6    0
Merric    Bishop    10.86  43   1   15   18   24   18   10   16
Jake      Horseman  10.52  31  17    1   17   21   19   11    5
Robert    Horseman   7.28  36  12    1   17   17   14    8    3
Xane      LOL
Est       She gained one level and I'm too lazy to put it here

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Chapter 8 5/69

Frey to Knight and Julis use the Arena

Roger and some orbs get. There was nothing really special about this chapter. :P

Chapter 9 9/78

Reclass: Ilyana>Mage Cecil>Myrmidon Frey>Dark Mage Wrys>Curate Roger>Pirate and arena'd Cecil

I would hate to be Marth right now. At least he got some new shoes.

Chapter 10 2/80

Arena'd Cecil, Ogma, and Frey to promoted them. Reclass Frey to draco.

Merric died. :( Almost forgot Aries

Chapter 10x 1/81


Unit    Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth   Lord         13.31   32  14   0    15   14   13   12    1   Sword-C
Ilyana  Mage         15.01   33  5    9    11   13   12    2    5   Tome-C
Cecil   Swordmaster   1.37   38  14   5    25   27   15   10    8   Srowd-A
Arran   Bishop        7.84   27  5    3    9    9     4    6    9   Tome-E Staff-C
Palla   Dracoknight   7.24   37  25   1    24   23   12   20    5   Lance-A Axe-E
Julian  Thief         9.12   21  9    0    9    15   10    7    0   Sword-E
Wrys    Curate        8.49   18  0    4    9    9     4    4   12   Staff-D
Ogma    Hero          1.15   44  17   1    23   19   12   13    4   Sword-A Axe-E
Rickard Whoe cares?!
Frey    Dracoknight   1.48   32  15   1    12   13    6   15    3   Lance-C Axe-E
Roger   Pirate       12.26   30  13   0    7    18    8    8    0   Axe-E

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Run complete. Will need to dig into the epilogue for final stats. I kinda went nuts with statboosters, and don't remember where they went. SORRY!

Chapter 20x - 7/140

Reclassed Caesar to Paladin.

Delayed a couple of turns for Aura, as MU was doing impressive damage with it. Got the Longbow, and this makes Jake very happy.

Chapter 21 - 9/149

Reclassed Gordin to Dracoknight.

Trek to the village for Starlight, trek back, and have Feena shave a turn by existing.

Chapter 22 - 6/155

Reclassed Gordin to Paladin and Robert to Sniper (Jake should've been a Sniper by now).

Delayed a turn so that my army could get set. I managed to snag Yet Another Fortify, so Malliesia's happy. Fortify is saving so many turns it's not funny. Jake doubles with the Longbow, and it's enough to kill squishy things like Sorcerers.

Chapter 23 - 5/160

Reclassed Merric to Sage.

This was fairly basic, right down to using Xane to bait Gharnef. I was prepared to have Merric and MU double-team him, but then MU critted. My Paladins Three have hit level 20.

Endgame - 4/164

I had to take this a touch slower to make sure that Sirius and Minerva did their jobs unmolested. On turn 4, Merric recruited Elice and critted with Excalibur (39 damage). Gordin chipped with Gradivus (11 damage). I used Again on Merric so he could Mend Gordin and hit level 20. MU ran up and chipped with Aura (and survived with 3 HP). Finally, Marth ran up and got an unnecessary crit on Gharnef to end the game.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      30.00  60* 25*   0   25   25*  24   23*   1
MU        Sage      16.35  52   8   16   27   25   30    6   15
Arran     Drakky    14.05  28  12    1   14   13    5   14    3
Ryan      Paladin   20.00  56* 25    1   28   25   14   19    7
Gordin    Paladin   20.00  54  25    1   21   24*  25   22   10
Mally     Sage       7.45  38   3   15    8   20   21    5   10
Wendell   Sage      12.83  30   3   10    6   14    6    7    6
Caesar    Paladin   20.00  52  24    1   16   25   17   19    7
Feena     Dancer    17.74  28  13    0   14   25   19    6    0
Merric    Sage      20.00  49   3   22   25   25   23   13   13
Jake      Sniper    18.22  40  22    1   25   29   24   15    5
Robert    Sniper    10.17  43  15    1   21   24   15    9    4
Xane      LOL
Est       She gained one level and I'm too lazy to put it here

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Unit Analysis

Marth - Took forever to get going, but got a ton of Defense. This meant that he was able to take a lot of flack during Endgame, and probably the reason why my turn count wasn't even more atrocious.

MU - Her Magic growth was 50/40. How the hell did she pull 9 Magic total when I got her to 20/16?

Arran - Arran was his usual cranky self.

Ryan - Rather frail, but didn't fall too far behind in Speed and did wonderfully in Strength/Skill. Co-MVP for being part of the Destroyers Three.

Gordin - The Maturity Drop turned him into an insanely good unit. His Speed kept up nicely. Co-MVP for being part of the Destroyers Three.

Malliesia - Fortify saves turns.

Wendell - Was able to be a support unit for quite a while. Killed stuff when necessary. Luckily, that wasn't too often.

Caesar - He's ideal for a team that isn't full of units that need to be babied when he shows up. He got enough Speed to double for a long time, and that helped him to kill things that Gordin/Ryan couldn't. Co-MVP for being part of the Destroyers Three.

Feena - She got a little more sword action in. Her HP was almost enough for me to stop worrying about Meteors.

Merric - Outperformed MU, and minorly Defense blessed, to boot. I was able to pull off my usual Ellerean strategy in Chapter 21, except Merric would survive with 1 HP. Luckily, he dodged.

Jake - 100% Speed growth as a Sniper is fearful, and the more levels he gets, the scarier he becomes.

Robert - Jake Lite. He'll do fine, but he doesn't want to share the spotlight with Jake.

Xane - Thanks to his replication, I was able to spam Heal more often than not.

Est - Helped on, like, one chapter (Prologue 8). Didn't feel like dumping resources into her otherwise.

Everyone else - You weren't needed (though Mercurius would've been nice on Caesar).

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Chapter 11 10/91

Dracoknights rock! Frey is starting to do good. Also gotten all the hidden treasures.

Chapter 12 8/99

Reclass Roger to Fighter for better growths and put him in the arena.

Oh god, this chapter was hell on earth. Fire Dragons and Wyverns everywhere... Reinforcements... and Darros...

Surely the next chapter can't be that hard. Right? ...

Chapter 13 7/106

oooooh~Arena'd Roger for a D in axes and gave him an arms scroll. Also Arena'd Ilyana to lvl20 promoted her and reclass her to bishop for staff rank~ Promoted Wrys, because he's going no where.

This chapter was worst then the last one! I have to leave Feena out of combat so Marth head to the gate on his own. I forgot to bring the thief staff to get the Spirit Dust!

Chapter 13x 2/108

Reclass Frey to General

Yay Athena's back!

Chapter 14 6/114

Palla to General and arena Roger up to lvl20 to promote him and reclass him to zerker.

Once again, hard chapter, but not as bad as the last two (not counting the gaiden).

Unit    Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth   Lord         17.88   36  15   0    18   17   17   13    1   Sword-B
Ilyana  Bishop        4.77   44  7    12   18   20   18    3   13   Tome-B Staff-C
Cecil   Swordmaster  10.95   46  17   5    29   30   21   14    8   Srowd-A
Arran   Bishop       11.37   27  5    5*   12   10    5    6    9   Tome-E Staff-C
Palla   General      16.28   50  27   1    25   20   16   29    6   Lance-A Bow-E
Julian  Thief        11.29   23  10   0    11   17   12    7    0   Sword-D
Wrys    Bishop        1.48   24  1    6    10    9    5    4   15   Tome-E Staff-C
Ogma    Hero          8.06   51  23   1    28   25   17   13    5   Sword-A Axe-E
Rickard Who cares?!
Frey    General       6.02   45  18   1    11   13    9   22    4   Lance-B Bow-E
Feena   can't believe I for got her last time
Roger   Berserker     3.36   43  23   0    15*  24   16   12    0   Axe-B
Athena  Myrmidon     11.22   25  11   0    16   16    8   10    0   Sword-B
Xane    SPY

I get Abel in the next chapter! ^^

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Chapter 15 8/122

Cecil to Pally, Palla and Frey to Dracos. Arena Athena and promoted her to Falco Knight

This chapter was sorta easy. Had Ogma and Frey weaken up the boss and had Abel go for the kill.

Chapter 16 2/124

Palla and Frey to Pallys, Abel to Hero and gave him a few arena levels And forge him his own Steel Sword(+2 Mt and +6 Crit).

..Ehh... Macellan get?..

Chapter 16x 1/125

Cecil and Palla to Dracos

YAY First time one rounding this map! :D

Chapter 17 5/130

Cecil to Swordmaster, Macellan to Sniper. Gave Marth a robe and wing.

YAY More Nosferatu :D

Unit     Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth    Lord         21.76   47* 17   0    20   21*  19   13    1   Sword-B
Ilyana   Bishop        6.51   45  7    12   20   21   20    3   15   Tome-B Staff-C
Cecil    Swordmaster  12.92   48  18   5    29   30   22   16   10   Srowd-A
Arran    Bishop       12.73   28  5    5*   13   10    5    6    9   Tome-E Staff-B
Palla    Dracoknight  17.93   43  26   1    26   23   16   24    6   Lance-A Axe-E
Julian   Thief        11.29   23  10   0    11   17   12    7    0   Sword-D
Wrys     Bishop        1.48   24  1    6    10    9    5    4   15   Tome-E Staff-C
Ogma     Hero         10.06   53  24   1    29   26   18   14    6   Sword-A Axe-E
Rickard  Whoe cares?!
Frey     Dracoknight   7.13   38  18   1    14   17    9   17    4   Lance-B Axe-E
Fenna    DANCER
Roger    Berserker     6.39   45  25   0    16*  27   17   14    0   Axe-B
Athena   Falcoknight   1.94   29  15   0    15   15    8   13    9   Sword-B Lance-D
Xane     SPY
Abel     Hero         10.19   43  19   1    23   24   11   17    3   Sword-C Axe-E
Macellan Sniper        2.91   31  12   1    15   16    7    7    4   Bow-A

I just realize I drafted Samson. Oh well. :P

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Chapter 18 4/134

Arena Mac and Marth

Roger is ridonkulous

Chapter 19 6/140

Didn't get Roshea, because he'll cost turns. ;p

Chapter 20 6/146

Reclass Frey to pally

Roger vs. Hardin

One night only!

Chapter 20x 4/150

Palla the Pally

YAY almost done! :D

Unit     Class         Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res Wlv
Marth    Lord         25.95   51* 19   0    22   24*  22   15*   2   Sword-A
Ilyana   Bishop        8.34   46  8    16*  21   22   21    3   15   Tome-B Staff-C
Cecil    Swordmaster  14.16   50  19   5    29   30   24   17   10   Srowd-A
Arran    Bishop       12.73   28  5    5*   13   10    5    6    9   Tome-E Staff-B
Palla    Paladin      20.00   46  25   1    27   23   16   23    9   Sword-E Lance-A
Julian   Thief        11.29   23  10   0    11   17   12    7    0   Sword-D
Wrys     Bishop        1.48   24  1    6    10    9    5    4   15   Tome-E Staff-C
Ogma     Hero         11.27   54  25   1    29   26   18   14    6   Sword-A Axe-E
Rickard  Whoe cares?!
Frey     Paladin       7.77   40  17   1    14   17    9   15    7   Sword-D Lance-B
Fenna    DANCER
Roger    Berserker    12.71   51  29   0    19*  28   20   15    0   Axe-A
Athena   Falcoknight   1.94   29  15   0    15   15    8   13    9   Sword-B Lance-D
Xane     SPY
Abel     Hero         12.19   45  21   1    25   26   13   18    3   Sword-C Axe-E
Macellan Sniper        6.91   34  15   1    19   17    9    8    4   Bow-A

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Chapter 21 5/155

Palla to Draco

Screw Starlight, my team is made of win!

Chapter 22 6/161

Why do none of my staff users have a A rank in Staffs?

Chapter 23 5/166

Hurr I should have gotten Starlight

Endgame 4/170

DONE^^ Who needs Falchion, I have Roger!

R.I.P. Xane and MAcellan ;-;

Total Turns: 170

Unit summary coming soon. Maybe tomorrow.

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Thanks~. Personally, my MU wasn't that bad, if you look at it as a staffbot perspective. Wish she had an A in staves though. -.-



Useful in earlygame, unneeded in mid, and gets his use back in late/end. He's good for scout rushing to the throne, but that's all he's good for.



Despite her shittastic mag, she wasn't that bad. If only she had an a in staves iknowiknowimrepeatingmyself



My maturity drop unit. She always turns into a beast with them but this time she turns out solid. Probably would do good without them if I gave the drops to Roger, Abel, or even Macellan.






MVP#1 Seriously, you don't know how much of a big help she was! Wish I have drafted her in the pegasus knight draft



Better then Rickard, but not worth the recruitment. You cost me the game, Julis!



I have Arran.



He's freaking Ogma! What more do you expect?!



Another Thief



A weaker version of Palla. A good unit but loss all of his use in mid-late






MVP#2 Took all of the tough situations and made them easy. Armor knights make the best berserkers! ^w^



She got bench REALLY quick. :x


[i forgot to take a picture of Xane :x]

Hell yeah two Rogers! ;D



MVP#3 Didn't surpass Ogma in most stats, but he stormed the frontlines like a boss. ^^ Very underrated in FE12.



ehh... Good for killing flyers?


People I didn't get.

Matthis: Wanted to use him, but he was soooo hard to get.

Samson: lol I drafted him?

Roshea: For LTC skate, sorry Roshe.

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