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We're allowed to have alternate accounts, right?


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But he posted on Meteor AND Meatier in the same day, the IP should be the same.

They are too, look at the posts in this thread. For some reason it didn't work.

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that is cool though, admins being to see IP addresses right on the thread...not having to click on small links at the bottom of the page labeled admin panel then clicking on a few things to bring up the IP address finder...admittedly the small admin panel link must be clicked on to do anything about the accounts, but it saves time, I give you that...

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the admins can see theirs, we can't see ours...but there are places you can go that tell you what your IP address is (in case you are wondering)...but I don't know any of them off the top of my head...


darn, Meteor beat me...and had an actual site...darn...

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I can't see my own IP on here because it's listed as Private. You have to have access to the admin CP to see administrator's IPs.

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