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So it's your first Playthru.


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What do you all plan to do on your first time playing through the game? What classes do you promote to? Will you swap classes around for some fun experimentation? What pairings will you set up? Just wondering. All I know so far is Sariya's staying a Dark Mage->Scorcerer. Why on earth would you make it so the (thus far) only Dark Mage can't use Dark Magic??

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Well, if Dark Magic ends up being really bad... TBH I don't know enough about the characters or clases yet to pick my team... but Griffin Knight ftw!

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Everybody will have an option to use either axes or swords either through promotion or reclassing.

That means Battle Cleric and Dark Knight instead of Sage, Sumia reclasses to either General or GK, etc. Maybe I'll make an exception for Sariya since the Dark Magic effects sound pretty cool. Resire and all.

Also getting Ayra. If I have to sacrifice someone for her to be playable in storyline mode, I will. I even have somebody in mind.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I won't reclass anyone on my first PT ^^', maybe Nono if she runs out of stones, and if tomes are common like the wind, fire, dark and light i'll lock my mages to each ^^'. If they look like wind mages they'll only use Wind, Sariya will only use dark, etc.

Edited by Queen_Emelina
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Not sure exactly, still waiting on the magical US announcement. I need to play the game to get familiar with it, know all the ins and outs, and formulate what I want.

But...I think I'll make a MU to shack up with Sairi (SP?) and make an awesome kid. Will also Obtain Ayra and any other favorites that pop up as DLC.

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I totally agree with you about promoting Sariya into a Sorcerer. I'm also going to have my MU pair up with her if I can~

Other than that... I'll probably use a shit-ton of magic-users + Soiree and Krom since I most likely have to use him. :U

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Gunna take my lovely troubadour and reclass her into a falcon knight (assuming this is possible) and have my MU marry her...other then that....sariya is def on my team and so is viole. Not sure about the rest.

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Playing on easy mode (Classic, of course :P) and destroying the enemy to get a feel for how the characters and game play. I won't switch the class of MU, but I will switch the classes of the almost endless number characters that have repeating classes (Cavaliers, that's you, basically).

I'm planning on having more axe and bow users.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Classic+Normal so I get a feel for everything. Not sure if I want to abuse the double system or not.

I'll only use a change proof on Anna so she can not a be a prepremote. Then promote her to assassin lD

I won't reclass anyone else except for the Taiguel/Manakes so I can level them up and have them use their stones towards the end of the game. Hmmm.... I wonder if Manaketes run off of STR or MAG.

Man, I am going to have to stay away from the site untill US release (if there is one). I'm fairly sure I'll fail at that.

Edited by L95
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Also, keep in mind that I think reclassing is limited in this game, because it's done with items. They might be buyable very late in the game, but I wouldn't count on being able to reclass your whole team endless amounts of times.

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Also, keep in mind that I think reclassing is limited in this game, because it's done with items. They might be buyable very late in the game, but I wouldn't count on being able to reclass your whole team endless amounts of times.

With bonus shops and stuff, especially in postgame, I'm sure it's ultimately possible. Just not during normal gameplay.

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Well, reclassing Anna down would take one, and the manaketes/Taiguel would need two each... so 7 total. I wonder how many can be obtained? 7 doesn't sound like much if you take into account the amount of characters. But, IDK -shrug-

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With bonus shops and stuff, especially in postgame, I'm sure it's ultimately possible. Just not during normal gameplay.

Well yeah, I was talking about normal gameplay. If Sacred Stones is any indicator, anything is possible if you believe in postgame.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Everybody will have an option to use either axes or swords either through promotion or reclassing.

That means Battle Cleric and Dark Knight instead of Sage, Sumia reclasses to either General or GK, etc. Maybe I'll make an exception for Sariya since the Dark Magic effects sound pretty cool. Resire and all.

Also getting Ayra. If I have to sacrifice someone for her to be playable in storyline mode, I will. I even have somebody in mind.

I doubt you'll have to sacrifice people in order to get downloadable characters, provided that downloadable characters are also available to people playing on Casual Mode.

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I just read something of that sort a while back, "replace your fallen allies" or some shit like that, but I could have interpreted it wrong. Dun remember where, though.

The little shit gets to live if I don't have to kill him, otherwise sacrifice go.

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I just read something of that sort a while back, "replace your fallen allies" or some shit like that, but I could have interpreted it wrong. Dun remember where, though.

The little shit gets to live if I don't have to kill him, otherwise sacrifice go.

I think "replace your fallen allies" was a suggested use for them as opposed to a requirement.

Edited by arvilino
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