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[FE11-FE12] Sage's Super Duper Archanean Super Draft

Dark Sage

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What the hell? I decided let's just have a nice fun superdraft. Not much else to say


1. This draft is for Up to 5 players

2. Marth, Arran, Jagen, MU (as a Mage, Archer, cleric and their promotions only), Xane, Nagi/Gotoh, Feena, and Rickard are free for all.

3. The games will be played on Hard 1.

4. Drafted characters don't have to be recruited. I'm not going to be a dick and make you recruit characters you don't like to since there are some (FE12 Wolf...) who are just a pain in the ass to do so.


-Julian is free in C6 to recruit Rickard in FE11. The rest of these are FE12. Palla is free for C3. Ogma, Yumina, Yubello, and Sirius free for C4. Nabarl and Feena are free for C7, Merric is free for C10. Sisters are free for C24

-Penalties for undrafted units are 5 turns per unit per chapter

-Gaidens are free for up to 20 turns (may be extended based on people's say, 25 at most.) If you take more than FIVE turns beyond the limit, the whole count is counted. For example, if you take 22 turns, that is a 2-turn count. Take 26, though, and its TWENTY-SIX turns.

-No Warpskipping (meaning if you warp Marth or Rescue Marth with a warped staffuser, you eat a 42 turn penalty) Warp MAY be used to help stafftrain staffbots.

-Forging limited to 3 cost levels. (+3 MT, +15 Hit, +9 Crit, -3 Wt.) Also limited to Iron Weapons, Fire/Thunder, and Javelins/Hand Axes.

-No Wifi Shop/Rainbow Potion

-Undrafted units may not rescue, open doors, heal, open chests, or fight with weapons.

-Undrafted units may shop, recruit, find hidden items, AND they may also die

-Generics are considered undrafted

-Hard mode reclass limit removed. No Lunatic statboosters.

-Due to slight confusion, I will specify. We are drafting a team for BOTH games from this list. Draft wisely. Your team for FE12 is your team from FE11 as well as the FE12 characters chosen.

-Base Arena free to use

-To think I could forget this... TRUE ENDING MANDATORY

-Prologue is free of course. You must use whoever is drafted there, but your turncounts there are not counted.

[spoiler=units remaining]



1. Refa: Caeda, Navarre, Palla, Athena, Wolf, Etzel, Roshe, Boah, Midia, Malliesia, Sirius, Malice, Leiden

2. Passive Knight: Abel, Cord, Radd, Wrys, Sedgar, Caesar, Linde, Samson, Jeorge, Cecile, Ryan, Dice, Belf

3. eclipse: Ogma, Draug, Julian, Catria, Bord, Matthis, Tomas, Est, Astram, Rody, Yumina, Ellerean, Robert

4. Marth: Cain, Merric, Castor, Jake, Horace, Ymir, Hardin, Dolph, Beck, Luke, Frey, Norne, Michalis

5. Dark Sage: Barst, Wendell, Darros, Gordin, Roger, Minerva, Vyland, Macellan, Bantu, Tiki, Warren, Katarina, Frost, Samto

Edited by Dark Sage
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refa you're not allowed

no asshats


dont tell dark sage

maybe he won't notice

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