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[FE11-FE12] Sage's Super Duper Archanean Super Draft

Dark Sage

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So I was at my dad's place, and I got bored. This is gonna be fun to type out. I'm gonna split this in parts, because it's stupidly long.

Chapter 1 - 11/11

I totally deserve this TC. Jagen eventually got the requisite hits in (he was 3HKO'd). . .and then I realized that Marth was a square too far to seize on turn 10. ;/

Chapter 2 - 8/19

With my army nearly doubling in size, I was able to march across and get stuff done. . .stuff like recruiting and sacrificing Castor, and somehow making sure Bord didn't die. Why do guys target him over my meatshields, anyway? Jagen had gotten Speed after he'd offed the Chapter 1 boss, so this boss didn't double him. SCORE!

Chapter 3 - 8/27

Got the Devil Axe, then had everyone who wasn't in armor run towards the boss. Draug ran the other way, to level on the axe guys (who were doing negligible damage to him). Bord smacked a Fighter and a Hunter with my new axe en route to the boss. I slipped and hit confirm while checking Jagen's damage on the boss. . .and he hit. I figured "screw it", and had Bord attack with the Devil Axe FTW. Julian got some time in, as well.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        4.57  21   5    0    3   10    9    7    1
Draug     Knight      5.04  23   8    0    6    5    1   12    0
Jagen     Paladin     2.72  22   7    1   10    9    2    9    6
Ogma      Mercenary   6.05  24   8    0   11   14    4    8    0
Bord      Fighter     4.37  22  10    0    6    7    2    5    0
Julian    Thief       4.10  17   4    0    7   13    8    5    0

Chapter 4 - 7/34

Got Merric, got Matthis, then raised hell near the boss. Matthis was fed a little bit of experience, but not too much. Merric kept out of the way. Draug ambled over to the nearest fort and tanked all the knights. Everyone else killed what they could.

Chapter 5 - 5/39

Draug to Pirate, Matthis to Curate. I need a staffbot, and Tomas comes too late.

Recruited Wendell for his stuff. Jagen had fun with his new Ridersbane, and Bord eventually made it to the boss to redo his face. Ogma's doubling helped to get some pesky units out of the way. Julian got some time in by killing thieves.

Chapter 6 - 9/48

Draug to Knight.

Draug parked himself at the northern chokepoint. Julian recruited Rickard, who got my Bullion. I had to keep chasing thieves, so this took way too long. Luckily, I killed off most of my meatshields. . .barely. The archers suck at killing my units unless I don't want them to die. Boss died to. . .Bord's Hammer. Again.

Chapter 6x - 20

Draug to Pirate and Bord to Hunter.

Training chapter for too many people. It probably could've gone better. Jagen ate his breakfast!

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        6.68  23   6    0    3   11   11    9    2
Draug     Pirate      9.51  25   9    0    6   14    3    7    0
Jagen     Paladin     5.41  23   7    1   11   11    4    9    6
Ogma      Mercenary   8.29  26  10    0   12   15    4    9    0
Bord      Hunter      9.94  25  14    0   11    6    6    6    0
Julian    Thief       7.67  20   6    0    9   15   10    7    0
Matthis   Curate      7.06  21   1    2    2    5    1    3   10
Rickard   Thief       2.48  17   4    0    2    9    0    3    0

Chapter 7 - 6/54

Draug to Hunter and Bord to Fighter.

Remember that thing that Bord does against bosses? Yeah. Draug got some experience off of the Whitewings. Ogma's job was to keep things off of Bord's back.

Chapter 8 - 6/60

Draug to Knight.

Had to wait an extra turn because I positioned Marth and Bord badly. Rickard got some arena love, because he needs it. Refilled on Vulneraries! Recruited Roger because it's easier than killing him.

Chapter 9 - 5/65

Matthis to Mage, Bord to Mercenary and Draug to Pirate.

Draug kept things busy over water, while everyone else ran forward. Ogma and his Killing Edge made the boss cry. Julian and Bord tag-teamed the pirates who normally give me trouble (the Devil Axe guy and his cronies).

Chapter 10 - 9/74

Bord to Fighter.

As usual, Hammertime did the boss in (Bord was just bulky enough to take two boss hits and a generic Knight; keep in mind that the boss starts with a Javelin). Jagen got my Master Seal by cleanly 2HKOing the Hero. Everyone else went inside to beat up stuff in there. Missed the Levin Sword, but bleh.

Chapter 11 - 9/83

Draug to Knight and Matthis to Curate.

This one took several tries. I had to have one of my generics dodge a Stonehoist, and that is almost always a crapshoot. After that, Bord had to connect with a Hand Axe (86% IIRC) on the boss so Ogma could finish with a Silver Sword. Jagen had to move like no one's business. After THAT, Jagen had to connect with the Horseslayer (62%, I think) and Ogma had to hit one 75% Levin Sword. I got it to work eventually. Draug and the thief brigade went south; Rickard managed a surprising number of kills. Recruited Jake to get him out of my way.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        8.31  25   7    0    4   12   13   10    2
Draug     Knight     12.97  27  11    0    8    9    4   14    0
Jagen     Paladin     7.70  24   7    1   12   11    4   10    6
Ogma      Mercenary  11.98  29  10    0   14   17    5    9    0
Bord      Fighter    14.26  32  15    0   10    8    9    6    0
Julian    Thief       9.33  22   7    0   10   15   12    8    0
Matthis   Curate      9.38  23   1    2    2    5    1    4   11
Rickard   Thief       5.84  18   6    0    2   11    2    3    1

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Chapter 12 - 9/92

Jagen to Dracoknight.

This should've been one less turn, but Jagen missed a 81% Ridersbane shot. Ogma made it to the boss, and rearranged his face, courtesy of Silver Sword. Draug, Jake, and a generic Knight guarded the entry stairs, so that the reinforcements would leave me alone. Otherwise, wasn't too weird.

Chapter 12x - 20

Draug to Fighter, Jagen to Swordmaster, Ogma to Pirate, Bord to Mercenary, Matthis to Mage, and Tomas to Cavalier.

Thanks to extreme favortism and a Manakete that can't aim right, I was able to feed Tomas enough experience for him to hit D lances. Everyone else did their best not to die. I chewed through an impressive number of Vulneraries.

Chapter 13 - 4/96

Jagen to Paladin, Ogma to Mercenary, Bord to Fighter, and Matthis to Curate.

Physic is what kept me going. Midia got Astram and then got the hell out of the way. Astram missed on the boss, which made things more complicated than they should've been. Tomas went south to smack a ballista as many times as he could.

Chapter 14 - 8/104

Draug and Bord to Pirate, Astram to Horseman.

Mobile Armorslayer and arrow shooter gave me quite a bit of coverage. Delayed a turn for Catria. Also got the Silver Card (Ogma was able to ORKO the Sniper via Silver Sword).

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        9.60  25   7    0    4   12   14   10    2
Draug     Pirate     16.20  30  11    0    9   16    5    8    0
Jagen     Paladin     9.66  25   8    1   13   11    5   10    6
Ogma      Mercenary  17.07  35  12    0   16   20    8   10    0
Bord      Fighter    16.66  32  16    0   11    8   10    7    0
Julian    Thief      11.44  24   7    0   11   17   14    8    0
Matthis   Curate     13.29  27   1    2    4    7    3    4   12
Rickard   Thief       7.51  19   8    0    2   13    3    3    1
Tomas     Cavalier   12.22  27   8    0    5    7    4    7    1
Astram    Horseman    2.00  24   9    1   10   10    4    8    3
Catria    Peggy       Base everything

Chapter 15 - 5/109

Promoted Ogma and reclassed him to Berserker. Jagen reclassed to Dracoknight. Bord reclassed to Hunter.

Jagen got my Energy Drop, while Ogma tailed Marth into the desert. Catria downed a Pure Water and went to town on the mages there. Bord and Astram weakened the Dracoknights so Tomas and the thieves could get a bit more experience. Draug killed the Thunder dude near Gharnef.

Chapter 16 - 7/116

Promoted Draug and Bord, and reclassed both to Berserker. Ogma reclassed to Hero.

I was able to get rid of the guys in the prison easily enough, but then came that awful sequence outside of the prison. The only reason why I kept this run was because Tomas got a stellar level. Xane got in my way, so was turned into fodder. Boss died to dual Hammers.

Chapter 17 - 3/119

I don't think I need to explain this one (Ogma has 22 Speed as a Hero, off the top of my head, and I've got a Wyrmslayer).

Chapter 17x - 20

Ogma to Warrior to work on his axe rank. Bord reclassed to Hero so he can be epic.

The fun part of this chapter was converting all three reinforcement waves into experience for Catria and Tomas. Marth, the thieves, Draug, and Matthis went after the boss, while everyone else stayed behind to feed experience to my new guys. After that little stint, Tomas is ready to promote; Catria could probably use a bit more time (and I don't have a Seal for her anyway).

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.58  28   9    0    6   13   16   10    2
Draug     Berserker   4.04  40  14    0   12   19    5   10    0
Jagen     Paladin    10.42  25   8    1   13   11    6   10    6
Ogma      Warrior     5.42  49  16    0   12   18    9   10    1
Bord      Hero        5.00  40  22    1   22   16   13   12    3
Julian    Thief      13.11  26   8    0   12   19   15    8    0
Matthis   Curate     17.94  31   2    2    4    9    3    5   15
Rickard   Thief       9.38  20   8    0    3   15    5    3    1
Tomas     Cavalier   16.40  29  11    0    7   10    5    7    1
Astram    Horseman    3.86  25   9    1   10   11    4    8    3
Catria    Peggy      12.11  25   8    2   13   17    9    9    7

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Chapter 18 - 9/128

Promoted Tomas; reclassed Ogma and Draug to Hero and Tomas to Dracoknight.

Stopped for Est to see if she's worth the time on H1. Since I had turns to spare, I took my time killing the boss. Julian and Rickard went to the arena for some self-improvement.

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I feel terrible today. . .so I'll do what I can. . .

Chapter 19 - 5/133

Ogma with a Silver Sword to the rescue! Everyone else chipped where they could. Bagged all the treasure I wanted, too! Matthis promoted mid-chapter.

Chapter 20 - 5/138

Jagen reclassed to Dracoknight. All units that couldn't cross the river were left behind.

Ogma got an Arms Scroll so he could wreck with the C-rank axes. He was able to double Camus, which sped things up considerably. Tomas and Jagen took out the initial Arrowspate. Bord did impressive damage with a Hand Axe, even to armors. Est, uh, chipped and missed.

Chapter 20x - 20

Matthis reclassed to Sage.

This was supposed to be the Est show, but Catria, Tomas, and Astram refused to give her some of the more lucrative kills.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.37  31  11    0    8   14   17   11    2
Draug     Hero        7.68  41  13    1   21   26    7   11    3
Jagen     Drakky     11.72  23   9    1   13   11    7   12    3
Ogma      Hero        8.68  48  17    1   21   24   10   13    3
Bord      Hero        6.77  41  23    1   23   16   13   12    3
Julian    Thief      15.06  28   9    0   14   19   17    8    0
Matthis   Sage        2.90  39   5    6    6   11    4    6   16
Rickard   Thief      11.00  21   9    0    5   16    6    4    1
Tomas     Drakky      4.47  34  14    1   11   13    7   10    4
Astram    Horseman    5.23  26  11    1   10   11    6    9    3
Catria    Drakky      1.00  32  16    1   18   20   13   14    5
Est       Peggy       9.99  20   7    2   10   16   15   9     6

Chapter 21 - 3/141


Chapter 22 - 7/148

Est promoted mid-chapter.

Michalis and his army are no match for Catria and unlimited Gradivus. Everyone else was on clean-up. Jagen didn't like the whippersnappers getting all the attention, so he got an awesome level.

I have no idea what the hell is up with Est's Defense.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.59  31  11    0    8   14   17   11    2
Draug     Hero        8.10  41  13    1   21   26    8   11    3
Jagen     Drakky     12.52  24  10    1   13   12    8   12    3
Ogma      Hero       10.52  50  17    1   22   24   11   13    3
Bord      Hero        8.52  42  24    1   24   16   15   12    3
Julian    Thief      15.18  28   9    0   14   19   17    8    0
Matthis   Sage        4.31  39   5    6    6   12    5    6   16
Rickard   Thief      11.63  21   9    0    5   16    6    4    1
Tomas     Drakky      5.73  35  14    1   11   13    7   11    4
Astram    Horseman    5.82  26  11    1   10   11    6    9    3
Catria    Drakky      6.50  37  18    1   23   23   16   16    6
Est       Drakky      1.00  27  12    1   13   18   15   17    3

Chapter 23 - 7/155

All flying units to horses.

Catria led the way, with Est trailing behind. Decided to prioritize that stupid Hero, which helped make the last couple of turns much easier.

Chapter 24 - 4/159

All horse units back to Dracoknight. Except for Astram, 'cause he can't do that.

Catria helped to clear the way, and Ogma helped to block a Fire Dragon that wanted a piece of Marth. Otherwise, not much to say.

Chapter 24x - 20

Ogma reclassed to Warrior and Est reclassed to Paladin.

This exercise was meant to give as much experience to the two above, because I might be able to pull a four-turn of Endgame. All I have left is a prayer and a lot of stat boosters. I've reclassed the duo above to their Endgame classes. Let's see if this theory of mine works!

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.59  31  11    0    8   14   17   11    2
Draug     Hero        8.43  41  13    1   21   26    8   11    3
Jagen     Drakky     13.45  24  10    1   14   13    8   12    3
Ogma      Horseman   13.39  51  20    1   18   20   13   13    3
Bord      Hero        8.90  42  24    1   24   16   15   12    3
Julian    Thief      15.28  28   9    0   14   19   17    8    0
Matthis   Sage        6.06  41   5    6    7   12    6    6   16
Rickard   Thief      11.63  21   9    0    5   16    6    4    1
Tomas     Drakky      6.63  35  15    1   11   13    8   11    4
Astram    Horseman    6.52  26  11    1   11   11    7    9    3
Catria    Drakky     13.01  43  23    1   26   23   18   18    6
Est       Drakky      9.10  32  19    1   19   20   19   19    3

Endgame - 4/163

Stat boosters were distributed in such a way that Catria, Est, and Ogma were 2HKO'd by Medeus, keeping in mind that Matthis could Fortify off 16 HP worth of damage (that's what happens when five Spirit Dusts are shoved into you). Ogma's Strength was maxed, Catria was at 25 STR, and Est got the leftover Energy Drops. Ogma also ate Arms Scrolls until he hit A in bows.

Warp can bite me; I refuse to keep resetting until I get a crit on Medeus. Changed my mind and reclassed Est to Paladin. Also reclassed Astram to Hero so he'd survive.

Used the Geosphere on turn 1, then had Matthis Fortify off as much damage as possible. Est did her best to fight as much as possible, and on the final hit of turn 3 EP, she reached A lances. From there, Ogma hit with Parthia (36 damage sans Lightsphere), Catria hit for 21 (Gradivus and Lightsphere), and Est finished (see Catria's setup).

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.59  31  11    0    8   14   17   11    2
Draug     Hero        8.90  41  13    1   21   26    8   11    3
Jagen     Drakky     13.45  24  10    1   14   13    8   12    3
Ogma      Horseman   13.79  58* 24*   1   18   30*  15*  17*   3
Bord      Hero       11.47  45  25    1   26   16   17   12    3
Julian    Thief      15.28  28   9    0   14   19   17    8    0
Matthis   Sage        7.42  41   5   16*   8   12    7    6   17
Rickard   Thief      11.63  21   9    0    5   16    6    4    1
Tomas     Drakky      8.66  36  17    1   12   15    8   11    4
Astram    Hero        7.17  29  12    1   15   16    8   10    3
Catria    Drakky     15.03  51* 25*   1   26   23   18   19    6
Est       Paladin    11.45  55* 24*   1   20   23*  25*  22*   6

Final thoughts

Marth - Thanks to Ogma and Jagen dominating, there wasn't much for him to do.

Jagen - Early Speed blessing helped a lot. It made Chapter 2 much easier.

Draug - Fast as usual, but lacked Strength.

Ogma - MVP for getting such an amazing start that his promotion was gravy.

Bord - If Draug and Bord averaged each other out, we'd end up with two decent units.

Julian - Better durability than Rickard, so I could be more reckless with him. Just sturdy enough to bring to Endgame.

Matthis - Got surprisingly good Speed as a staffbot; a bit of Magic made life easier in the end, too.

Rickard - Traded offense for durability, and thief durability already sucks.

Tomas - Turned out okay, all things considering.

Astram - Surprisingly effective as a mobile chip unit. Too bad his HP growth sucks.

Catria - Took a while for her to really take off, but once she promoted, things died.

Est - Costing three turns to save one in the end wasn't worth it.

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Chapter 10- 8/72 turns

My team is the best. Wolf and Athena took Minerva's gang, Roshe, Navvare, and Rickard scoured the inside whilst Marth, Caeda, and Jeigan rushed ahead to victory! Marth and Caeda tag teamed the boss, and Jeigan killed Hero dude.

Unit        Class            Level    HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth       Lord             10.44    25 09 00 07 14 14 08 00  C Sword
Sheeda      Pegasus Knight   13.02    22 07 01 15 20 20 10 06  C Lance
Jeigan      Paladin          08.23    24 09 01 11 09 04 09 06  A Lance C Sword
Nabarl      Social Knight    09.93    25 10 00 04 08 12 10 00  C Sword E Lance
Wolf        Berserker        05.80    32 10 00 04 09 06 07 00  C Axe E Bow
Roshea      Social Knight    09.60    28 09 00 06 09 05 10 00  C Lance E Sword
Rickard     Thief            03.82    18 05 00 03 11 01 03 00  E Sword
Athena      Myrmidon         13.44    28 09 00 12 14 06 07 00  C Sword

Chapter 11- 9/81 turns

Things go well as Marth and the mounted units (sans Sheeda) go for the broke and everyone else uh...kills the mercenaries and pegasus knights and engage in some arena bouts. Sheeda really could use that Energy Drop, so I gave it to her!

Unit        Class            Level    HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth       Lord             11.02    26 09 00 08 14 14 08 00  C Sword
Sheeda      Pegasus Knight   14.41    22 09 01 16 20 20 10 06  C Lance
Jeigan      Paladin          08.86    24 09 01 11 09 04 09 06  A Lance C Sword
Nabarl      Social Knight    11.15    27 10 00 05 09 14 10 00  C Sword E Lance
Wolf        Berserker        06.36    34 11 00 05 10 06 08 00  C Axe E Bow
Roshea      Social Knight    10.46    29 10 00 06 09 05 11 00  C Lance E Sword
Rickard     Thief            04.90    18 06 00 03 11 02 04 00  E Sword
Athena      Myrmidon         14.05    28 10 00 12 15 06 07 00  C Sword

Chapter 12- 7/88 turns

Things go well as I send everyone south, sacrifice the Akaneians not named Midia and Boah, and have Athena and Wolf rack up some EXP. Oh, and Jeigan gets the Boots, yessss.

Unit        Class            Level    HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth       Lord             11.65    26 09 00 08 14 14 08 00  C Sword
Sheeda      Pegasus Knight   15.71    22 09 01 17 20 20 10 06  B Lance
Jeigan      Paladin          09.21    25 09 01 11 09 05 10 06  A Lance C Sword
Nabarl      Social Knight    11.61    27 10 00 05 09 14 10 00  C Sword E Lance
Wolf        Berserker        06.73    34 11 00 05 10 06 08 00  C Axe D Bow
Roshea      Social Knight    11.38    30 11 00 06 10 05 11 00  C Lance E Sword
Rickard     Thief            04.90    18 06 00 03 11 02 04 00  E Sword
Athena      Myrmidon         15.28    28 11 00 12 15 06 07 00  C Sword
Boah        Bishop           01.00    22 01 04 07 10 04 05 09  B Tome C Staff
Midia       Paladin          01.00    24 07 01 11 09 07 09 06  C Lance D Sword

Chapter 12x- FREE/88 turns

Easy chapter for getting some levels.

Unit        Class            Level    HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth       Lord             13.50    28 11 00 09 15 16 09 00  B Sword
Sheeda      Mage             17.15    22 05 02 14 16 20 08 03  E Tome
Jeigan      Paladin          09.61    25 09 01 11 09 05 10 06  A Lance C Sword
Nabarl      Social Knight    13.33    29 11 00 07 10 15 12 00  B Sword C Lance
Wolf        Berserker        07.71    36 12 00 05 11 07 09 00  C Axe D Bow
Roshea      Social Knight    13.52    32 12 00 07 10 05 11 00  C Lance E Sword
Rickard     Thief            06.33    18 07 00 03 13 02 05 00  D Sword
Athena      Myrmidon         16.20    29 12 00 13 15 06 07 00  C Sword
Boah        Bishop           02.81    22 01 04 08 11 04 05 10  B Tome C Staff
Midia       Paladin          01.62    24 07 01 11 09 07 09 06  C Lance D Sword

Chapter 13 hates me...

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  • 8 months later...

My savefile has been misplaced, there's only one thing to do! No, not dump the draft, whatever gave you that idea? I must restart, and put my old turncounts to shame in the process!

Luckily, my FE11 team looks up to par.


Also Athena, Etzel, and Nagi, but they don't have FE3 portraits, so their loss!

Chapter 1- 6/6 turns

I had to have Sheeda protect her dear Marthipan on a few early turns, which prevented him from full moving, and consequently made the map take longer. That's what happens when you lack vulneraries! Jeigan was whacking everything with his Silver Lance, which drained some uses, but I'm not too miffed; I'll get another one soon enough. I also had to give Jeigan the boss kill, which was unfortunate but mitigated because Sheeda got the best level ever.



Name   Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth  Lord           01.90 18 05  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Swords
Jeigan Paladin        01.69 22 07  01  10  08  01  09  06  B Lances D Swords
Sheeda Pegasus Knight 02.61 16 05  01  06  13  09  08  06  D Lances

Chapter 2- 6/12 turns

This chapter was a pain in the ass. Between the mob of enemies and the two hunters (stoopid Castor) that kill Sheeda if she so much as winks at them, it was hard getting Marth near the throne without dying. I had to make use of the extensive amount of meatshields at my disposal...Also boss took a turn because Jeigan couldn't get near it on turn 4, stoopid enemies. Well, hopefully things will get less obnoxious with Navarre on the team.

Also Sheeda rules.


Name   Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth  Lord           02.50 19 06  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Swords
Jeigan Paladin        02.23 22 07  01  10  09  02  09  06  B Lances D Swords
Sheeda Pegasus Knight 03.62 17 05  01  07  14  10  09  06  D Lances

Chapter 3- 6/18 turns

This was annoying, because I only had half of my usual forces. Sheeda recruited Nabarl easily enough and they soaked up EXP for a few turns. As for Marth and Jeigan, I had to use my other three survivors to draw the enemies away, and even then, Jeigan's boss kill was a PITA. He got a lucky crit which helped a lot, but if I used more Silver, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be needed (although I could be wrong, I dunno, fuck the boss).

Name   Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth  Lord           02.80 19 06  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Swords
Jeigan Paladin        03.06 23 08  01  10  09  02  10  06  B Lances D Swords
Sheeda Pegasus Knight 04.22 17 05  01  08  15  11  09  06  D Lances
Nabarl Cavalier       04.91 22 07  00  03  06  08  09  00  C Swords E Lances

Chapter 4- 6/24 turns

This was pretty easy. I just had everyone rush ahead, I reclassed Lena to a Peg. Knight so she could recruit Matthis easier. The Bow Knights were a pain, but luckily a tagteam of Jeigan with a Silver Lance and Nabarl with anything that wasn't Iron took them out easily enough. Sheeda killed the boss because Wing Spear > boss, and got more STR! It's kind of amazing.

Name   Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth  Lord           02.80 19 06  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Swords
Jeigan Paladin        03.63 23 08  01  10  09  02  10  06  B Lances D Swords
Sheeda Pegasus Knight 05.29 17 06  01  08  16  12  09  06  D Lances
Nabarl Cavalier       06.77 24 08  00  03  08  08  10  00  C Swords E Lances

Chapter 5- 4/28 turns

Another incredibly simple map. Jeigan took care of the cavaliers nearest to the player with the Riderbane on enemy phase, and his 10DEF shrugged off their attacks easily enough, especially with that vulnerary support. Sheeda and Nabarl were a bro team, killing dudes left and right, with Sheeda decapitating the boss come turn 4. As for Roshea and Wolf, they helped too...just not as much.

Name   Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth  Lord           02.80 19 06  00  03  07  07  07  00  D Swords
Jeigan Paladin        04.16 23 08  01  10  09  03  10  06  B Lances D Swords
Sheeda Pegasus Knight 06.59 17 06  01  08  17  13  09  06  D Lances
Nabarl Cavalier       07.34 25 08  00  03  08  09  10  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf   Hero           03.31 24 06  00  10  12  05  07  01  D Swords E Axes
Roshea Cavalier       03.70 22 06  00  05  07  04  07  00  D Lances E Swords

Chapter 6- 6/34 turns

The multitude of enemies were annoying, but thankfully, I did have the forces to deal with them. For the most part, Marth, Sheeda and Jeigan rushed ahead. Nabarl helped KO some of the archers and the cavalier from the top with the Master Key, which was pretty bro. Roshe tried to get EXP wherever he could, Rickard opened three chests because I killed the other thieves so fast with Wolf, and all in all, it went pretty well. Sheeda ORKOed the boss because so much STR.

Name    Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           03.33 20 07  00  04  07  07  07  00  D Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        04.74 23 08  01  10  09  03  10  06  B Lances D Swords
Sheeda  Pegasus Knight 08.49 24 07  01  10  19  15  10  06  C Lances
Nabarl  Cavalier       08.00 26 08  00  03  09  09  10  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf    Hero           03.69 24 06  00  10  12  05  07  01  D Swords E Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       04.47 23 06  00  05  07  04  07  00  D Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          01.00 16 04  00  02  09  00  03  00  E Swords

Chapter 6x- FREE/34 turns


Name    Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           05.03 22 09  00  05  09  09  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    05.00 22 09  01  10  09  03  12  06  B Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Pegasus Knight 09.41 25 07  01  11  20  16  10  06  C Lances
Nabarl  Cavalier       09.11 27 09  00  03  10  10  11  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf    Horseman       04.55 24 07  00  07  09  06  07  01  E Swords D Bows
Roshea  Cavalier       06.11 24 07  00  07  08  04  08  00  D Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          02.84 17 04  00  02  10  00  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       10.00 25 09  00  12  13  06  07  00  C Swords

Chapter 7- 6/40 turns

Are you really surprised by another 6 turn clear at this point? Neither am I! Anyways, Horseman Wolf was really bro in taking care of the Dracoknight, and Jeigan and Sheeda killed all of the enemies near the start with his help because uh...EXP, I guess. Everyone else went down with the meatshields, and through ingenuity, Sheeda killed the boss again and Marth seized, VICTORY THY NAME IS SHEEDA...*ahem*, moving on...

Name    Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           05.63 22 09  00  05  09  09  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    05.54 22 09  01  10  09  03  12  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Pegasus Knight 11.31 27 07  01  13  20  17  10  06  C Lances
Nabarl  Cavalier       09.59 27 09  00  03  10  10  11  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf    Horseman       04.55 24 07  00  07  09  06  07  01  E Swords D Bows
Roshea  Cavalier       06.79 24 07  00  07  08  04  08  00  D Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          02.84 17 04  00  02  10  00  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       10.23 25 09  00  12  13  06  07  00  C Swords

Chapter 8- 5/45 turns

This one's easier than I thought. Everyone just rushed forward, with the initial batch suiciding on Jeigan (despite his +2 DEF, I guess Sheeda's 5HP lead was too much for them to handle), and then I intentionally triggered the rest of the enemies for more EXP. Boss was OHKOed by Sheeda crit, but if necessary, I could have had Jeigan chip (pretty reliable), or Navarre slap him with an armorslayer (not reliable at all, 50% hit so bad).

Name    Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           05.93 22 09  00  05  09  09  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    06.54 22 10  01  10  09  04  12  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Pegasus Knight 11.81 27 07  01  13  20  17  10  06  C Lances
Nabarl  Cavalier       09.93 27 09  00  03  10  10  11  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf    Hero           05.23 27 08  00  11  14  06  09  01  D Swords D Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       08.04 26 08  00  08  08  05  08  00  C Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          03.17 17 05  00  02  10  01  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       10.94 25 09  00  12  13  06  07  00  C Swords

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So I'm cleaning up my draft backlog. I'm not in the mood to redo FE11, so he's the other half of this draft. If my turns seem off, it's because I'm doing this from memory. I'll check my counts at the end, and adjust accordingly.


MU is a Farmer's Child/Diverse/Honorable Mageling.

Rody is a bro. Got Draug by accident. Marth was fed several levels in his joining chapter.

Chapter 1 - 4/4

Draug reclassed to Cavalier for movement and all that.

Diplomacy is for the weak. Blew up Lorenz with Arran (x2), MU, and Rody. Cecille grabbed the Bullion. Killed the entire map. What Rody couldn't quite double, Draug did.

Chapter 2 - 6/10

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight.

Arran obtained the Lady Sword, then flew back to hit the boss. Catria recruited her buddy then went on a stomp spree. Again, nothing survived this map.

Chapter 3 - 14/24

Reclassed Rody to Pirate so he'd double everything.

Grabbed Julian because I could. Arran flew over and killed the Arrowspate. Marth grabbed the key, and everyone else played with the Dracosquad. Once I got to the boss, MU weakened him with Elfire, then Marth whiffed a hit, so Draug had to clean up after him. Healed up, then ticked off the central Dracoknights while waiting for Marth to come back. The entire map died, again.

Chapter 3x - 6

I let both Knights spawn for more experience.

Don't mind Ogma's entry; I'm leaving it in there because I'll be recruiting him in the next chapter, and I'm lazy.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        9.39  29  10    0   12   12   12    8    0
MU        Mage        9.66  28   6    8    9    9    7    2    3
Arran     Drakky      5.91  26  12    1   12   12    4   12    3
Rody      Pirate      9.96  26  14    0   12   13   12    7    0
Draug     Cavalier   10.95  23  11    0    9   13    5    8    0
Catria    Peggy      10.90  25   9    2   11   17   11    9    6
Julian    Thief       6.00  Base everything

(fix later)
Ogma      Mercenary   8.29  26  10    0   12   15    4    9    0

Chapter 4 - 4/28

Yumina immediately rescued Marth, who helped Sirius and Ogma stomp on that half of the map. Catria got my Armorslayer, then circled back and blicked a pirate. Everyone else enriched themselves. Boss fell very quickly to Sirius and Marth.

Chapter 5 - 5/33

Reclassed Arran to Paladin.

Rody was used to bait the boss. Arran charged through, ORKOing armors and all that. Got Rickard and Barst, but missed the Master Seal. I toyed with the boss for a turn (had Arran, Rody, and Draug huddled around him so he couldn't hit them) then killed him with Rody.

Chapter 6 - 6/39

Reclassed Rody and Ogma to Cavalier, and shoved some base arena time into Ogma, Rody, and Julian.

Deployed both thieves to get my goods, and had Catria get rid of the treasure guard. Rody went towards the dual Bishops, and everyone else went the other way. Caeda talked Samto into my army, then Samto was disarmed and sent out as bait. His existence meant that Marth/Arran/Ogma didn't take a couple of attacks, which saved their lives. Had Arran poke Lang with a Silver Lance, then passed Taurus to Ogma (via Draug) so he could finish with an Armorslayer. Rody got a little bit more experience with the reinforcements.

Biggest hang-up of the chapter: Resetting until Marth DIDN'T Rapier-blick the first armor.

Weirdest fact: Despite his level, Marth is in the lead for HP.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       10.76  30  10    0   13   13   13    8    0
MU        Mage       11.36  28   7    9   11   11    8    2    3
Arran     Paladin     7.10  29  11    1   12   12    5   10    6
Rody      Cavalier   12.05  29  12    0   15   13   14   10    0
Draug     Cavalier   12.04  25  12    0   10   14    6    8    0
Catria    Peggy      12.51  26  10    2   13   19   11   11    6
Julian    Thief       8.16  22   9    0    9   15    9    6    0
Ogma      Cavalier   11.20  29  11    0   10   13    8   11    0
Yumina    Cleric      3.91  16   0    3    2    8   10    2    5
Rickard   Thief       Forever at base

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Chapter 6x - 2

Reclassed Rody to Pirate and Arran to Dracoknight.

In a bout of tactical genius, Caesar went after Rody instead of Marth, and was doubled and killed in return (Marth would not have been able to double). Radd had the good sense not to charge in. Boss died to Arran/Catria/Rody.

Chapter 7 - 6/45

Can't remember this turn count, so I'll go with this (and edit as needed). Rody to Cavalier.

Arran and Catria chased the thieves, and got every single droppable item off of them. Caeda retrieved my Physic, and everyone else did a mad charge to the boss. The boss was supposed to die to Rody/Arran, but Rody stole the kill.

Chapter 8 - 3/48

The rules don't say anything about undrafted people holding items, so Gordin got Scorpio. Fed a couple of arena levels to Rody and promoted him.

Thanks to the promotion and levels, I was able to kill off all the starting Paladins quickly, then was able to rush over and kill the Snipers while having Gordin recruit Jeorge. Ogma ticked off the Generals, which allowed me to grab the Arms Scroll (courtesy of a MU Aura). Catria retrieved Leo, Draug got what kills he could, and Arran flew back to Yumina for the heal.

Chapter 9 - 5/53

Reclassed Rody to Dracoknight, Ogma to Archer, and Draug to Hunter.

After the turn 1 Thiefbootsmoveagain, I managed to get quite a few things angry. Catria killed Etzel, and my arrow guys and MU cleaned up the Dracoknights. Arran was just able to OHKO mages with a Silver Lance, so that's what he did. I flew over to the boss and Catria whiffed once, so Rody had to finish the job. Julian got the other chest, and Rickard got the save point.

Reclassed everyone for Chapter 10 (which includes a promotion for Draug, because I needed one more flying unit).

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.30  31  11    0   14   15   15    8    0
MU        Mage       13.08  29   8    9   13   12    9    2    3
Arran     Drakky      8.66  27  12    1   12   13    5   12    3
Rody      Drakky      4.25  37  18    1   23   20   20   13    4
Draug     Drakky      1.00  29  15    1   13   18    7   13    3
Catria    Peggy      15.54  28  12    2   15   20   14   11    6
Julian    Thief       8.66  22   9    0    9   15    9    6    0
Ogma      Pirate     13.13  31  14    0   10   15   10    9    0
Yumina    Cleric      3.77  18   0    4    5   10   13    3    6
Rickard   Thief       Forever at base
Feena     Dancer      3.45  17   4    0    4   15   10    6    0

Chapter 10 - 2/55

Reclasses are indicated in the stat sheet above.

It's the usual run-Marth-up-the-water deal with Rody, Catria, Draug, Arran, and Ogma obliterating most of the starting units. Got Ellerean (of course), and managed to grab an Elfire tome on the way out.

Chapter 10x - 2

Reclassed Ogma to Cavalier and Draug to Swordmaster.

Draug found the real Roro and critted his face in.

Chapter 11 - 10/65

Ellerean gets the Arms Scroll for Excalibur. Reclassed Arran to Sniper and Draug to Dracoknight.

I took the slow and sure route through the desert, killing whatever got in my way. Had enough juice for the Master Sword, so swung and got it. Jake was recruited for the sole purpose of shopping. Rody maxed his Speed as a Dracoknight here; he's gonna be a terror in the later chapters (when I give him a Hammer/Poleaxe and let him loose on the enemies).

Chapter 12 - 8/73

Promoted Ogma and reclassed him to Swordmaster. Promoted Catria with the Elysian Whip.

With this setup, I had four units that could double the map (Rody, Catria, Draug with Scorpio, Ogma). This meant that things died really fast, even if my team was 3HKO'd at best (Rody). Marth was part of the 2HKO squad, so he took single Fire Dragon attacks. Made sure to block forts at regular intervals, to keep the amount of reinforcements down to a minimum. Once I got my three flying units into relative boss range, I melted everything between Marth and the throne, and Rody was nice enough to solo the boss (Draug was on standby to kill the boss).

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       14.13  32  12    0   16   17   17    8    0
MU        Mage       16.00  31   8   12   15   14   11    2    3
Arran     Sniper      9.51  31  11    1   16   15    5    9    3
Rody      Drakky      9.69  41  20    1   26   23   24   15    5
Draug     Drakky      6.17  31  19    1   16   21   10   14    4
Catria    Falco       2.39  37  17    3   21   23   18   13    9
Julian    Thief       8.66  22   9    0    9   15    9    6    0
Ogma      Swordity    3.53  39  14    0   23   23   12   13    3
Yumina    Cleric     10.31  19   0    6    6   12   14    4    9
Rickard   Thief       Forever at base
Feena     Dancer      6.48  18   6    0    7   18   13    6    0
Ellerean  Mage       15.73  30   1   10    6   13    4   11    3
Robert    Horseman    Oh dear

Chapter 13 - 5/78

Reclassed Robert to Sniper.

Unfortunately, Marth was nowhere near strong enough for me to attempt the four-turn strategy. Parked a lot of things up north, including Robert. The non-river crew headed east, then took out the stuff to the west of them. The final turn consisted of Marth and Robert dodging things to save the run; thus, I kept it.

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Chapter 13x - 3

With gaidens free until 20, I could walk through this map at a leisurely pace.

Chapter 14 - 5/83

Rody, Draug, Catria, and Ogma to Paladin.

I didn't feel like resetting until I got four turns. Xane copied Rody, was healed, then did his share of mayhem. Ellerean and MU were "chip", and everyone else did their best to clean up without taking too much damage. Ellerean hit level 20 right before the map finished. Got Warp, because I'm a treasure hunter! Also got Again and the Sword Killer (courtesy of Julian).

Chapter 15 - 7/90

Rody and Draug to Dracoknight, Catria to Falcoknight. Promoted Ellerean and MU (after the latter ate a couple of arena levels). Rody got Iote's Shield.

Xane copied Catria, was healed by MU, then danced by Feena so he could help take down the closer Arrowspate. Draug took out the other one by himself. Rody flew south and helped Ogma blockade the mess down there with a Hand Axe and Javelin, respectively. Everyone else followed along. On turn 2, I was able to naturally OHKO a Horseman with Excalibur, which allowed everyone else to advance nicely. On turn 3, Marth was able to open the cell door and let Est out. Because this map is identical to its FE11 incarnation, Marth was able to seize on turn 7.

Robert needs one more Speed, and he's good for the rest of the game.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.14  33  12    0   17   18   18    9    0
MU        Sage        1.38  40  13   15   19   18   14    3    6
Arran     Sniper      9.51  31  11    1   16   15    5    9    3
Rody      Drakky     14.22  42  22    1   26   23   27   17    6
Draug     Drakky      9.79  32  22    1   18   22   11   15    4
Catria    Falco       7.34  40  19    3   25   26   20   16    9
Julian    Thief       8.66  22   9    0    9   15    9    6    0
Ogma      Paladin     9.44  45  16    1   18   21   14   15    6
Yumina    Cleric     14.44  23   0    7    9   14   16    5   10
Rickard   Thief       Forever at base
Feena     Dancer      9.19  20   7    0   10   20   16    6    0
Ellerean  Sage        1.53  41   1   15   11   16    5   13    6
Robert    Sniper      5.14  37  12    1   18   18   13    9    3
Xane      Xane        6.87  21   4    0    3   11   10    7   10
Est       Peggy       6.23  21   6    2    8   14   12    9    6

Chapter 16 - 3/93

Reclassed Draug and Rody to Paladin. Marth got a Robe to help his awful durability.

Rody and Catria stormed the throne room, while Ogma on Starsphere baited all the Heroes. Got Astram and Mecurius. Jeorge and what's-his-face died during the map, and no one really cared. Draug chased the Geosphere, and my mages were busy keeping everyone else alive. On the final turn, I warped Julian into the throne room so he could grab my Rescue. Got all the droppable staves!

Chapter 16x - 2


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Chapter 9- 5/50 turns

Well, the last chapter was a pain, actually it was easy, I just couldn't think of a good opening. Also this chapter is easy. Pirates are good at walking on water like jesus, but Sheeda and Jeigan are way better at flying over it like gods...that was supposed to be a not so subtle hint at my strat. Everyone else went through the doorway, and Navarre, Athena, Roshea, and Wolf all did their fair share of killings. Oh, and Rickard got the bullion but not the Goddess Icon because fuck that even though I just forgot about it. Mannu was a twat, taking a Silver Lance from Jeigan, Steel Sword from Navarre, and two Steel Lances from Sheeda to bring him down. Good thing my team is amazing or I'd probably have to think of a better strategy for that.

Name    Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           06.50 22 09  00  06  10  10  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        06.88 24 09  01  10  09  04  10  06  A Lances D Swords
Sheeda  Pegasus Knight 12.91 28 07  01  14  20  17  10  06  C Lances
Nabarl  Cavalier       10.10 28 10  00  04  11  10  11  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf    Horseman       05.45 25 08  00  07  10  06  08  01  E Swords D Bows
Roshea  Cavalier       09.07 27 08  00  08  08  05  08  00  C Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          03.17 17 05  00  02  10  01  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       10.94 25 09  00  12  13  06  07  00  C Swords

Chapter 10- 8/58 turns

It took skill, it took talent, OK actually this one was pretty easy too. Maybe I'm just an FE11 prodigy? Anyways, I had Wolf, Roshea, and a gang of meatbags go up to take on Minerva's group and get the hell out of there before reinforcements came. Marth, Jeigan, and Sheeda rode forwards, going straight for goal; actually that's not strictly true, Jeigan just went straight for the Master Seal despite being the only member on my team who's not Wolf, Marth, or Rickard, who has no need for it. Speaking of Rickard, he along with Navarre and Athena went inside and just about cleaned up house. Rickard is pro for cockblocking that Sniper all right! Oh, and Marth killed the boss, what a guy.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           08.11       23 10  00  06  11  12  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/07.43 24 09  01  11  09  04  10  06  A Lances D Swords
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/01.00 35 10  00  15  20  18  13  06  B Lances E Swords
Nabarl  Cavalier       11.95       29 11  00  04  11  10  11  00  C Swords E Lances
Wolf    Hero           06.45       29 09  00  12  15  07  10  01  D Swords D Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       10.63       28 08  00  09  08  05  08  00  C Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          03.31       17 05  00  02  10  01  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       12.17       27 09  00  14  15  06  07  00  C Swords

Chapter 11- 9/67 turns

This one was winding and fairly annoying to boot actually. Is that a good thing who knows. I send everyone forwards obviously, with the meatbags and Athena, Sedgar, and Rickard dropping below to take care of the mercenaries. It does get a bit hairy because I was trying to have Wolf (did I just call him Sedgar, how bizzaro) get that axe level up. On topside, Sheeda was wrecking everything, and whatever was alive, Jeigan, Navarre, and Roshe helped clean up afterwards. Even Marth got to do some fighting here or there!

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           08.49       23 10  00  06  11  12  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Draocknight    ??.??/07.63 22 10  01  11  09  04  10  06  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/02.60 34 14  00  16  21  19  16  03  B Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Cavalier       12.43       30 12  00  05  11  10  11  00  B Swords E Lances
Wolf    Hero           06.62       29 09  00  12  15  07  10  01  D Swords D Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       11.93       28 09  00  09  10  05  08  00  C Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          04.56       17 06  00  02  10  01  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       12.51       27 09  00  14  15  06  07  00  C Swords

Chapter 12- 6/73 turns

This one was actually really annoying, although moreso due to the chests and door placements than the actual enemies; I wrecked the shit out of the enemies. Before I forget, I did give the Energy Drops to Sheeda because YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, the Speedwings to Roshe because noone else really wanted them, and uh...after this chapter, the Spirit Dust to Boah! Anyways, I left Athena and Wolf behind to kill the thieves and take care of the reinforcements with some help from za meatshield squad. Everyone else rushed ahead, with notable events being Sheeda killing pretty much everything, Jeigan and Roshe tagteaming Heimler or whatever the Palachump's name was, and Navarre ORKOing the general. Happy times!

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           08.49       23 10  00  06  11  12  08  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Draocknight    ??.??/07.83 22 10  01  11  09  04  12  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/03.78 37 13  00  16  22  20  14  06  B Lances E Swords
Nabarl  Cavalier       13.38       31 12  00  06  11  11  11  00  B Swords E Lances
Wolf    Hero           07.09       30 10  00  13  16  07  10  01  D Swords D Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       12.79       29 10  00  09  10  05  08  00  C Lances E Swords
Rickard Thief          04.56       17 06  00  02  10  01  03  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       13.21       27 09  00  14  16  06  07  00  C Swords
Boah    Bishop         01.22       22 01  06  07  10  04  05  09  B Tomes C Staves
Midia   Paladin        01.00       24 07  01  11  09  07  09  06  C Lances D Swords

Chapter 12x- FREE/73 turns

Easy chapter is easy, also I killed Horace. Crying shame, that is.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           11.17       26 13  00  07  11  14  10  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/08.06 24 09  01  12  09  05  11  06  A Lances D Axes
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/04.41 37 13  00  17  23  20  14  06  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Cavalier       14.72       32 12  00  06  11  11  11  00  B Swords D Lances
Wolf    Hero           08.13       32 11  00  14  17  07  10  01  D Swords C Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       14.96       31 11  00  11  11  05  08  00  C Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.07       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       15.05/01.00 34 13  01  11  12  07  11  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         02.92       22 01  06  07  11  04  05  09  B Tomes C Staves
Midia   Paladin        01.63       24 07  01  11  09  07  09  06  C Lances D Swords

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Chapter 17 - 5/98

Promoted Yumina because why not.

Grabbed Tomas for giggles, then Rescued Marth. Feena was too far away to dance Marth, so he had to hotfoot it on his own. Killed Sheema and Samson because it was faster than talking to them (and I didn't wanna use an Again charge for it).

Chapter 18 - 2/100

Reclassed Rody to Dracoknight.

Rody had hit C in axes sometime earlier, so it was basically him Hammering the crap out of people. Ogma tagged along to complete the blockade. Marth got the Lifesphere, then was Rescued to the throne.

Chapter 19 - 7/107

This map is so much easier with competent people~! Rody was warped to the boss, offed him, then was Rescued out. Catria tanked the Ridersbane, and after that it was clean-up. Yumina and MU were used as Pachyderm bait. Ellerean was too bulky to be used in such a manner.

Chapter 20 - 6/113

Reclassed Catria to Falcoknight and Rody to Paladin.

Since Catria could double Hardin, she got the Starlightsphere. Rushed to Hardin's area, then blicked him before the final room opened (not that it mattered, because I had Yumina with Fortify ready to keep her alive). Had to use an Again charge to make sure Julian cleaned out the treasure room (SOMEONE missed the second Again staff).

Chapter 20x - 19

Since this was a free chapter, I used the time to level Ellerean's staves. I also got both chests, and Catria shut Eremia up for good. Tried to level Robert and Tomas, but everyone else kept blicking.

Ellerean is like a General that doesn't suck. He's tanky, without the armor penalties, and his 30-something damage is applied to RES, not DEF. He's the Mage General of Archanea.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       20.27  43* 16    0   20   22   22    9    1
MU        Sage        5.46  42  13   16   23   21   15    3    8
Arran     Sniper      9.51  31  11    1   16   15    5    9    3
Rody      Paladin    19.42  47  23    1   28   25   25   16   11
Draug     Paladin    13.01  36  23    1   20   24   12   14    7
Catria    Falco      16.12  46  24    3   26   26   24   17   10
Julian    Thief       8.66  22   9    0    9   15    9    6    0
Ogma      Paladin    15.07  51  18    1   23   22   19   18    6
Yumina    Sage        4.27  30   3   12   11   18   18   10    8
Rickard   Thief       Forever at base
Feena     Dancer     13.02  22  10    0   14   24   20    6    0
Ellerean  Sage       11.95  51   4   19   16   20    7   17    8
Robert    Sniper      7.24  38  13    1   20   18   15   10    3
Xane      Xane        8.92  22   5    0    3   11   10    8   10
Est       Peggy       6.23  21   6    2    8   14   12    9    6
Astram    Hero        5.10  Base everything
Tomas     Sniper      7.02  33  15    1   13   18   12   15    3

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Chapter 13- 3/76 turns

This one was...way easier than it usually is for me! Sheeda and Roshea helped Marth in the middle, with Midia there to recruit Astram for another meatshield. Topside, there stood Athena and Wolf, who chopped up ballisticians nicely, and Rickard was hanging back, pretending to be invisible because haharickard. Bottomside, there were Jeigan and Navarre, kicking ass and not getting the level that he so needed much NAVARRE. Oh, and Sheeda killed the boss with a crit; with better planning, I could have had her team up with someone though, so not necessary 10/10.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           11.25       26 13  00  07  11  14  10  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/08.19 24 09  01  12  09  05  11  06  A Lances D Axes
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/04.86 37 13  00  17  23  20  14  06  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Cavalier       14.98       32 12  00  06  11  11  11  00  B Swords D Lances
Wolf    Hero           08.26       32 11  00  14  17  07  10  01  D Swords C Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       15.39       32 12  00  11  11  05  08  00  C Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.07       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  E Swords
Athena  Myrmidon       15.05/01.13 34 13  01  11  12  07  11  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         03.19       22 01  06  07  11  04  05  10  B Tomes C Staves
Midia   Paladin        01.77       24 07  01  11  09  07  09  06  C Lances D Swords

Chapter 14- 8/84 turns

Another simple chapter, although it looks kind of complicated on the surface. Basically everyone rushed down and killed all of their team, with Navarre, Roshe, and assistant Boah getting EXP from the archers, Athena and Wolf killing people so Rickard could get the Silver Card, and wasting a turn or two recruiting Palla. Fun stuff! Oh, and I did the best trade chain ever to get the other chest, NBD.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           11.48       26 13  00  07  11  14  10  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/08.34 22 10  01  12  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/05.57 35 14  00  18  23  20  16  03  A Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Cavalier       15.84       32 12  00  07  12  11  11  00  B Swords D Lances
Wolf    Hero           08.83       32 11  00  14  17  07  10  01  D Swords C Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       16.08       33 12  00  12  12  05  08  00  C Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.07       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  E Swords
Athena  Dracoknight    15.05/01.97 32 14  01  11  12  07  13  06  D Lances E Axes
Boah    Bishop         03.86       22 01  06  07  11  04  05  10  B Tomes C Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    02.33       23 08  01  11  10  07  11  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Pegasus Knight 08.33       22 07  02  08  13  05  08  06  B Lances

Chapter 15- 5/89 turns

It's the desert map! Naturally, this means that I'm reclassing everyone I can to Dracoknight. Happy times! Also I warped Rickard to steal stuff, it was worth it.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           11.71       26 13  00  07  11  14  10  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/08.57 22 10  01  12  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/05.96 35 16  00  18  23  20  16  03  A Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Dracoknight    16.35/01.00 34 16  00  11  13  12  14  00  C Lances E Axes
Wolf    Hero           09.05       34 12  00  15  18  07  11  01  D Swords C Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       16.71       33 12  00  12  12  05  08  00  C Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.07       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  E Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/02.32 35 13  01  11  13  08  11  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         04.77       22 01  06  08  11  05  05  10  B Tomes C Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    02.67       23 08  01  11  10  07  11  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Pegasus Knight 10.99       22 08  02  10  13  06  08  07  B Lances

Chapter 16- 7/96 turns

Turn everyone into a Dracoknight? Check. Have them rain on the enemy faster than Trabant's troops when he executes his dastardly plans? Check. Recruiting Xane? Check. Buying stuff with the Silver Card because I was really running out of stuff? Way ahead of you.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           11.81       26 13  00  07  11  14  10  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/08.77 24 09  01  12  09  05  11  06  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/08.16 37 16  00  20  24  23  14  06  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/02.01 37 15  01  11  14  13  13  00  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           09.56       34 12  00  15  18  07  11  01  D Swords C Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       17.41       34 13  00  12  12  05  09  00  C Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.07       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  E Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/02.47 35 13  01  11  13  08  11  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         05.46       22 01  06  08  12  05  05  11  B Tomes B Staves
Midia   Paladin        02.89       25 07  01  11  10  07  09  06  C Lances D Swords
Palla   Pegasus Knight 13.72       24 10  02  13  13  07  08  07  B Lances
Xane    Chameleon      01.10       18 02  01  02  08  09  04  10  -

Chapter 17- 3/99 turns

Well, this took planning. I had Xane copy Sheeda, then warped him because I really did need two Sheeda's because noone else can really compare to Sheeda when you get down to it. Then most of my units ran left to open some chests! Most of them weren't as cool as I was hoping. Oh, and Sheeda wrecked boss, BIG SURPRISE.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           12.38       27 13  00  07  12  15  11  00  C Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/08.83 24 09  01  14  09  05  11  06  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/09.78 38 16  00  21  25  24  18  08  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/02.01 37 15  01  11  14  13  13  00  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           10.05       36 13  00  16  18  08  12  01  D Swords C Axes
Roshea  Cavalier       17.71       34 13  00  12  12  05  09  00  B Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.07       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  E Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/02.47 35 13  01  11  13  08  11  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         06.21       22 01  07  09  12  05  05  12  B Tomes B Staves
Midia   Paladin        03.34       26 07  01  12  10  08  10  06  C Lances D Swords
Palla   Pegasus Knight 14.22       25 11  02  13  13  07  08  07  B Lances
Xane    Chameleon      01.97       18 02  01  02  08  09  04  10  -

Chapter 17x- FREE/99 turns

Well, that was easy. AND FREE! Also I got Etzel, finally another healer.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           14.41       29 13  00  07  15  17  11  00  B Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    ??.??/09.14 23 10  01  15  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/11.61 37 18  00  22  23  25  20  05  A Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/02.59 37 15  01  11  14  13  13  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           11.38       38 14  00  17  19  08  13  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Dracoknight    19.10/01.00 38 16  01  16  13  06  13  03  B Lances E Axes
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/03.78 36 13  01  11  13  08  11  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         09.50       23 01  09  09  12  06  05  13  B Tomes B Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    03.63       24 08  01  12  10  08  12  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Pegasus Knight 18.89       27 12  02  14  14  07  09  07  B Lances
Xane    Chameleon      02.37       18 03  01  03  09  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       06.00       30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

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Chapter 21 - 7/120

Fed Ellerean a couple of arena levels. He is now 4HKO'd by Wyverns.

Since Marth is really frail, I couldn't rush quite as fast with him. Rescued him per usual.

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Chapter 18- 6/105 turns

I had all of my "Dracoknight viable dudes" kill the platoon nearby the shops on turn...2 (it'd be too risky on turn 1), then they moved southward and killed everything else. Oh, and Marth and Wolf went southwards escorted by Athena and Nabarl. It wasn't really very taxing, all things considered.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           15.84       30 13  00  07  15  17  12  00  B Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    ??.??/09.33 23 10  01  15  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/11.93 39 17  00  22  25  25  18  08  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/02.96 37 15  01  11  14  13  13  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/12.07 40 15  00  18  20  09  14  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Dracoknight    19.10/02.01 41 15  01  16  13  06  11  06  B Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Swordmaster    15.05/03.98 36 11  01  17  19  08  09  03  A Swords
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/10.38 23 01  10  09  12  06  05  13  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    ??.??/04.11 25 08  01  13  11  08  12  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Pegasus Knight 20.00/01.00 33 16  01  15  15  08  14  04  A Lances E Axes
Xane    Chameleon      02.47       18 03  01  03  09  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.06 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 19- 5/110 turns

Getting all of the chests required some finnigaling, aka using all of my door keys (but I did manage to save my 3 Master Key uses through warpcraft no doubt) and Xane's amazing ability to copy Rickard. Life is good! Oh, and all of the heroes were obnoxious, crowding around my units, but everything else was NBD.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           16.26       31 14  00  07  16  18  12  01  B Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    ??.??/09.45 23 10  01  15  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/12.54 45 19  00  23  23  25  20  05  A Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/04.04 38 15  01  11  17  13  13  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/12.47 40 15  00  18  20  09  14  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Dracoknight    19.10/02.65 39 16  01  16  13  06  13  03  B Lances E Axes
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/04.18 36 13  01  11  13  09  12  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/11.58 23 01  12  09  12  07  05  14  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    ??.??/04.48 25 08  01  13  11  08  12  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Dracoknight    20.00/01.36 33 16  01  15  15  08  14  04  A Lances E Axes
Xane    Chameleon      02.57       18 03  01  03  09  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.06 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 20- 5/115 turns

My dracoknight squadron killed the enemies...again! Man, these chapter descriptions are becoming lamer and lamer.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           17.29       32 14  00  07  17  19  12  01  B Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    ??.??/09.52 23 10  01  15  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/13.68 47 18  00  24  25  25  18  08  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/04.54 38 15  01  11  17  13  13  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/13.10 42 16  00  19  21  10  14  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Dracoknight    19.10/03.38 40 16  01  16  13  06  14  03  B Lances E Axes
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/04.40 36 13  01  11  13  09  12  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/12.51 23 01  12  10  12  07  05  15  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    ??.??/04.91 25 08  01  13  11  08  12  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Dracoknight    20.00/01.83 33 16  01  15  15  08  14  04  A Lances E Axes
Xane    Chameleon      02.97       18 03  01  03  09  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.29 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 21- 3/118 turns

Sheeda rushed ahead and basically soloed this chapter for all intents and purposes. I had other units do combat things, most notably Wolf, but really it was all Sheeda.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           17.78       32 14  00  07  17  25  12  01  B Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    ??.??/09.52 23 10  01  19  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/15.69 46 25  00  26  23  26  20  05  A Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/05.02 39 15  01  11  17  14  14  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/13.53 42 16  00  19  21  10  14  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Dracoknight    19.10/03.74 40 16  01  16  13  06  14  03  A Lances E Axes
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/04.83 36 13  01  11  13  09  12  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/13.00 23 01  18  10  12  07  05  15  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    ??.??/05.02 26 09  01  13  11  08  12  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Dracoknight    20.00/02.67 34 17  01  16  18  08  15  04  A Lances E Axes
Xane    Chameleon      03.34       19 03  01  03  10  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.47 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 22- 7/125 turns

Sheeda pretty much took the forefront, and everyone else cleaned up after her. Not much too say on this one!

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           17.88       32 14  00  07  17  25  12  01  B Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/09.87 25 09  01  19  09  05  11  06  A Lances D Swords
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/17.91 50 24  00  28  25  25  18  08  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/05.59 39 15  01  11  17  14  14  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/13.68 42 16  00  19  21  10  14  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Paladin        19.10/04.08 43 15  01  17  18  06  12  06  A Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/04.96 36 13  01  11  13  09  12  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/13.36 23 01  18  10  12  08  05  15  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    ??.??/05.22 28 08  01  13  11  08  10  06  C Lances D Swords
Palla   Dracoknight    20.00/03.10 37 17  01  16  19  08  13  07  A Lances E Swords
Xane    Chameleon      03.54       19 03  01  03  10  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.74 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 23- 7/132 turns

A paladin rush to the goal, with Sheeda once (again again again) taking all the kills topside, and Wolf getting a fair few on the right side. Good times!

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           17.88       32 14  00  07  17  25  12  01  B Swords
Jeigan  Dracoknight    ??.??/10.14 23 11  01  19  09  05  13  03  A Lances E Axes
Sheeda  Dracoknight    13.45/18.97 49 26  00  26  23  28  20  05  A Lances E Axes
Nabarl  Dracoknight    16.35/05.82 37 16  01  11  17  14  16  03  C Lances E Axes
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/14.33 43 17  00  20  21  10  15  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Dracoknight    19.10/04.58 41 16  01  17  18  06  14  03  A Lances E Axes
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/05.04 37 13  01  11  13  09  12  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/14.47 23 01  18  10  12  08  05  15  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Dracoknight    ??.??/05.85 26 09  01  13  11  08  12  03  C Lances E Axes
Palla   Dracoknight    20.00/03.10 37 17  01  16  19  08  13  07  A Lances E Swords
Xane    Chameleon      04.21       19 03  01  03  11  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.74 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 24- 4/136 turns

We came, we went, we conquered...That not enough for you? Fine, I reclassed like everyone to Draco, had them knock up the Manakete with Dragon Lances (or whatever they're called), and Sheeda was Sheeda.

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           17.88       39 14  00  07  17  25  12  01  B Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/10.78 25 10  01  19  09  05  11  06  A Lances D Swords
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/20.00 60 25  00  28  25  25  25  16  A Lances D Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/07.66 39 15  01  12  19  14  15  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/15.50 46 18  00  21  22  11  16  01  D Swords B Axes
Roshea  Paladin        19.10/05.75 44 16  01  18  19  06  12  06  A Lances D Axes
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/05.04 37 13  01  11  13  09  12  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/15.59 23 01  18  10  12  08  05  16  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Paladin        ??.??/05.85 28 08  01  13  11  08  10  06  C Lances D Swords
Palla   Paladin        20.00/05.07 38 19  01  17  19  08  13  07  A Lances D Swords
Xane    Chameleon      04.43       19 03  01  03  11  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.74 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Chapter 24x- FREE/136 turns

I'm great, aren't I?

Name    Class          Level       HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord           19.36       40 16  00  08  18  26  12  01  A Swords
Jeigan  Paladin        ??.??/11.49 25 10  01  19  10  06  11  06  A Lances D Swords
Sheeda  Paladin        13.45/20.00 60 25  00  28  25  25  25  16  A Lances A Swords
Nabarl  Paladin        16.35/08.09 40 16  01  12  20  15  15  06  B Swords C Lances
Wolf    Hero           ??.??/16.03 48 19  00  22  23  11  17  01  D Swords A Axes
Roshea  Paladin        19.10/07.40 46 17  01  19  19  07  13  06  A Lances D Swords
Rickard Thief          05.23       17 06  00  02  11  01  04  00  D Swords
Athena  Paladin        15.05/06.24 38 13  01  11  13  09  13  06  B Swords D Lances
Boah    Bishop         ??.??/19.27 24 01  21  10  13  09  05  17  B Tomes A Staves
Midia   Paladin        ??.??/07.11 30 09  01  15  12  08  10  06  B Lances D Swords
Palla   Paladin        20.00/08.06 39 21  01  20  19  08  14  07  A Lances D Swords
Xane    Chameleon      04.83       19 03  01  03  11  09  04  10  -
Etzel   Sorceror       ??.??/06.95 30 02  11  14  09  07  07  12  B Tomes D Staves

Final Chapter- 5/141 turns

I could've done it in 4, but Medeus was a jerk. Where was I? Oh yeah, this chapter. THIS FUCKING CHAPTER. Such an asshat! Thankfully with the wombo combo of Boah using Reserve, Rickard with the Geosphere, and Sheeda being...well Sheeda (oh, and Wolf was bro too, not to mention everyone else who were also bro...but not Wolf bro), I secured the 5 turn pass!

OK, character review time!


Marth broke his Skill Cap of 8, I'm so proud of him! Really, he was actually quite helpful, what with the better-than-average offense in early game and being able to double stuff in midgame. Sure, due to the limitations of drafts he's never as good as he can be, but thanks to free Gaidens, he can still be pretty useful. Also I gave him all of my Goddess Icons because I thought it would be funny.


What can I say about Jeigan that isn't saying "Well, he sure is a Jeigan, good for the early game, slows down considerabl-DID YOU KNOW THAT PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED"? Well, for starters, even though his to-put-it-nicely modest stats got in the way later on, his ridiculously good lance rank and the presense of effective weaponry, coupled with the odd reclass to Dracoknight every now and again, was more than enough to keep him relevant. Also, I gave him all of my Secret Books as a bit of a joke.


Perfection in human form. Saved the early game. Saved the midgame. Saved the endgame. I gave her all of my pretty much everything else except Speedwings and one Angelic Robe (she had already capped HP, and Marth being Marth, I figured why not...although I really should've given it to Boah) because she's motherfucking Caeda.


Nabarl was pretty clutch for me. He got some great early levels, and I was really hurting for more characters in Chapter 4. Even with Roshe and Wolf on my team, his much better stats made him useful for a long time. Even at his worst, he was "Another pretty damn good unit hey did I mention he can DOUBLE". His weapon ranks were the biggest tease I've ever seen though.


Took a while to get going, but once he did, he did not stop. He had ridiculously good offense even with a Steel Axe and could double everything that's not an obnoxious fire breathing dragon...I could have thrown a few Speedwings his way, but as far as purple hair characters go, he was #2 on the list for Speedwings.


There's not much to say about Roshe, other than he was another great, reliable mount, when I was in need of more great reliable mounts. Well, he wasn't too great as a cavalier, but he really picked up the pace as a Paladin. The two speedwings I gave him didn't hurt matters any.


He stole things, survived a ballistae shot in 20 and a Swarm attack in 23. There's really not much more I could have asked of him.


Athena was actually pretty chump. I guess having another unit for the midgame helped, but geez, I'd have rather drafted another healer for more Fortifying action.

She gets the WORST UNIT ON THE TEAM award. No prizes for guessing who won the best.


Basically another filler mount. She's probably not as good as Athena, but she doesn't get the worst unit on the team award because I didn't put nearly as much effort into training her.


Way too fucking clutch with that healing, man.


For costing 1-2 turns, Palla was definetely worth it. I was worried a bit before promotion where she looked like she was going to be in the Athena school of units AKA a total chump, but she really came through after promotion, and with the help of a Speedwings, became the best thing ever except Sheeda but that's not a fair comparison.


Could copy Sheeda, the best unit on my team, and Rickard for the odd case when I needed two thieves. What do you think I think of him?


A filler healer who could use Excalibur. I really didn't use him too much, but I'm sure he'll be more helpful in FE12!


Pretty hot, I guess.

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Chapter 22 - 7/127

GO UP. Marth was not manly enough to rush into the throne room by himself, so he waited a turn for everyone to reposition themselves.

Chapter 23 - 4/131

Fed Ellerean a couple of arena levels and several stat boosters so he'd be able to nuke Gharnef. Gave Feena a Robe so she wouldn't be OHKO'd by the Meteor guys (had I left her HP alone, she'd die even with Barrier).

Another GO UP map. Due to the sheer number of units that can ORKO dragons, I was able to clear out the first area relatively quickly, group up for the second area, and rush. Ellerean told me what he thought of his extra Speedwings by blicking Gharnef.

I fed Marth and Tomas some arena levels, and am prepping for the final chapter.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       24.33  47* 19    0   23   25   25   10    1
MU        Sage        7.60  44  13   18   23   23   16    3    8
Arran     Sniper      9.51  31  11    1   16   15    5    9    3
Rody      Paladin    20.00  47  25*   1   28   25   25   17   11
Draug     Paladin    16.86  38  23    1   23   25   13   14    7
Catria    Falco      20.00  57* 24    3   26   26   27   19   10
Julian    Thief       8.66  22   9    0    9   15    9    6    0
Ogma      Paladin    18.05  54  20    1   25   23   22   19    6
Yumina    Sage        8.34  32   3   13   12   18   20   10    9
Rickard   Thief       Forever at base
Feena     Dancer     15.38  30* 11    0   15   25   22    8    0
Ellerean  Sage       18.66  56   4   28*  20   25*  12*  17    8
Robert    Sniper      8.50  39  14    1   21   18   15   11    3
Xane      Xane       13.50  26   6    0    3   12   12    9   10
Est       Peggy       6.23  21   6    2    8   14   12    9    6
Astram    Hero        5.10  Base everything
Tomas     Sniper     10.33  36  18    1   16   20   14   15    3

Endgame - 2/133

I had to make sure my positioning was on-target, or I'd miss some recruitments. On the first turn, Marth, Rody, Draug, Catria, and Ogma formed a wall, so that the rest of my units didn't have to take any flak. On the second turn, Minerva had an opening, so she talked to Maria and gave her a Rescue staff. Maria grabbed Julian, who talked to Lena, who got a second Rescue staff. Sirius talked to Nyna, and Merric made it to Elice via Feena. From there, Lena grabbed Marth, and Marth hit Medeus. Rody galloped forward and had just enough oomph to hit Medeus so that Elice could Again Marth and end the map.

Unit Thoughts

Marth - Give a little, lose a little, but gaining all that sweet Prologue experience was well worth it.

MU - Had no durability, and was replaced by Ellerean.

Rody - Co-MVP for stomping the entire game flat. Was a total bro, and I didn't miss Luke in the least.

Draug - Had Speed, but lacked Strength and HP. This was a problem during lategame.

Arran - Useful early, then petered out hard because Rody replaced him and then some.

Catria - Flying was useful, as was a 26 Speed cap. Was a tad more frail for the most part.

Julian - Is a thiefly thief.

Bord and Matthis - Unrecruited due to time constraints.

Ogma - If he gave a little bit of his HP to Draug in exchange for some excess Speed, they would've been perfect.

Yumina - Got to A staves in good time, and Fortispam kept my team alive during the last couple of chapters.

Rickard - Thief the second.

Feena - Dancer/10.

Ellerean - Co-MVP for being a magical tank that kicked ass. Some of my crazier strategies wouldn't have worked without him.

Xane - A duplicate Rody/Catria was always welcome.

Robert - Not bad for a Sniper, given his join time. He doesn't need that much to hit B Bows, and once he does, he'll hit for a decent chunk of damage until the humans peter out.

Est - NO.

Astram - Not needed.

Tomas - He turns time and experience into silver bolts of doom.

This was THE strongest team I have drafted, because I could rush four mounted units out the door without having to worry about someone dying (except for Draug, but I adjusted accordingly). Ellerean being tanky meant that I could use him as a front-line healer, while Yumina kept people healthy from behind. Poor MU had no job!

Edited by eclipse
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