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Xbox games?


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Hi, I'm looking for some help on something.

Yeah, so...long story short, I got an Xbox from my friend whose mom won in a raffle or something, and I want to keep it. This is an original Xbox, not the 360 one. It already came with this one racing game, a memory card, and a controller, but I don't like the game. I was wondering if anyone could give me any recommendations as to what's good to play, because I really don't know anything about Xbox, haha.

Any advice is appreciated!

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Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black. Identical story, different gameplay.

Oh and the Xbox uses a hard drive so the memory card is useless unless you have a friend or acquaintance with an Xbox.

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Morrowind was pretty much the sole reason for me getting an Xbox back in the day. And to this day, is really the only game I can think of of worth getting on the system :/ Maybe Half-life 2... both of these of course are options if you didn't have a PC-worthy system.

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Sorry for the late response, but thanks to everyone who's contributed! After some research, I've went out and ordered a few of your suggestions, including Halo, Dead or Alive, and Ninja Gaiden, and hope to get them soon.

Beyond Good and Evil

I already own Beyond Good and Evil for GameCube, but yes, I liked this game too.

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