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Linde as an archer

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was kinda skeptical but i tried it out and she's pretty good in that class! since my unit is always a mage girl for me she always outshines linde and i end up benching her, so i decided to try something different... i chose archer since she is fragile and wouldnt have to fight up close and gave her a forged iron bow with 11 might to start her off to compensate for her lower str but she gained a few lvls and her str is 9 now at lvl 8! whoo. anyone eles think of this b4 me? im sure im not the first lol

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i know, but i choose other units to fill in mage roles that i find better than her, liike.. shiida has the same magic growth as linde , yumina has better magic and so does mallaisia. and also snipers get plus 1 on mages, im not saying its a better class than her as a mage buut... its better than benching her cuz there are better potential mages

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i always liked shiida as a mage because her magic growth as a mage is higher than her str growth in any physical class, yea wing spear is nice but im biased i guess. im half doing the archer linde thing cuz i saw lots of people liked the mallaisia myrmidon thing and saied, if they can turn a cleric into a swordmaster then i can turn linde into a decent sniper :D

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you could do that and its not a terrible idea, but what i meant is that her mag growth as a mage is 40 and her highest possible str growth is 35 as a palidan. while she is a useful peg knight or myrmidon and since i usually give aura to my unit anyway i half the time reclass her into a mage, and she usually ends up around the same or better than linde. sides i like to take advantage of the reclassing option. dunno how long they are gonna use it and i wanna get m

y fill of it, it is a game after all ima have fun with it gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Edited by Dark Nocturne
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