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The Most Ridiculous run ever: I entertain you in HHM


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Please read entire post, all details are important.

So some of you may remember my "ignorance run" that I posted on the sacred stones board all that time ago, and the general consensus was that It was very fun and interesting. So I feel like entertaining you FE7 regulars out there by doing a runthrough (with commentary) of FE7 in the most RIDICULOUS fashion I could think up.

Here are my runthrough rules:

Regular ignorance run:

- not allowed to use the R button

- no unit list

- no using the USE command in battle preparations for the sole purpose of checking someone's stats.

- set ANIMATIONS, TERRAIN, UNIT, COMBAT, and SHOW OBJECTIVE in the options screen to off

- no using Serenesforest or any other internet resource to determine the stats of items or enemies

- no using STATUS window (could show HP of main lord and boss)

- no restarts unless the lord dies, and no suiciding the lord just so you can restart.

I have decided to tack on the following rules JUST to make it more interesting:

- At the beginning of each chapter, if I must select my team, I will use a random number generator to do so.

- No checking the map during battle preparations.

- No looking at chapter maps online

Also, keep in mind that I will be doing this in Hector Hard Mode, also know that I have NEVER PLAYED HHM BEFORE. I will play through and record the game, as well as provide commentary.

I am not attempting to S-rank Hector Hard mode, nor attempting to get a LTC, nor attempting to keep everyone alive, I am just trying to win the game.

So my question is: Who would be interested in watching this? Please post below about whether you like it or not. I would also like to come up with a creative name for this challenge.

Edited by Fetchystick
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Sounds interesting. I'll watch in my spare time. Good luck, by the way - especially when it comes to mid-late-game.

thanks, I have a feeling I will need it.

I'll try not to break down and say "f*** it" but a rage-inducing run such as this one bears with it the possibility.

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