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SegaofJapanSonic Fans- These 'people' are the worst of the fandom, no doubts about it. This part of the fandom is mainly made of these annoying 13 year old children who do recolors and say that Sonic '06 is an awesome game and you have to get use to the bugs and glitches. If you say ANYTHING about how you don't like certain characters(Amy and post SA2 Shadow say 'hi') or some the games (Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic '06 I'm looking at you) they will bitch and moan like five-year olds and attack you because you suggested their 'perfect and flawless' series isn't so perfect. Then there are the elitists. They're even worse than the 13 year olds. Just take what I've said about the 13 year olds times it by five with a little bit of Chris Chan syndrome. Yes, I went there. And they have this ANNOYING line of thinking that I cannot get: If wasn't made in Japan then I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist. WTF!? And they want the comic to be EXACTLY like the games which is a dumbass idea in the first place. Don't bother reasoning with these people. Just stay away.

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I stay away from most Sonic 'fans' anyway.

Most of the time I feel as if I'm the only sane Sonic fan.

Edited by Emerald-noun-
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Why else would he wear red all the time? :O


Seriously though, YouTube videos about Mario vs. Sonic used to have flame wars that spanned for thousands of comments. It was pretty ridiculous.

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I've been a fan of Sonic since I owned a Mega Drive back in 1994/5. I absolutely loved the originals, and I still play them on a regular basis, particularly Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on the GC was my first 3D Sonic title (you can't count Sonic 3D for the Mega Drive, can you). Loved it. Also finished Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

As a 5 year old, I also remember waking up early Saturday mornings to watch the Sonic cartoon with Sally et al., as well as the other one in which the Pingas meme originated from. Good times, they were.

As for recent games, I haven't really played many of the newer 3D games. It's easier to make a list of 'recent' Sonic titles I have played, because it's much shorter than the list I have not played. Sonic Advance 1 and 3, Sonic Rush 1 and 2, as well as Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. I enjoyed Heroes, despite how fucking frustrating some of it was because you had to get things perfect otherwise you'd have to restart half a fucking level away. Shadow was an easy game, but hella boring and repetitive. I got to like maybe 3 of the however many possible endings there were before I gave up. I tried Sonic and the Secret Rings, but it wasn't my cuppa tea. And the most recent game is of course Sonic Generations, of which I haven't yet defeated the final boss. But it's quite enjoyable otherwise.

I would classify myself as a Sonic fan, albeit quite a conservative one. I know that most of his recent games haven't been up to standard, but I choose to bask in the Hedgehog's past successes by playing the original Mega Drive games for hundreds (maybe thousands throughout my life) of hours, compared to how little time I put into his newer games. As well as the Adventure games. They were quality.

Sonic 4 Episode I was a letdown, by the way. Hopefully Episode II will be a huge improvement.

Edited by Raven
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I remember being into Sonic when I was a kid. Since I owned a Genesis as a child rather than a Nintendo, much of my time was spent playing the first and second Sonic titles. And I quite liked them; they were fast-paced, addicting platformers. After those titles, however, including 3, Sonic CD, etc. I never really felt much attachment to them. I recall thinking Sonic Adventure seemed amazing from the small bit of time I got to play it on a display model Dreamcast at Funcoland, but other than having flair it seemed it had lost much of the charm of the original titles. As far as I can tell having decided to steer far away from the series now, every new game seems to be their effort to implement some terrible new character, gameplay mechanic, etc. Sonic the werehog? Like, seriously? I don't know, it seems like the games became progressively more "furry" as time went on. I'm not sure if I can describe what I mean there but maybe someone else can relate.

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