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I know who the Masked Marth really is


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Now first of all I already saw the leaked fire emblem awakening screens and videos so don't say i'm wrong. This is just A theory. Now. On with the thread!

In the leaked footage it was revealed that the masked Marth was Lucina. Krom's daughter. If that is her name. I kind of forgot... Or so we thought. I have gathered up fact's that PROVE there are in fact not one, but two people using Marth's name. 1st there is Krom's daughter. Then there is another. That person is... Frey

That's right. Frey. From the original Fire Emblem game. Now I know what your thinking. Why would Frey even do such A thing? He is doing this... because of revenge. Him and his comrades were being surrounded by the enemy. They had to give up A member to lure the enemy away at all cost to protect prince Marth. Of course the obvious choice would be the old frail man who could die at any moment. Jagen. However, because Frey already resembles the prince so much (The blue hair), he was chosen to be the decoy. Even if he felt it wasn't the right choice, he had to go to protect his prince. Eventually he lured the enemy away without fail... but with A price.

he was on the verge of death when he came across someone but the name of Gotoh. Gotoh treated him back to full health. However Frey was still angry with what had happened. He became nothing but A pawn for his country, but most of all... his prince.

Out of anger for his prince, be begged Gotoh to send him far off into the future with the divine sword Falchion. Gotoh refused his request knowing Marth was the one who needed the Falchion. However that didn't stop Frey. He stole the blade from the dragon's altar that Nagi had kept with her. This is why when Nagi joins you, she gives you A weaker version of the Falchion. Because it's really A silver sword that was painted to look like the Falchion.

With the Falchion hand Frey challenged Gotoh to battle claiming that if he won, he would send him into the future. Frey won this battle, but not without A heavy price. During the battle Gotoh had greatly damaged Frey's eyes, forcing him to wear A mask. because of his victory, Gotoh sent him into the future. He heard about someone by the name of Lucina and and found out she was marching around using the name Marth. This gave frey an idea. Half way through the game he killed Lucina and took on the name of Marth to seek out Krom. Why? because Krom is the descendant of Marth. Frey wanted to get rid of him because he didn't want someone like Marth to be born ever again. He knew how evil someone in Marth's royal linage could be, and he wanted to put an end to it at all cost.


and that is my theory. It all makes sense. Both have blue hair. Frey's anger against the royal family. Two Falchions. How the enemy mistook Frey for being Marth. What do you think?

Edited by Jagen
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This was already explained in FE12, Frey was only beaten to amnesia IIRC and he regained his memories, met up with Norne, and returned to Marth's side. He wasn't pissy about it.

I do love this theory though.

Edited by Folgore Blue
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i don't really understand the point of this topic... and the mask has already been explained ,as mentioned above what happened to frey is explained in fe12

but this would have been an awesome theory before we got the leaked info.

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