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FE10 Challenge Hack


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To celebrate the new FE game out this week in Japan, I'd like to show some work I did last December on some FE10 hacking. Note that this is nowhere near complete, yet if there's enough interest I'll finish each chapter ASAP.

Note that this is an early work in progress. Updates to this will be made and properly labeled with the date etc so anyone following can easily see what's new.

Difficulty info

I'll start with what you're likely curious about, how challenging is this hack? I admittedly haven't played FE5 or FE12's Lunatic Reverse mode (what I assume are the two hardest FE difficulties ever) so chances are this hack won't be on that level, but it will be decidely harder than FE10 ever was.

There are some aspects that might make this game seem extremely easy - see the first few spoilers below about forging or shop bargains. Then look below at the actual map changes and see that you will very much be hard pressed to survive in almost every chapter. Many enemies have had their classes/levels changed and so on, but more detail on that is below.

This is to be played in normal mode, as I believe hard mode has different files altogether in some places. I never liked how the move/attack range and weapon triangle were taken out from hard mode, so you can enjoy those while gritting your teeth at the challenge increase in general.


Stat cap removal

The limit for all relevant classes has been removed. This is inspired in part by GoldieX39/ShadowX39's Youtube videos. If you're reading this you've probably watched those videos so I don't need to explain more.

I realize that this will make or break characters now depending on their growth rates. That's part of the fun you can experience now - will Meg's high speed growth actually make her a viable general?

Shop/Bargain changes


The bargain feature offering one time purchase items each chapter has been almost completely replaced with other items. For example, you can buy brave weapons, laguz gems and so on in certain chapters.

Some items have changed in their cost and number of uses.

The Laguz Gem for example now has three uses but only costs 7500 to purchase.

Brave weapons have 50 uses. Rest assured you'll need some help in most of these chapters.

Forging/coin changes


I've changed the chances of getting certain forge cards (the vine occurs less often for starters) and increased the bonuses in general.

By now you might be thinking I'm making an easy/casual mode hack, but rest assured there will be plenty reason to use the forge as the game progresses.

The other bit I've altered are coins. They can now be sold for 777 gold if you don't want to use forging. 777 gold added up can net you plenty of bargain items that you would otherwise not be able to afford.

Growth rates

Mostly unchanged. Some characters that are deemed garbage or low on tier lists (just a warning, I rarely read tier lists so I'm not claiming to have created the ultimate balance hack) have slightly higher growths to make them more worth using. Several laguz, such as Kurthnaga have higher growths.

A certain Branded character has growths that will change several chapters considerably.

"Hard mode recruitment bonus"

Remember recruiting Guy/Rutger on hard mode and getting higher starting stats because they were an enemy unit?

Well a few characters that start a chapter as an enemy (red) will have 'hard mode bonuses' if you manage to recruit them.

As an example, Aran will now have +3 to all stats. You probably realize why I put quotes around this section, as a flat +3 in all stats isn't exactly how it worked, but is good enough anyways.

But don't worry, getting Laura to talk to Aran in 1-3 will be much more involved than you're used to. Read the next section below to find out why.

Recruiting Oliver will be worth it. Oh so worth it.

Images, showing chapter changes (1-P to 1-3, 1-9 preview)

This is where the game starts to show its challenge. I have altered several things about each chapter.

Boss data - All bosses have been given an increase to their base stats. In general the first half of each part has lower bonuses than the latter chapters (due to your characters getting stronger).

Enemy data - Almost all enemies have gained in levels and get stat increases based on their class growth rates. Typical changes for a hard mode hack. Some enemies (look at the 1-P screenshot) have their actual class changed.

Map changes - As you can see in these preview shots of the first four chapters, the arrangement has completely changed from what you're used to. I hope this alone will bring a sense of challenge and the feel of new content.


1-P: X marks the spot? (No item is there yet) Leonardo also appears from the WRONG side of the chapter! Those archers (!) look mean, but Leonardo has a few tricks up his sleeve (two items and one skill replacing Cancel). Micaiah now starts with a C in staff and begins with a Physic staff.


1-1: The boss is two steps west/left of Leonardo. Tip - he will NOT pursue and attack you until someone has engaged him (this means he's an optional boss). What I've also done in this chapter is change what's stored in the village that Isaiya is guarding. Can you defeat this beefed up boss and escape in time? Take notice of a certain other enemy unit in this chapter as well.


1-2: Hmm, Laura's one step away from ending this chapter on turn one...? This isn't a challenge hack at all! Wait, I wonder what's in those treasure chests. One of the chests is being guarded by two "statues" - how are you going to get to that one?


1-3: WHAT?! A white dragon already? Can you guess where Aran will load on the next turn? You have two ways to get to Aran, take your pick. Also note you're given the option of quick escape once again.


1-9: This is actually the first chapter I changed things up before deciding to change every single chapter in the game. One of the easiest chapters will now become one of the hardest (thanks to the Black Knight). Rest assured there are 2-3 different strategies you can use to beat this chapter.

I moved Micaiah north just so you can see some other enemies, but she starts in the same place as normal. You aren't seeing things, there's thani users, hammer users, and a glorious "feral" lion that might give the Black Knight shivers from FE9 during that cutscene with Greil.

Enemy AI changes

Don't get too excited, I didn't go code actual new AI, I merely swapped certain AI around. For instance, there's something like SEQ_ATTACKRANGEMOVE or SEQ_NOHEAL and so on that I tried to tinker around with to change how enemies behave.

Certain maps will have you being rushed by every enemy, while others will wait for you to make the first move.

Extra enemies/reinforcements

I'm very weary of doing this, and I haven't yet, but I'd like to actually put more enemies on maps. So far I've changed player/enemy starting points as well as enemy classes (bandit -> archer for example) and I feel that's good enough of a tactical change.

My main hesitation is feeling like I'll screw something up by adding a huge block of data and forgetting something or causing a game ending glitch way later on. I've successfully added items and skills to the end of each map file and it seems to be fine, so we'll see how adding extra enemies goes.

Miscellaneous changes

Thani is no longer Micaiah only.

Florete is no longer Mist only (I absolutely cannot figure out how to make it deal magic damage though)

Wishblade now adds 5 skill speed and luck, but reduces defense and resist by 5.

Energy drop / etc etc all are now worth 5000 instead of 8000. Since there's more of them in the shops you can buy more, but you'll get a bit less when selling too.

Ilyana has 3 more HP and RES.

Numerous minor things I'm forgetting that I'll add later.

Please note again that I'm not claiming to have created the perfect balance patch that addresses every issue and makes every unit exactly on par with each other, this hack is far from finished but I've injected a ton of risk/reward in many aspects to give some variation in how you choose to play.

Things NOT changed:

Dialogue/text. I don't plan on changing the story at all (okay I'll admit I don't know where to find it to change it in the first place, but that's beside the point). You're free to skip all text if you don't want to be bored with a story you know all too much.

Florete - I have no idea where to change the data to make it deal magic damage. I took off the "eqB" flag that makes it Mist only, and I assume there's another flag that changes it to magic. I tried to put the magblow (at 34294 in FE10Data.tpl) but that didn't change anything. I tried to compare the data on florete with magic tomes, or the daemon cards etc, and I simply can't find out where that magic vs physical attribute is. Not that big of a deal actually :P

Patch/release warning:

"Coming soon" - this summer at the latest?

I admittedly haven't released any other rom hack I have made, mostly because I wasn't satisfied with the end result, however I feel with the new FE 3DS release the time is right to crank this out.

What this means is there's some questions I still have about properly packing a patch for a Wii game. I'll begin reading any relevant tutorials but be warned that I don't even know how to use nightmare modules, so bare with me if there's any technical difficulties in releasing this, or me releasing a 'buggy' patch.


Up to 1-4 (1-9 is also done) for map placement and overhaul.

Entire game is done with regards to boss stats, character stat cap removals.

Up to 1-F for shop bargains.

Editing each chapter for player/enemy placement is taking THE most amount of time by far, but I hope to finish 1-2 chapters per day. I may eventually release the first patch when the entire first part is complete and then do three more releases when parts 2, 3 and 4 are finished.


Anyone thanked by VincentASM on the Radiant Dawn hacking notes forum post, not to mention his entire contribution in collecting all the information on FE10 hacking. Almost everything I used for this hack was found in that collection of data.

The hacking community for this (and FE9) is criminally low, so if this hack helps generate more interest for other releases of FE10 then you have my thanks as well.

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interesting ^^' can you make dark magic forgeable? Make Micaiah and Sanaki use dark magic please o3o.

I like some of the ideas but I don't like some of the others, Miccy with C in staves seems too broken that early maybe give her E or D. The white dragon doens't make any sense that early. Some of the map layout positions look a little off.

and I think if you're trying to give the bottom/lower tiered characters better opportunity it would give them a bigger favor to alter their bases instead of their growth rates.

will you make staves like rewarp useable or is it impossible? ^^'

Edited by Queen_Emelina
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This is very interesting, I'll definitely give it a try.

How would the patching for the game work, though, if you play on the actual console?

I'm wondering about this too.

I'm assuming some sort of SD card files using Gecko OS? (I use that for Brawl hacking, so if not just ignore me)

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I'd definitely be interested. How would the patching for the game work, though, if you play on the actual console?

You can insert the modified changes into the ISO itself. Just recompile it before loading it on the console. The SD streaming stuff is also an option but everyone uses USBHD now, so whatever

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't believe I missed this topic with the great FE13 info rush.

I'm always interested in seeing post-FE8 hacks and I'm impressed that you got so much stuff working. Can't wait to see more progress ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

me too. even though i have NO clue how to play a wii hack

Same here.

I'm sorry that I can't help with the hacking. I know pretty much nothing on that front and I wouldn't begin to know where to start with console hacks. I will offer encouragement, verbal support, and test releases if I have the time to. This is something that I can really look forward to.

In regards to adding more enemies in the maps, I say go for it if you think you can. It would make the levels harder and provide more fodder for level grinding certain units. One of the things I find annoying in FE10 is the availability of characters and their reappearances in later chapters being greatly underleveled. But I'm the kind of guy who loves maps full of enemy units and exp so maybe my opinion alone isn't worth much on this subject.

Good luck and I hope we can see more of your progress soon!

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me too. even though i have NO clue how to play a wii hack

It'll be as easy as it was getting the emulators running--with the exception of having a USB/SD card large enough to hold the iso, if one doesn't stream the changes like the Gecko thingy does.

In regards to adding more enemies in the maps, I say go for it if you think you can. It would make the levels harder and provide more fodder for level grinding certain units. One of the things I find annoying in FE10 is the availability of characters and their reappearances in later chapters being greatly underleveled. But I'm the kind of guy who loves maps full of enemy units and exp so maybe my opinion alone isn't worth much on this subject.

I'd like to see some of the weather effects changed around too. It's always cool to revisit old places in slightly different looks.

Edited by Celice
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Riivolution is the easiest way to use the "patch". Just like Celice said, it's basically streaming the files that got changed using the SD card.

You'll need to provide the files that got changed though, instead of just a patch file to the ISO. Otherwise, looking for the changed files and extract them to the SD card would be a freaking pain.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a suggestion. A very awesome one at that.

Blade Lord Shinon.

While I doubt there can be an animation made for him, just give him the ability to use Swords. He'll be gr9mazing. PLLLEASSE.

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  • 3 months later...

Please don't necropost. The thread has been inactive since July so if you want to contact the creator then please do so via PM.

Thread locked. Yowza, if you want the thread unlocked then just let me know.

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