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Out of curiosity, how many of you DON'T already know about the huge spoilers?

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Urgh. Yokatta shopping service says that the bundle will cost about 35,000 yen though... ugh.

Wow, I was way off. There's something seriously wrong with that price. It shouldn't be that expensive even with EMS. Is it that expensive because of limited quantity? Have you tried to compare with Tenso and Celga?

About spoilers, I'm the type of person who reads the ending of a book first, and reads tvtropes and wikipedia to sometimes decide if I want to watch/read/play something. So yeah, there was no way I was going to hold off.

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I don't get why people even care about FE's plot aside from how it effects the gameplay tbh

About spoilers, I'm the type of person who reads the ending of a book first, and reads tvtropes and wikipedia to sometimes decide if I want to watch/read/play something. So yeah, there was no way I was going to hold off.

this is stupid

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I have to like characters to want to use them, generally, plot has some effect on that.

That would be plot affecting gameplay, even if indirectly. Also, that isn't actually plot, that's the characters who may or may not be driving the plot. There's a difference!

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I don't get why people even care about FE's plot aside from how it effects the gameplay tbh

this is stupid

FE plot is generally bland(imo), so it doesn't really matter.

Also, a lot of what I know happens in story had already been speculated even before the game came out, so nothing new.

I've also gotten into the habit recently of not even reading the blurb of books I impulsively buy. So either I go in knowing everything important or not knowing even the mc's name. So yeah, probably have stupid habits but I don't complain.

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I've avoided most plot elements besides masked marth, which, was kinda already inferred from the art before I even read the news. I've seen a few plot spoilers here and there, but none of them worth remembering, and the large ones I already inferred, again, by the context of the game.

Here's hoping to a quick localization/emulation :):

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I've avoided most plot elements besides masked marth, which, was kinda already inferred from the art before I even read the news. I've seen a few plot spoilers here and there, but none of them worth remembering, and the large ones I already inferred, again, by the context of the game.

Here's hoping to a quick localization/emulation :):

Do you know if anyone is closer to making a flash cart or a functional emulator ?

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Do you know if anyone is closer to making a flash cart or a functional emulator ?
Publicly, not really, but Crown3ds recently increased their progress bar. That doesn't really mean anything other than just that, though :/

It's coming along. Most things happen due to an exploit--so it's a matter of waiting for an exploit to be found. There's a lot of interest behind both of your questions, so I wouldn't worry about not enough people trying! It's more a matter of time, and a little bit of luck to speed things up.

Edited by Celice
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I do.

I don't really care about spoilers. Just because you know the plot twists doesn't make it less enjoyable. I know what happens at the end of A Game of Thrones, but that doesn't mean I don't still enjoy re-reading it.

I agree with you. I do like experiencing it first (okay, second hand) at least. For example, I watched the whole of Kid Icarus Uprising and got the full effect of all that games twists. I wouldn't mind doing the same for this.

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I think I spoiled the identity of Masked Marth for myself.

I don't really care though - it's pretty easy to figure out yourself if you consider the facts of the game and apply logic.cool.gif

I also don't know what he/she/it looks like under the mask, so that's another reason not to worry.

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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Just Masked Marth spoilers, but I probably won't be getting this game for another three years or so. I probably will have forgotten it all already.

But the reason I read the spoilers wasn't schmuck, it's because eventually tvtropes is gonna spoil me with a broken spoiler tag. Might as well get it over with.

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