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Except that Gamble doesn't assure a critical hit since he can still hit. If Zihark has 100 hit and 50 crit, he has a 50% chance of hitting and a 50% chance of critting; if he has 50 hit and 100 crit, he has a 50% chance of missing and a 50% chance of critting. The first option is obviously superior.

Are you aware that overkill Hit is taken into account with Gamble? That it's possible to have >50% hit when using Gamble?

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Are you aware that overkill Hit is taken into account with Gamble? That it's possible to have >50% hit when using Gamble?

Even if that's the case, I'm not willing to have my hit rates stoop to Gonzales level for 100 crit, ever.

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Brom is good on the team and really can help Boyd with his Water Support, while at the same time Brom gets some extra strength from Boyd.

As for Gamble, it has helped Zihark open up some walls in the opponent's line and let my Palidin's break through. If a skill can help Zihark get an even better chance at taking out a General, without having to use an Armorslayer, then isn't it possibly worth it? Especially since, like I've said, he has Adept which gives him more chances to hit. Zihark has ALWAYS taken any enemy out the few times I've used Gamble.

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Even if that's the case, I'm not willing to have my hit rates stoop to Gonzales level for 100 crit, ever.

That's perfectly fine. For all the SM wrath, guard, adept, and vantage are all outright superior to gamble. Most skills are. It just annoys me to see people say 'Gamble is outright worthless because of it's low hit' when some units can get 100+ hit even with gamble active (and 100 crit as well) before enemy evade. At best though it's a risk with a payoff decided by the individual, at worst it's just a skill that never gets activated.

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Brom is good on the team and really can help Boyd with his Water Support, while at the same time Brom gets some extra strength from Boyd.

Honestly though, I do have to agree with the others on the fact that Brom isn't really very useful or helpful. I've actually raised him before, with the Knight Ward, and even though he did indeed become good, I still felt like it was more effort than it's worth. I think Gatrie is a much more worthwhile investment if you want a good General.

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So Brom's supports and his support element don't give him any extra points above Gatrie?

Gatrie has earlygame, leaves, then gets benched because he has terrible Move.

Brim joins when everyone is getting decent and gets benched because he has terrible Move.

Any questions?

Edited by Colonel M
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