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Othin Plays FE13!


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Somehow, I have three enemy MUs and their teams on my world map. One of them is a LV20 Sage with 61 HP, 41 Mag, and 38 Spd: he's asking for 20200 gold to hire him. A LV7 Bow Knight with most stats around 30 is asking for 14000. A LV10 Berserker with 40 Str is asking for 15900.

So it's a fight or hire sort of thing? That's different.

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One question? Does EXP gain get reduced as u level up? Cuz, it wasn't the case in any of Marth's games except the remakes.

So the con system works along with Str again. Nice!

Exp indeed goes down if you level up. It seems to count the total number of levels you've gained, so if a LV10 Fighter uses a Change Seal to become a LV1 Barbarian, he'll still gain Exp like a LV10 unpromoted character. Promotion does slow down Exp gain on top of that, though.

There's no Con, no Wt, and Str is only used for damaging things, not lifting weapons. Unfortunately.

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So you can use her on other playthroughs, but you can't fight her or buy items from her? Or is it just that you can hire her but not permanently recruit her?

The former.

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No, you still have to pay. It's just a way of keeping the SpotPass characters available even after starting a new game, so you don't have to wait x days to get their team again.

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Okay, so you just make the team reappear as if you had downloaded it again by it being the right day. And you can fight/hire/permanently recruit/buy from just like before?

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Wait so we can only get 99 spotpass/streetpass/player units? But aren't there going to be over 100 spotpass alone? Bummer if we can't complete our spotpass...

I'm guessing you could get all 120 characters on one file, just not on the saved MU list between files.

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Still seems strange that they'd make the limit 99 and not like 200.

Okay, I found the option. Yeah, 99, that is strange. So it's just hiring, nothing else, then. Doesn't look like there's any way to permanently recruit them, which is odd. Also, for some reason my MU is a LV1 Dark Knight with slightly lower stats than he has currently and had when I finished the game. (He's a LV7 Dark Knight now.)

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Up to this point now from Page 12. =)

There is no tower. You can grind a bit with random skirmishes, but it seems to me that they're limited unless you buy Scent Boxes to generate more. In Normal, the Scent Boxes are just 500 gold, and you can make up for that price with gains within the chapter, but in Hard and Lunatic, they're 4800, limiting how much you can grind.

Well...at least it won't get too easy. =)

It's the latter. Basilio can become a Fighter, Barbarian, or Knight. Flavia can become a Mercenary, Thief, or Knight. Both of them join at LV10 promoted, so they also have immediate access to the corresponding promoted classes.

You'll need to use another Change Seal, but yes. You'll also need to do a bit of leveling up.

LV1-9 unpromoted: No reclassing

LV10-20 unpromoted: Can reclass to Tier 1 classes

LV1-9 promoted: Can reclass to Tier 1 classes

LV10-20 promoted: Can reclass to Tier 1 and Tier 2 classes

Well...this limits choice of options on what class that we should take then if they don't keep their stats.

Also, Griffin Knights. Carrier is such an amazing skill. I now have Serge, Mark, and Jerome all with the skill. It's awesome.

Griffin Knight. I've got to study this new class.

Chapter 25 was crazy. I'm glad I have Serge, Mark, and Jerome all with the Carrier skill to fly in and kill those Slime users; I can't imagine completing the chapter without them, barring grinding, and fuck grinding. I'm sure there's a way, but damn. And yes, this is the lowest difficulty level, at least looking only at Classic modes. On to Final and its surely even greater insanity.

Thracia strikes again. xD

FE13 Normal really couldn't pass for Easy. It's about as difficult as FE8 Hard, which is about as difficult as a Normal mode should be, but not Easy.

After that FE9, it's concerning that NOA might consider FE13 Normal not easy enough to be the lowest difficulty level and cut something out of the harder difficulty levels to replace with a new Easy Mode. Which just makes me more glad I got the Japanese version. But then, Casual Mode should be enough to render that unnecessary.

If it helps little children, or newbs play. I don't mind. That's one reason why I'm importing this game such for a veteran player like myself.

It was quite a challenge even on Normal; I'm scared to imagine it on higher difficulties.


Thracia can return after all. xD

Each of the five attacks have a separate chance to hit and crit. I just tried having Sol attack an enemy MU's Serge with Swordslayer and saw him activate Astra, miss twice, hit twice, and crit once. I was sure about the crits before, but I had to confirm the misses because they happen so rarely that I wasn't certain I had seen any.

Looks to me that Astra might be done by the same random number with each strike. Further observation of this will be induced soon. Have fun with the harder difficulties.

Used Change Seals on both of them to reset their levels within their original class and actually gain Exp while I was at it.

Looks to me that if their levels are resetted, they get to keep their stats. Awesome! =D

That I am. Definitely my favorite FE game yet.

I'm sure that many of us were waiting for u to say that. xD

I do wonder if you've got some crazy FE fans around where you live.

I don't see much of them in my area. Hope there are more in the eastern side of USA.

There's no Con, no Wt, and Str is only used for damaging things, not lifting weapons. Unfortunately.

No speed deduction sounds nice for once. And for the class change..do they keep their stats before u change it?

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Each class has base stats here. When they change class, their stats are adjusted according to the difference between the two classes' base stats. This applies both when promoting with a Master Seal and when reclassing with a Change Seal.

I don't follow what you're saying about Astra.

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I don't follow what you're saying about Astra.

As why the attack would strike every time thus far with no misses. Reading the RNG, it's possible that it might work that way.

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As why the attack would strike every time thus far with no miss. Reading the RNG, it's possible that it might work that way.

If that was the case, it would have to happen all the time that every hit would always hit or always miss, but it doesn't. I'm just saying that Sol misses so rarely anyway that I didn't usually see any misses, but when I tried having him attack an enemy with Swordslayer to ruin his accuracy, it really did turn out that way, with him missing some times and hitting other times within one Astra activation.

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Each class has base stats here. When they change class, their stats are adjusted according to the difference between the two classes' base stats. This applies both when promoting with a Master Seal and when reclassing with a Change Seal.

Well..it's considerable not to change their classes more than once.

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Just thought of something, are skills like Sol, Luna, and Astra able to activate together like in FE4/5, or do they activate separate from each other?

I haven't seen them activate together, but then, I haven't had many characters with multiple of them to begin with. I'll test it out with Sol and Lucina and see if I get anything.

Well..it's considerable not to change their classes more than once.


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Looking here. It is actually beneficial to change their class multiple times. As they actually gain higher stats than before and keeping their skills.

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Man, enemies cheat even on Normal. I decided to jump into a random skirmish to check some things and found enemies with Killer and Silver weapons with +4 Mt and +10 Hit. Okay, that's reasonable. Then I found an enemy Swordmaster with a Killing Edge with +8 Mt and +20 Hit. That's impossible. It's also the same as what that one Falcon Knight had.

Didn't make it any more trouble for Sol to kill them all, though. Unfortunately he only activated Astra once, so I couldn't verify Lethality activating with it. I'll have to keep throwing him at things.


Looking here. It is actually beneficial to change their class multiple times. As they actually gain higher stats than before and keeping their skills.

Yeah, it is. I'm not sure what you were saying about it, though.

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Did one Swordmaster possess the boost and another didn't? Perhaps it's just an innate class thing.

It's not. These were forged weapons, I mean. The bonuses were already applied to the weapon stats.

I had Sol solo a different skirmish to test more. He got a couple of critical hits on Lethality activations, but still just did damage equal to the enemy's HP. He activated Astra a few more times, but never activated Lethality at the same time. With just a 9% chance, it's hard to draw conclusions, but it seems to me that no, Lethality cannot activate on an Astra hit. Also, it seems to me that Lethality may be rolled before Astra, since Astra seems to be activating less than before he learned it. Which makes sense, since with Lethality, Astra is unnecessary.

What I recall now is, I've not only seen Astra hits miss, but also entire Luna attacks. So those are both rolled before hitting. I've never seen Lethality miss, but then, I'm not sure Sol has ever had a chance of missing an enemy he attacked with Lethality, either.

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If Frederick has such a slow experience gain, and his stats are just barely better than Great Knights' class bases, does that mean de-promoting him with a Change Seal results in a bad unpromoted unit with poor growths?

I guess he's still useful on harder difficulties in the beginning, though.

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If Frederick has such a slow experience gain, and his stats are just barely better than Great Knights' class bases, does that mean de-promoting him with a Change Seal results in a bad unpromoted unit with poor growths?

I guess he's still useful on harder difficulties in the beginning, though.

Yep. Seems pretty useless past chapter..5 or 6 I guess.

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His absolute base stats aren't that bad. If you were to use a Change Seal to demote him from base and compare him to base Soiree, he'd win by 1 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, and 3 Spd. He'd also have substantially better weapon levels.

I also don't know about his growths. I haven't used him much to know how good his growths are even as a Great Knight, and they might be as good as or better than other characters' growths in the same class.

On Normal, I never had him fight; I just had him guard Liz while he was forced. On Hard, I found myself using him a bit more; I didn't deploy him in Ch3 and regretted it, then deployed him in Ch4 and was glad I did. That's as far as I've played so far; I'll have to see about the rest of the game.

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Would he grow (that is, grow as slowly in terms of levelling speed) as if he were a promoted unit when demoted though? Sorry if I was expressing the idea too unclearly.

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Would he grow (that is, grow as slowly in terms of levelling speed) as if he were a promoted unit when demoted though? Sorry if I was expressing the idea too unclearly.

I don't think so. I haven't tried unpromoting units, but based on the way everything else works in this game, I'd think that if their effective level increased when promoting, resulting in decreased Exp, their effective level would decrease when unpromoting, resulting in increased Exp.

However, that doesn't mean he'd be counted as a LV1 Cavalier; he might be counted as a LV10 Cavalier or so.

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