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From what I know, Marth didn't show up in D1 and Balcerzak never showed up.

I showed up yesterday. Dude, if you wanna prove yourself innocent, at least don't post shitlike that. Come on man, READ the thread.

My opinion on Rapier is: Neutral. I've checked out a couple of the ealier games(no, not Golden Sun) he's played in, and he generally doesn't take the first phase srsly. You can't really form reads on that.

And that's about as much as I'll agree with Proto.

I'm gonna agree with Prims and Shinori and say that Proto's not being very helpful. Now he's probably busy, as I haven't seen him update his current mafia game yet, but if he's lurking then that's quite bad for him.

So ##Unvote

##Vote: Luster Purge

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Balcerzak [0] : Marth

Proto [2] : Shinori, Marth

Helios [2] : Bizz, Darros, Darros, Darros

Bizz [1] : Prims (?)

Aere [0] : Marth, Marth

Strawman [0] : Shinori, Shinori

Darros [2] : Helios, Rapier

So I included the people that have been voted for even if they don't currently have a vote on them, but not anyone who doesn't have a vote at all on them. I figured it would make it easier to look at this way. Now, what I found interesting when I was making this was that the two people that have been accused of working together/defending each other (Helios and Rapier) are both voting for the same person. Helios is voting for him because he claimed Darros wasn't very active. But since then, Helios has disappeared and Darros has been pretty active and actually had discussion. Rapier voted for him because he felt that the argument Darros presented as to why Rapier may be scum wasn't very good. So it could be coincidence, or they could be working together. I dunno, but it seems kinda suspicious to me. So, because he's disappeared after putting down a vote...

##Vote: Helios

Please come and either take your vote off of Darros, or explain your reasons for voting for him more.

new vote count:

Helios [3] : Bizz, Darros, Darros, Darros, scorri

edit: I forgot to change the number in the brackets to a 3 instead of a 2, that's all. Sorry!

Edited by scorri
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I think Helios came around admitting that his statement/case was flawed, but kept his vote on Darros anyway.

I don't think Proto's been online, by the way, and I know he has shitty internet, so I'm not sure about the bandwagon on him.

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Speaking of D1, I'm not quite sure if I'll be active later today because I have some things I need to do, and it might keep me occupied for a while. I'm not quite sure how long though, but if I'm not very active, that'll be the reason.

That's why he's not been online much, Scorri. At least I think so.

@Levity: If we really do take that to account that he just kept his vote on Darros anyway, we may be hitting something here. Like, a newbie scum or something.

Still keeping my vote on Proto until he talks though.

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He said that he was going to bed and would be back in around 18 hours about 20 hours ago. So, he may just still be busy. He did claim that he might be busy on D1, but I still don't like his vote and disappear act, and I'm more suspicious of him than I am of anyone else right now.

And I haven't seen Proto either, though I've been in and out so it's possible I missed him.

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Darros and Bizz are striking me oddly. Either way, I'm glad I have scumbuddies such as Helios and Strawman to protect me. I mean, my last scumbuddy put me and everyone else under the bus like an overtroll.

Thanks for giving me away bro. Real smooth move there. ;/

Anyways. Here is my problem. Darros is convinced(or so it sounds like) that Rapier is mafia. Reasonable enough (though I do think he is exaggerating Rapier's actions a little if I do say so myself). However, he is adamantly voting Helios who at one point "defended" Rapier. Ok... If Darros is so convinced Rapier is scum, why not vote for Rapier? Also why the assumption that just because you find someone scummy for say a certain action and someone else does not, that makes that person auto scummy? Differences in opinion can exist without being alignment driven you know. Your earlier posts this cycle were also pretty unhelpful and you almost voted (as in the first time you voted) for Helios without really giving a reason.

I have a few theories here, but of course they are just speculation. You could be over eager scum hunting town who for some reason is jumping at one person but voting another. Not really sure why you'd do this though. Or maybe you're mafia making the mistake of tunneling/jumping at someone but voting someone else. It almost even looks like you don't actually think Rapier is scum or that you would want to lynch Rapier. What if things go your way, we lynch Helios, he turns up town? Rapier doesn't come off as scummy anymore because we now know Helios wasn't his protective scum buddy (not that that clears him in any way though). You'd look kind of bad though imo. but maybe your plan is to just argue with a scum buddy to make it look like ya'll aren't associated with each other. Theres plenty of possibilities really. But I would definitely like you to explain yourself.

##PleaseExplainWhyYouAren'tVotingRapierWhenYouSayYouThinkHeIsSuperSuspiciousAndSinceHeIsYourBasisForYourHeliosVote: Darros/Folgore Blue

Hm, I bet this won't look all that great with the quote above, but its my opinion and Darros is acting strange imo, so there.

Also, this is just a short break in my homework. I still have tons more to do. Will be back on tomorrow.

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You'd look kind of bad though imo. but maybe your plan is to just argue with a scum buddy to make it look like ya'll aren't associated with each other. Theres plenty of possibilities really. But I would definitely like you to explain yourself.

##PleaseExplainWhyYouAren'tVotingRapierWhenYouSayYouThinkHeIsSuperSuspiciousAndSinceHeIsYourBasisForYourHeliosVote: Darros/Folgore Blue

Hm, I bet this won't look all that great with the quote above, but its my opinion and Darros is acting strange imo, so there.

Also, this is just a short break in my homework. I still have tons more to do. Will be back on tomorrow.

I'm just gonna throw this here: Rapier kjnda dragged you into this too. So if there was a plan of "Lets throw votes at each other" then there's a high chance that you're scum too.

Wow, Rapier is too good at causing N0/D1 drama, ain't he? lol

In any case, interesting point. I find more reason to vote Darros, in fact, because he should've been voting Rapier IMO. Also I do find his vote on Helios slightly oppurtunistic and think he did that because Helios voted him instead.So in a way its " He voted me so I voted him." I think that looks horribly scummy to me.


## Vote: Folgore Blue

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I've been busy for the last 48 or so hours (I didn't even have time to modkill Blitzy in my own game), and I will continue to be busy for the next two hours. After that, I can come in and make a proper post. Sorry about that.

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I've returned everyone! Sorry, I've been coming off sedation meds all day so I haven't been able to think very coherently and haven't been online. I'll try my best to refute some of these claims. Also, Darros talked, which was all my vote was intended for, so i'll unvote him and read what i've missed so I can come up with something intelligent.

##Unvote: Darros

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OH GOD RUMORS really makes it feel like high school doesn't it?

Alright so I'm being assumed as scum because of my "association" with Rapier. First off, if we read what my post, it said something like (I'm too lazy to go and actually quote it): "I don't think it's fair to assume Rapier is scum (already) based on little evidence. However, I realize that it is our only lead (because it's still N0 and half the people in the game haven't even posted yet) so I understand where everyone is coming from. Hmm, since only half of the game has talked so far, let's pressure vote someone who hasn't talked yet (except for one lulzy N0 post) and see what he has to say!"

Not quite sure how I'm defending Rapier, seeing as I'm acknowledging why a few people seemed to be targeting. If this is considered allying, then Shinori allied with Bizz who even admits that she's acting a little scummy. Yet everyone is focusing on Rapier, since most of the posts in the thread are about him acting scummy. Now let's look back as to why exactly Rapier is acting scummy.

1. Kay says "congrats bro you posted the first totally useless post!" Obviously a joke, and everyone understands that.

2. Rapier says "lol but you just posted something useless too ! since it's n0 and i have a jokevote, i'll use it on you". Again, obviously a joke.

3. Bizz "whoa I'm not sure you're joking Rapier"

Also happening around this time

4. Prims says: "lolz joke vote scorri"

5. Scorri explains herself

6. Rapier "lol Scorri why you mad it's just N0!"

7. Marth: "lol look who's talking buddy ;)"

8. Rapier: "ohhhh youuuu"

9: Prims pops in: "yo Rapier you overreacted last game man don't hate. then again, you were TOWN so idk".

As the thread goes on, without Rapier actually doing anything, Bizz starts to believe more and more that Rapier is scummy, and constantly repeats it over and over.

"Why is he scummy? Well he overreacted LAST game and now he's trying to poke fun at others overreacting? THAT'S HYPOCRITICAL! I'm going to competely forget that Rapier did the same thing last game and was Town, and I'm also going to ignore what Marth said about Rapier doing this in OTHER GAMES even when he is town." All I'm saying is I think it's a red herring, and we should focus our talents elsewhere. I'm doing this not for Rapier, but for the sake of the town. I don't want a mislynch on the first round.

So now I'm getting some scum vibes from Bizz and Darros, because I feel like they're really trying to push these votes on Rapier and myself with litle merit. I feel like they're trying to force this issue on everyone instead of allowing us to focus on other more suspicious players. I'm not saying it's impossible that Rapier is scum, but based on the evidence we have it's not enough IMO to assume something like that.

Darros is voting for me, because I'm "associating" with scum, instead of voting who he believes is scum. Why doesn't he vote for Rapier instead?

Unless Rapier and Darros actually are scumbuddies, and Darros is taking advantage of that and arguing with Rapier, to make him look town, while focusing on the fact that I "defended" Rapier, therefore I am scum. That way, I get voted to be lynched, and the mafia wins this round. Clever plan, but the town won't fall for that!

The point I'm trying to make is, based on the little info we have, it can be twisted into many ways and we can find out different conclusions from them.

With this, my fellow classmates, I hope I have cleared my name, and we can instead focus our talents on finding actual mafia members using better logic.

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I'm kind of not really pushing Rapier's case anymore--I'm still getting scum vibes from you and now Bal, if it makes you feel better.

I can't really explain them yet, I will soon.

Also, quit throwing the word 'logic' at me.

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Thank you for ignoring all the other parts of my post and reading it wait who do I sound like now. JK Bizz, but come on now, you're response was like eating a sesame seed instead of the burger itself.

It doesn't matter if you were voting for me or Prims or Darros, I think you're putting out scum vibes because of the evolution of your reasoning. It's been slowly going from "okay I think there are slight scum vibes" and then all of a sudden, without the target even SAYING or DOING anything, you're opinion changes to "okay they're scummy" and continues to "yup they're scum". There's no evidence behind your claims (note how I didn't say logic tongue.gif). It's just all your gut feeling, and that's fine, but I just hope that it takes more than that to convince people whether or not someone is scum or not (otherwise this shit will be like the Salem Witch Trials all over again).

Anyone have any thoughts of my other hypothesis?

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My reasoning is like that.

I guess other players here are just used to it. D1, I jump around a lot and I'm generally useless.

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This is a notice that everyone that is in my game and didn't do a postgame will be slapped upside the head.

In other words, if your game finished before GSM, then do your postgame. The community can't improve without it.

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Okay, as Strawman said, Darros is acting funny. Finding Helios more suspicious than Rapier BECAUSE he defended Rapier makes no sense to me. At the same time, that gives the Mafia a good solid excuse to vote for Darros if he is Town, Helios, well, he hasn't really done much, but I don't see him as scummy. Also, for a first-timer, I highly doubt he would have defended Rapier if they were both Mafia.

As for Bizz, well, she's contributing a lot and I don't see anything scummy about her either.

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Hey guys

about things I said before

ignore them, I haven't been sleeping lately and I barely even remember a lot of what I say u_u (things unrelated to the game anyway)

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