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Schoolgirl Mafia


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Blitzy, Helios, what on earth are you guys doing? Try not to ruin the game, okay?

Are you able to tell us the character name? Maybe I can figure out something from there. We'll have to wait on an explanation from him since has work though.

When you say redirector, do you mean like a bus driver, or like a reverse martyr? Or do you mean redirector as in redirects votes, like a persuader?

Yeah, that shouldn't really do any harm. And if it does, well, sorry, but I don't think it's likely and I distrust Excellen anyway. Asuka Tenjoin and Asuka Kazama.

I mean redirector like redirector. That's just the result I got. I don't see role PMs. I assume it changes one person's role target, to someone else specifically (making Eclipse target Ether, for example) or to someone random.

You guys have one hour to choose a lynch target. I've read up on things and I will be kind enough to

##Unvote: Darros

for now.

I have no real lynch targets outside of Iris right now.

Also don't lynch 13th.

Summarized: "we need to lynch someone but I'm not gonna vote and I don't have any idea who to lynch except don't lynch the guy who's scummy for no apparent reason, kthxbai"

Also I don't like the lack of defense considering that I want an explanation of what is wrong with your role and I'm suspicious of you anyway.

Don't be useless.

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Yeah ok.


I really don't trust Excellen or 13th right now. I'm keeping my vote out right now. I will make a vote tomorrow when it's not 3:30 in the morning and I'm able to think straight.

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Blitzy, Helios, what on earth are you guys doing? Try not to ruin the game, okay?

Pay no attention to it, i was just making a joke. Sorry if it annoyed anyone.

Yeah, that shouldn't really do any harm. And if it does, well, sorry, but I don't think it's likely and I distrust Excellen anyway. Asuka Tenjoin and Asuka Kazama.

I mean redirector like redirector. That's just the result I got. I don't see role PMs. I assume it changes one person's role target, to someone else specifically (making Eclipse target Ether, for example) or to someone random.

I would rofl if you got a third result that was Asuka from Evangelion.

I'm gonna lean towards Asuka Tenjoin, because she's a Yu-gi-oh! Character, which fits the whole anime schoolgirls theme, and on top of that I know eclipse has a decent knowledge about Yu-gi-oh! I'm gonna assume that Excellen's power then has something do with Asuka Tenjoin (in the english version is known as Alexis Rhodes, btw) has something to do with one of her trademark cards.

Based on this knowledge, it would make sense if Excellen was a redirector then, because I'm pretty sure there's a Yu-gi-oh! card that redirects an opponents action (for example making a monster attack another monster instead or something...idk I'm not a Yu-gi-oh! buff like Ein or Elie). If there is a redirector, than that would prove my bus driver theory regarding what happened to Aere. Mafia could redirect Aere's target from 13th to Bizz (since they were killing Bizz and knew she would die), and use their roleblocker on Bal since 13th found out his role N0.

If what you're assuming about the redirector is true, then things make a lot more sense now.

Summarized: "we need to lynch someone but I'm not gonna vote and I don't have any idea who to lynch except don't lynch the guy who's scummy for no apparent reason, kthxbai"

Also I don't like the lack of defense considering that I want an explanation of what is wrong with your role and I'm suspicious of you anyway.

Don't be useless.

He did say he had to go to work, so I'll give him a little bit to actually respond. But he's starting to come under some fire here and it would be wise of him to talk.

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Pay no attention to it, i was just making a joke. Sorry if it annoyed anyone.

Sure, that's what I figured. I've just seen people attempt some stupid stuff on Epicmafia and I don't want you giving anyone any bad ideas. Thanks for explaining.

Gonna wait for Excellen to reply before I say any more about his role.

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Yeah, that shouldn't really do any harm. And if it does, well, sorry, but I don't think it's likely and I distrust Excellen anyway. Asuka Tenjoin and Asuka Kazama.

My role PM only mentions Asuka Tenjoin.

Also eclipse doesn't seem like the girl to know Tekken canon but that's just me.

1. I would like people who have a role name from Tekken to say so.

2. I have no secondary ability mentioned

3. I am confused why anyone would get two full role PMs in one inspect if it wasn't either a Miller gone wrong or something like a tailor.

4. I have left some slight hints across the phase why I don't think 13th is a good target.

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3. I am confused why anyone would get two full role PMs in one inspect if it wasn't either a Miller gone wrong or something like a tailor.

I didn't get two full role PMs. I get character name, role name, and alignment. No PM.

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It would help if I knew who Bal targeted, seeing as if this theory and Bal's are correct, it wouldn't help the Mafia by saying it (seeing as they would already know who Bal targeted) so I could put more pieces together. However I understand if you don't wish to disclose this information.

okay, then


who were you targeting? (maybe the person is an auto sage guard?)

I targetted Manix last night.

Also, I am at the point where I wouldn't mind 13th outing my role if he thinks it will help clear him. I can easily confirm or deny, and that will help us start to sort shit out.

To Excellen: I can confirm my character has nothing to do with Tekken.

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1. 14.5 hours left in the phase.

2. I'll attempt votals:

(0) Balcerzak

(0) Shinori/Iris - Excellen

(3) 13th Folgore White - Kay, Marth, Helios, scorri

(0) Helios

(0) Marth - Manix, scorri, Helios, Blitz

(0) scorri

(0) Kay

(0) Manix

(1) Excellen - Blitz

(1) Darros Blitz - Balcerzak, Excellen, scorri

(0) TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink

3. This is why I do not support longer phases - SF doesn't do things like solidify a lynch target a few hours before phase end. This is a trend I do not like - it means that those who aren't around during that time can't contribute. This is a message board - it's plenty possible to sort this out well before phase end time.

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Kay, whoever else you investigated (you don't need to name who), did they give you all the information you were supposed to get from them? As in did you get a character name, role name and alignment? That could clear up whether or not your a cop with a handicap or something is weird with Excellen.

So you targeted Manix? Interesting...I'm not seeing a correlation between Darros and Manix on the thread at all, so it'd be kinda random for him to decide to safeguard Manix don't you think? Unless they're both Mafia of course and planned things out.

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Alright, so right now the two people I'm most suspicious of are 13th and Excellen. 13th cause all of this cop business is not feeling right, and Excellen because of the two results from investigation and the fact that he's defending 13th without coming right out and saying why. However, if 13th really is the town role cop, I don't want to risk killing him right now. So, because of that


I can't guarantee how much I'll be around after this. I have a 15 page paper to write that I haven't started yet, so yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to pop in at least once more before phase end in case something drastically changes.

Also, my role has nothing to do with Tekken.

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Alright, so right now the two people I'm most suspicious of are 13th and Excellen. 13th cause all of this cop business is not feeling right, and Excellen because of the two results from investigation and the fact that he's defending 13th without coming right out and saying why. However, if 13th really is the town role cop, I don't want to risk killing him right now. So, because of that


I can't guarantee how much I'll be around after this. I have a 15 page paper to write that I haven't started yet, so yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to pop in at least once more before phase end in case something drastically changes.

Also, my role has nothing to do with Tekken.

You really aren't thinking this thing through.

Why do you think Kay didn't vote me or at least say "lynch excellen he's maf" when I said my role only mentions Asuka Tenjoin? That's because the Asuka Tenjoin role name was tied to the town role and town alignment.

I would also like everyone to post their thoughts about everyone else before phase end. Mine haven't changed since my earlier one this phase, with the exception of finding Darros not so scummy anymore.

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Well, IIRC Asuka Tenjoin does become evil for a little while cuz she's like brainwashed or something. Based on this, and what Kay said about Excellen's role being the redirector, and my theory about how Excellen's role is based off one of Asuka Tenjoin's trademark cards, things actually come together. Follow my train of thought, if you would.

>Asuka Tenjoin was a good guy in the show, but she got controlled or something by the bad guys. Therefore it's possible that she could be a mafia character

>Her Ice Themed deck (which is the deck she used as a bad guy) has a card (can't recall which one based off reading the wiki) that can redirect an opponents attack from one monster to another. So if the opponent would attack a monster with lower attack or defense or something, Asuka Tenjoin could use a card to redirect that attack to a stronger monster.

>Based on this information, along with Kay's investigation, it's very likely that Excellen is the mafia redirector.

>If we look at one of my theories regarding why Aere's oracleness didn't work and why Bal's action failed (the one where I said that Bal got roleblocked, and Aere's target changed from 13th or whoever he targeted to Bizz), it's actually very possible that this is what happened. The only problem now is whether or not Darros/Blitz safeguarded Marth. So it's either Darros/Blitz DID safeguard Marth, but Marth lied about his role, OR Darros/Blitz didn't safeguard Marth and roleblock inception occurred. So someone is lying.

Thoughts anyone?

13th still hasn't spoken up and he's looked the scummiest for a while, so I'm keeping my vote on him. But things are getting interesting...

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Up till now we have seen characters from 4? series.

Why the hell do you assume this game follows their series' canon anyway?

and how the fuck would you explain Kay getting two names and roles and alignments when investigating me anyway

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I'm really confused now. .-.

Kay's claim just opened up too many doors to too many places to follow. Two results? I don't understand.

I didn't investigate Excellen twice. I investigated him once and got two results. Oh, and they both left out alignment, which I'm supposed to get.

This is a little weird to me. I trust you Kay, which is why I won't press on it, but do you have anything that might even be a little more specific about it? If not, then that's all right.

This makes me think that Excellen is 3rd party.

Vigilante on Excellen next night phase if 13th is mafia, because:

13th claimed that we have a bodyguard role. Kay's description of the second result on Excellen sorta fits the bill( Excellen might be a bodyguard with a vote effect during day phase, which is not so bad when you think about it since Prims and Levity had secondary effects) I know mafia bodyguard sounds very funny, but 13th and Excellen could be mafia buds.

I honestly doubt that 13th and Excellen are scumbuddies. I understand that Excellen has been coming to 13th's side a lot lately, and it makes me a little wary of their actions, but 13th hasn't really been doing much as far as that goes (seriously 13th, get on and post >.>), so it's pretty one-sided to me.

At this time, I'm uncomfortable with choosing someone to vote for. I'm not doing a repeat of D1 and missing phase end without voting for anyone, so I will definitely put in a vote later tonight before I go to bed.

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I think it's a safe assumption because the other characters have roles based on their canon. Off the top of my head I remember that Straw's character had the railgun ability in her respective show and Prims' character was the love interest and could stop her from going into a killing rampage or something. And Sailor Moon was a caring person and used her powers only to protect innocents and stuff.

Like I said, I think it's possible that Kay is a fullcop but she has a handicap (like how Paranoid Cops and Naive Cops do) for balance purposes and stuff. Clipsey! is pretty creative with stuff after all haha.

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I think it's a safe assumption because the other characters have roles based on their canon. Off the top of my head I remember that Straw's character had the railgun ability in her respective show and Prims' character was the love interest and could stop her from going into a killing rampage or something. And Sailor Moon was a caring person and used her powers only to protect innocents and stuff.

Like I said, I think it's possible that Kay is a fullcop but she has a handicap (like how Paranoid Cops and Naive Cops do) for balance purposes and stuff. Clipsey! is pretty creative with stuff after all haha.

You seriously aren't making a lick of sense.

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Bal targeted me? Huh. I can confirm that my role does not redirect nor roleblock on being targeted, so there's a roleblocker out there somewhere.

Also, having powers based on canon isn't completely out there. My character has actions that make perfect canonical sense. I wouldn't discount that theory completely.

wrt to 13th: come on, get in here

But also, even if he's scum!rolecop (which seems to be likely, because I doubt Clipsey would give town both a fullcop and a rolecop) , we can still keep him around, because rolecop isn't much of a threat, and if he doesn't comply to our plans to get information, we can lynch him tomorrow.

Excellen on the other hand... I still don't quite like his protection of 13th. Although, I'm saying we should keep him around, so I can't talk. But the fact that he might possibly be the redirect/persuader doesn't make me feel like we could take that chance. Add on his really aggressive actions in D1, and this is where I'm placing my vote.

##Vote: Excellen

Feel free to explain yourself. I'll listen.

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Okay first off i want to verify something to get this out of the way. Aere did not die to mafia, aere died to vig kill. Iris/Myself was the vigilante. Iris targeted aere with it and used the one bullet we had to kill aere.

I see people who want the vig, if assuming there is one, to kill Aere and those who don't (in case of limited shots)---I kind of agree---I would think Prims would be town, but I've seen mafia announcers :/. If you guys see this please say what you think about Prims' plan --- the alternatives are eh, too, but I don't get why 1/3 of our game claimed already.'

She posted this and i guess never really got anything back and went ahead and used the bullet on Aere. Therefore we now have no more vigilante kill this game. Wanted to get this out there while im reading the thread to get my thoughts out.

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That confirms what I thought about Aere's death. So both the SK and vig targeted Aere N1.

But no vig kill left... that's gonna sting. what do

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