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What I think is that between Marth and Excellen, one of them is fakeclaiming/mafia.

What I also think is that if there was someone else on Kay and their action failed, Blitz is highly likely to be mafia. Just because he said he was on you doesn't mean he actually was.

I've been wary of Marth for a while now, but I can't help but think he's just making honest mistakes since he's new to the game rather than lying through his teeth. Idk though. Why would he target Shinori over Kay? And Excellen seems to be telling the truth, since based off the info we have things are making sense in the big picture.

Good point. It could have went down as: Mafia safeguarded Kay so that everyone else's actions to protect Kay didn't work, and then killed her. Can anyone who didn't target Kay have their night action fail? I think that could clear things up.

I targeted Kay. My action failed.

Why would you target Kay? Is there another protective role?

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I'm the Town Bus Driver. I attempted to switch Kay and Excellen due to the fact that I didn't trust Excellen and hoping that this would result in the mafia shooting their own team member. However, I got a failed message.

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And people laughed when I said a SCHOOLgirl mafia would have a bus driver at first...

So what did you do N1 and N0 then? Maybe it could help us understand past events better.

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N0 I idled cause I figured there wasn't much point in doing anything with it. N1 I didn't want to accidentally ruin the plan that Prims had, so I switched Helios and Darros in case the mafia tried to roleblock the safeguard. I didn't want something to happen to Marth to prevent him from doing his job. Basically though, I essentially wasted my action since it doesn't look like anyone did anything to Darros.

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I'm the Town Bus Driver. I attempted to switch Kay and Excellen due to the fact that I didn't trust Excellen and hoping that this would result in the mafia shooting their own team member. However, I got a failed message.

what did you hope to achieve by switching me and Kay?

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Whatever, the answer is yes.

which puts you on my maf suspect list.

How the hell is Bal on the suspect list? Kay said that Bal was the Town Tracker, and we confirmed that Kay was the town cop. Bal is definitely town. I've got my eye on you.

Also, if you really want me to claim, I will.

(and there will be stuff I have failed to address in this post, give me a break, I just woke up)

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How the hell is Bal on the suspect list? Kay said that Bal was the Town Tracker, and we confirmed that Kay was the town cop. Bal is definitely town. I've got my eye on you.

Also, if you really want me to claim, I will.

(and there will be stuff I have failed to address in this post, give me a break, I just woke up)

i's a technicality.

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also, for sake of me getting what's going on, I've decided to start summarizing pages.


Page 1: Random talk at first. I and scorri vote eclipse. Prims requests the cop doesn't visit him because he says so (serious)

Page 2: Prims tells us he suspects Marth. Basic argument is being submissive to Kay. Kay thinks this sounds reasonable. Prims then says he doesn't like

scorri's reaction to his fakevote, then tells us he has one 300 words or less announcements per day.

Page 3: Marth reacts to Prims by saying he was just kidding and trying to change the subject. Luster Purge wants to be mocked by eclipse as well. scorri defends against Prims's suspicion by claiming she never planned on making another useless post and that it should have been clear she was joking. Rapier then asks scorri why she's overreacting on N0.

Page 4: scorri apologizes for overreacting. Random coffee talk. Bizz tells Rapier to stop because she can't tell if his Kay vote is jokevote and because it didn't look to her like scorri was overreacting. Prims tells us to make a more serious effort because he can't post D1 and is kinda suspicious of Rapier.

My opinion: Rapier's Kay vote was a jokevote and a response to her mocking useless posts. I do agree scorri overreacted to what amounts to no real suspicion at all, on N0 even, this is I believe a common trait for beginning players when they are mafia.

Page 5: Ether joins as co-host. Kay tells us she didn't think scorri was overreacting either. Some talk about Prims. Bizz tells us she considers Prims town till new evidence says otherwise. scorri tells us she also thinks prims is town.

Page 6: Prims starts this page off by saying we can assume boys are maf and girls are town and that he wouldn't have been surprised if there was a female scum cop role or a male town who functioned as miller and didn't want to be scanned. I act all stupid and Bizz points to the right part of his post. MArth makes a remark about how we should have left Prims at paranoid gun owner.

My opinion: I'm sorry. I was a retard to miss the point of Prims's post here because he had implied himself more or less as miller.

Page 7: bizz starts the phase off with half-gibberish post. Manix takes second and claims Prims being announcer stops the town from fakeclaiming a silencer role. He doubts it's Miller unless Prims has another part to his role. Bizz reminds us again she doubts Prims is a PGO. Prims follows this up by making a statement on how "The cop shouldn't target me night 1 onwards, everybody else is OK". Kay guesses that Prims isn't allowed to claim part of his role PM, Helios reminds us not to completely rule out the possibility of scum!prims just yet. Marth seems to agree with this. After this some more posting and D1 start.

My opinion: Not sure how he got to fakeclaiming silencer from announcer. my best bet is that he meant the "can't talk on day phase" part of prims's story here. Prims's statement is confusing because he specifically said "from N1 onwards", which could imply investigating on N0 was acceptable. This, in hindsight, is also the point where Prims's role should have changed to "most likely miller".

More will be added as I go along.

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Why did you target me marth? It's already been stated but you should have targeted kay. As well as the fact that im worthless. A vig with no shots at the moment, if the mafia want to kill me it's like them wasting a night frankly. Give me your reasonings please.

I've had scum reads from you since early day 2. ##Vote: Marth

Because Idk, you could've lied about your limited vig-shot? And that if you had a one-shot you could have another important side-action? And that since he mafia let Bal alive even though they knew he was tracker, I thought they'd eave kay alive too? :S

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Page 7: starts off with Marth voting Aere. Aere responds by apologizing for not posting much and not having any input. Also speaks of suspicion of Prims. Bizz tells us not to focus on Prims's claim because he has restrictions and such.

Page 8: Bizz starts off by saying she still thinks Rapier is scummy. Marth agrees with her but remarks Rapier isn't online. scorri replies to page 7 Bizz and says we shouldn't take anything for granted about Prims's role other than his posting restriction and asks why Rapier is scummy. Marth asnwers and tells us Rapier did the same kind of thing in antoher recent game and that he happened to be town in that one. Aere tells us he thinks Bizz's feelings towards Rapier are likely unjustified.

scorri tells us she can understand why Rapier thought she was overreacting (due to being scatterbrained) and that she doesn't think him scummy. Manix comes in and remarks how Rapier seems to call people out for overreacting. Bizz tells us she felt Rapier attacked Kay for a bad reason. Kay says she doesn't know if that makes him suspicious and also that Rapier has done silly things for the sake of activity before. Also tells us she doesn't want to vote Rapier till he's around.

My opinion: Rapier hadn't posted since page 4 I believe, so there really was nothing else that could have made him scummy.

Page 9: Helios starts off by saying it's not fair to assume Rapier is scum based on the little knowledge available, then pressurevotes Darros in hopes of having him talk. Shinori makes his first post I think, saying he thinks Prims is fine and that he doesn't know what to think about the Rapier and Bizz issue. Then he activityvotes Strawman. Proto makes his second post and asks us if there had ever been a mafia game where Rapier wasn't scummy.

Marth drops his vote on Aere and votes Balcerzak for activity. Excellen says he will pressure vote TinyImp later because she isn't on now. Kay supports the activity vote on Strawman but doesn't vote him because she will be gone for 1,5 phase and doesn't want her vote stuck. Bizz gets some scum vibes from Helios for defending Rapier and then turning around to voting Darros, thinking it unfair to accuse Darros that is is Rapier.

After this Manix wants an explanation from Kay as to why her vote would be stuck on someone for a phase and is later joined in this by TinyImp. TinyImp says we shouldn't target Prims and she claims a lot of people think Rapier is scum because he flipped out on N0 and she wants him to explain himself.

My opinion: Bizz has a different interpretation from me again. TinyImp is where, in my honest opinion, the confusion about why Rapier was supposed to be scummy starts.

Page 10: Marth corrects TinyImp and defends Kay's not gonna vote Strawman thing by basically repeating what she said before. Darros makes his first post in D1 and demands we stop being jealous. Also claims his scumradar is pointing at Rapier and Helios, Helios for defending Rapier, and Rapier for being a little scummy on N0. Thinks Helios might be trying to save Rapier. Strawman makes his first post, tells people he was inactive because stuff. Shinori unvotes Strawman.

Strawman comes back and tells us he finds Rapier nor scorri suspicious and that he can see how responding to a n0 vote could be seen as overreacting. Says he has no suspicions for now. Also doubts Prims is mafia. Prims drops his announcement; wants to godkill himself, scumreads in order of stronger to weaker are Bizz>Excellen>Proto. Bizz because she posted her suspicions but didn't care to vote on them, Excellen because his not-so-pressure-vote is retarded, Proto because of inactivity.

scorri is the first to respond and basically interprets what Prims said and says she thought Bizz wouldn't vote him till he was around to defend himself but at the same time thinks that a Rapier with no vote on him would have no reason to come in to defend himself. Bizz gets angry over Prims's announcement and votes Helios.

` Bal comes in for his first D1 post and basically tells us there's nothing really substantive yet and that it seems town-sided actions didn't provide much usable info. I make a more or less filler post, and Bizz says she can prove her role but not her alignment. After some questions from Me she hints us: idled last night thinking using the action might hurt town.

` Aere shows up, apologizes to Bizz, says Prims's role is wasn't a fakeclaim. Bizz ends the page by saying how she can see how she look scummy.

My opinion: Darros is the first outside of Bizz to outright say he finds Rapier and Helios suspicious. Bizz mentioned her suspicion for Helios before but to my knowledge never explained why. I actually assumed roleblocker or maybe a form of redirector as Bizz's role from the getgo, though I didn't know which one specifically.

Page 11: Manix starts the page by acknowledging some answers, Bizz has second thoughts about knowing how to use her role. Rapier comes in for his first D1 post and says he jokevoted on N1, replies to an earlier request by Prims for his opinion on Marth and says he has no opinion on him. Rapier claims many people were suspicious of him, Bizz at their head. Calls TinyImp out for misinterpreting the situation. Ends his post by concluding Bizz and Darros are striking him oddly.

` Darros follows up by voting Helios, claiming he originally intended to do that, then unvotes Helios after apparently reading Rapier's post. Bizz follows up by apologizing to Rapier. Darros votes Helios AGAIN, reasoning that he protected Rapier when he had no real reason to after Rapier had supposedly acted scummy on N0. Then later claims Rapier is doing little to refute his suspicions of him.

` Shinori posts yet again. First off says he doesn't like the pressure on Bizz and that he doesn't see her as scum, citing talks-a-lot and is-helpful as reasons. Then he says Rapier always acts like the way he did on N0 and that he think's he's town as well. Finishes off with a Proto vote citing unhelpfulness and lurking. Rapier makes a post defending himself, by basically saying that the person who he originally found scummy was also the first one to protect him, or rather ask why Bizz suspected him and that Helios never really defended him.

Rapier ends up saying Darros's focus on the N0 thing bugs him and votes Darros. Then Bizz tells us Balcerzak is giving her slight scum vibes.

My opinion: I forgot the request from Prims to Rapier in the first version. Rapier is the second? person to falsely interpret the situation he is in and there were only two people who had claimed thye suspected him, Bizz and Darros. In an earlier post Darros claimed to be more suspicious of Helios than Rapier, which is just fishy to me. Darros's vote and unvote are very strange IMO. all this also makes Darros the real leader of the lynch on Rapier, IMO.

Page 12: Darros replies to Rapier's defence with the word Butthurt and claims Rapier was acting ridiculous on N0 and then calls him out on some technicalities. This is again refuted by Rapier. Marth shows up and corrects some stuff about him not having posted this phase, tells us his opinion on rapier is neutral and backs it up with meta. He then unvotes Balcerzak and votes Proto for the inactivity.

scorri comes in and gives a votal. A three-way tie between Helios(Bizz, Darros), Proto(Shinori, Marth) and Darros(Helios, Rapier). she notes how it's peculiar how the two people defending each other also have their vote on the same person. Reminds us that Helios voted Darros because he wasn't active, Rapier because the argument Darros brought wasn't good. She then goes on to say she finds it scummy and votes Helios. Bizz then falsely thinks Helios came around to admitting his case was flawed, but kept his vote on Darros regardless of that.

` Marth then makes a post quoting a post of Helios that I can't trace back to the thread. Then a big Strawman post. He says Darros is convinced Rapier is mafia, which he thinks is reasonable enough if exaggerating, but then voted Helios. Also questions why Darros thinks someone explaining something for someone else should mean scumbuddies. Then brings up voting Helios with no reason other than the supposed defense of Rapier. In conclusion he say Darros might be tunneling on two members or maf, and ends up voting Darros.

Marth follows up with saying Rapier dragged Strawman into the debate, and says Rapier is good at causing N0/D1 drama. Eventually comes around to saying he agrees with Strawman and votes Darros.

` Proto comes in and says he's busy. Helios wakes up and unvotes Darros because he talked, saying he'll do his best to refute some claims. Followed by that is a big post from Helios basically repeating what had happened. (recap: Rapier jokevotes Kay N0 and says scorri overreacts to a fakevote also on N0, gets called out for it by Bizz, scorri explains herself and more or less defends Rapier) Ends up saying he's getting scum vibes from Bizz and Darros because he feels like they're trying to push votes on him and that he doesn't want a mislynch on the first round.

Finally, Bizz corrects Helios in that she really isn't pushing Rapier's case anymore.

My opinion: Rapier really wasn't acting ridiculous. This is horse shit. I'm also curious why scorri wanted Helios to come and defend himself when there really wasn't something to defend himself for. Helios really did activityvote Darros, back on page 9, and had not talked ever since that. scorri more or less tries to imply Rapier and Helios as scumbuddies. Why Helios was considered more scummy than Rapier by Darros at this point in time is questionable. Actually the one who had been causing the drama was Darros.

Page 13: Couple of useless post by yours truly, Aere and Bizz; Helios calls Bizz out for her not responding to his earlier accusations. Proto finally gets around to making an insightful post. Agrees with Strawman that Darros is acting funny, that finding Helios more suspicious than Rapier because he defended him doesn't make sense. Then says he doesn't read scum on Bizz. Bizz comes in and tells us to ignore what she's been saying because she has been having sleeping troubles. She then unvotes Helios and votes Balcerzak.

Balcerzak arrives, says Helios is looking rather well-intentioned and properly explained himself. Then says he doesn'buy the Darros wagon himself and breaks new ground by voting TinyImp. Manix comes in and tells us he isn't liking the wagons himself.

Darros comes around to explain himself regarding finding Rapier scummy yet voting Helios for less than satisfactory reasons. Says Rapier looks scummy, about everyone who posts agrees, helios comes in and defends rapier, Darros thinks this is done for an ulterior motive, assumes helios and rapier are scumbuddies. Ends up unvoting.

I come in, act like a moron. Marth attempts to correct Darros and questions Darros's logic, accidentally copies a piece of Darros' post saying "I reiterate, I think that Helios and Rapier are both scum, and Helios already had a vote on him. I wasn't just rebutting with a vote."

Strawman comes in again, and again questions Darros's voting logic. Manix explains Darros basically did the textbook definition of an opportunistic vote, claims Darros is showing himself easily influenced and votes Darros.

My opinion: I agree in full with Proto on this. Sleeping troubles fuck with your head in strange and powerful ways. Bizz probably voted Balcerzak for slight scum read she mentioned before and his inactivity. Darros wasn't actually a wagon. Some people very consciuously voted Darros. Hardly anyone who posts actually found Rapier scummy. Actually Darros is grossly misrepresenting what happened.

Page 14: Marths starts the page off with votals, 4 on Darros(Marth, Rapier, Strawman, Manix). scorri unvotes Helios because she found his explanation satisfactory and says how she doesn't like how Darros is acting. This is followed up by Strawman who says people should stop bandwagoning him. Manix replies to Strawman saying he just thinks Darros is acting funny. Marth tries to revive the Prims topic of discussion.

I make a retarded post saying we shouldn't attempt to lynch a possible cop, then try to eat my words back up. And I end up reacting angrily to a Marth post. scorri calls me out for it, I question why she does that, and she replies she sees no point in it. Shinori states he will not lynch a possible cop claim on D1, which was false.

page 15: Shinori comes back again a bit later and unvotes Proto because he showed activity. TinyImp comes in. Darros says he's not a cop, and that if Rapier isn't scum he;s just actinfg ridiculously stupid. He talks some more and votes Rapier. This is followed by yet another defense post from Helios. And then Strawman unvotes Darros.

I go a bit into troll mode and vote TinyImp to see her reaction.

My opinion: There was no bandwagon like strawman claimed, in my opinion. Darros was definitely acting very oddly and Strawman was actually the third out of 4 to vote him at that time. What I got wrong with the possible cop claim on Darros is the "Darros is convinced Rapier is mafia", which I interpreted as "Well if he's so deadset about lynching them, him being cop and having hit maf on N0 isn't unrealistic"

I wanted to see TinyImp's reaction to my vote because I thought she was getting very defensive about Bal's vote for her and wanted to duplicate it. She didn't take the bait beautifully but she took it more or less. Scumdar is a term used by Darros earlier and TinyImp now. Also I'm hoping for her that with scumdar she really means "most buzz is about these people".

Page 16: scorri tells us she's still no convinced Darros is scum. TinyImp comes on and says Darros Rapier and Helios are on her scumdar, then says she doesn't find Helios scummy. I make a retarded statement again, this time about not wanting to lynch Darros, and unvote TinyImp.

Page 17: phase extension. Aere isn't comfortable with lynching anyone. Marth doesn't like what Excellen is doing. Helios finally outs that Darros was indeed the most scummy person in the thread and that I was indeed acting oddly. Strawman makes a post about TinyImp not responding well to pressure votes. Marth calls me an idiot, and Rapier neutral.

Rest of D1 will be done after I've slept.

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I'm the Town Bus Driver. I attempted to switch Kay and Excellen due to the fact that I didn't trust Excellen and hoping that this would result in the mafia shooting their own team member. However, I got a failed message.

As I said here, I don't trust you and was hoping that switching you and Kay would result in you getting killed and flipping scum. I don't trust the fact that a) you defended 13th who ended up being scum and b) the fact that you're messing with Kay's results.

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Also Marth, I don't know what mafia games you've played, but basically no matter what else has happened, as soon as the mafia discovers who the cop is, they're going to try and kill them. At least, this is from my experience playing mafia irl. I assume that this also remains true in online mafia.

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In fact, since I'm about to head to bed...

##Vote: Marth

You've been acting not quite town from when you claimed. Combined with the fact that you didn't protect one of the most important, if not the most important, town roles in the game and instead chose to protect a now vanilla townie (no offense Shinori/Iris it's not that I want you dead, it's just that having an alive cop is always preferable) makes me very suspicious of you.

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In fact, since I'm about to head to bed...

##Vote: Marth

You've been acting not quite town from when you claimed. Combined with the fact that you didn't protect one of the most important, if not the most important, town roles in the game and instead chose to protect a now vanilla townie (no offense Shinori/Iris it's not that I want you dead, it's just that having an alive cop is always preferable) makes me very suspicious of you.

And what makes you say Shinori/Iris is a vanilla townie?

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As I said here, I don't trust you and was hoping that switching you and Kay would result in you getting killed and flipping scum. I don't trust the fact that a) you defended 13th who ended up being scum and b) the fact that you're messing with Kay's results.

Slow down.

You seem to know more than I do about this whole messing with Kay's result thing.

Feel free to explain.

##Tee-hee~!: scorri

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Updated synopsis with some fixes made to the stuff that's already written:

[spoiler=Night 0]N0:

Page 1: Random talk at first. I and scorri vote eclipse. Prims says he can't post during the day but can vote anonymously. He requests the cop doesn't visit him because he says so.

Page 2: Prims tells us he suspects Marth. Basic argument is being submissive to Kay. Kay thinks this sounds reasonable. Prims then says he doesn't like scorri's reaction to his fakevote and her submissiveness, then tells us he has one 300 words or less announcements per day.

Page 3: Marth reacts to Prims by saying he was just kidding and trying to change the subject. Luster Purge wants to be mocked by eclipse as well. Rapier comes in and fakevotes Kay. scorri defends against Prims's suspicion by claiming she never planned on making another useless post and that it should have been clear she was joking. Rapier then asks scorri why she's overreacting on N0. scorri reacts to this by apologizing.

Page 4: Random coffee talk. Bizz tells Rapier to stop because she can't tell if his Kay vote is jokevote and because it didn't look to her like scorri was overreacting. Prims tells us to make a more serious effort because he can't post D1 and is kinda suspicious of Rapier. Claims Rapier was poked at for overreacting on N0 in another game, and is now doing the same thing. Asks Rapier his opinion on Marth.

My opinion: Rapier's Kay vote was a jokevote and a response to her mocking useless posts. I do agree scorri overreacted to what amounts to no real suspicion at all, on N0 even, this is I believe a common trait for beginning players when they are mafia.

Page 5: Ether joins as co-host. Kay tells us she didn't think scorri was overreacting either, that Prims is likely town, asks Marth about his opinion on Prims's claim. Some talk about Prims. Bizz tells us she considers Prims town till new evidence says otherwise. scorri tells us she also thinks prims is town.

Page 6: Prims starts this page off by saying we can assume boys are maf and girls are town and that he wouldn't have been surprised if there was a female scum cop role or a male town who functioned as miller and didn't want to be scanned. I act all stupid and Bizz points to the right part of his post. Marth makes a remark about how we should have left Prims at paranoid gun owner.

My opinion: I'm sorry. I was a retard to miss the point of Prims's post here because he had implied himself more or less as miller.

Page 7: bizz starts the page off with a half-gibberish post. Manix takes second and claims Prims being announcer stops the town from fakeclaiming a silencer role. He doubts it's Miller unless Prims has another part to his role. Bizz reminds us again she doubts Prims is a PGO. Prims follows this up by making a statement on how "The cop shouldn't target me night 1 onwards, everybody else is OK". Kay guesses that Prims isn't allowed to claim part of his role PM, Helios reminds us not to completely rule out the possibility of scum!prims just yet. Marth seems to agree with this. After this some more posting and D1 start.

My opinion: Not sure how he got to fakeclaiming silencer from announcer. my best bet is that he meant the "can't talk on day phase" part of prims's story here. Prims's statement is confusing because he specifically said "from N1 onwards", which could imply investigating on N0 was acceptable. This, in hindsight, is also the point where Prims's role should have changed to "most likely miller".

[spoiler=Day 1]D1:

Page 7: starts off with Marth voting Aere. Aere responds by apologizing for not posting much and not having any input. Also speaks of suspicion of Prims. Bizz tells us not to focus on Prims's claim because he has restrictions and such.

Page 8: Bizz starts off by saying she still thinks Rapier is scummy. Marth agrees with her but remarks Rapier isn't online so pressure voting him into talking isn't an option. scorri replies to page 7 Bizz and says we shouldn't take anything for granted about Prims's role other than his posting restriction and asks why Rapier is scummy. Marth asnwers and tells us Rapier did the same kind of thing in antoher recent game and that he happened to be town in that one. Aere tells us he thinks Bizz's feelings towards Rapier are likely unjustified.

scorri tells us she can understand why Rapier thought she was overreacting (due to being scatterbrained) and that she doesn't think him scummy. Manix comes in and remarks how Rapier seems to call people out for overreacting. Bizz tells us she felt Rapier attacked Kay for a bad reason. Kay says she doesn't know if that makes him suspicious and also that Rapier has done silly things for the sake of activity before. Also tells us she doesn't want to vote Rapier till he's around.

My opinion: Rapier hadn't posted since page 4 I believe, so there really was nothing else that could have made him scummy.

Page 9: Helios starts off by saying it's not fair to assume Rapier is scum based on the little knowledge available, then pressurevotes Darros in hopes of having him talk. Shinori makes his first post I think, saying he thinks Prims is fine and that he doesn't know what to think about the Rapier and Bizz issue. Then he activityvotes Strawman. Proto makes his second post and asks us if there had ever been a mafia game where Rapier wasn't scummy.

Marth drops his vote on Aere and votes Balcerzak for activity. Excellen says he will pressure vote TinyImp later because she isn't on now. Kay supports the activity vote on Strawman but doesn't vote him because she will be gone for 1,5 phase and doesn't want her vote stuck. Bizz gets some scum vibes from Helios for defending Rapier and then turning around to voting Darros, thinking it unfair to accuse Darros that is is Rapier.

After this Manix wants an explanation from Kay as to why her vote would be stuck on someone for a phase and is later joined in this by TinyImp. TinyImp says we shouldn't target Prims and she claims a lot of people think Rapier is scum because he flipped out on N0 and she wants him to explain himself.

My opinion: Bizz has a different interpretation from me again. TinyImp is where, in my honest opinion, the confusion about why Rapier was supposed to be scummy starts. Darros later says Rapier flipped out on N0, which I can only trace back to TinyImp's post.

Page 10: Marth corrects TinyImp and defends Kay's not gonna vote Strawman thing by basically repeating what she said before. Darros makes his first post in D1 and demands we stop being jealous. Also claims his scumdar is pointing at Rapier and Helios, Helios for defending Rapier, and Rapier for being a little scummy on N0. Thinks Helios might be trying to save Rapier. Strawman makes his first post, tells people he was inactive because stuff. Shinori unvotes Strawman.

Strawman comes back and tells us he finds Rapier nor scorri suspicious and that he can see how responding to a n0 vote could be seen as overreacting. Says he has no suspicions for now. Also doubts Prims is mafia. Prims drops his announcement; wants to godkill himself, scumreads in order of stronger to weaker are Bizz>Excellen>Proto. Bizz because she posted her suspicions but didn't care to vote on them, Excellen because his not-so-pressure-vote is retarded, Proto because of inactivity.

scorri is the first to respond and basically interprets what Prims said and says she thought Bizz wouldn't vote him till he was around to defend himself but at the same time thinks that a Rapier with no vote on him would have no reason to come in to defend himself. Bizz gets angry over Prims's announcement and votes Helios without explaining why.

Bal comes in for his first D1 post and basically tells us there's nothing really substantive yet and that it seems town-sided actions didn't provide much usable info. I make a more or less filler post, and Bizz says she can prove her role but not her alignment. After some questions from Me she hints us: idled last night thinking using the action might hurt town.

Aere shows up, apologizes to Bizz, says Prims's role is wasn't a fakeclaim. Bizz ends the page by saying how she can see how she look scummy.

My opinion: Darros is the first outside of Bizz to outright say he finds Rapier and Helios suspicious. Bizz mentioned her suspicion for Helios before but to my knowledge never explained why. I actually assumed roleblocker or maybe a form of redirector as Bizz's role from the getgo, though I didn't know which one specifically.

Page 11: Manix starts the page by acknowledging some answers, Bizz has second thoughts about knowing how to use her role. Rapier comes in for his first D1 post and says he jokevoted on N1, replies to an earlier request by Prims for his opinion on Marth and says he has no opinion on him. Rapier claims many people were suspicious of him, Bizz at their head. Calls TinyImp out for misinterpreting the situation. Ends his post by concluding Bizz and Darros are striking him oddly.

Darros follows up by voting Helios, claiming he originally intended to do that, then unvotes Helios after apparently reading Rapier's post. Bizz follows up by apologizing to Rapier. Darros votes Helios AGAIN, reasoning that he protected Rapier when he had no real reason to after Rapier had supposedly acted scummy on N0. Then later claims Rapier is doing little to refute his suspicions of him.

Shinori posts yet again. First off says he doesn't like the pressure on Bizz and that he doesn't see her as scum, citing talks-a-lot and is-helpful as reasons. Then he says Rapier always acts like the way he did on N0 and that he think's he's town as well. Finishes off with a Proto vote citing unhelpfulness and lurking. Rapier makes a post defending himself, by basically saying that the person who he originally found scummy was also the first one to protect him, or rather ask why Bizz suspected him and that Helios never really defended him.

Rapier ends up saying Darros's focus on the N0 thing bugs him and votes Darros. Then Bizz tells us Balcerzak is giving her slight scum vibes.

My opinion: I forgot the request from Prims to Rapier in the first version. Rapier is the second? person to falsely interpret the situation he is in and there were only two people who had claimed thye suspected him, Bizz and Darros. In an earlier post Darros claimed to be more suspicious of Helios than Rapier, which is just fishy to me. Darros's vote and unvote are very strange IMO. all this also makes Darros the real leader of the lynch on Rapier, IMO.

Page 12: Darros replies to Rapier's defence with the word Butthurt and claims Rapier was acting ridiculous on N0 and then calls him out on a technicality. This is again refuted by Rapier. Marth shows up and corrects some stuff about him not having posted this phase, tells us his opinion on rapier is neutral and backs it up with meta. He then unvotes Balcerzak and votes Proto for the inactivity.

scorri comes in and gives a votal. A three-way tie between Helios(Bizz, Darros), Proto(Shinori, Marth) and Darros(Helios, Rapier). She notes how it's peculiar how the two people defending each other also have their vote on the same person. Reminds us that Helios voted Darros because he wasn't active, Rapier because the argument Darros brought wasn't good. She then goes on to say she finds it scummy and votes Helios. Bizz then falsely thinks Helios came around to admitting his case was flawed, but kept his vote on Darros regardless of that.

Marth then makes a post quoting a post of Helios that I can't trace back to the thread. Then a big Strawman post. He says Darros is convinced Rapier is mafia, which he thinks is reasonable enough if exaggerating, but then voted Helios. Also questions why Darros thinks someone explaining something for someone else should mean scumbuddies. Then brings up voting Helios with no reason other than the supposed defense of Rapier. In conclusion he say Darros might be tunneling on two members or maf, and ends up voting Darros.

Marth follows up with saying Rapier dragged Strawman into the debate, and says Rapier is good at causing N0/D1 drama. Eventually comes around to saying he agrees with Strawman and votes Darros.

Proto comes in and says he's busy. Helios wakes up and unvotes Darros because he talked, saying he'll do his best to refute some claims. Followed by that is a big post from Helios basically repeating what had happened. (recap: Rapier jokevotes Kay N0 and says scorri overreacts to a fakevote also on N0, gets called out for it by Bizz, scorri explains herself and more or less defends Rapier later on) Ends up saying he's getting scum vibes from Bizz and Darros because he feels like they're trying to push votes on him and that he doesn't want a mislynch on the first round.

Finally, Bizz corrects Helios in that she really isn't pushing Rapier's case anymore.

My opinion: Rapier really wasn't acting ridiculous. This is horse shit. I'm also curious why scorri wanted Helios to come and defend himself when there really wasn't something to defend himself for. Helios really did activityvote Darros, back on page 9, and had not talked ever since that. scorri more or less tries to imply Rapier and Helios as scumbuddies. Why Helios was considered more scummy than Rapier by Darros at this point in time is questionable. Actually the one who had been causing the drama was Darros.

Page 13: Couple of useless post by yours truly, Aere and Bizz; Helios calls Bizz out for her not responding to his earlier accusations. Proto finally gets around to making an insightful post. Agrees with Strawman that Darros is acting funny, that finding Helios more suspicious than Rapier because he defended him doesn't make sense. Then says he doesn't read scum on Bizz. Bizz comes in and tells us to ignore what she's been saying because she has been having sleeping troubles. She then unvotes Helios and votes Balcerzak.

Balcerzak arrives, says Helios is looking rather well-intentioned and properly explained himself. Then says he doesn'buy the Darros wagon himself and breaks new ground by voting TinyImp. Manix comes in and tells us he isn't liking the wagons himself.

Darros comes around to explain himself regarding finding Rapier scummy yet voting Helios for less than satisfactory reasons. Says Rapier looks scummy, about everyone who posts agrees, helios comes in and defends rapier, Darros thinks this is done for an ulterior motive, assumes helios and rapier are scumbuddies. Ends up unvoting.

I come in, act like a moron. Marth attempts to correct Darros and questions Darros's logic, accidentally copies a piece of Darros' post saying "I reiterate, I think that Helios and Rapier are both scum, and Helios already had a vote on him. I wasn't just rebutting with a vote."

Strawman comes in again, and again questions Darros's voting logic. Manix explains Darros basically did the textbook definition of an opportunistic vote, claims Darros is showing himself easily influenced and votes Darros.

My opinion: I agree in full with Proto on this. Sleeping troubles fuck with your head in strange and powerful ways. Bizz probably voted Balcerzak for slight scum read she mentioned before and his inactivity. Darros wasn't actually a wagon. Some people very consciuously voted Darros. Hardly anyone who posts actually found Rapier scummy. Actually Darros is grossly misrepresenting what happened.

Page 14: Marths starts the page off with votals, 4 on Darros(Marth, Rapier, Strawman, Manix). scorri unvotes Helios because she found his explanation satisfactory and says how she doesn't like how Darros is acting. This is followed up by Strawman who says people should stop bandwagoning him. Manix replies to Strawman saying he just thinks Darros is acting funny. Marth tries to revive the Prims topic of discussion.

I make a retarded post saying we shouldn't attempt to lynch a possible cop, then try to eat my words back up. And I end up reacting angrily to a Marth post. scorri calls me out for it, I question why she does that, and she replies she sees no point in it. Shinori states he will not lynch a possible cop claim on D1, which was false.

page 15: Shinori comes back again a bit later and unvotes Proto because he showed activity. TinyImp comes in. Darros says he's not a cop, and that if Rapier isn't scum he;s just actinfg ridiculously stupid. He talks some more and votes Rapier. This is followed by yet another defense post from Helios. And then Strawman unvotes Darros.

I go a bit into troll mode and vote TinyImp to see her reaction.

My opinion: There was no bandwagon like strawman claimed, in my opinion. Darros was definitely acting very oddly and Strawman was actually the third out of 4 to vote him at that time. What I got wrong with the possible cop claim on Darros is the "Darros is convinced Rapier is mafia", which I interpreted as "Well if he's so deadset about lynching them, him being cop and having hit maf on N0 isn't unrealistic"

I wanted to see TinyImp's reaction to my vote because I thought she was getting very defensive about Bal's vote for her and wanted to duplicate it. She didn't take the bait beautifully but she took it more or less. Scumdar is a term used by Darros earlier and TinyImp now. Also I'm hoping for her that with scumdar she really means "most buzz is about these people".

Page 16: scorri tells us she's still no convinced Darros is scum. TinyImp comes on and says Darros Rapier and Helios are on her scumdar, then says she doesn't find Helios scummy. I make a retarded statement again, this time about not wanting to lynch Darros, and unvote TinyImp.

Page 17: phase extension. Aere isn't comfortable with lynching anyone. Marth doesn't like what Excellen is doing. Helios finally outs that Darros was indeed the most scummy person in the thread and that I was indeed acting oddly. Strawman makes a post about TinyImp not responding well to pressure votes. Marth calls me an idiot, and Rapier neutral.

[spoiler=D1 continued]Page 18: Marth starts off by saying how badly he worded an earlier post of his, I respond to several posts by saying everyone's an idiot and needs to learn how to read. I try to bullshit him into saying some things by remarking how he's acting very similarly to how he did in GS mafia, but Marth pricks through it. Marth also claims that Bizz and I who had been assuming Prims was Miller were wrong.

I vote Marth. Then Theorize that maybe he can't use his announcement if he was visited on N0. Marth defends himself against my vote by saying we shouldn't rely on metagame more or less for votes. Bizz finally says she doesn't want to lynch Darros. Manix asks her who she wants to lynch if not Darros. 13th shows up. scorri says she wants to hear more from Imp, Bal and Excellen. First two because of inactivity, me because my posts have not been insightful.

TinyImp comes in, says Excellen and Marth are exchanging blows. Then proceeds to give her opinion on the players. Notable opinions were those on Rapier(needs to come on more to defend himself), Darros(completely innocent), Helios(suspicious because of N0) and Bal(for voting her and giving no reason why)

scorri follows this up. Notable opinions are on Helios(not scum), Marth(town), Excellen(has been acting oddly and this could get him lynched), Darros(for using poor arguments for attacking Rapier and Helios, and then getting super defensive when someone sayss he's scum), Rapier(originally thought he was scum but this changed after he argued for himself).

My opinion: Marth's claim that Prims wasn't miller/PGO was based on rule 2, which states you can't quote your role PM. These two unfortunately have nothing to do with each other. Bizz's post is the first which IMO starts shifting attention back from Darros to me, Helios and Rapier. TinyImp once again misjudges the situation, and once again seems to just follow Darros. scorri's post and claim about thinking Rapier was scum at some point just feels very odd, because she didn't make a mention of this before.

Page 19: starts off by Marth being pissed at me and me eventually apologizing. 13th makes his first substantial post by giving opinions. Notables are Helios(slightly scummy), Marth(pretty scummy) and Rapier(scummy because he doesn't talk). Aere then follows up his own his own thoughts. Notables are Helios(scummy vibe, but working hard to remove that), Bizz(thinks she's town cop), Marth(trying to attack people left and right, acting scummy) and Excellen(pretty scummy). Bizz finally remarks how Balcerzak plays more under-the-radar when he's scum and how he doing that this game.

My opinion: The interesting thing about 13th is that we now know he's mafia, so we can look for who he defends in during the day phases and who he tries to pin lynches on. It is also very curious how suddenly 4 people claim they had a scummy vibe from Helios, Rapier and Marth. If mafia listened to Aere on Bizz as town cop then.... lol... Also Bizz's read on Balcerzak is valid IMO.

Page 20: Iris gets subbed in for Shinori. Bizz calls out Aere for him thinking she's cop, then says she doesn't think Darros is scum and Helios is neutral. Darros comes in again and attacks Helios again, without using logic this time around. I post my own thoughts on people. Notable opinions: Helios(big talker, fuss is probably over nothing), Bizz(throws out some scumreads and some fellows seem to have taken some of those up), Darros(does a whole lot of bullshitting, neutral) and Rapier(joined the bullshitting, neutral)

Our dear dictator eclipse then posts votals, with Darros leading with 3 votes(Rapier, Marth, Manix). Rapier then follows up with opinions of his own. Notable ones are Helios(likes the way he plays, reads townish), Marth(neutral) and Darros(scum read). Bizz joins in again and says she thinks Helios is a better lynch than Darros, but on second thought both seem bad lynch options. Wants to start poking other people.

My opinion: Nothing too out of place here, other than again Bizz's scum vibes on Helios which she yet again doesn't expand upon.

Page 21: Bizz unvotes Balcerzak, then votes Rapier. 13th comes in, unvotes Darros and also votes Rapier, claims inactivity. Mentions Rapier might be getting scumbuddies to vote Darros. Bizz gets back on earlier suspicions and thinks Darros, Helios and Rapier are all town. Rapier goes on to call 13th out about the scumbuddies thing. Aere votes Rapier, stating he agrees with 13th.

Aere gets back on his Rapier vote immediately and now wants to vote Excellen. He then unvotes Rapier. Rapier calls Aere out for his sheeping. Excellen unvotes Marth and sheeps on Rapier. Excellen unvotes Rapier a little while later, then votes Darros, saying it smells too much like the lynch was being pinned on Rapier.

My opinion; Rapier/Helios bandwagons are forming. These are actual bandwagons. Also not liking how nobody calls out Bizz for defending her suspicions and why she doesn't want Darros lynched. 13th reasoning for voting Rapier is basically inactivity which is a lie, and makes 13th a sheep. A mafia sheep. Aere is a sheep as well. My actions aren't inexplicible in my opinion. At first I felt like "well we have to lynch someone", which then changed to "but he doesn't look scum to me at all this smells like a maf is trying to pin a lynch on him"

Page 22: Rapier unvotes Darros and votes Excellen, claiming sheeping is excusable but not unvoting after being accused of sheeping isn't. This leads to some discussion between Rapier and Excellen. Iris makes her first post and Strawman comes in and votes Manix. He cites lack of content, opinion and interest in his recent posts as reason. Aere makes a posts saying he thinks Excellen is mafia because he's acting scummy and that he might be the lynchbomb or something.

eclipse posts a votal, with Darros and Rapier tying, Darros(Marth, Manix, Excellen) and Rapier(Darros, Bizz, 13th). Excellen unvotes Darros, Manix switches votes from Darros to Excellen, claiming Darros is not an interesting lynch target anymore and Excellen is being too agressive.

My opinion: what actually happened here was that Rapier ninja'd me with his accusing me of sheeping. I should have pointed this out. So as faulty as his reasoning might have actually been, I don't defend myself properly and Rapier makes IMO the most town move this game - he votes me.

Page 23: Strawman worries we might have a random lynch if the tie between Excellen, Darros and Rapier isn't broken. scorri makes up her minds and votes Darros. Strawman unvotes Manix, votes Darros and asks Excellen to be less silly. Bizz comes in and says Darros isn't even that scummy, which caused Strawman to unvote Darros. Darros ends by defending himself and saying Excellen is suspicious

Page 24: Strawman starts by saying he doesn't find Rapier or Excellen scummy. Iris posts some votals and that she has to go, Excellen remarks all this voting is town infighting and that a random should be lynched. scorri unvotes Darros. Aere asks Darros to claim. Some stuff between Rapier and Excellen.

Page 25: bizz asks Darros to claim a role as well. Rapier says he can prove his role and roleclaim if necessary, and wants to avoid a tie so unvotes Excellen and votes Darros. Darros claims Sailor Moon, safeguard. Rapier remarks how he doesn't have a role name and claims Networker. sutff happens and people ignore eclipse's call to stop posting till the update is up.

My opinion: Rapier's unvote and Darros vote doesn't make too much sense in an avoid a tie kind of way because there was no tie. Rapier means a name for the action, like BG or cop, not the name of the role. This is later horribly interpreted by me.

[spoiler=Phase end:]

Votals of interest: Excellen(Manix), Darros(Marth, Rapier), Rapier(Darros, Bizz, 13th, Prims)

Rapier is lynched and flips town.

Opinions on people at this point:

Balcerzak: Bizz pointed out he stays under the radar when he's mafia and he seems to be doing that.

Prims: is Prims. Nothing to go on, really.

Shinori/Iris: Nothing to go on due to their horrible inactivity.

13th: Basically sheeped a vote on Rapier. Kinda makes me feel like Darros and 13th are connected.

Helios: It baffles me how like 3 people(13th, Aere, TinyImp) came out to say he was being scummy when he really wasn't.

Bizz: Threw some suspicions around, which I think Darros then picked up. Ended up asking people not to vote Darros, which was odd IMO.

Aere: Basically all I've seen of him is him following what other people say.

Marth: Not sure why 13th, Aere and possibly more people found him scummy and they never really explained it either. I'm pretty neutral about him.

Strawman: Made some insightful posts here and there and genuinely felt like a town. He flipped SK so that also means that in lynch he could play more or less town.

scorri: Mixed reads. I found the page 12 thing about her just odd. Pretending Helios didn't vote Darros for activity and implying scum Rapier and Helios in the process. Everything else has been consistent.

Kay: was inactive for most of the phase.

Manix: Neutral reads but agreed with Strawman about lack of content.

Excellen: Lack of content check, aggression check, stupidity check.

Darros: It's funny how Darros lead the lynch on Rapier and Helios and how it almost worked out for him. Especially when you consider he tried to lynch them over nothing. He acted rather stupidly.

Rapier: Again wasn't scummy at all.

TinyImp: inactive. Also had some remarkable suspicions that coincided with Darros' views very well and at some points used wordings very similar to his and basically copied his opinions. Most notable of which is the word scumdar.

My thoughts on the phase overall: I said it somewhere before phase end but this phase felt like town infighting to me. Rapier should not have been lynched.

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Excellen: I know nothing about what happened with Kay beyond the fact that my thing failed. I do know however what my role does. I assumed the mafia was going to try and kill Kay. My role allows me to switch two players, such that if one of them is targeted with anything, including a kill, those things will happen to the other person instead. So, since I didn't, and still don't really, trust you and wanted Kay to stay alive, I attempted to switch you and Kay so that if the mafia tried to kill Kay (which they did) you would die instead and I was hoping that would result in the mafia killing one of their own. However, my action failed.

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Oh, the whole messing with Kay's results thing. Sorry, I misread. What I meant there was that when Kay inspected you, two results were returned. That's all I know. I have no idea as to why that happened, but I don't like it.

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and N1 summarized (that was really a lot of talking for a night phase, ugh.

[spoiler=On to N1:]

Page 26: Prims starts things off by being pissed and wants to spend the next day llynching people who left their vote empty throughout the phase and implies yet again he might be a male miller character. Darros thinks he looks like an idiot. Rapier thinks he never reallu looked scummy.

My opinion: Rapier really wasn't scummy.

Page 27: Marth requires a doctor's attention for a plan of his in the night. Excellen and Darros bait him a bit to see if he wants the doctor to tell him publically he/she'll go along with MArth's plan.

Page 28: Excellen asks Marth to just claim and how he's going to prove it. Marth claims Bulletproof. Excellen takes the time to call his bulletproof claim total bullshit and Marth wonders what role dies instead of someone else. Excellen and scorri incorrectly tell Marth he's a martyr. TinyImp comes in and says she wanted to be in around phase end.

My opinion: Me calling was stupid but it did make some sort of sense. The only contact I ever had with the "die instead of..." role was in FE10 mafia where I was this role and someone called me a martyr. TinyImp making the comment she did was just fishy IMO.

Page 29: Aere makes the first memorable post by claiming Oracle and wanting to have been more active on D1. Prims posts opinions on players. Notable ones are Proto/13th(scummiest players, no contribution and seemingly providing support for a policy lynch instead of a scumread), Strawman(had severe doubts at phase end which made him scummy, also apathetic), TinyImp(inactivity, no voting, scummy), Excellen(town reads), Darros(safeguard is a dumb D1 scum fakeclaim).

Prims then makes a point about doctor and bodyguard being unlikely, and how Marth is gonna get shot tonight. scorri tells us she's pretty confident Darros is town. Prims then makes two posts about coed he's going to use in his announcements, and implies he thinks Darros is town. Strawman defends himself against Prims by saying he didn't find any of the lynch targets actually scummy and calls it a lack of confidence on his part.

Marth ponders what good proving your role is when you end up dead because of it. Helios comes on and posts thoughts. Basically agrees with finding 13th scummy, Bal's inactiveness annoying, Excellen is being taken the wrong way and Darros looks like an over-eager beginner town or mafia. Excellen posts opinions. No notable ones except he defends Bal's and TinyImp's inactivity for a bit.

My opinion: Prims gives some very interesting insights and I think we could and should be pressing Blitz and Snike for their roleclaims and night targets.

Page 30: Aere is getting scummier vibes from Marth because he had trouble finding the right role name and all. TinyImp comes and defends herself saying she didn't really find anyone scummy. Bizz states BG+doc in one game would be a bit overkill against the maf, and Aere agrees with her.

My opinion: Oddly, she could have easily come in and said she didn't find anyone scummy. This is also not true, because in her earlier opinions she had implied she found Rapier scummy, Helios was scummy without implication and Darros was completely innocent.

Page 31: Kay calls Darros out for some of his stuff, then 13th. Prims gets the idea of having the vig shoot Aere and Aere target Prims. Helios adds that he thinks maybe Aere should hit 13th or Bal because he finds them most scummy. Kay wants one of Prims/Excellen/Darros/13th targetted by Aere.

Page 32: Prims refutes Kay by saying Darros is not a good target because he already claimed a role. Says the way to handle Darros is to have him announce who he hits at begin of each day, and lynch him if he lies. Bizz backs down from proving her role because it could hurt the town more than it could do good. Helios doesn't consider Darros a big threat. Marth says he supports targetting TinyImp, scorri and 13th but that it's not worth revealing a player if another is going to die and it would also be wasting the vig's shot.

Marth's follow-up post falsely claims that Excellen said Marth should be scanned by the cop. He thinks scorri, TinyImp, Bal, 13th and maybe even Manix and Strawman are worthy of being checked out. Bal comes on and makes his first post in a long while. Explains his tinyimp vote trying to start something fresh, then attacks TinyImp for posting relatively shortly after D1 phase end she wanted to have been around. And then defends himself against Prims. Then claims he first thought Bizz was bus driver but is now more inclined toward lightning rod.

Bizz claims she now find Bal townish. 13th responds to his suspectors by claiming cop and saying he'll investigate Marth N1. Helios thinks it's a fake claim. scorri thinks 13th should be left alive if he can give information on D2 and should prove his role. Excellen asks 13th for his N0 results and for Marth to protect 13th.

My opinion: Prims's plan isn't exactly waterproof because of redirectors and blockers. I cannot find the post where I said cop should check out someone, not to mention specifically Marth. Nor was anyone else talking about that. All in all I find this move of discussing who the cop should hit very suspicious because it allows mafia to take action against it. Like by safeguarding the likely target.

Page 33: Excellen agrees 13th's claim sounds fake but he's not chancing a cop claim yet. Prims also agrees. Prims thinks Darros(SG) on Marth, Marth(BG) on 13th, 13th on someone he suspects, Aere on 13th and vig on aere is a good battle plan for the night. Helios agrees with this, reiterates he thinks Bal and TinyImp are scummy and should be checked.

Strawman agrees with the plan, but wonders why no doc is being assumed. Balcerzak returns, says he wants more activity from Iris, calls out 13th for his response to Prims wanting to shoot him and I skip most of it because it isn't very interesting. 13th comes back, says he investigated Bal on N0 and that he had a pretty important role. He doesn't want to out this role because there were already so many lying around.

Prims responds to this by saying he suspects 13th is a scum rolecop and asks him to have Bal confirm his character's name for him.

My opinion: 13th's post made me think Bal was vig or something.

Page 34: 13th tells us he's a rolecop, and that if Aere is vigged and oracles 13th, 13th will be town role cop. Helios says he expected Bal to have an important role because he's very experienced. Then says Bal either has an important town role or important mafia role. Helios is leaning toward the mafia option.

Prims says 13th needs to die on D2 if no oracle result confirms him town. Helios thinks this is all a mafia conspiracy. Aere remarks the vig doesn't need to waste a shot on him, but that the serial killer or mafia would take the shot for him. scorri tells him that's silly.

Page 35: Helios also tells Aere he's being silly. More talk about the night actions and how the maf can influence them.

Page 36: even more talk on how mafia can influence the night results by talking about the night actions. Marth gives opinions and switches targets right before phase end. Notable opinions: Bal(town, also likely kill target), 13th(scum and is not protecting him), Helios(getting scummy vibes for having opinions similar to everyone else and trying to fit in), scorri(looks like she is blending in as well), Darros(SG claim at the last moment was too easy), TinyImp(scum vibes). Phase end.

My opinion: Helios was one of the few to have an actual opinion N1. Also like the seonc to post them so it's the other way around, really. Also scorri really did suspect people.

[spoiler=Phase End]

Bizz > town jailer/roleblcoker > killed by mafia

Aere > town oracle > killed by vig

Prims > town miller, serial doctor, announcer, post restrcited > won

Strawman > serial killer, one shot self protect > lost

Opinions on people after N1:

Balcerzak: Suspicions against him solified this phase. He seemed to respond to this mostly by posting random mafia advice and the such. Still get the under-the-radar feeling from him and suspect him.

Shinori/Iris: inactive bums. This situation should be amended.

Proto/13th: cop claim felt a bit fake but care should be taken to avoid shooting the cop and proving it instead. He wasn't oracled like was the plan and there's really only two ways to interpret this. First mafia was scared of 13th flipping maf publically and roleblocked Aere or whatnot, second maf wants to stop oracle on 13th so he gets lynched and maf is safe for one more phase. Inclined to go with the first possibility.

Helios: I disagree with Marth's suspicion of him

Marth: has properly messed up his role claim but w/e that's probably just inexperience. I find him wanting to talk about likely cop targets suspicious. Also a bit because he has problems with dying as BG.

scorri: Marth may find her suspicious, she feels townish to me. Doesn't seem to get used to the idea of "sometimes you don't ask for someone to defend themselves, but just lynch them".

Manix: wasn't very active at night and didn't do a lot to contribute.

Excellen: being myself.

Darros: strangely apologetic, like TinyImp. Also kind of agree safeguard is a safe and easy fakeclaim. Scummy IMO.

TinyImp: reading scummy right now.

I need a break. Might work up to D2 tonight and am hoping to catch up on everything by monday or tuesday.

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##Unvote: scorri

for now. Based on everything I've summarized and all I am currently most wary about Balcerzak(13th implied powerful role then claimed tracker WTF, also hasn't been offering much insight on D1 and N1), TinyImp/Snike (basically all for TinyImp's inactivity and unwillingness to have an opinion she votes on. Also for finding Helios scummy) and Darros(SG claim still doesn't sit well, his leading a lynch on Rapier doesn't sit well either and his behaviour as a whole doesn't sit well either)

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So if Excellen and Scorri are speaking the truth regarding their roles, we're back to square one in trying to figure out what happened N1 aren't we?

I need to gather my thoughts regarding the rest of the players...no one stands out as horribly scummy right now.

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