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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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After spending another ten to fifteen minutes working up theoretical combat teams, Blake gave up and decided what he had would have to do. It was strange, how he could focus so clearly one day, yet be so out of it the next. Maybe he was coming down with something. Regardless, the meeting was probably just about to begin, so the swordsman made his way to the mess hall, where he assumed the discussion was to take place. Sure enough, Raquel's mercenaries were all sitting at the two long tables closest to the doors. At the front table sat their employer, who had a rather basic map in front of her. Evidently he missed at least the beginning of the meeting. Good one, Frode.

Without a word to anyone but himself, Blake approached the front table and began to try and piece together what had been agreed upon so far. He'd already embarrassed himself enough with his late entrance. No need to further make a fool out of himself.

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"Well not everyone's back yet, but if you have the gist of the plan, then you can go and prepare or do whatever you need to in the meantime. I won't keep you here or anything." Raquel replied. Blake arriving made Raquel grimace due to realizing that he was going to need catching up. So were the other stragglers but she was getting an early taste of it.

"You might want to redo that team list. The group's splitting into two separate groups to handle this little operation." Reign warned in a neutral tone.

"Is that where he's been? Did Raquel make you the roster man or something?" Gabbie asked half seriously. She didn't mind one way or the other. In her opinion almost anyone could handle that job better than Raquel, so whether or not she appointed someone, it needed a better handler.

Not Galley

Luca explained in a protesting manner that he wasn't needed right now, but didn't want to provoke a response from the humans by breaking out or misbehaving in some other way. He also figured that Nadya would have an easier time getting those gold things from people if he wasn't causing any trouble, but didn't communicate that part.

Riley nibbled on his leash a few times and then began taking a few steps in place as a reply. He was complaining about the space more than not being allowed out.

Sandrock simplied lied all the way down with her head on the floor and gave a 'goodnight' to the group as a whole. Some answer.

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Oh, lovely. Not only had he missed practically the whole planning session, the mercenaries had made teams for said plan. Right then, well Blake felt pretty useless. Raquel's grimace didn't help, either. Today was getting worse and worse as it went on.

"Not really, just formulating teams," Blake said first to Gabbie, before turning to his employer.

"I'm sorry for missing the meeting," he began. "I guess the group is being split into two teams. Do you mind explaining to me why we're doing that, and who is on each team? I can try and form combat units, if I know who's with who." Talk about embarrassing.

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"I think we were trying to avoid getting overwhelmed in a frontal assault? The plan is basically to pretend to fall into their trap while another team sneaks in through the basement and flanks them. We just have to hold on until the other team arrives. It ... sounded a lot better when other people were coming up with it, I think." Raquel admitted embarrassingly.

"Yeah it sounds a little crazy coming from you for some reason." Reign acknowledged. "Team cloak is Raquel's team. They'll go into the building and try to get Cervantes alone. If they're lucky, they can isolate themselves from the others and hold their ground while team dagger kills every living thing between them and team cloak. Sorry, but I didn't make a list of who's going on which team, but Raquel's leading cloak."

"I'm on dagger." Gabbie clarified since she was feeling nice right then.

"Same here." Shadrak reluctantly spoke up, as well. "I just hope I'm not needed elsewhere when this all gets started." he added, clearly still having some doubts post mortem.

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He's in charge of that now? Norbert thought. That certainly was interesting news if it was true. He seemed to have at least taken up that role, at least. He didn't see how they particularly needed someone like that, though. I'd rather choose for myself who I fight alongside. Being assigned teammates is too close to military for me.

Gytha had her own thoughts on the matter when Gabbie asked Blake the question. At first, Gytha was probably the first of the group members to welcome Blake among them, but she only fought on the same team as him once before he reformed the teams. She had been the only one he'd moved from that particular team. He and Raquel remained on the same one. It still felt like an insult. Raquel still seemed a bit dazed as a leader, approving almost anything put by her so Gytha had decided that Raquel probably had meant it when she'd complimented her on her swordsmanship. However, she still was uncertain on if she could really trust her. As for Blake, he could do as he pleased as far as Gytha was concerned. She'd already decided she'd distance herself from him and he'd made his way to her "dislike" list.

"I'm on th' dagger team, too," Gytha added stonily to Gabbie and Shadrak's comments on which team they were going on.

I can complain about it later. "I'm going with Raquel," he put in.


The pegasus felt some sympathy for the wingless ones. This was not a comfortable place. It was cramped and dark -- by her standards, anyway -- and they were simply being stored there until their humans wanted them to help them again. Even though this pity was in fact present, it only lasted an instant before it was replaced by frustrated indigence. Just because they would never know flight did not make them any less entitled to basic rights: when not called upon to help their humans, they deserved far better places in which to stand around and free reign of more space than just this. They deserved an open sky above their heads and a shaded place to stand in when they wanted it. They deserved to not be commanded to stay in a place like this. They should have as much free reign as she had!

With a snort and a bray, she stomped and pawed at the ground, pointing her horn threateningly at nothing in particular, then paced around a bit before braying again: the rough equivalent of a rallying speech, passionately explaining the equines' unmet rights -- how they deserved better -- how the present stables were unacceptable! And how something had to be done about it. With a shake of her mane, a swish of her tail and pointing her horn towards the exit, she let loose a challenging whinny, half-spreading her wings. They would leave this place in protest! They would take what was rightfully theirs -- standing around under the sky on the plane above! Whether the humans liked it or not.

She turned her head and folded her wings again, looking challengingly at the wingless ones, daring them to follow her into the fresh air, though not yet exiting. First watching to see their responses.

Edited by Mercakete
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Deciding he might as well clarify for the late comer Zach spoke "It pretty much goes without saying, but I'm going with Raquel as well. You probably don't trust me enough for this but I'd recommend putting me on her team as well, considering that I'm going to be right next to her when the danger starts if all goes according to plan."

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Seems the 'meeting' was at least partially over. The remaining people still needed to be up to date, but as far as they were concerned, they were already free to leave. However, it seems the time of recaps had already started with Blake.

''I'm in Raquel's team.'' John said.

''Me too.'' Sophia said.


Some time passed, but nothing out of the ordinary. For whatever reason the tailed one was here, seems there was nothing to worry after all. Still, the humans were taking too long in there. However, the previous scent of food must mean they were just eating. And with nothing happening out here, well, there was that pegasus heading inside, but it wasn't worthy of his attention at any rate.

Anyway, Gil decided to take flight once more. He figured he could use also something to eat. Time to go fishing. Sure, the ocean may give him lower chances than a river or lake, but it was better to try than just wait for John to head back.

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Aaand the apparent battle strategist, a serious-looking man, had just walked in, apparently unaware of the fact that the meeting had just finished. There was a bit of back and forth, and then everyone began to tell him which team they were on. Probably to organize the operation, Grant guessed. Well, no harm done in following the trend.

"I'm on Cloak," he said, ever-smiling. "My name's Grant Brayden, by the way." He would've offered to shake the man's hand, but sadly, the tactician/roster manager was on the other side of the long table.


OK, so the plan was to place a decoy team in the manse, isolate Cervantes - to take out leadership, then move for a wipe? Otherwise it didn't make much sense-, and hold out until the strike team flanked the enemy and wiped them out. Simple enough, it just meant that the strikers mostly go on one team, and the defending units on the other. What was interesting was that Raquel was leading the decoy team -or, as it was called at the moment, Cloak team-, while Gabbie, the sturdy lancer, was on Dagger along with Shadrak. Wouldn't they do better on the other team, respectively? Raquel wouldn't be in as much real danger, and Gabbie could certainly hold out effectively. Then, Gytha chimed in with a sullen statement that she was on Dagger, and Bert was on Cloak with Raquel, which, the swordsman thought, would have worked better reversed. The mariner had proved herself capable of defending a healer, and Bert was not nearly as sturdy as she. Likewise, the pegasus rider held the edge on eliminating the faster sword-wielding opponents, so he'd be a better choice for Dagger.

Maybe he just had the teams mixed up. John and Sophia quickly corrected that assumption by stating that they were going with their employer. Zach, the newcomer who brought this situation to light, also stated that he was on Cloak, and requested to be on a combat team with Raquel. Suspicious, but that doubt would be for later. One of the other newcomers, the man in green and blue, introduced himself as Grant Brayden and also committed to Cloak. Both men appeared to be somewhat frail physically, so evidently Blake's assumptions were awry, just like everything else today, he felt. Enough of that. The sellsword began a new split list on his roster sheet. The two columns were labeled 'Cloak' and 'Dagger' respectively, underneath which the names of the people on each team were to be listed.

"No promises," Blake said to Zach evenly, as he wrote down the list of names. Once that was completed, he resumed speaking. "Alright, so I assume that you all are confident in this plan, correct? Was there anybody else who committed to a team yet? Also, if Raquel is leading Cloak, who's going to be Dagger's leader?"

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The end of the meeting: "Well then I guess I have to go on the Decoy Team. You'll be needing someone who can wake you guys up... just pick someone strong enough to protect me".- Chelsea volunteered.

A Horse and A Pegasi:

Nenesha was having a nice time in the stables, just lazing about, napping, looking at the others, and ocassionally listening to the little mongrels locked below. When he napped he could tune them out easily enough, but then came that one pegasi, the only pegasi and she started talking, or something or other he couldn't tell what in the gods name she was talking about. The more the pegasus talked the harder it was to drown her out, and at this rate he would have preffered his bumbling companion to this annoying thing. By the time she finished talking, a miracle in and of itself, she expected them to say something, join her or whatever. Nenesha's response was a simple slam of his hoof with the floor. Translation: You're annoying.

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A Man Called Gar

"Dagger," Gar threw a single word of explanation out. "I'm also going to be the one clearing the way." Gar folded his arms before the usual direction of thought returned. It was becoming increasingly annoying though.

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The confusion was plain on Torin's face. “Me lead? I don't know where you're going,” he said, shrugging. “I'm following you guys. You're going to a ship, right? The most I can do is take you to the port.”

OoC: Feel free to TS them there, Roth. I need to get something sorted out for the other people though.

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"I'm on the decoy team," Veronika stated, somewhat relieved to see Blake arrive to help planning.. "We are still missing some of our group though- are you going to decide where they should go?" she asked him.

"I'm on the team that ain't bait," Nadya offered helpfully.

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Despite Valter's earlier offer to the knight, the guards were adamant that Fred was not to leave until his debt was paid. Forced to leave him behind, at least for the moment, they instead rode to the ship. They both arrived and went below deck shortly after the meeting had ended. Apparently they were splitting into teams or something. Valter had caught Synthia up to speed on the situation, but had failed to mention this. It didn't appear he knew what was going on either.

The mage took a few steps into the room. “What's this about teams? Anyone care to explain?”

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And now it was the time that the final members were finally getting back. Well, they were asking for what was going on so might as well.

''We're planning to split up, with one team going as a decoy while the other sneaks in from behind to attack them while their guard is focused on the decoys.'' John answered. ''And by the way, Raquel is with the decoy team in order to keep the ruse.''

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"Oh, in that case," Mireille held out a hand to Torin, "it was a pleasure meeting you, Torin. I hope your brother gets set free and you stop your thieving ways."

"Yeah you better," Ranyin muttered rubbing his head where he knocked into Torin earlier.

Hmm, those words might not be encouraging enough, Mireille thought worriedly. "Perhaps you should consider a crafting profession. I heard one needs very dexterous hands and nimble fingers for most craft. People who make good thieves tend to be blessed with such physical traits," Mireille added, giving Torin a wink before heading off to the ship with Ranyin in tow.

Ranyin decided to he wanted to have the last word with Torin before leaving. "I forgive you...this time."

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Torin was confused and skeptical as he watched the two leave. He didn't normally steal... It was just a.. hobby, or something. Anyway, they were leaving and he figured he should probably go with them. He had to find Synthia again.

He followed them from a distance until they reached the dock, then walked with them up the boat ramp. He didn't say anything. If it looked like he belonged there, no one would probably question it, right? They sure as hell hadn't noticed yet, at least he didn't think they had...

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Figuring that with the entry of the two girls that had just come in that this was everybody that was coming Zach started to fill them in. Giving his name, his past, connections with the cult, why exactly he was here due to the girl, and how he was here to get Raquel's help and help her at the same time, and the current plan.

"That about sums up what's gone on so far."

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And now it seemed that finally everybody was back, and it seems that with some extra as well.

<Hm, wait, isn't that...> John thought. <Yes he is. Seems he is still around huh. I wonder what happened at the Arena.>

They brought a kid with them? Sophia wondered. ''Who is that kid?'' She asked.


Flying a good distance from the ship, the wyvern had it's gaze on the water below. Even if it was close to a human settlement, the possibility of fish being around the area was still around. Now it was a matter to spot the shadows against the sunlight and... time to dive!

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Galley of Planning

Mandy picked up the patch Gar had offered and then shrugged. "I like options." she said with a smile, her way of accepting it. She listened along with Talitha and Reign to the retelling of the situation and frowned at how long it had gone on. Talitha was less sympathetic overall, seeing a sort of bigger picture where the whole world was a collection of people and bad circumstances. Reign was the least effected of the three, it seemed. Nothing left to do but wait around for things to be finalized.

"Mireille ... yeah like Zachary said, we're going to hit them first and I need your help." came Raquel's greeting. Next Sophia asked a question that had come to Raquel's mind as well. The boy that had come aboard with them was rather young.

Holds of Holding

Sandrock preferred sleep to revolution and so she closed her eyes and nodded off at the end of Rizen's speech. Riley on the other hand was thoroughly indoctrinated by the pegasus' inspiring whinnies and began gnawing on his reins before she was even finished. Luca didn't want to cause any trouble, but couldn't sleep with the ship still swaying ever so subtly, and he wasn't getting the hint from Sandrock, so he carefully untied himself and made for the exit. He hoped to find Nadya and see what she was doing.

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These teams were growing more and more mirrored. First of all, Chelsea, a troubador more known for her fragility, volunteered for Cloak. The announcement by the man in black that he was going to Dagger made a bit more sense, but Veronika's commitment to the decoy team did not, seeing as she was one of the group's strongest sword wielders. Nadya, the main healer, went with Dagger to worsen things. Blake frowned as he added the last few names to the list just as the rest of the mercenaries arrived. Cloak seemed way too fragile right now, even with John present. With that in mind, he decided to answer Veronika.

"I'd rather let them choose where they go, now that they're here," Blake said evenly. "Once again, are you all confident with this plan? And who will lead Dagger? They at least should have some say in combat teams."

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Norbert was surprised when he saw Synthia and Valter enter the room -- surprised enough to rise off of the fist he'd been leaning on and sit up straight, eyes locked on the horseman. Looks like they had a boy with them, too. Shortly afterward Mirielle and Ranyin entered the galley as well. It was good to see Ranyin again, but his focus was primarily on Valter. They were briefed and Norbert made his way directly to the odd-eyed man.

"Valter," he greeted with a scrutinizing grimace, "How do you feel?" He looks a lot better than he did when I last saw him. He can't be completely healthy, though. "Maybe you should sit down," he suggested, concerned for his friend.

Meanwhile, Gytha smiled when Synthia entered the Galley. She hadn't seen the familiar mage in a good while and had walked over by the time Norbert had begun talking to Valter.

"Ahoy, Synthia," she greeted, "How've ye been? I missed ye." Wasn't that the truth. She felt more at ease around Synthia than she had with the others. She'd been a member of the original team and there was something comforting about that.


To Nesha, she only swiveled her ear towards before returning it to its position -- a sort of acknowledging glance. The two other males began undoing their bonds. One was able to free himself in fairly short order but the other was having trouble biting through his tether. The winged mare walked over and softly gave a quiet bray to ask him to move his head. Meanwhile, the other horse was already leaving. She'd hoped to leave this place as a group, though it didn't matter so much, really. It seemed that two of the others were content to stay. That was fine, so long as it was what they wanted.

[spoiler=OoC]Thanks for the corrections. Let me know if I have to edit this more.

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Gil was flying back to the deck. To say he had a good catch would be stretching it. The fish of these waters weren't as big as he'd like it, and he had only so many claws to carry them at any rate.

Well, seems that was all he could get here, time to head back to the ship. He'd probably had to wait for John to head back after all. At least the fish would make up for the wait.

So arriving back at the deck, he first dropped the fish over before landing before them and taking a sitting position, before grabbing one of them and began to eat.

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Torin listened wide-eyed as Zachary explained what was going on. He had no idea there was a cult in town, much less of the horrible things they did. The kid was horrified and inched further behind Mireille. “Um, I'm Torin,” he told Sophia quietly. “I'm not here to fight or anything.”

Synthia took the news in stride, having heard most of it from Valter already. The only thing new to those two was the current decoy strategy. While the mage considered which team she should be on, Valter thought about the plan. “If no one else volunteers, I suppose I could lead Dagger,” he said. Synthia looked at him like he was crazy. Bert saved him from noticing. “I'm fine,” Valter said dismissively. He'd had enough sitting around. It made him feel useless. “So, which team are you on?”

Just as Synthia noticed Torin the mariner spoke to her. She'd have to talk to the kid later, it seemed. It didn't look like he was causing trouble at the moment. “Hey, Gytha. I've been... reasonably ok.” Seasick as a dog, more like it, but her short excursion on land had helped with that. She began pondering her choice of team again and, turning to Blake, asked, “Which team needs more healers?” Back to Gytha, “Are you on cloak?” She figured the woman would be protecting Raquel, considering her reasons for joining up in the first place.

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"I can lead Dagger if necessary. You don't have to feel obligated to do so," Blake quickly added after Valter, as he wrote the horseman's name down on the dagger team list. Once this was done, a few more moments were spent reviewing the team lists. Then, the swordsman spoke:

"Cloak could probably use a few more healers, but from what I understand, it's free choice on teams," he said neutrally. Understatement of the year. "Dagger could also use a healer, so it's your call."

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