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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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''A day? So we could just wait for tomorrow and head there?'' John asked for clarification. <I wonder... we did spent a while with the two teams plan. Waiting for tomorrow may render that moot.>

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"If that's what you all prefer we can probably head out early in the morning and attack then, but that eliminates the possibility of using the cover of night to help a stealth team" Zach responded to the question

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"I thought this was a rescue op," Reign chimed in in a dull tone. "If you wait too long and they come after us, we won't really get the chance to make sure that girl is okay. And if Grant here is with us, they might take some extra precautions. At the very least, I would be wondering why the hell the governor's relatives are helping us directly. Then I'd put the girl somewhere they can't find her just in case it's time to 'close up shop'." he added.

"Zachary, would they really move her if we waited?" Shadrak asked.

"I'm probably giving them too much credit here, but are you going to give them the chance?" Reign asked in general.

"I still want to take them on tonight, otherwise the captain and his men could easily get dragged into this and they've had it bad enough, already." Raquel replied.

"Uh, so have we." Shadrak clarified.

Main Deck

Luca didn't want to get moved out, but it's what Nadya wanted, and they probably had things to do soon, so he accepted his fate. The push didn't hurt, but he still had a grudge against this floating collection of tree murder.

Riley meanwhile told Rizen that sometimes humans spent too much time with other humans instead of looking after them. He then inquired if the humans he was spending time with were females, his train of thought becoming somewhat obvious from there.

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No one really gave her any sort of response, so Faatina decided to simply lean back against the wall, spear at her side.


What sort of idiocy was this? Sharif didn't really do much aside from watch when the other horses had went ahead and broke loose. It was none of his business, and he had no need to be separated from his rider. The human female provided him food and didn't work him terribly hard, and when the others were eventually round up, he would be the one rewarded for loyalty.

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"You really think I want to wait any longer than I have to?" Zach asked, fairly annoyed "My choices don't matter, I can't do this alone and have to rely on you all. I have to give you the options to do this, if you guys want to wait I have to do the same, there's no point in fighting in less than ideal situations, but we would be foolish to pass up this chance for a sneak attack tonight. As for moving the girl Shadrak? I'd say no, he has no reason whatsoever to suspect that the girl would be involved at all. But still, given her "situation" It'd still be best to get her out of there as soon as possible."

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Well, that eased some fears, but Riz still began to feel saddened that Norbert had probably replaced her friendship with that of the other humans'. She didn't quite understand Riley's question about if the humans he was spending time with were females at first -- he was a rare male, so of course most the other humans were female -- but she answered anyway affirmatively.

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The two were now minding their own business, and now he was without things to busy himself with. So Gil had nothing else to do again, just wait for the humans to head out again, whenever that was.

That brought to him back a previous thought. John had been spending more time with other humans. It was kinda expected, considering they were now constantly traveling with them, and with they've all went through, it was hard to avoid it, unlike what the two had been through before this. But even so, that wasn't the thing that was puzzling. No, it was the fact that out of that, it was the most with that female healer.

Just what was the reason behind that? Two things came to mind. Although, John wasn't an injury-prone human, their latest battles notwithstanding. And the other thing was... wait a minute, no, it couldn't be he was trying to court her?! That was silly, he hadn't shown an interest in that before, why would he start now?

Gil grunted, if that was what really was happening... well then, one more fallen male in the world, what a pity...

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"I don't know what you want to do, but it's an odd suggestion with what we already know." Reign replied. "You said it, yourself, we'd be 'foolish' to wait with what could end up happening ..."

Raquel, wanting to avoid any potential arguing that might come up quickly stood up saying "Don't mind him; he always says what he means no matter who's listening. Okay, so Blake, you can handle the team arrangements for Cloak and Dagger, but I think you should come with me when I go into town so I'm up to date. Also," she paused to look up to the rest of the group in general. "I'll need some people, around ten or so to help with carrying what I'm selling and buying. I'll try to be quick, and see if we can't get anything useful before it's time."

"Looks like somebody found her leadership hat." Reign teased with a neutral expression.

"No matter who's listening ..." Raquel repeated with an embarrassed look. She immediately refocused and continued on. "Once I'm finished, I'll head back to the ship with what we have and then whoever's on dagger can break off and whoever's on cloak can gather up, and we'll head up to the mansion. Is there anything wrong with that plan?"

"It seems a little complicated with the shopping trip mixed in, but I guess not. You should probably take everyone from cloak with you though anyway, if it saves some time." Shadrak commented.

"I'm not sure how it would, really. We still have to bring everything I purchase back to the ship ..."


Riley figured as much. Rizen's rider was clearly seeking dominance of the human herd. It was the only way he could insure he sired enough children, after all. Riley's version of this was to simply explain to Rizen that Bert was seeking acceptance as the lead stallion in the human herd. With Raquel being the lead mare, Rizen had some tough competition.

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So they were indeed going to stock on stuff before heading out. A wise decision. ''I'll go with you.'' John spoke up. <We'd be waiting for her to come back anyway, might as well help out.>

Oh, so she is going after all. Sophia thought. If they are coming back here, maybe I should just wait. I don't think I could be of much help in carrying the things. Although, if they do find staffs I could just purchase it right then. Although, it is probable that Raquel would like to buy it herself then try to sell it for a profit. A risk she would be willing to attempt? Perhaps, perhaps not.

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"I should go as well, I can probably help you find whatever you need to buy. Besides, at the very least I know where the shops are." Said Zachary

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"I'll help as well, the sooner we can get this operation over with," she offered.


"Yeah I figured ya wouldn't like the ship much, but ya gotta stay until I finish killin' some more religious weirdos or somethin'. I'll bring ya back somethin' nice, we're free to loot the estate after we killed all the people in it I bet," she said to Luca, guiding him back to where the horses were kept.

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Rizen had mixed emotions about that. She was proud of her rider for being so ambitious, even if he didn't have much competition and (in her eyes anyway) none of the other male humans matched up to him. At the same time, though, becoming the alpha stallion meant taking on a lot of responsibility. He would have to protect the entire herd and issue orders to the other stallions while the alpha mare issued orders to the other mares.

But did it really mean that? Rizen expressed disagreement before pointing out that there were many females within this herd, though she was clearly uncertain. Thinking about it a little more, she expressed that she did not want her human to be giving so much of his attention away -- she wanted him to spend more time with her again. And so, she told Riley the beginnings of a plan. She didn't mind him finding a mate but she did not want him becoming alpha male human so she asked Riley if he could help her to achieve her priorities as the talented and brave stallion he was.

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Luca didn't like being put back in the ever shifting innards of the ship, but Nadya had at least hinted that she had something important to do, and a few key words came up that gave him hope ... though it was odd that he couldn't come with. He could help her loot. He had to hope the humans were smart enough to keep her safe in his absence. For now, he took a hint from Sandrock and lied down, resigned to his temporary fate.


Riley quickly agreed with a confident whinny. He could most certainly help, and with lack of better things to do, what better way to pass the time than assert a greater influence over the humans' actions? This would be fun.


Once Raquel had gathered some able bodied or otherwise interested volunteers, she explained the situation to Captain Bogdan before seeing to some things. Once her group was ready, they set out with what they could carry and went into town. Raquel wasn't at the top of her game, but determination saw her through some of the haggling and lousy price negotiations. She wasn't able to claim any new offensive equipment, but they could still manage for the time being. The most interesting items Raquel came across were extremely effective healing agents and auroras. The situation may or may not have warranted them now, but she was happy to give the group some more options for survival when all was said and done.

Items Get!




Barrier Staff

Revival Amulet

Raquel has completed Tier 1!

Once they had brought everything back to the Dauntless, it was time for any last minute gear ups before heading off to ... frankly ... fall right into the enemy's trap while setting up for one of their own. With so little light around, it was a wonder they got anything back into the Dauntless at all, let alone in an organized manner. After everything was taken care of, they set out once again, splitting up and forming the two main teams. Reign accompanied Mandy and Tali after a brief discussion, and they were all set once Blake had delivered the revised teams.

Raquel's group was on final approach to the manse and she was hoping team Dagger was getting into position. The sooner they were ready, the better ....


Holding off on Dagger context until Gar's actions and whatnot can be accounted for proper. As for now, cloak's approaching the manse, which is in plain view, now.

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A Man Called Gar

After leaving that awful Avian woman behind, stocking up--including some very useful Aurora--and getting Gar's nice new cloak ready, the Ascendant set course for outside the city, things already settling into darkness as he did. his eyes were generally sharp enough that it didn't bother him. It was only when out of the city did he realize that he didn't know where this manse was, just that it was close by some woods. So conveniently enough the first building he saw in the distance looked to fit that description so he took the long way around and entered into the woods and starting spying on the manse from up in a tree. He counted out the exact number of steps he needed in order to ram his knife into the back of the head of the one lone guard standing in front of the basement. He planned the scenario out dozens of times while he waited for everyone else to get into position.

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Going over his rather poor planning one more time in his head Zach gave a sigh before speaking quietly to the group members walking behind him. "Nobody make any sudden movement once we're inside all right? Play along and let me do all the talking we'll get through is just fine."

Arriving at the front door Zachary started to speak with the guards on duty " Zachary Fairweather reporting back with guests for Lord

Von Krausche, Lady Raquel Valcyn and her bodyguards."

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Raquel understood the need to let Zachary lead, but for him to do all the talking period didn't feel natural. At the very least she had resolved to greet people when greeted, though thinking back on it, she figured that he probably didn't mean for her not to say a word, only to avoid getting into any conversations while he set everything up.

I thought they would never show. Huh, Zachary came through after all. I can see why he picked him for this, now. the guard thought to himself before greeting them. "Evening." he opened up with a friendly nod.

Despite the thought she had just put into it, she didn't say anything to the guard as they came up, and instead only smiledand nodded in reply. Somehow the smile looked genuine despite her losing her nerve, and the guard even blushed. She had no idea that he suddenly felt a little bad about what he and his allies were about to put them through. And he had no idea that they were about to do the same. No, not the perverted stuff ...

She took a deep breath as they approached the door. Zachary could do the opening since she was a guest.

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Cervantes gave out a heavy sigh. The weakly quivering form beneath him let out shallow breaths as the Director pulled away, curling into itself slightly as his weight left it.

"Now relax, my Goddess. You shall be back to normal soon enough." Cervantes chided, taking a syringe from the nearby shelf and giving it a playful twirl between his middle and index finger. His face twisting into a demented grin, Cervantes plunged the needle down into his restrained victim, earning him a slight spasm and a pained gasp, before a weak and noneffective squirm from the small body beneath him accompanied the injection of the sedating serum.

"Hah... there we are, my Goddess... rest your tired body for the presentation... we need you looking your very best when we deliver that girl to the organization... oh I do wonder what other morsels we will have the fortune of capturing with her... ?" Cervantes muttered to himself, licking his lips at the thought, as he retreated from the hidden corner of his chambers and to his study, where he immediately poured a glass of wine for his own celebration. Soon enough, Zachary would return and give any final adjustments required for the capture... with that debt finally off his back, perhaps he could even expand outside of Tremere... the small island could only give so much income, but a Port town on the mainland? It was a gold mine waiting to happen, and all he needed was the 'divine' descent of the Goddess onto the foolish and easily trusting populace...

Cervantes took another drink of his wine. As he looked, disheartened, at the newly emptied goblet, Cervantes finally noticed the cracking sound from the edge of the room over his own thoughts.

Heavily rusted iron, ripping into wooden supports, which splinter beneath the pressure. The sound was an unfamiliar grating against Cervantes' ears, and with a spot of fear within him, Cervantes looked down at the used syringe on his mantle. Instead of the expected drops of cyan liquid left behind in the container, Cervantes felt his heart leap into his throat when he witnessed a scarlet red in it's stead.

"A Stimulant, huh? Now now, my Goddess... it would be best for everyone were you to calm down and not throw this little tantrum." Cervantes threatened in a low voice, grasping the Silver axe from his mantle... though purchased as a decorative piece, the blade was sharpened, and it was more than capable of rending flesh. With his weapon in hand, Cervantes advanced slowly towards the curtain, before tearing it aside to witness the spectacle behind.

The young girl was writhing against the chains that bound her, lavender eyes bloodshot. As soon as the curtain was retreated, a threatening snarl escaped the raving girl's throat towards her captor. Her hand shot towards the Director, causing him to retreat slightly, though the assault was stopped by the iron chain, and the slender wrist recoiled backward. The wooden supports holding the chains were now quite audibly creaking, and the damage on them was easily visible.

"Hmph... I didn't want to do this... seems I'll need sedate you while you are unconscious." Cervantes decided, swinging the axe at the bound girl... so long as he did not hit any vitals and gave her immediate treatment, her own healing ability should be more than enough to not take any lasting damage from such a blow, he reasoned.

The blade of the axe sung as it tore through the air, the small girl ducking beneath the swing, giving a crazed smile as the weapon caught the iron chains that bound her were struck and damaged by the axe. Now was the time, the slender girl shot her slightly freed arm towards the evaded weapon, her hand wrapping around Cervantes' wrist, dragging him towards her, to be met with an enraged headbutt, which sent the older man recoiling, until he was caught by the hand still grasping his wrist.

A sickening crack, as the girl crushed the mess of blood, flesh, and bone that she held, violently ripping the axe from Cervantes hand, and causing the bloodied appendage to flop uselessly as the man started away from the girl.

"Why you little... how dare you do this to me, I gave you lif-!?" Cervantes roared at his Goddess, before his words were stopped cold. She had already grabbed hold of his discarded axe, and had used it to hack away at the weak old chains that bound her. With a satisfying clang, the iron gave way, and the girl tore her arm free of the wall behind her, holding the axe with a vacant gaze in her eyes, blood trickling down her hands from her wrists, bruised and bloodied from her thrashing.

"Now now, my little princess... daddy was only joking, he didn't mean t-to do anything to upset you... yes, I love you oh so very much, my darling Goddess..." Cervantes appealed, backing slowly away from the advancing girl. However, it would seem mercy was not something that the artificial Goddess had learned from this man, as she lunged towards him, axe ripping into his thigh as he scrambled to attempt a dodge.

"G-grahah..." Cervantes released a pained groan, a scream welling in his throat interrupted by a heavy blow to the chest, as he collapsed to the bloodied floor, nearly vomiting as he saw the white bone sticking gruesomely from his now split leg. His screaming did not last much longer, as the axe ripped into his torso and sent several bloodied chunks of flesh and bone across the floor as she vengefully began tearing into his ribcage, at first with the axe, and eventually even with her free hand, tearing out handfuls of intestines and other such unwholesome affairs and lobbing them across the room in a blind rage.

There was no more movement from the Director, and soon the girl stepped away from his corpse, and began working on the heavy oak door with her axe.


The guardsman looked lazily over the balcony, stationed above the main room of the manse. Such a dull station for lookout but he supposed there was not much else to be done for it. At the very least if someone attacked, he would be up here, and not at their immediate mercy. Or so the cultist thought, before the loud crash from behind him resounded through the building. All he could register was the closest door of the many that isolated Director Cervantes' chambers from the rest of the mansion burst open, and the Goddess, holding a bloody axe, descended the stairs.

"G-god... dess?" The man muttered, confused, as he watched another guardsman charge the girl, Director Cervantes' severed head gripped in her free hand by the hair. The lone guardsman was no match for the ire of the Goddess, her axe cleanly sweeping his legs out from beneath him, before being brought down hard on his skull, smashing the bone open like a melon, and expelling the contents throughout the area. Before he could even think to grab his weapon, the severed head of his ex-commander was thrown at his own, knocking him off his balance, and subsequently, off the balcony, where he landed hard on the marble flooring, snapping his neck.

It was at this point that the cultists began scrambling. Several of them gathered to do a check on their fallen comrade, and several rushed towards the artificial girl. Rather then fight them, however, the girl began to run towards the balcony, and taking a leap, threw herself atop the low-hanging chandelier.

"Shit, she got away from us! Get away from that blasted chandelier!" One of the guardsmen atop the balcony shouted, but not before the girl had severed the chain suspending the chandelier, sending the heavy ornament plummeting down towards several guardsmen, painting the walls of the main hall red with blood. After admiring her handiwork, the girl dropped down from the remnants of the chain, giving out a nigh feral growl at the remaining guards before noticing the new arrivals, as well as an old, though this one far less foul.

Turning to them, the girl attempted to speak to the man she had recognized, and though they came, they were accompanied by a trickle of blood and a hard cough.

"Help me... kill bad men... please..."

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A Man Called Gar

The rest of clever team dagger finally moseyed on up. It was time.

Gar lowered himself down from the tree and faced the fence of black iron between him and the guard.

One step: guard beyond in focus. Two step: gaining speed. Three step: more speed. Four step: near the fence. Five step: over the fence. Six step: drop down. Seven step: the guard turns. Eight step: the guard realizes. Nine step: the guard raises his weapon, his mouth opens. Ten step: fist to the jaw, weapon so hastily grabbed knocked aside. Eleven step: behind the guard, hand in mouth. Twelve step: STAB.


Gar felt the life drain out of the guard from the knife imbedded into the back of his skull, and slowly let him drop to the grass. The Ascendant quickly cleaned his knife before returning it to its sheathe. Now just waiting for Dagger to come on over...

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"Nobody make any sudden movement once we're inside all right? Play along and let me do all the talking we'll get through is just fine."

Norbert found the instruction irritating. Zach was acting like he was in charge again. That guy's going to get himself killed one of these days...probably by me if he doesn't stop acting like that. I'll just act natural...which includes saying whatever the heck I want to. He went along quietly for the most part, though, keeping his complaints to himself. After all, if he was in this situation without knowledge of what the enemy was planning, he knew he'd just be quietly observing.

Zach talked to the guard and he let them inside. No surprise there. So, Zach entered the manse. Raquel followed but he didn't. Hesitating, at first. I can't believe I'm knowingly walking into a trap. Then, pulling together his self-control and sighing silently, he followed Raquel for the sake of doing his best to ensure her safety. Once this is over maybe he'll go away. Or maybe he'll die in the fighting.

There was a lot of commotion and a girl drenched in blood and wielding an axe was apparently on a rampage. She turned to them and asked for help to "kill bad men." The pegasus rider immediately glared at Zach. "This is that 'poor, helpless girl' you were talking about?! We should go, Raquel," he turned his attention to his leader with the advice before turning his disgusted glare back to Zach, "Looks like we really couldn't trust him." Not that I thought we could.


Gytha was being very quiet as she waited by Synthia for Gar to give the word that they could enter the manse. They couldn't talk without risking the mission, so there wasn't really anything else to do but sit and wait, wondering when the time would come to move.

Well, he killed a guy, so that was probably the signal. She didn't want to give them away on accident, though, so the mariner opted to let someone else begin the reunion.

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"We still need to defeat this cult, misinformation or not," Veronika cautioned after Bert's outburst. The girl wasn't quite what she had expected either, but neither she nor Zach were the priorities here. Her hand was on her sword, watching for enemies to approach


Damn, glad he's on our side. was all Nadya thought as she saw Gar assassinate the doorman. Team Dagger carefully entered the mansion organized into their combat teams, attempting to remain quiet and reunite with their comrades presumably at the front entrance.

OOC: Do not have the two groups meet yet. Do not move about the manor without GM permission.

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"Are we helping a monster escape?" the pegasus rider bluntly questioned, "Great... Just fantastic! Maybe these weren't bad people after all and the insane killer just so happened to break loose!" This was a frustrating situation to be in. It was hard to tell what was true and what wasn't and, by extention, what they should do.

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Shock wouldn't be a word powerful enough for what Zach felt as he took in all that was happening, dead cult members everywhere, the girl is infront of him covered in blood and wielding an axe asking for help, and the jackass racist probably wanted to kill Zach before he left. 'Shit, I need to act fast. She's the top priority right now'

Slowly Zach began to approach the girl, reaching her he got down on one knee, gently put a hand on her shoulder, and started to speak while putting on a smile. "I'm going to help you all right Sweetie? I won't let the bad men hurt you anymore. Just stay close to me and I promise I'll get you away from here."

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One of the men approached her... not one of the bad, but one of the newcomers... she recognized him vaguely, but still tensed and took a step back as he placed his hand on her shoulder. The man spoke softly and gently, eliciting a slight nod from the girl.

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A Man Called Gar

Dragging the poor sod down with them had been done as quietly as possible. Gar quickly debated internally to drop his frills now or before combat. Bodies were gonna be left, so best to not dawdle, he'd wait until combat.

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