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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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Retreat was successful enough, Faatina had managed to get the girl out of the line of fire, and had brought her outside. With any luck, she could get the girl to Sharif, and have her safe at the Leverager in no time flat.

Of course, luck is never on your side. It just doesn't happen.

"Now where is it that you think you are going with our Goddess?"

The intent of the voice was obviously murderous, and it seemed to have plenty of backup, as five men, these ones clearly trained unlike the ones she had mowed down in the manor, blocked her path.

"Did you really think we would leave this exit unguarded after you guys stormed in? You walked right into us, and now you will return to us the Goddess... and as punishment for your sin of attempting to take her..." The man gloated with a chuckle, ending his threat by licking his lips suggestively. Faatina shuddered at the connotations, and readied her shield defensively, placing the girl down behind her.

"Like hell I'm going to let that happen. Now get out of my way!"

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The fighting continued, and Raquel quickly scanned the battlefield to see what they were up against. Team dagger must have run into as much trouble as they had if they hadn't shredded the cultist defenses to join them by now. They might have run into some tough resistance ... "Oh no ..." Her bit of vocalized concern seemed to come too early in hindsight, since she immediately noticed another group preparing to enter the fight proper just seconds later. She amended with "Oh crap!" seeing that they were both shooters.


Shadrak couldn't move easily, but still managed to haul himself out of harms way and lean up against the wall to nurse his wound. "Dammit ... it won't stop bleeding ... urgh. We need to ... end this quick."

Gabbie meanwhile had to shake her head at the situation she noticed developing. "Robin, make up your fucking moind, already. Kill, don't kill, kill don't kill? Pick one!" And with that, she rammed her lance into the back of the enemy archer's skull to finish what Robin had started.


Bard A attacks Nanahm! Rolls 2,4,6



-8 hp!


Bard A hp 21/21

Nanahm hp 0/15

SwordMaster A attacks Veronika! Rolls 2,1,1

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3589754/ (attack reassigned)


SwordMaster hp 15/15

Veronika hp 15/15

Archer A attacks Raquel! Rolls 2,6,1



Archer A hp 9/9

Raquel hp 17/18

Archer B attacks Chelsea! Rolls 3,2,1(countdown to doom or sommat?)



-20 hp!


Archer B hp 9/9

Chelsea hp 0/15

Another slew of attacks came, and Raquel found herself narrowly avoiding being shot again. If dagger didn't hurry up, they were going to be captured, she was beginning to worry. Nanahm and Chelsea went down next, and that scared her deeply. They had just lost a healer to these attacks.

Raquel 17/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 15/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 19/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 21/21 (Defending)

Archer A 9/9 (Subvert)

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)


Magician B 18/18 (Defending)

Shaman B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Cleric B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive)


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Arche r D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)


Gabbie immediately regretted her counter comment when Nadya went down, and with her being the only healer left and with a dagger wielding cultist standing over her, she decided she needed to at least make sure the woman didn't get finished off in the middle of all this. She couldn't do much more than swipe at the thief to get him to back away from her fallen ally. "Hey, Nadya, don't bleed out or anything! I'll try to get you some help once we finish off the last of these guys!" And then Robin went down and Gabbie just buried her face in her palm. She hoped cloak team was fairing better, though she doubted it.


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http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3589782/ +5 points for Zach/Raquel/Mireille

Zach HP 15/15

Knight B HP 21/21

Zach attacks 16+1 -4 = 13 = Knight B 8/21

Knight counters=AUTO MISS

Zach finishes=AUTO HIT = DEAD

The healer girl and the axe-man were down, not good. Noticing out of the corner of his eye that another armor was approaching the group at a rather quick pace for carrying that much Zach quickly launched out a spell to take care of him. Adding yet another body to his kill count.

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A Man Called Gar

If both groups had gone full force against each other then Raquel's little group probably would have been doomed. Hopefully Cloak was doing better, but right now Dagger was on its last legs.

Well, Gar was about to put the advantage back in their favor at least. The soldier who had knocked down staff-chick was being distracted by spear-woman. So Gar took the time to saunter up behind him and carefully remove the life in his body.


Gar cleaned his knife as he looked at the remaining two enemies.

Gar attacks Soldier B, Gar hits, Gar triples, Gar deals 5 damage minimum, Gar Vantages.



Gar/Davod/Blake +5 points. (23 total)

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More of their allies were going down...Veronika charged forward and impaled the archer through the chest that had shot at Raquel. Maybe we're not getting any reinforcements... she thought grimly, looking out at the cultists who just seemed to keep coming.

(1,4,5)= Hit. 12-0= 12 damage. Archer A KO'd +5 points Ranyin. Bert, Veronika (and +3 for defend last PP)

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The sounds of combat were escalating from the mansion, but Faatina didn't have time to deal with it at the moment, with a decent chunk of fighters advancing on her. The first man charged, sword swinging, aimed towards her left thigh. Deflecting the blade with her shield, she rammed her lance through the man's chest, slaying him instantly.

But it wasn't all rosy, the opening from her thrust and the delay of removing her lance allowing a second opposing swordsman to deal a nasty wound to Faatina's stomach.

"Tch..." Faatina groaned, retreating slightly, and blocking the follow-up strike with her lance, and countering by slamming her shield into the man's throat, downing him.

Faatina took a slight breath, the two men who had advanced first taken care of, though it was quickly interrupted by the sharp pain of an arrow embedding itself into her right femur. Cringing and taking a quick step back while raising her shield, Faatina let out a slight yelp as she felt the thud of the second arrow slamming against her shield, roughly equivalent to where her face would have been.

'That was far too close...'

Scanning the remaining enemies, there was the archer who was readying another arrow, as well as a lancer and a mage. Speaking of the mage, a ferocious blast of wind slammed into Faatina's shield, though luckily at the same time forcing the fired arrow off to the side.

'Good thing he isn't a flame or a thunder mage.' Faatina reasoned, taking the chance to charge the archer. The man was not expecting the sudden offensive, and while he managed to evade the first swing, the follow-up came around, striking him hard in the back of the head, downing him.

"Tear into this sinful fiend with the force of a great typhoon, WIND!"

'Oh shi-'

The wind blast hit home this time around, sending Faatina back several feet, and littering her body with bruises and cuts. Landing hard against the ground, she barely recovered in time to raise her shield and stop the coup de grâce aimed at her throat by the lancer.

'How the hell am I gonna get out of this one?'

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Turns out the Swordmaster didn't went after him after all. Unfortunately, things took another turn for the worse. A Bard took out Nanahm out with a knife, and then a gunshot was heard. John wasn't fast enough to block it, and the result was a very wounded Troubadour.

<Not good...> He thought. This certainly wasn't the best way to repay the favor. This place was dangerous, so he quickly hurried to where the others were to support them.

He arrived near Raquel, and Sophia which is where she had gone by after getting away from the Swordmaster.

''This doesn't look good. The other team has not arrived yet, you think the enemy resistance is also giving them a hard time?'' John asked.

''Hopefully they can get here before it's too late.'' Sophia said.

''Then we better make sure it doesn't come to that.'' He said.

''Right, so just in case...'' Sophia said before using her staff one more time.

[John healed to full and defends Raquel. John/Sophia +2 points. Team total: 14.]

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Davod attacks that nasty bard, what a friggin DICK, being a bard near Davod. He deals 8 damage and dodges the fireblast with the friggin grace that you wish you had during highschool. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Remember that time at the dance where you were probably gonna bust in through that door foin a fukken pirouette and probably moonsault up onto the stage whilst singing Never gonna give you up? Yeah, me neither. Thing is, Davod woulda LANDED THE DISMOUNT. He hopped over it like it was his dayjob. Like dodging wind. Which he did. Next up? He's gonna dodge thunder, mark my words...

Davod is 9/15

Bard... A? Hell IDK. 4/15

Why 9 HP suddenly? He boosted his teammates. Too bad so many people just can't keep rhythm. So silly...

Aneda uses a Friggin Vulnerary!

17/18 HP!

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The bard decided to engage Davod in the bard-off. He lost.

(5,3,1)= Miss.

In a desperate move, the thief attempted to stop the swordsman who had been tearing them apart. It didn't work.

(4,5,3)= Miss

Warlock A (Erratic) 0/21

Bard B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mercenary A (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage A (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Savant A (Erratic) 0/24

Bard C (Aggressive) 4/15

Mercenary B (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk B (Aggressive) 0/15


Thief A (Erratic) 15/15

Archer E (Subvert) 0/15

Fighter C (Subvert) 0/27

Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Aneda 17/18

Gabbie 21/21

Nadya 0/21


Davod 9/15

Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9


Valter 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Robin 0/15

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Teams Cloak and Dagger

Dagger was finally blowing through their enemies, but Raquel couldn't see them just yet, and tried to distract herself from the fear of defeat by relocating Zachary once again. It wasn't much, but hopefully the constant shifting would keep the mage out of enemy reach while he whittled them down and bought dagger more time.

Gabbie tried to move Nadya over to Shadrak and the others so she could safely apply a vulnerary, but one of the enemy bards drew far too close for her liking and she lunged at him. The attack missed, but she leaped back and avoided his attack easily enough. When Davod got the enemy's attention off of her and the others, she applied the salve and then ran over to fetch Robin next.

Team Shadow

Talitha stood carefully on tree branch, pressing her tail and wings against anything she could to steady herself as she took aim at her target. She unleashed her arrow with a hateful look in her eye, and the wind mage assailing Faatina was blinded by an arrow striking him right through his right eye.

Faatina coming out of the building seemed like a bad sign, and so Reign had decided to move closer. Without a proper tome, he wouldn't be able to unleash potent fire magic against enemies, but he could help Faatina take down the last enemy out there with Mandy's help. Reign came running from behind as the two engaged each other and Mandy lined up a shot. "I sure hope nobody sneaks up on me while I'm up here by myself ... and with only one eye available ...." Mandy said to herself while lining up the shot.

Reign quickly appeared and summoned up a small burst of flames to get the man's attention off Faatina, and then he plowed into him and used all his momentum to tear away his shield. Mandy took her shot and struck the man's lance arm as Reign rolled to the ground with the shield in hand.


Bard A attacks Veronika! Rolls 2,1,1



Bard A hp 21/21

Veronika hp 15/15

Swordmaster A attacks Veronika! Rolls 6,4,4



-26 hp


Swordmaster A hp 15/15

Veronika hp 0/15

Archer B attacks Raquel! Rolls 3,2,5



-8 hp

Archer B hp 9/9

Raquel hp 9/18

Raquel 9/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)


Magician B 18/18 (Defending)

Shaman B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Cleric B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive)


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)


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It seems the answer to Faatina's query came in the form of help. The fire mage they had met on the Leverager had tackled the lancer off of her as he continued to strike at her shield, and an arrow from the distance tore into the man's lance arm. It seems the mage, Reign if she recalled correctly, had also managed to disarm the man's shield. Going to grab her lance and strike at the disoriented lancer, Faatina grimaced to realize she had been disarmed by the blast of wind.

'This really would have ended badly.'

Well, not entirely. Springing up from the ground with what energy her body could muster, Faatina unsheathed her combat knife, and jammed it upward below the man's chestplate, the blade sliding in-between two ribs and implanting itself into his vital regions. With a violent jerk and a twist of the knife, Faatina dispatched the lancer, and swung towards the mage, using the man's body as a shield, only to note that the enemy had been blinded by an arrow to the eye, and had dropped his tome in agony... the wound would end him within seconds.

Dropping the body to the ground, Faatina let out a grateful sigh, before collapsing herself, barely catching her own body before it hit the ground completely.

"T-thanks... do you h-have any medicine?" She asked, voice pained.

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Team Shadow

"Here ..." Reign replied, tossing over a vulnerary. "If you don't mind, I'm going to hold onto this for a little while." he added, raising up the shield he'd stolen to show her what he meant. "So what's going on inside? Is that girl over there the one we're after? What happened to everyone else?"

From her spot up in the tree Talitha sighed. It was a close call, but they were all okay it seemed.

Mandy couldn't tell for certain, but noticed that the two were still moving and the others weren't. Even if they were both terribly injured, they were all still alive. That afforded them a little more time, but she had to wonder what was going on inside ...

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A Man Called Gar

That uppity thief bastard, who was a poor imitation of Gar at best, tried, with that sad little knife of his, to shank his better.

Now that just couldn't stand. That elation from earlier returned, allowing Gar to rather swiftly rip the thief's knife away and jam it into his eye. Gar's own knife going into the other obviously.


Gar let the body fall with the knife that used to belong to the corpse still inside. Gar cleaned his own knife.

Gar attacks Thief A, Gar is bard boosted, Gar hits, Gar doubles, Gar does 9 damage minimum, Gar vantages, Thief A dies.


Gar/Davod/Blake +5 points. (28 total)

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"Yeah, that's her." Faatina replied, as she began applying the vulnerary to her stomach and left leg.

"Seems she had gotten herself loose, which was helpful, but she got hit pretty hard by a fire sage. I was hoping to get her out of there and back to the Leverager so she would be safe, but you saw how that turned out... as for them, they were just beginning to fight when I came out." Faatina continued, grimacing as she looked over her right leg. Even applying the slightest pressure to the thing caused pain to flare through her body, dropping her closer to the ground.

"Shit...! I think it's broken..." Faatina cursed, not sure what to do about the arrow that was still impaling her femur.

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Team Shadow

"Well you won't be fighting anymore tonight in your condition, and I'm no healer so we've got two options. Either I take you somewhere where there is a healer, or we wait here for them to finish up inside and one of their healers can get to you then." Reign replied, taking note of the location of the arrow. It probably was broken, he figured with a grimace.

Team Cloak and Dagger

Nadya was somewhat taken care of, but wouldn't be back up anytime soon, and so Gabbie was forced to fight defensively until they cleared away the last enemies in their way. The bard was getting too close again, and Gabbie took another swing at him. He was fully expecting the attack however and used the opening she'd created to strike back hard with a fire attack that singed her hands and riding gloves and even set a small fire to one of them that Gabbie quickly patted down. She had no choice but to back off once again, and her hands were in so much pain, she could barely handle her weapon anymore.

Raquel meanwhile continued her work and warped Zachary to anther part of the field, trying to shrug off her injury for the time being. Things were looking very bad with Veronika down, and she didn't know how much longer the enemy was going to continue to ignore her. One of the archers were already shooting at her so there was little she could do to keep going but hope.

Gabbie attacks Bard B! Rolls 1,5,5



Bard B counters! Rolls 1,6,1



-10 hp

Gabbie hp 11/21

Bard B hp 12/15

Raquel uses Rescue Staff on Zach!

+2 points for Raquel/Zachary

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Aneda went after the same bard as Davod, swinging wildly like a trained idiot. She misses, but damn the swing was powerful. You could hear the whistling and like... if you coordinated it with a bunch of other people swinging, it COULD HAVE been an epic song, but meh, she misses...

Bard slings a fireball right at her, and despite the blast, she seems unfazed by it. Yeah it burned her hair (among other features on her face)... a lot, which she quickly put out, but it was like... so what? It wasn't the end of the world. No. She smiled. It was gonna end horribly for that bard soon.

Enemy bard: 4/15

Aneda: 9/18

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Things were now going worse. The Swordmaster from before had now struck down Veronika, and one of the Archers had injured Raquel, who despite the injury kept to using her staffs.

''Don't strain yourself,'' Sophia said as she used her staff. ''At least wait until getting healed.'' Her voice had a worried tone in it. After all, considering the lateness of the other team, it was already most likely that if they come here at all, it will be just as crippled as they were right now.

<Those arrows and bullets are too fast to block them in time. So long they keep coming it will be futile trying to stop them.> John thought. Now it was time to change tactics.

''I'm gonna try to buy us some time.'' John said to the ladies. ''If they gang up their attacks over here, sooner or later they might down one of us.''

''Wait! But what if it doesn't work?'' Sophia asked. ''You can't possibly distract them all.''

''I know,'' He replied. ''But even one less attack going your way can make a difference. And so long we can hold on until the other team arrives it will be all worth it.'' He finished before charging at the Swordmaster.



6+2+1 = 9<12 MISS

Unfortunately, the swordsman was able to avoid the incoming attack, and tried to to counter his own.



10-2+5 = 13>5 HIT

10+6 = 16-17 = <0 NO DAMAGE


10-2+4 = 12>5 HIT

10+2 = 12-17 = <0*2 = <0 NO DAMAGE

John was able to to parry both blows. Hopefully this would mean the swordsman was now going to focus on him...

[Raquel healed to full HP. John/Sophia +2 points. Team total: 17.]

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Endless Daggers

The bard attempted to fry the enemy bard once again, but alas fell short.

(6,1,1)= Critical Miss!

Warlock A (Erratic) 0/21

Bard B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mercenary A (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage A (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Savant A (Erratic) 0/24

Bard C (Aggressive) 4/15

Mercenary B (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk B (Aggressive) 0/15


Thief A (Erratic) 0/15

Archer E (Subvert) 0/15

Fighter C (Subvert) 0/27

Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Aneda 9/18

Gabbie 11/21

Nadya 0/21


Davod 6/15

Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9


Valter 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Robin 0/15

Endless Cloaks

The swordmaster attempted to chop the lancer attacking him, but his attempts were fruitless. (3,6,2) (2,1,4)= Double tink!

The bard also attacked the only enemy that seemed capable of fighting back, but it also had no effect. (1,4,1) (3,5,6)= Double tink!

The archer scoffed at his silly allies and focused on an enemy he could actually injure, the pink-haired one,...but he missed. (1,2,5)= Miss!


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)


Magician B 18/18 (Defending)

Shaman B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Cleric B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive)


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Raquel 18/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15

Player Phase!

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A Man Called Gar

The last, futile struggling of the cultists ended by Gar's knife, as he sunk it to its hilt into the shaking final cultist's throat. He pulled it out and cleaned it off.


The rest of Dagger team was in comically bad shape. Which meant utter hell for Cloak. This was certainly a fun mission. Oh well.

"Let's get moving," Gar said, the first thing he had said since the whole operation started. "Quiet guy can stay behind with the face-downs, when we meet up with Cloak and get our free hits on whatever enemy is left alive and then we bluff the hell out of anything left. Let's go."

Gar attacks Bard B, Gar hits, Gar does 8 damage minimum Bard B dies.


Gar/Davod/Blake gain +5 points (33 total)

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There was no way they were going to last another attack from so many enemies, Zach was about to tell the girls to run while he and the other guy held them off. But before Zach could do that he had to get rid of a spellcaster that was about to attack

Zach attacks Magician B

OVERCAST - 4 speed =20 base damage + -1 Res =19 Damage on an 18 HP enemy + auto hit = DEAD

+5 Zach/Raquel

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Raquel 18/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9

Davod 6/15


Gabbie 11/21

Aneda 9/18

Nadya 0/21


Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Robin 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Valter 0/15

Dagger may now target Cloak's enemies as well.


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)


Magician B 0/18

Shaman B 15/15 (Aggressive)

Cleric B 9/9 (Aggressive)


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

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And the tide had slowly began to shift. The others were here.

<They're finally here. Good, now we can finish this.> John thought.

Oh thank Mercy. Sophia sighed in relief.

The newcomers began to focus on the remaining magic users. John decided to lend a hand charging at the Shaman. Sophia noticed some of them were also wounded, and from the looks of it, their own healers weren't among them. So she went to the pegasus rider to heal her.




8+5 = 13-1 = 12 DAMAGE

Shaman HP: 0/15

The spear impaled the magic user, ending his life. John took it out, blood spilling nearby in addition to the pool forming at the fallen corpse.

[Aneda healed to full HP. Shaman killed. John/Sophia +7 points. Team total: 24.]

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