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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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A Man Called Gar

Cloak wasn't actually in that good of a shape either, as anyone on Dagger had obviously realized earlier. But the distraction they played allowed Dagger to pull off two more kills as they joined in on the fight. After that it was time to talk some bluff at the cultists. "Our plan worked well enough it seems!" Gar said for all to hear. "It was actually rather impressive how long your sixteen little companions managed to stall the four of us." Gar crossed his arms. "Too bad it was the only impressive thing about them." Gar smirked, that kind of arrogant smirk that challenged anyone to just try and take a swing at him.

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Battle Continues

There was nothing else she could do for Nadya for the moment, and the immediate danger had passed, so she took some of the vulnerary herself and then ran off to catch up with the remnants of dagger team. She wasn't looking forward to the rendezvous, since there was a good chance that cloak team was all but decimated. She was surprised to see them fairing about the same as they had, but against what was once a larger force. It would have been nice if there was more than a single healer up at that point.

Gabbie uses vulnerary

+10 hp

Gabbie hp 21/21

Vulnerary 1/3

Raquel quickly warped Zachary to another spot on the battlefield before finally seeing-and hearing-dagger's arrival. What she heard from Gar was startling though, and she might have ruined it with a surprised reaction had it not occurred to her how dangerous a group of four actually sounded with that kind of boast. It seemed a bit late for psychological warfare at this point, but she would take anything she could get if it helped them win. She also hoped that dagger's delay was actually coming from keeping their wounded alive before pressing on ....

Raquel rescues Zachary!

+2 points for Raquel/Zachary


Bard A attacks Aneda! Rolls 1,5,6



Bard A hp 21/21

Aneda hp 18/18

SwordMaster A attacks Aneda! Rolls 5,1,4



-7 hp

SwordMaster A hp 15/15

Aneda hp 11/18

Archer B attacks Raquel! Rolls 5,3,4



-9 hp

Archer B hp 9/9

Raquel hp 9/18

SwordMaster B attacks Aneda! Rolls 6,2,5



-8 hp

Miracle activates

SwordMaster B hp 15/15

Aneda hp 2/18

Fighter B attacks Aneda! Rolls 1,6,5



-11 hp

Miracle Activates

Fighter B hp 15/15

Aneda hp 1/18

Raquel 9/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9

Davod 6/15


Gabbie 21/21

Aneda 1/18

Nadya 0/21


Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Robin 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Valter 0/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Aggressive)


Magician B 0/18

Shaman B 0/15

Cleric B 0/9


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)


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Relieved that reinforcements had finally arrived Zach was disturbed to see that Robin wasn't among them, hoping for the best he just assumed she was being held back by more enemies. His concentration dropped Zach didn't notice the knight approaching him until it was too late to avoid his spear, only just managing to move out of the way of the spear going through his chest, although his arm was pierced. "SHIT AGH!" He yelled in pain as he jumped back and quickly blew a hole straight through his enemies head.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3591040/ +5 points for Zach/Raquel

Zach attacks auto hit = Knight 5/21

Knight counters- rolls auto = Zach 8/15

Zach finishes = DEAD KNIGHT C

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A Man Called Gar

Whether the bluff worked or not, Gar didn't know. But they were sure as hell mad enough to attack one of the lance chicks a hell of a lot. And they didn't even manage to take her down. Man, they really were the four biggest badasses weren't they?

Zachary-guy got revenge by blasting apart the armor blocking off the guys who attacked lance chick. The distraction from his lighning allowed Gar to slip in against the ax fighter and stab him in the back of his head, killing him.


Gar cleaned off his knife as he stood around near his enemies with a half-cocked smile in his lips.

Gar doubles, Gar hits, Gar vantages.


Gar deals (8+5)-3=10 damage

Gar vantages, Gar doubles, Gar deals (8+5)-3=10 damage.

Gar deals 20 damage total.

Fighter B is killed.

Gar/Davod/Blake +5 points (40 total)

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And then suddenly, Aneda was ganged up by four of the cultists. Fortunately she was able to survive the onslaught. John hurried over as Sophia had to heal Aneda again.

[ANEDA HEALED TO 14/18 HP. SEEING IT CLEAR ENOUGH MERCKY? John defends Sophia. John/Sophia +2 points. Team total: 26.]

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Cloak and Dagger

Aneda had taken quite the assault there, but was still standing by the end of it. Gabbie moved in to defend her, so Raquel continued to focus on moving Zachary around.

Raquel uses Rescue Staff on Zachary!

+2 points for Raquel/Zachary

Gabbie defends Aneda!

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Davod goes in to wh- Woah we got a RUDE DUDE here, he swings at Davod first! However, wind dodger dodges it like it was a rock being thrown at him... wait... Nah, he dodges it with grace,


Davod 6/15

SMA 11/15

+1 for team davod

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Battle Zone

The bard went for the woman who had killed the cleric, but was blocked.

(1,5,5)= Critical Miss!

The swordmaster went to strike down the man who had whipped him, but missed.

(2,2,5)= Miss!

The other swordmaster cut into Aneda.

(1,1,4)= Hit! Aneda takes 11-4= 7 damage. Aneda 7/18

The archer aimed for the pink-haired boss once more, striking her solidly.

(2,3,2)= Autohit! 10-1= 9 damage! Raquel 0/18

Raquel 0/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 8/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9

Davod 6/15


Gabbie 21/21

Aneda 7/18

Nadya 0/21


Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Robin 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Valter 0/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 11/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 0/21

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter B 0/15


Magician B 0/18

Shaman B 0/15

Cleric B 0/9


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Veronika managed to crawl to a nearby wall after the swordsman's incapacitating slash, smirking a little at Gar's remark. Some plan this was- we're almost all down and I doubt the other team did much better. She attempted to get up but...couldn't summon enough strength to do it.

Not Battle Zone

Nadya felt someone applying a vulnerary to her and opened her eyes. Wolfy? Guess I owe her a favor later. The lancer and a few others disappeared after dispatching the rest of the enemies, leaving Nadya and the rest of the fallen team there. Better hope reinforcements don't show up... Nadya thought to herself, struggling up to her feet. She considered running but after considering the monetary downside, went over and healed Synthia who wasn't looking so good.

"We're in no shape to fight, but if we heal everyone in time we can probably save everyone from dyin'. Maybe," Nadya said to the mage wearily.

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Raquel had gone down but there was nothing Zach could do for her at the moment, taking aim he fired off another blast at the last enemy with heavy armor.

http://invisiblecast...r/view/3591987/ +5 points for Zach/Raquel

Zach HP 8/15

Knight HP 21/21

16+3-4=15 Knight HP= 6/21 / Knight=Automiss / Zach finishes= Dead Knight D

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A Man Called

Zach went off and fried the last remaining Armor that the enemies had up. Leaving those poor archers completely defenseless and easy prey for Gar's knife tearing out their throats. Gar went after the one packing a blunderbuss first, even Armor-Guy might be minimally inconvenienced by that!


Gar cleaned off his knife. There were only five enemies left and just barely more good guys standing up. Mainly because Raquel got shot down. "Wow, that act of bravery is sure to get you in the history books, attacking a defenseless girl like that," Gar shook his head at the other Archer who had taken down his contractor.

Gar attacks Archer D, Gar deals 9 damage minimum, Archer D dies.


Gar/Davod +5 points(46 total)

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The enemies seemed to have mostly focused on Aneda now. Thankfully it wasn't as sever as last time, but Sophia still had to use her staff on her once more. Well, at least that was a sign that the battle may be ending soon enough.

However, they were still determined to not go down until the last man. And the archers were finally able to struck down Raquel after so many shots. <No way, I gotta do something.> John thought, before running at the archers in an attempt to strike them down.



6+4 = 10<11 MISS

However, the archer was able to get out of the way, and swiftly put another arrow at his bow to strike back.



9+4 = 13>5 HIT

10+5 = 15-17 = <0 NO DAMAGE

The arrow was able to struck John, but instead it harmlessly bounced on the armor. The archer was not dissuaded and fired again as John tried to turn around.


9+2 = 11>5 HIT

10+6 = 16-17 = <0 NO DAMAGE

This time around John was able to block it with his shield, again no damage happening whatsoever.

[ANEDA HEALED TO FULL HP. John/Sophia +2 points. Team total: 29.]

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"Yeah... I suppose that's all there is to it..." Faatina replied, grimacing as she tried to move her leg. Shaking her head and persevering, Faatina stood, shifting most of her weight to her left, and made her way over to her lance, thought she fell as she attempted to pick it up.

"Damn it... listen... Reign... can you get the girl back to the Leverager? I'll head inside and see if I can do anything to help." Faatina managed, her voice shaking from pain. Using her lance as a crutch, she made her way towards the entrance with a limp.

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Davod whips the Swordmaster A in the face. Like a challenging strike or something. I dunno. It probably stings like hell though.


Sword A: 6/15

Team Davod +1 points

EDIT: Aneda... she gets slashed in her torso, but the guy doesn't expect her to ignore the pain, get grabbed and impaled through the back. Ouch.


Aneda: Standing there bloodied and burned. It's been one of those days... 7/18

Sword A: Dead on the dancefloor. 0/15 HP

Team Aneda +5

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Synthia was just on the verge of passing out when Nadya came over to heal her. The first thing she did with her new found strength was to properly heal up Valter's wound and check his pulse and breathing. For the moment, at least, he didn't appear to be dying. She staggered to her feet and healed Nadya in return.

“On it,” she replied, already moving towards their third healer slumped over by the wall. Mending Shadrak's wound, she then helped him up and gave him a gentle shove in the direction of the others. “Go help,” she ordered. There was no way she and Nadya would be able to get everyone themselves, dizzy as the mage was from blood loss.

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Cloak and Dagger

Raquel was looking up at the ceiling before she even knew what happened. She picked her head up just far enough to realize that she had been shot, and the arrow had lodged itself in her chest of all places. The enemy must have been so close to defeat that taking her alive no longer mattered. She tried to touch it-she wanted it out of her so she could breathe normally again-but the pain incapacitated her instantly and her hand fell right back down to her side. "Argh! D-darnit ..." She let her head drop after that and lean to the side where she could see the battle still going on, but she lost consciousness within a few seconds.

That archer had just taken down their leader and she might even die if they didn't wrap this up quickly, but Gabbie wasn't going to rush in just yet, not like last time. The knights had to be completely removed-which Zachary seemed to be taking care of, and she wanted to make sure she caught them off guard so she wouldn't miss the bastards if she did attack. If Zachary and Gar couldn't beat down the rest while she kept the enemy off of Aneda's back, then she would help however she could and hopefully end the fight before anyone else got hurt. Their casualties were mounting for a change ...

Gabbie defends Aneda!


Reign quickly stood up and shook his head at Faatina in reply. "You've done enough, just sit tight and make sure your wounds don't get any worse. If they really need your help at this point, then things have already taken a turn for the worst." She's the only one that's come out so far and no one else. What does that mean? Are they doing okay or are they being picked off one by one right now while we stand around out here wondering? I'd try to get a signal flare off, but I don't know who might come running ....

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The bard was waylaid by the lancer once again, ineffectually swiping at her.

(4,2,2)= Critical Miss!

The swordmaster resolved to take out the woman who had struck down his sword-wielding comrade.

(2,4,1)= 10 damage. Aneda 0/18

The archer ignored Gar's taunt and attempted to shoot down the enemy healer, but missed her.

(2,2,10)= Miss!

The last remaining archer also aimed for the healer, hitting her with an arrow.

(6,1,2)= Hit! 11-0= 11 damage! Sophia 1/12

Raquel 0/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 8/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 1/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9

Davod 6/15


Gabbie 21/21

Aneda 0/18

Nadya 0/21


Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Robin 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Valter 0/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 0/15

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 9/9 (Subvert)


Knight C 0/21

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter B 0/15


Magician B 0/18

Shaman B 0/15

Cleric B 0/9


Knight D 0/21

Archer C 9/9 (Subvert)

Archer D 0/9

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A Man Called

Were they too desperate or too dumb to respond to Gar's taunts? Damnation that either way they all kept focusing their attacks on less dangerous targets. Maybe if Gar was just less imposing he'd be a better target? Ah well, even with the then layer of rust he was on he couldn't get much weaker. Gar ran over and stabbed the archer who put an arrow into the last standing healer.


"Double digits, huh?" Gar said as he cleaned his knife. His cleaning cloth was almost entirely red at this point. "Three from this group alone, and funny enough there's three of you left."

Gar attacks Archer C, Gar deals 9 damage minimum, Archer C dies.


Gar/Davod +5 points(52 total)

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Seems the archers had stepped up. One of the arrows finally got Sophia, sending her to her knees and bending slightly due to the pain, dropping one of the staffs, the free hand going at the wound. Miraculously it wasn't as sever as it looked at first glance, but it was still a big handicap. She obviously didn't risked removing the arrow right there and then.

Back with the archers, well, they were now dead so the problem with the arrows was over, but the damage was done. John quickly hurried to her side.

''All you alright?'' He asked extending a hand to help her up.

''Y-yes,'' she answered, standing up. ''I can still walk, it's just this arrow...''

''Well, that's a relief. This is almost over, so just hold on a bit more. Either way we should get that treated. Maybe someone has a spare Vulnenary or something.''

Sophia nodded, and took a brief glance at her dropped staff. A pity she didn't got to use it at all in this fight. Kinda seemed like a waste to have bought it before, but well, what's done was done. So they started to made their way, one supporting the other.

However, not that soon after did they passed near Zach, who it seems he was also injured, though not as severe.

''Wait.'' Sophia spoke, and they did just that. ''Just let me...'' She raised her Recover Staff to use it.

''I suppose we're in no hurry.'' John mused. <This was a very close call overall. Well, at least that shows we're still capable of dealing with what the organization throws at us. But still...>

[Zach healed to full HP. John defends Sophia. John/Sophia +2 points. Team total: 31.]

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Cloak and Dagger

Gabbie attacks Bard A! Rolls 3,1,6



-5 hp!

Bard rolls 2,6,3



+1 point for Gabbie/Aneda/Nadya


Bard A attacks Gabbie! Rolls 1,4,1



-4 hp

Bard A hp 16/21

Gabbie hp 17/21

SwordMaster B attacks John! 2,2,4



-0 hp

SwordMaster B hp 15/15

John hp 27/27


Bard A 16/21 (Aggressive)

General A 0/30


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 0/15

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 0/9


Knight B 0/21

Archer A 0/9

Archer B 0/9


Knight C 0/21

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter B 0/15


Magician B 0/18

Shaman B 0/15

Cleric B 0/9


Knight D 0/21

Archer C 0/9

Archer D 0/9

Raquel 0/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 0/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 27/27

Sophia 1/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 0/15

Nanahm 0/15

Faatina 15/15


Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9

Davod 6/15


Gabbie 17/21

Aneda 0/18

Nadya 0/21


Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Robin 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Valter 0/15


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A Man Called Gar

The last remaining enemies flailed about trying to stem their inevitable lose, but it was no use. Gar felt that elation once again, and had a repeate performance of his time with the thief and rammed two knives into the eyes of a completely different person. Odd that would happen twice in the same day.


Gar cleaned off his knife as usual. There was only one more target to even use it on, though from the way the man moved it was entirely likely that it would be needed on him.

Gar is Bard Boosted, Gar attacks Bard A, Gar doubles, Gar hits, Gar vantages, Gar does 9 damage minimum, Bard A dies.


13 Damage, then 39 damage, what Overkill that is.

Gar/Davod +5 points (58 total)

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Continuing the slow and steady march, the remaining swordsman saw it as a chance for easy pickings. Fortunately John could block it with his shield in time. However, it seems they wouldn't be left alone.

John released Sophia and retook his lance. ''Can you make it away from here?'' He asked.

''I guess, but it won't be fast.'' She replied.

''It's alright, I think I can handle him for enough time.''

''Be careful.''

''You too.''

As Sophia began to get away, John wouldn't let the swordsman the opportunity, and lunged at him. The man decided to take the initiative, trying to break his way through.




10-2+1 = 9>5 HIT

10+6 = 16-17 = <0*2 = <0 NO DAMAGE


10-2+5 = 13>5 HIT

10+5 = 15-17 = <0 NO DAMAGE

However, John wouldn't let him.



6+2+2 = 10<12 MISS

Now that she was on her own, Sophia figured she could heal up the other healer first. That way she could deal with her own problem and then be able between the two to patch everyone up again. On the other hand, she was in no rush to tend her own injury, so she could just start on her own as she makes her way to Chelsea. And so the first she came across happened to be Davod.

[Davod healed to full HP. John/Sophia +2 points. Team total: 36.]

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Last Stand

One enemy left. Gabbie was getting sick of so few holding out like this. This guy was going to die or get seriously roughed up, Gabbie told herself as she charged at him. He took the preemptive route and went straight for a kill, but his attack came just a little too early and lost too much strength by the time his blade crossed with her lance, and she violently smacked the silver sword aside and cut his face in the process. It was a bad wound, but if he was tough, it wouldn't be enough to take him out of the fight immediately. Gods forbid the adrenaline wore off, though; his cheek was completely red as blood ran down the side of his face.

Gabbie attacks SwordMaster B! Vantage activates! SwordMaster B rolls 1,1,2



Gabbie rolls 3,2,4



-6 hp

Gabbie hp 17/21

SwordMaster B hp 9/15

+1 point for Gabbie/Aneda/Nadya

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