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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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Gytha only had time to glance over at John as he arrived, carrying Norbert, before the door opened. Wordlessly and mechanically, Gytha followed the instruction, walking into sick bay and to an empty cot, where she carefully moved Valter from her back to her arms, then set him down. From there, she backed away and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms and ankles to wait for a convenient time to ask the surgeon if there was anything he wanted her to do.

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John just followed after Gytha, placing Bert on another cot. He too decided to stay for a bit if anything else came up. But once it was over, he'd head back to the deck.

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"Well you've got my new stuff to work on for the toime being. I'll let ya know if there's anything else I need." Gabbie replied with a shrug. She entertained the idea of persuading others within the group to get some equipment from Raquel and have Connor tinker with it to improve the design, but Veronika just didn't look right in gauntlets and greaves ... neither did Nadya.

Reign and Pink Employer

"Heheh," Reign chuckled at Faatina's comment. "Well you're welcome. Honestly it's the least I can do after underestimating the ... situation ..." Right then, off to see that annoying physician. He wasn't far behind her ... and Raquel was still out cold ....


"To be fair, your situation is slightly more pressing than ours ..." Filat admitted. "Umm, are you hurt or is that just post healing?" he asked, obviously still concerned about the wound.

Bogdan meanwhile stood up from his chair and put both of his hands down on the table before asking "How soon can you people be back on your feet? We've seem to have drawn the wrong sort of attention, ourselves ..."


"So," the man began in a disinterested tone as he glanced at Gytha. "Don't keep me in suspense; what happened? They receive any treatment thus far or am I on the clock, here?"

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"We were in a fight," she replied fairly flatly, "Not sure what happened t' 'em. I wasn't there fer one injury n' I was out cold fer th' other one's. Pretta sure ev'ryone was healed with staffs b'fore we came back t' th' ship, but they're still down." After a brief pause, she asked, "Anathing ye need me t' do? Might as well be useful -- I don't have anathin' else t' do right now."

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"I'm making pretty good progress on that by the way, might even be done tomorrow," Connor offered to Gabbie, his face brightening up a bit.


"I was healed, I'll be fine. Thank you for your concern," she said to Filat, not sure how true that was. She'd live, but she doubted she could fight right now if pressed.

"We might need at least a day to heal- the cultists are all down but we took our fair share of wounds in the process, including Raquel. What's the situation?" she asked Bogdan, biting her lip.

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Reaching the doctor'a office with Reign not far behind, it seemed they were not the first to make it there.

'Did we really take that long to come here?' Faatina wondered, though not really letting it bother her, as she stepped inside.


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Captain's Cabit

"Weeell ..." Filat drifted off with his own speculation leaving Bogdan to answer the question. "It would seem that the Dark Utka's cargo was more valuable to the rebel faction than we first realized. They have people in every port along the smuggling route to check on the cargo and ensure they are kept up to date."

Filat quickly contributed now that the part relevant to him had come up. "We're holding the one that came to check on the Utka in the brig. We learned all of this from him, though we had to beat it out of him. We've got no choice but to take the western route back to Neviskotia, but they might still head us off before then if they have any ships in the area. The captain wanted to know what kind of shape you people were in, because it might be best for you to find another ship ... otherwise you could wind up getting caught up in our problems ...."


"That's good, though we've gotta do a fitting just to be sure." Gabbie replied. "Also, I'm bored so since I've got nothing else to do, I'll watch whoile you work~"

Infirmary of ... Infirmation?

"Well, I'm not sure if anyone did this already, but it'd be a good idea to check them for any other injuries the healers might have missed." The man stood up as he explained and handed Gytha a vulnerary. "You can't count on healing magic to deal with all of the pain, so if they wake up crying, we'll give them a painkiller or two to shut them up."

Faatina stepped inside, but she didn't appear to have anyone with her at first. Was she a patient, or was the good physician getting some assistance? Probably the former. "Evening. Injured?" Reign appeared behind her with Raquel and he sighed when he noticed. "For crying out loud, your pink haired leader's hurt too? Get the girl a riot shield or something ..."

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<Injuries that were overlooked...> John glanced over at Bert. <Hmm, well, he did drank some elixir in addition to being healed by staff, so maybe he just only needs to rest up.> It looked highly likely, even if it wasn't a guarantee. Still, his job here was might as well over then.

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Well, Gytha wasn't really sure what to do with the vulnerary. She was expecting more to run errands but if this was how he wanted help, well, alright. Guess I just make 'em drink it... So, Gytha opened first the vulnerary, then Valter's mouth and proceeded to empty the vulnerary into it.

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Faatina shirked away at that remark... perhaps had she been there, she could have stopped Raquel from taking that hit. There was no use thinking about it now. Sitting down where a spot was available, Faatina turned towards the doctor.

"My leg was broken during combat... it was looked at, but it's always best to get a second look... when you have a minute, could you?"

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Something was poured down his throat, and the next thing he knew Valter was up in a coughing fit. Most of the liquid, whatever it was, had been swallowed, but a bit of it went down his windpipe and his body was now trying violently to expel it. He coughed up some blood too, for good measure. Seemed some was still in his lungs. “W-what..?” was all he managed to say before breaking into another fit of coughing.

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When Valter sat up and started coughing, Gytha pulled the vulnerary away. "Ah, yer awake," Gytha mentioned before deciding to inform the doctor, "Hoy, Surgeon, he's awake."

Edited by Mercakete
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John was walking to leave when he suddenly heard the coughing. Turning around he saw Valter finally awake but in that coughing fest. Seems Gytha decided to just call the doctor, so he proceeded to quickly get next to him, one hand on Valter's chest, the other making a hit between the shoulders to help force out the liquid.

<Not what I'd call the correct way to do it, but it at least woke him up, if in an unpleasant way.> He thought.

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Valter looked from the half empty vulnerary to the person holding it a few times, but he couldn't articulate anything until he stopped coughing. John helped with that. “The hell- Are you trying to kill me?”

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"Heh harr, no, just followin' what th' surgeon told me t' do," Gytha replied. She didn't want to say too much. The surgeon would probably want to step in here himself soon, after all.

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They already found us? I must have underestimated the rebel presence out here. Veronika thought with alarm before returning back to the conversation.

"Wouldn't the western route lead us into Ursian waters? That would present its own problems I think. Regardless, I would prefer we stay on the Leverager- your problems have become our problems and searching for another ship from here could take longer than we can afford. I can't speak for everyone though...when were you planning to leave port?" she asked Bogdan and Filat.


"Works for me," he said to Gabbie with a smile, as he returned to tinkering with her set of gauntlets for the time being.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"We will be cutting it pretty close with the repairs, but tomorrow evening if all goes as planned." Bogdan answered.

"Honestly, we don't want to head straight into Ursian controlled waters with the kind of cargo we're hauling, but our chances are better ... somewhat. At least they're not looking for us. Taking the eastern route gives them so many flanking opportunities, it's not even funny. We could find some imperial ships and transfer our cargo ... that would ensure their safety, buuut the rebels would still attack us if they found us. Also ... it's not a good idea to trust the navy to actually pay us when they could just 'confiscate our contraband' instead ... if you know what I mean." explained Filat a little gloomily. "Always better to negotiate on land ..." he added, alluding to their original plan.


The man smiled, on the verge of laughter as Gytha sent Valter into a coughing fit. "You can apply that to the skin if that's where the injury is, otherwise wait til their awake before making them drink, heheheheh." He then turned his attention toward Faatina, who spoke of a recently broken leg. "I take it the bone has been mended, still you should stay off of it for at least one night. It'll help with the pain, too. Give your body a chance to adjust."

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Gytha frowned at the surgeon, only remotely irritated. "How was I supposed t' know that'd happen? Was never a surgeon's apprentice 'r anathin'," she questioned, "'N how would I know where he's still hurt? Everythin' looks fine from what I can see." In truth, her complaints were very minor. Actually, this experience was the most refreshing she'd had for a while now. It was good to talk to a fellow seafarer like this, even if it was just about how to apply a vulnerary to someone who's unconscious.

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Context problems aside, seems the worst had happened. At least Gytha knew better not to make the same mistake to Bert or Raquel now, if it came to that. Well, nothing else to do here, so now John made it out of the room for real to head back to the deck.

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Valter laid back down on the cot, suddenly feeling very tired. He was back at the ship, so that was good. They must've won, at least. He ran one hand through his hair and groaned. “What did I miss? We did win, right?”

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"Aye, we won," Gytha answered, seeing as she was the only one remaining who really could, "When I woke up th' healers were up n' healin' people. Some o' us went on t' rejoin th' others n' left us where we were. When we got t' 'em, they'd alreada finished fightin'. Th' place was a mess, too. I don't think anaone actualla died but a lot o' people were hurtin'. Th' healers patched everyone up but some people like ye were havin' trouble standin' up so we took some horses n' a wagon t' bring ye back t' th' ship." That was just about everything so Gytha stopped there before remembering something. "Oh, n' we rescued th' girl."

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John made it back to the deck. It was largely the same as it was before he left. Not that it mattered much, he proceeded to head back to Gil to resume his previous position before having to carry Bert. Back to some stargazing. The only difference was that Gil was now asleep.. or was he? John pondered a bit if to pry...

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Faatina received a rest order and followed it, leaving Raquel as the only outstanding issue. Reign brought her over to a remaining cot and carefully sat her down on it. Rather than lay her down first and then look awkward trying to remove her cloak, he sat her upright so he could remove it first. Once that was done, he carefully laid her down and put the cloak back over her to serve like a blanket. Once that was done, he sat down beside the cot leaning up against the wall with one knee up for his arm to rest on.

Growing curious, the man looked over and asked "Have all of her wounds been treated?"

Reign nodded saying "Everything that can be treated, yeah ... but I'm not sure how accustomed to defeats she is."

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"I doubt the imperial navy would completely fail to compensate your efforts, but I guess you would know better than me," Veronika said dubiously. "At any rate, we're in no shape to leave tonight so any plans to switch ships would have to be discussed tomorrow." It's more Raquel's decision than anyone else's I think...though if she remains unconscious someone has to take command.

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