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2 suggestions


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A spriting forum to display our sprites in or an IPB Gallery like the old SF Forums had.

This would allow people to showcase their sprites and encourage more spriters to join the forum.

New images to go with the skin or change the current images so they blend with the skin.

Honestly (as an owner of a forum myself) it looks really unprofessional having a nice skin like this and images that are supposed to blend with the skin having a grey background.

Well, thats all I got for now, hope you all like my suggestions!

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I know that, if they weren't making new images I was offering to make the old ones transparant so they at least blend in with their background.

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No clue why the buttons aren't transparent, but I could fix that pretty easily.

The posting pips have changed from the default ones at least. Just need some ideas for the other buttons : )

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A lot of the images don't have transparency, like the "add reply" button...

I certainly remember; I was the one who said it. :P

What people don't realize is that the admins are very actively making improvements. ^_^

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