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Doga Rules


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I don't know where to begin so I won't.

What's our opinion on this grizzled, awesome armorknight. None of that Draug crap, just Doga.

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That's a good question. I like FE1 Doga better because he somehow doubles those pirates, but FE3 Doga has cooler art.

FE1 Doga it is.

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As a character design, I like Doga, good to see chubbier guys in video games! But gameplay, mainly in Book 2, he gradually turns into:



When one duets the game with Paola and Katua who do:



EDIT: He also sort of reminds me of Ryu Jose in Gundam 0079, who was my favourite character, so bias points aplenty!

Edited by Bruiser Kang
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None of that Draug crap, just Doga.


On topic, Doga can make the best use of Gradius in book 2, and is generally pretty good in inside maps. The AS system in Mystery also allows him to tank better. On outside maps? Still a good tank, but that's about it.

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In FE1 bad movement and no promotion makes him pretty much useless. Plus, mounted units can also use lances on indoor maps, so there's practically no need to use him. But especially for the earlier chapters he's a nice tank and he can double pirates thanks to his iron sword!

He could've been useful if Armor Knights could just promote to Generals in FE1, I've always wondered why those classes are not linked...

edit: although that's, considering the topic title, probably not what you wanted to hear :)

Edited by Quirino
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Doga is a goddamn tank:


Doga needs no cloak, for he warms himself with the blood of his enemies!


I've always knew that he'd make a great impression of a tank.

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I don't know where to begin so I won't.

What's our opinion on this grizzled, awesome armorknight. None of that Draug crap, just Doga.

Just be glad you're not Irish. Because then he'd be... Adrag!




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