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[FE12] The Pegasus Knight Draft


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Ymir and samson are gone haha. Sorry for not updating OP but im on phone. The units left are the ch3 scrubs and the wolfguards.

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Here I goooooo~!

MU is an strong orphan humanitarian myrmidon who bears the name of my recently deceased aunty.

Prologue 1 - 3/3

Could be 2, but I didn't feel like rigging a miss.

Prologue 2 - 3/6

Not hard at all, since MU will double the entire map (her base Speed is 12).

Prologue 3 - 2/8

On turn 1, MU and Ryan teamed up to kill the merc, with Rody standing directly south of Ryan and Luke on the northern fort. On EP, Caeda wounded Rody, and Rody dropped Caeda's HP by more than 3, while MU killed one Fighter and Luke weakened another one. On turn 2, Ryan finished Caeda, Luke killed the weakened Fighter near MU, and MU stood on the fort to kill the other Fighter (thanks to an earlier DEF proc, she was able to survive with 1 HP). Since MU is the only one that gained levels, I'll wait until the next chapter to do stats (she's gained one of everything except for magic and res).

Prologue 4 - 3/11

Put Caeda in the one spot where the archer couldn't attack, and clogged the passage with MU and the cavs. Drew Athena on turn 2, then managed to finish her on turn 3. The merc was the last enemy to die.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
MU        Myrmidon   4.56  23   8    2   13   14    6    5    0
Ryan      Archer     2.77  18   8    0    5    5    3    7    0

Prologue 5 - 2/13

Athena killed the southern bandit, and MU followed. Luke and Rody killed the northern hunter, Caeda flew down the middle of the map, and Ryan and Wrys stayed out of the way. On EP, the thief and other bandit nearly killed themselves. On turn 2, MU and Caeda killed the boss (MU was able to double), and everyone else cleaned up.

Prologue 6 - 2/15

Thanks to the Steel Weapon Infusion, I was able to do things like ORKO the archer with Caeda and have MU deal tons of damage. Cecille gets honorable mention for dodging something that would've sucked.

Prologue 7 - 3/18

If Ryan is placed correctly, he can rearrange Est's face on turn 3. Athena, Ogma, and MU could double just about everything, and Merric was able to peck at things with Fire. Est died to Ryan, MU, and Caeda.

Prologue 8 - 4/22

The following units died because I could not be arsed to rig misses - Caeda, Athena.

The Silver Axe guy and the Elfire chick kept Wrys busy. Everyone else did their best not to be caught up in the hellfire. MU hit C swords, finally.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.04  27   8    0   10   11   10    8    0
MU        Myrmidon   8.47  26  11    3   15   17    7    6    0
Ryan      Archer     3.49  19   9    0    6    5    3    8    0
Ogma      Mercenary  8.19  27   9    0   14   13    6    9    0

Chapter 1 - 5/27

MU to Pegasus Knight, Ryan to Pirate.

I'm a pacifist. Bite me.

Chapter 2 - 6/33

Took the two extra turns to get Cord, because I'm in dire need of early units. Thanks to Arran dodging, I was able to complete the chapter, and killed every single enemy ('cept Warren, who was recruited).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.71  27   8    0   10   11   10    8    0
MU        Peggy     11.05  28  13    5   13   15    9    8    6
Arran     Paladin    4.02  26  11    1   12   11    4   10    6
Ryan      Pirate     5.83  23  12    0    4   10    4    7    0
Cord      Fighter    2.75  Base everything
Ogma      Mercenary  8.19  27   9    0   14   13    6    9    0

Chapter 3 - 7/40

Cord to Hunter, Arran to Dracoknight.

Skipped Julian and a Hammer. MU hit D lances, and went critical crazy, so I don't wanna redo this. Got all other droppable items, though~!

Chapter 3x - 6/46

Run Marth run~!

Chapter 4 - 5/51

Ryan to Myrmidon and Cord to Mercenary.

Yumina grabbed Marth so he could recruit Castor, who then killed the thief. Ogma did his usual thing, and Sirius went into ass-kicking mode. Arran got the Armorslayer, and MU helped Cord and Ryan with the starting enemies. Sirius and Ogma killed the boss.

I have no idea WTF happened to Ogma's HP.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        8.60  28   8    0   11   12   11    8    0
MU        Peggy      13.96  29  15    5   15   16   10    8    6
Arran     Drakky      6.13  24  12    1   13   11    4   12    3
Ryan      Myrmidon    7.92  23   9    0   13   14    6    7    0
Cord      Mercenary   5.29  20   7    0   14   12    6    7    0
Ogma      Mercenary  10.19  30  10    0   15   13    8   11    0
Castor    Hunter      7.52  Base everything

Chapter 5 - 5/56

Ogma and Cord reclassed to Cavalier, Arran to Paladin, Ryan to Pirate. Did a little bit of arena on Ryan and Cord. Reclassed Ogma has 13 DEF and an Armorslayer all to himself!

Stomp stomp watch the Javelin tink Ogma stomp Arran crit to the boss' face.

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New day, new post.

Chapter 6 - 6/62

Fed Ogma, Cord, and Castor some arena levels.

In the end, I had to kill off Samto. Used a certain MarthRescue strategy, and had Ryan go down south to kick Rickard's ass. Ogma with Pure Water was able to take quite a beating.

Chapter 6x - 2/64

MU was fast enough to get the kill here. Everyone else did a little bit of self-improvement.

Chapter 7 - 5/69

Arran reclassed to Dracoknight.

Caeda retrieved Physic; Castor's Killer Bow got its second crit to get the Firestone. Had to stop and save Feena and Navarre, so I missed the Seraph Robe and a Master Seal. Wendell was busy keeping various people alive. Kill went to MU.

I'm pretty sure this was the turn count because I remember setting up Ogma so he'd hit one of the Cavaliers. This was two turns away from the fort, and they spawn at the beginning of turn 3.

Chapter 8 - 4/73

Arran reclassed to General.

Decided that Jeorge was more important than anything, so took an extra turn to grab him. Ogma the Armorslayer got some action in, and Wendell was able to take a single Silver Lance from an enemy and live to tell about it (barely).

Chapter 9 - 5/78

Reclassed Bord to Hunter and Ogma to Mercenary.

Used the Thief Staff to Boots Marth and get Capricorn, then Marth booked it to the village. Ran over Etzel, but that's his fault for getting Ogma angry. MU hit level 20 here, but I'm waiting for the Whip, obviously.

Chapter 10 - 2/80

Gave Castor a couple of arena levels and promoted him at level 13. Promoted Ogma, who hit level 16. Reclassed Castor to Sniper, Ogma to Dracoknight, and Wendell to Dracoknight.

Ellerean: WTF are you doing here?

Wendell: You're turning out just like Gharnef, you idiot!

Ellerean: Meep.

That said, Castor needed to go Sniper so he could take out one of the Swarm guys. Ogma + Taurus + Cancer could take a hit from the Silver Bow dude and live to tell about it (after he OHKO'd a Shaver mage). Ryan waded into the water and killed another Swarm dude. MU got rid of the initial Silver Sword guy, and Marth did his usual sprint to the throne.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        9.69  29   9    0   11   13   12    9    1
MU        Peggy      20.00  36  18    6   18   18   15    9    6
Arran     Drakky      9.53  26  12    1   13   14    5   13    3
Ryan      Pirate     13.85  31  15    0    8   13   11   10    0
Cord      Hunter      8.56  22  10    0   10   11    6    7    0
Ogma      Drakky      1.60  36  20    1   13   13   12   17    4
Castor    Sniper      1.52  34  15    1   14   15    7   10    3
Wendell   Drakky      9.62  25   8    4    8   16    5   12    4
Feena     Dancer      3.84  18   3    0    3   15    9    6    0
Ellerean  Mage        Base everything

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Ogma Drakky 1.60 36 20 1 13 13 12 17 4

OMG WTF. That is some pretty serious spd screwage o_O.

Ryan Pirate 13.85 31 15 0 8 13 11 10 0

Not enough favoritism >:(

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Ryan's going at a decent clip. He'll be promoted soon enough.

I'm gonna attempt a couple of Sniper levels to fix Ogma. Wish me luck~!

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Ogma leveled Speed as a Sniper, and refused to do so as a Swordmaster.

Chapter 10x - 2/82

Arran, Ogma, and Castor to Swordmaster. Ryan to Myrmidon.

I wasn't about to reset repeatedly until Ogma hit a 39% single crit. . .though I could've, if I wanted to end the map a turn sooner. Marth got a level, so whee.

Chapter 11 - 11/93

Arran and Ogma to Dracoknight, and Castor to Sniper.

I had to wait a turn because Marth was too far ahead of everyone else. Otherwise, it was the usual slog through the desert, with me having to carefully trigger the final wave of enemies. Wendell and Excalibur were amazing, as was the amount of crap Ogma could take. Grabbed everything and then some.

Chapter 12 - 9/102

Cord to Mercenary so he'd have the magical combination of "enough durability to survive", "enough speed not to be doubled" and "enough Strength to maybe do something". Fed Ryan an arena level and promoted him at 15, then reclassed him to Dracoknight. Reclassed Jake to Sniper. I think I'm done.

I had to take one particular part a bit more slowly than normal, because Feena couldn't get out of the way in time. My flying squad hunted down dragons, while Ellerean gained a bunch of levels off of killing bad guys. Wendell finally hit C staves, and Castor/Jake did a pretty good job of chip. Doing stats now, because of the amazing amount of experience Ellerean gained.

Ogma thinks he's a Falcoknight. HELP!

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       14.08  32  12    0   15   17   16   10    1
MU        Falco       3.16  42  21    7   20   22   16   12    9
Arran     Drakky     10.67  26  12    1   13   14    5   13    3
Ryan      Drakky      1.88  35  16    1   14   13   12   17    3
Cord      Mercenary  10.21  24   8    0   14   14    7   10    0
Ogma      Drakky      8.23  41  23    1   17   16   16   18    6
Castor    Sniper      3.44  34  15    1   15   16    8   10    3
Wendell   Sage       11.80  28   3    8    6   13    6    5    6
Feena     Dancer      6.69  19   4    0    5   16   11    8    0
Ellerean  Mage       18.25  33   1   12    9   14    5   10    3
Jake      Sniper      2.30  32  11    1   12   14   13   11    5
Darros    Berserker   3.32  Base everything

Chapter 13 - 5/107

I guess four is possible, if Ellerean and Wendell had the ability to solo the south. . .which they didn't. Speaking of, promoted Ellerean and reclassed him to Bishop. Reclassed Darros to Dracoknight.

The hardest part of this map is positioning Marth so I don't bring hellfire down on everyone else. It took numerous tries, but eventually the two western wyverns cooperated, and I was able to kill everything that wanted me dead.

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Chapter 13x - 2/109

This took way too much planning, and star shard shuffling, but I eventually got a configuration I didn't mind. . .so MU to Swordmaster, Ogma to Paladin, Ellerean to Sage, and Ryan to Swordmaster.

Turn 1: Marth hit the nearby ballista from the north with a Thunder Sword; Feena equipped the Lady Sword and danced for Marth. Marth then moved his full movement towards the chest, and equipped the Devil Sword. Athena disarmed and went to the lower-right corner of the northern forest, to expose the ballista. MU killed said ballista. Darros circled north and a bit to the east so that he'd end up next to the second ballista. Ryan parked himself directly to the right of the ballista and finished it, and Ellerean Excaliblicked the newly-exposed bandit into oblivion. Ogma ran east, and ended such that he was somewhere to the right of Ellerean; this was so that Kleine couldn't hit him.

Turn 1 EP: Both sword guys are injured badly thanks to Devil Sword. Ellerean blicks another unfortunate bandit, and Athena dodges enough so that she survives. Kleine is wounded thanks to Ogma's Javelin.

Turn 2: Ellerean moves one square to the right, and Feena dances for him. Thanks to my positioning, Ogma can park himself south of Kleine, finish her, and expose the final ballista (which is then Excaliblicked). Darros ORKOs the northern ballista. MU and Ryan shred the two bandits around Athena. Marth picks up the chest, and equips something more sensible.

Turn 2 EP: Of the two surviving Myrmidons, one targets Marth and the other targets Feena with the Lady Sword. Both die, which ends the map.

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Chapter 14 - 4/113

This chapter was another headache one, because I had to massacre everything in the main room by the end of turn 2. Anyway. . .did some arena on Jake and Ellerean, for Speed. Reclassed MU to flying death.

Turn 1 - Wendell uses Barrier on Jake, Jake on Scorpio doubles and kills a Dark Mage, Xane mimics MU, Ellerean yoinks Scorpio to double and kill the middle Ice Dragon, Castor kills the other Dark Mage (he doubles naturally), MU stands next to Ellerean and critkills a Dragon thanks to Javelin amazingness, Ogma circles around the other dragon and lays on the hurt, Darros finished, Marth runs up and uses a Pure Water while holding Virgo, Feena dances MU so she'll block the entire left side (armed with a Silver Lance), and Arran with Cancer (bad pun and the truth) chips the Warp thief.

Turn 1 EP - Everything on the left except the Thunder Sword thief dies to MU, and Marth did his share of damage (namely, Wyrmslayer chip).

Turn 2 - Xane, MU and Ogma with Gemini kill thieves, Ryan on Leo kills the northeastern dragon, Castor and Wendell kill the weakened Dragon, Jake kills a Dark Mage, Ellerean kills a Dark Mage, Marth uses the Thunder Sword on the eastern Thunder Sword thief with Darros finishing, Feena dances for Marth, and Marth hits the glowing square. Arran runs towards the thief and uses a Vulnerary.

Turn 2 EP - RUN.

Turn 3 - Feena dances for Ellerean so he can Rescue Marth, who then runs towards the throne. Xane chipped one Ice Dragon for someone else to finish (don't remember who), and I don't remember who killed the second one. All I do remember is that I formed a barricade of MU, Ogma, and Ellerean to keep Xane from dying to the Dark Mage. Marth had managed to run out of range, so whee. Castor didn't do anything, since he was too far away. Arran finished the thief for Warp.

Turn 3 EP - When in doubt, suicide on Ellerean.

Turn 4 - Wendell gets Again, Ellerean heals someone, some random stuff might've died, and Marth seizes.

Chapter 15 - 7/120

Reclassed Jake to Paladin, Darros to Hero, Ryan to Hero, and Castor to Horseman, so they'd be able to wreak havoc.

On turn 1, Xane copied Ogma and the real Ogma and MU wrecked ballista. Feena danced Ryan forward enough so he'd be able to ORKO horses. Jake stood next to Ryan and swapped weapons for him; thanks to this, everyone could run forward. On turn 2, I had to clean up the gigantic mess that was left; this involved some creativity, like having MU fly back for a turn to help thin things, and showing one of the armors why it's a bad idea to piss off Ellerean. I opened the door on turn 3, and Ogma the fake killed the prison guard, while the real Ogma went to replenish supplies. On turn 4, shopping!Ogma took a quick break to impale the Silver Axe thief, while everyone else hustled towards the throne. Ogma killed the Rapier thief on turn 6, and MU killed the boss to stop reinforcements. After that, it was a matter of giving Wendell and Ellerean staff rank.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       16.28  40* 13    0   16   19   18   12    1
MU        Falco      10.91  46  24    8   25   26   21   15   10
Arran     Paladin    12.04  29  11    1   13   15    5   11    6
Ryan      Hero        6.82  42  14    1   24   19   12   16    3
Cord      Mercenary  10.21  24   8    0   14   14    7   10    0
Ogma      Drakky     12.64  43  25    1   20   18   19   21    6
Castor    Horseman    5.87  32  15    1   14   16    9   10    3
Wendell   Sage       13.64  29   3    9    7   14    6    7    6
Feena     Dancer      9.89  20   6    0    7   19   13    8    0
Ellerean  Sage        6.39  41   4   17   13   18    6   13    5
Jake      Paladin     6.11  33  14    1   12   16   16   14    8
Darros    Hero        5.63  42  15    1   18   18    9   14    3
Xane      Mimic       6.88  21   3    0    3   11   11    6   10

Chapter 16 - 3/123

Reclassed Darros to Dracoknight, Ogma to Paladin, Wendell and Ellerean to Bishop and Jake to Horseman. Arena'd Speed on Ogma and Jake to B bows.

Can I have Chapter 13 from SD back? It was less annoying than this chapter. I had to burn an Again staff use to Barrier three different people (Jake, Marth, and Ryan). Ryan critblicked the closest soldier with a Killer Axe (the odds of him not hitting a crit were 37.2%). Ogma rushed in and blocked the armor while OHKOing the nearby mage. Jake used the second soldier for target practice. MU irritated the Heroes, and Darros chased the thief outside (after applying a Pure Water). Everyone else did their best to get close. On turn 2, I killed off everything in the throne room except the Physic dude, while MU flew in range of the reinforcements to snag the Hammer. On turn 3, the thief finally died (had to warp Castor to finish 'cause Darros was a little short), and I decided that Astram's stats were so sad that he was better off dead. I think I might've been able to do this in two, if it weren't for that Thief. . .or if I decided to skip the Hammer/Mercurius. Snagged the second Rescue before leaving.

Chapter 16x - 1/124

Reclassed Ryan to Berserker and gave him a Speedwings. Reclassed Darros to Paladin. Reclassed Ogma to Hero. Gave Marth two Energy Drops.

With the above fixes, Ryan could double with a Silver Axe, Ogma could double with a Silver Sword, Darros could reach one of the Snipers and wound him, and Marth could ORKO with the Starsphere. MU sniped and killed three different units each time she talked to Katarina. On the actual recruit, she passed Aura to her, and Darros + Aura took out a Sniper; MU got both Swordmasters and the other Sniper. Wendell. . .uh, did his thing with Again.

Chapter 17 - 4/128

I suppose if I chain-rescued, I could've gotten it down to 3, but I wanted to prove that Tomas isn't quite the waste of turns that people are making him out to be.

Chapter 18 - 2/130

Reclassed Ryan to Hero and Darros to Berserker.

Nothing new here. I got the Arms Scroll, so maybe the next chapter won't be too painful. . .

. . .who am I kidding, the next chapter's gonna suck.

Chapter 19 - 8/138

Reclassed Ryan to Dracoknight and Darros to Hero. Fed Ogma an Arms Scroll so he'd have D axes.

This was just as painful as I imagined it. Katarina and Wendell had their hands full healing people. Ryan immediately killed the boss, then made it out of there with 6 HP. He then led the armors and arrows on a merry chase, and managed to draw Wolf away, and kill his subordinates. This meant that MU could fly in and quietly take out the Pachyderm swarm. Everyone else went UP, though the hold-up down south cost me a turn. I wound up burning an extra Warp charge to keep Arran alive. Hardin, here I come~!

Thanks for the bow, Sedgar. Jake really appreciates it. Also, WTF at Marth being 3 points HP screwed, despite having a 90% growth.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       18.97  40* 19*   0   17   21   19   13    1
MU        Falco      15.08  51  24    9   26   26   26   17   10
Arran     Paladin    12.67  29  11    1   13   15    5   11    6
Ryan      Drakky     14.47  43  22    1   24   21*  15   20    3
Cord      Mercenary  10.21  24   8    0   14   14    7   10    0
Ogma      Hero       15.39  50  24    1   26   24   20   19    7
Castor    Horseman    8.47  35  16    1   15   16   11   11    3
Wendell   Bishop     16.36  30   1    7    8   16    7    8   11
Feena     Dancer     12.70  23   7    0   10   22   14    8    0
Ellerean  Bishop      9.07  44   2   17   14   19    7   13    9
Jake      Horseman    9.59  33  16    1   15   20   18   14    5
Darros    Hero        7.12  43  15    1   19   19    9   15    3
Xane      Mimic       6.88  21   3    0    3   11   11    6   10
Katarina  Sage        8.65  34   3   13   16   15    6   10    7
Tomas     Sniper      2.53  30  12    1   11   14   10   13    3

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Chapter 20 - 6/144

This really should've been five, but Yours Truly messed up orb distribution. Managed to get as many of MU's supports in range as possible, which meant that she had 33% crit on Hardin (Marth was in support range with the Geosphere). Otherwise, it was a race to the doors. Cleaned out the main treasure room; I could use the extra money~!

Chapter 20x - 5/149

I broke my Thief staff, but I got the other Excalibur. Chapter 21's gonna be funny.

Chapter 21 - 7/156

Highlights of this chapter:

- Ellerean absorbed two dragon attacks in the beginning and ORKO'd their sorry butts

- Wendell was used to bait a different dragon - he survived with 4 HP

- Marth went badass and dodged two dragons in a row to save the run

- MU took a hell of a beating, but thanks to stupid enemy AI she was able to sneak to the Shop, and get me Robes, Wings, and Drops

- Jake should be able to double some of the slower things

- Ryan giggled when a 'zerker hit himself with the Devil Axe

Chapter 22 - 6/162

Jake to Sniper.

Had to wait a turn for everyone to catch up. Marth himself is awesome, but he's frail; he needed Jake to turbo-blick a Meteor and a Glower Sorcerer. MU hit level 20, and is really durable.

Chapter 23 - 5/167

Ellerean to Sage and Ogma to Paladin; I gave him a couple of Speedwings, because he was too slow. Gave Ellerean a single arena level, then fed him a Speedwings and two Spirit Dusts. Cracked knuckles and prayed.

By now, Marth and MU are the army, and everyone else exists to make sure that they get to their destination unharmed. Fed up with Sage move, Wendell warped Ellerean to Gharnef for a ORKO and a Marth seize.

One more chapter, and this game is over. Good riddance~!

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       29.12  49* 25*   0   24   25   29   14    1
MU        Falco      20.00  56  24    9   26   26   30   20   13
Arran     Paladin    13.00  30  12    1   13   15    5   11    6
Ryan      Hero       18.12  51  23    1   30   26*  16   18    3
Cord      Mercenary  10.21  24   8    0   14   14    7   10    0
Ogma      Paladin    20.00  53  25    1   21   25*  24   21   10
Castor    Horseman   10.67  36  16    1   16   17   12   11    3
Wendell   Bishop     18.08  31   1    7   10   17    8    9   12
Feena     Dancer     16.38  25  11    0   13   24   17    8    0
Ellerean  Sage       16.12  51   4   27*  15   25*   9   14    5
Jake      Sniper     14.58  41  20    1   19   26   21   17    5
Darros    Hero       11.02  47  17    1   21   23   11   17    3
Xane      Mimic       6.88  21   3    0    3   11   11    6   10
Katarina  Sage        9.97  35   3   14   16   15    7   10    8
Tomas     Sniper      6.98  32  14    1   15   18   13   14    3

Endgame - 2/169

MU decided to steal Marth's thunder by hitting a Gradivus crit. For giggles, I had Elice use Again on her so she'd finish Medeus. . .and she crit again. Overall, hilarious~!

Unit analysis and whatnot in the next post.

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Marth - Took a while to get going, but once he did, nothing stood in his way. Dodged a few times to make me sleep better.

MU - She took the game and broke it in half. Probably don't wanna let people do this again - her 26 Speed cap while flying meant that she was doubling stuff all the way to Endgame. Rest in peace, aunty. You kicked the crap out of everything you touched, right up to Medeus.

Arran - Really useful early, and kept being useful because his Speed didn't lag behind too much.

Ryan - He either wanted to be strong or fast, but not both. Axes during the Altea/Gra saga made life so much easier for me.

Cord - Okay filler until Darros showed up; the latter had way more weapon ranks and durability.

Ogma - Needed some Speedwings 'cause he forgot how to gain Speed. Still did a pretty damn good job, regardless.

Castor - Managed to keep steady with the levels, but didn't have the oomph to truly dominate things.

Wendell - Don't argue with the pope, 'cause he'll Excaliblick you into next week.

Feena - Dancers rock.

Ellerean - His bulkiness is sorely underrated; he can take a beating, and it was crucial to some of my strategies.

Jake - Took forever to get going, but once his Speed kicked in, he became a terror with Parthia.

Darros - His Speed was always an issue, but at least he had HP in spades (which is better than most prepromotes).

Xane - Useful in a couple of chapters, then slowed down too much.

Katarina - Her penance was being relegated to staffbot.

Tomas - He'll surpass Castor, given a little bit of love (and his Silver Bow). I think he costs one turn tops, barring Again spam.

Sedgar - You held out against Ryan for an impressive amount of time. Pity Tomas can't talk sense into you. :P:

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How is she any more broken than, say, luke rody ryan palla and catria? Other than prologue LTC (which MU is essential for, anyway), what is peg knight MU doing that other units cant? I just dont see it. Having to wait for the whip is already a big nerf as it ensure peggie MU cant promote and tear stuff starting in ch 5 like luke rody ryan palla and catria can...after she promotes in ch12 she will still have worse offense than those guys and worse durability unless your MU is horace kinds of blessed. If peggie MU should be banned, i propose ryan luke rody palla and catria are also banned.

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1. Dudes can't take advantage of a 26 Speed cap with options to extend to 28. The 23/25 cap on Dracoknights stop their lategame doubling pretty handily. 26 Speed doubles all the way to the final chapter; 28 doubles everything that isn't Medeus. inb4swordmasterswordlock

2. You're not getting Palla/Catria to C swords as Falcoknight on promotion. Even if you did try, you'd need to sacrifice something like eight levels on them; MU gets them for free in the Prologue.

3. Assuming you did everything in the previous step, do you honestly think they're gonna end up with the stats I posted? Catria never gets that HP/MAG/LUK/RES, and might get that much DEF at 20/20; Palla might hit that DEF five levels sooner than her sister, but falls way short on HP/MAG/LUK/RES. I bring up MAG, because Falcoknights gain it on promtion, and it was a back-up plan in case MU didn't cap STR by Chapter 15 (heavily armored enemies hate Levin Swords).

So if you really want a draft where the strategy is "throw MU into the middle of things and watch everything die while ignoring terrain", you might as well restrict MU to female only and give them Dracoknight instead - that Speed cap hurts a lot on later chapters.

Edited by eclipse
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Well, the draco speed cap is serviceable up to ch 20 and i value earlygame performance much more than just raw stats in endgame. Who cares if MU caps everything? The others i mentioned have serviceable stats anyway. 25 spd cap is enough to double everything you would want to anyways. Its why i paladin spam in FE12 drafts starting in ch 20. You only really need 4 paladins to get the best TCs in the later chapters. So far, peggie MU has been less than adequate for me and has been outperformed every chapter by rody/caeda.

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Those raw stats in endgame are what keeps your army going forward. MU was capping things midgame, which was a huge help. She'll appreciate the extra dodging and durability, because I have other uses for my staffbots.

Also, did you miss the memo where things start to hit 22-23 Speed? That's where Paladins fail to double, and if my MU can do the work of your four Paladins, then that kind of proves my point.

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Ive played a lot of drafts already and Im pretty sure paladins double all chapters, except swordmasters/berserkers (which are rare) in c22. They definetely dont double in endgame but thats marth's show anyway. And your lone falcoknight MU wasnt doing the same as my murder squadron of death. Your TCs were noticeably affected by the lack of More 10 move units. (you lost to my 10 move "squadron of death" by 40 turns) MU clearly didnt do the work of 4 units, i rest my case.

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I honestly don't know what the fuck you're talking about, since you're claiming a better run without logging what you did. On my very first (non-draft) run on H1, I overpowered my team, and even then, I was having problems doubling with Paladins. I did mine as I went, and if you didn't notice, I would've had to either do a lot of rigging or deal with some major Speed problems. You saw what my second-best unit looked like on Chapter 10, when I promoted him.

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Im talking about other drafts :p. In a draft where i had ryan cain caeda and norne, i got 120 turns because of the above 10 move unit thing. And in another draft run with almost the same characters, I got 107 turns (with a cain that refused to proc str). I wasnt talking about this draft, but all points to me having 4 10 move units again (rody, caeda, minerva and roger) and getting like 129 (110 or so from the main game as an estimate and the 19 turn prologue). Anyway, im not bashing your run nor am I trying to be a prick, im just saying that your claim that your MU did the work of 4 units is false. As evidenced by other runs where someone murdered the game with all paladins. (someone named stark got 109 with pure paladins too) One last thing Ive noticed: Most drafts allow mage MU and i find that MU to be extremely broken (nosferatank rescue). They also dont count prologue, which is what would balance mage MU (mage MU is meh at LTC prologue). Yet ive never seen anyone complain about mage MU.

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