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[FE12] The Pegasus Knight Draft


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Mage MU doesn't park herself over mountains and do things. Now START this draft, and see what the hell I'm talking about. If you don't care about swords, then go pegknight in the beginning. If I'm shaving something like 30 turns off my previous draft run, that should say something, no?

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I already started (posted up to ch 5 i think though im in c13 but too lazy to update). And MU hasnt saved a single turn yet, nor trivialized anything. :/

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Look at my team, post-Chapter 10. Notice the major Speed problems? Do you honestly think I'd be able to beat Chapter 12 in any decent time if MU didn't exist? 9 turns isn't great, but given the fact that I'd have a lot of dead units if I rushed it, I'd say it was okay.

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Well an average ogma shouldnt have had that spd anyways. You got unlucky with your other characters and good luck with your MU. How does that prove shes broken? Imagine i someday draft warren and lets say, srz bsnz. Warren gets amazinly blessed but srz procs no spd at all for multiple levels. Suddenly, warren is outperforming srz. Srz is screwed to the point that using him is a detriment (since he doesnt double). Does that mean warren is now broken since Im relying on him for everything and he saved my run?

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The fact that "unlucky" is enough to put a dent in my turn counts should say a lot. Resetting to keep my stats on average is something I'd rather not do - I don't have that many save points, and I'd rather use them to make sure I don't have to redo stuff.

From what I can see, my MU was fairly Luck-blessed (I didn't choose the Luck/Res boosters). I designed my MU in such a way that she'd get decent Strength, HP, and Defense - things that a pegasus knight doesn't mind having more of. The most insane blessing, though, was Magic - 6 Magic over the course of 39 levels, with a 5% growth. However, she only needed the base 2 that I gave her to KO the Chapter 15 ballista - which is why she was an Orphan to begin with. Even with an average/slightly screwed MU, she'd still be outperforming the rest of my team. Marth is made of paper, and everyone else is more worried about not being doubled.

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Chapter 6 5/54

Marth went for the Shard and Barrier. Arran rushed to the throne room

so he could use Rescue on Marth. Rody and caeda cleared the throne room.

Caeda Win Speared Lang. Rody lured and killed Samto. Linde Aura'd the east Bishops

for CEXP and their droppable items. Vanessa protected Norne and Frey from being attacked once

they arrived, she also killed the mage in the chest room in Turn 1.

Yubello trailed around Marth, healing him from swarms.

Chapter 6x 2/56

Did an amazing formation of genius to avoid killing only Radd and give a

whole bunch of CEXP to Caeda and Linde.

Chapter 7 5/61

Flier spam. Trained Caeda as much as possible. I had Devil Sword Radd,

Aura Linde and Thunder Arran team up on the dragon.

Chapter 8 3/64

Standard. I trained Caeda to level 20 in the Base Arena as a Cavalier and promoted her.

I had her recruit Roger and then she went for the Arms Scroll. Roger was fed kills. Arran

and Yubello staffbotted. Linde Aura'd the Leo thief. Rody killed Jeorge.

Chapter 9 5/69

Did the Thief trick. Marth got the village. Rescue. Arena a bit.

Chapter 10 2/71

Flier spam ftw. Arran staffspammed. Everyone else just destroyed stuff.

Chapter 10x 1/72


Chapter 11 6/78

Arena'd Roger and Linde and promoted them both. I had linde rush through

the desert and rescue marth. My team is absolutely ridiculous. 5 fliers

hahaha. I fed kills to Minerva and Marth took the time to train a bit with a few enemies

to the west before he was rescued. Needless to say, I got all the desert


Chapter 12 5/83

Trained Marth in the base arena with the Killing Edge and Devil Sword.

Also gave him defensive boosters so he could hold his own. Roger stayed behind battling the reinforcements

that appear near the start point. My fliers rushed, caeda being the main unit.

Vanessa got me the Piscis shard. Arran spammed physic and broke the barrier lol.

Chapter 13 4/87

I had a brilliant plan to train Linde and I did it. I lured some wyrverns

with Rody and weakened them so linde could get the kills. Minerva Caeda and

Vanessa helped Marth get to the seize point. While Roger helped the scrubs

from enemies in the starting position. Arran reached B staves.

Chapter 13x 2/89

Caeda and Rody take the east. Marth goes for the Iote with a push from Feena.

Feena is kept safe by Vanessa. Linde and Minerva took care of the north and

Athena took care of the closest ballistae and a steel axe barbarian that went

after her. Kleine was ORKO'd by Javelin Caeda with all str boosting shards.

Unit		Class		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv
Marth		Lord		22	37	55	20	0	16	25	21	17	2	Sword C
Linde		Bishop		5	56	33	1	16	18	21	17	3	13	Tome C Staff D
Caeda		Paladin		12	16	43	25	1	27	24	25	21	10	Sword E Lance A
Feena		Dancer		6	69	20	6	0	6	18	12	7	1	Sword E
Minerva		Paladin		11	83	41	21	1	18	21	15	18	7	Sword E Lance C
Vanessa		Falcoknight	6	25	36	24	8	26	26	15	16	12	Sword E Lance A
Rody		Paladin		10	93	43	20	1	23	23	20	20	7	Sword E Lance A
Athena		Myrmidon	12	20	27	11	0	13	14	8	7	0	Sword B

Base Arena made my team so OP its not even funny. I also trained Athena in ch 14 base to level 20 and promoted her but I havent played the chapter yet.

This is Athena after Arena with the Lady Sword and shards:

Athena Swordmaster Level 1.00 HP 37/Str 18/Mag 1/Skl 20/Spd 20/Lck 10/Def 14/Res 5 Sword A

Also, Rody sucks and is anemic. I will never draft him again, EVER.

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Marth: Seraph Robe x2, Dracoshield.

Minerva: Energy Drop x2, Secret Book x2, Speedwing.

Linde: Spirit Dust.

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Chapter 14 3/92

rody got me the Warp and sent it to convoy. Arran retrieved it. Stuff died.

Linde used Thief on the Again chest. Then later rescued Marth in Turn 3.

Marth full moved and Arran warped Feena over to Marth.

Chapter 15 4/96

Caeda and Rody lead the charge. Feena dances Marth in Turn 1 and he moves a bit behind

Caeda but not enough to attract 2 range enemies. Minerva and Vanessa take care of the ballis

tae in turn 1. Xane copies Roger and goes to buy stuff. I open doors with Caeda and Marth goes

through. Hauteclere! Minerva destroys boss with the Lightsphere equipped. After that, Marth rushes.

Then, in Turn 4, I have Arran use Again on Marth and Yubello warps Feena towards Marth for a 4 turn

seize. Roger!Xane got me some javelins with the Silver Card just in time (and a Wing Spear).

Chapter 16 2/98

Athena went for the Mercurius. Rody went for the geosphere.

Caeda Vanessa Linde and Minerva helped Marth seize. I got the Hammer

from the reinforcement with Roger. I had to give the remaining Wing

to Athena so she could double the heroes and also a def band so she could

survive 3 of them in one EP. Linde thief staff'd the Rescue staff.

Chapter 16x 1/99

My Unit with Starsphere and Iote Shield killed everyone. I had her do it

because she needed the experience. Though Paladin Caeda could do it just fine.

Chapter 17 4/103

Feena dances Marth and my Pallies help him full move every turn. Rody silver lanced

Sheema. Vanessa got me the Nosferatu. Athena took on the western dracoknights.

I bought a few hand axes.

Chapter 18 2/105

Nosferatank! Linde with Starsphere goes right and destroys stuff. The ballistae

were lured to attack arran and yubello. Feena dances Marth and he gets the Lifesphere.

My pallies clear the way in Turn 2 so Linde can rescue Marth. Caeda Wing Spears

the General in the seize point. Vanessa got me the Arms Scroll.

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Chapter 19 4/109

Marth rushes. Minerva kills boss with Hammer+Lightsphere+Starsphere+Iote's Shield+

Str Band. This was mostly for her survival and so she could ORKO wolf with javelin

after she killed boss. Caeda rushes with Marth and takes Ridersbanes like a boss.

I needed her to dodge a Ridersbane out of 2 in EP, but considering it had like 40 something display...

well I deemed it reliable. She dodged both anyway lol.

She first equipped Javelin for Zagaro and his

Horsemen and then sent the Javelin to the convoy for the Win Spear. I spammed

Physic with my staffbots so Minerva would survive the ballistae (at one point

everyone hit her and she was down to 5 HP -_-). Anwyay, in Turn 4, I had Marth fullmove

east. I had Arran again him. He killed a ballistae in the way and Yubello

warped Feena to dance him for barely a 4 turn seize.

Chapter 20 3/112

Warped Berserker Rody to kill Hardin. Then he opened the door. Linde used

Thief for the Again. Marth full moved in turn 3 then Arran used Again on him.

Couldnt obtain anything apart from the Again :(. Really wanted that Bullion

because Im broke due to Rody's Arena session.

I will finish tomorrow.

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I myself wasnt sure if they were fine a few drafts back. But someone (i think it was horace or wen?) told me they are fine. str def and res band sure help a lot. I just wish i had more :(...specially for MU, who gets 3HKO'd by everyone and their mum.

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Chapter 20x 3/115


This requires so much precision, its not even funny. I hate my own strat lol.

Anyway, the paladins need to be able to reach certain places. Linde is placed

on the back of the map because shes just physicbot. And Vanessa needs to reach

the top berserker that blocks the way in Turn 1 so she is placed in the eastern most tile.

Minerva full moves east and reveals the 2 berserkers there. Rody full moves and

Gradivus the top one of the those zerkers, this reveals the zerker that blocks

the way. Vanessa ORKOs it with Silver Lance (barely makes it there). Marth full

moves and Feena dances him. He full moves again, landing in front of the General

that now blocks the way. Caeda finishes off the last zerker to the east so that

he cant go after Feena. Linde physics Vanessa. Next, the General attacks marth from

2 range. Minerva kills the General, and reveals the sniper that now blocks the

way. Rody kills that sniper. Vanessa full moves. Caeda moves and is danced by

Feena and she full moves, landing a bit in front of Vanessa. Marth full moves west.

The new general SDs to Rapier Marth. Turn 3, I have Caeda full move towards Eremiya.

Revealing her and Vanessa ORKOs her with Silver Lance. I spam a bit more physic and

dance for experience. Then, I seize.

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I redid that ^ with Yubello so he could get B staves, pretty much the same except Yubello used physic instead of linde.

Chapter 21 4/119

Feena dances Marth in Turn 1. Vanessa goes right to handle the "boss" area.

Caeda and the others protect Feena. Nosferatu Linde full moves every turn.

Xane transforms into Arran. Roger goes for the Secret Shop. In turn 4,

Marth was agained by Arran so he could visit the village. Linde rescues Marth.

Xane trades the again and he uses it to Again marth. Marth full moves.

Yubello warps Feena, she dances Marth and he seizes. Sold all the silver bows

and stuff Im not gonna use before the chapter and had 17,000 G. Kinda funny

because I was broke before I sold all that stuff o_O. You get so much money

in form of equipment in this game...Roger bought 3 Spirit Dusts, 1 Energy

Drop, 2 Arms Scroll, 3 Seraph Robes, 3 Dracoshields and 3 Talismans.

Chapter 22 4/123

The usual 4 turn strat. Except made a bit more annoying because I didnt give Marth the

Talismans. Caeda ORKO'd stuff with Gradivus. Vanessa was the one to open the door.

Chapter 23 2/125

Warp Linde with Starlight equipped. She pure waters.

Feena dances Marth and he uses 8 move (to stay out of range of glowers).

The others form a wall to protect Feena. In EP, the meteor dudes tink

Linde and Gharnef SDs to Starlight. She receives Falchion and sends

Starlight to the convoy, equipping Nosferatu. The glower dudes SD on her

nosferatu. The mage dragon goes for her but tinks her too and the fire

dragon moves for no reason. Next, Caeda kills a mage dragon that got in marth's

way. Marth full moves and lands in a pillar. Arran agains him. Linde nosferatus

the Fire Dragon in the way. Next, I make Feena dance Arran and he mends thus

reaching A finally. I kill off a few dragons because I can and seize.


Got str screwed by 2 points but luckily, there are energy drops in ch 21 :p. I gave him my 5 dracoshields and 2 robes so he could hold his own.


Eh, she had great offense, thats for sure. But she really cant take as much flack as my other characters. I dont consider her performance OP, but another 10 move flier is always welcome.


He was anemic for most of his existence. I had to arena him as a zerker in ch 20's base so he COULD GROW STR FOR ONCE.

And that fixed him. Pirate class growths so OP lol. I kinda regret drafting this guy, his bases suck. Though his lance rank is nice.


BEST. STAFFBOT. EVER. I spammed barrier like no one's business with him. Then physic and stuff. Hes so cool.


With the absence of Mage My Unit, I had to train SOMEONE to be my nosferatank rescuer. She didnt let me down.

I gave her all my spirit dusts throughout the game and the ch21 SS talismans, robes and dusts. She pwned Gharnef's chapter even more than my usual bishop MU o_O.


Not too shabby. He was a great staffbot after all. Shaved me a bunch of turns due to the whole warp while Arran use again thing.

For a late round pick, he sure performed well...unlike certain other draftees...like RADD.


My best unit by far. Base Arena to level 20 as a cavalier and she grew so much str/def in the arena, it wasnt even funny. She had hp problems for a while but once I made her a pally she proc'd it a lot. MVP.


None of this would be possible without her. She grew so bulky o_O and dat res.


Cant complain . He helped a lot, but proc;'d a bunch of lck only levels for a few chapters -_-. Still, he was useful and another flier is of course, always welcome in my team.


How could I FORGET MINERVA? She was fed my desert energy drops, speedwings and stuff. But was worth everything I put into her. Her awesome Axe rank meant she could hammer/Hauteclere things. She was great, probably only second in usefulness to Caeda.


Arena'd her to level 20 in ch 14 and was surprisingly good. She couldnt ORKO without wyrmslayer but who cares? She helped a lot in a few chapters and completely obsolete in others.


Another 10 move flier when I wanted him to be. Another B rank staff user when I needed him to be...sooooo OP.

Endgame tomorrow because I gtg.

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Guys, I tried the 1 turn and I got the crit from Marth without rigging, buuuuut I also made it in 2 turns without the 21% crit. If everyone is fine with the 1 turn, I will keep that one. But if you are not fine, then Ill keep the 2 turn, as long as everyone else swears to not crit Medeus :P. Note: It was a 21% crit because of Caeda support and the skl band. Which made marth get to 24 skl, which is 16 crit + 5 from caeda.

The 1 turn strat:

Minerva moves, feena dances her. She recruits maria and trades her the rescue then kills lena. Maria rescues Merric. Merric trades Rescue and talks to Elice. Elice trades rescue and uses it to rescue Marth. Caeda is warped in to kill Nyna. Marth crits.

The 2 turn strat:

Marth moves and pure waters then is danced by Feena. He moves up and kills the Mage Dragon. Everyone moves up and I make sure no one can get more flack than they can handle except for Marth who can handle everything (thanks to the other guys luring some dragons). Next, Minerva moves and recruits Maria then kills Lena. Maria trades Minerva's rescue and uses it on Merric, who recruits Elice. Rody kills Nyna. Elice uses Fortify. Linde uses physic on Marth. Marth falchions Medeus for 33 damage. (43 remaining). Caeda attacks medeus with Gradivus for 13 damage (30 hp left). Yubello warps Feena in to dance Marth and he finishes Medeus with an unnecesary crit.

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Kept the 2 turn because its much more strategy based and Im against crits in general. Horace said he wont rig the crit anyway.

Endgame 2/127

Marth moves and pure waters then is danced by Feena. He moves up and kills the Mage Dragon. Everyone moves up and I make sure no one can get more flack than they can handle except for Marth who can handle everything (thanks to the other guys luring some dragons). Next, Minerva moves and recruits Maria then kills Lena. Maria trades Minerva's rescue and uses it on Merric, who recruits Elice. Rody kills Nyna. Elice uses Fortify. Linde uses physic on Marth. Marth falchions Medeus for 33 damage. (43 remaining). Caeda attacks medeus with Gradivus for 13 damage (30 hp left). Yubello warps Feena in to dance Marth and he finishes Medeus with an unnecesary crit.








Final TC is 127.

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Hey Pickle, just had a quick question before I start. Must I recruit all the drafted units on my team?

Ah, nope. You can skip anyone. And that includes the endgame bishops.

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Okay, lets do this. Made my MU a Pegasus Knight do to lack of fliers.

Name: Tana

Past: Clergy's child

Present: Strong

Future: Recluse

Prologue 1 3/3

Do I need to explain?

Prologue 2 3/6

Same, but with green haired shorta

Prologue 3 3/9

Same, but with manly cavaliers

Prologue 4 2/11

Same, but with sexy princess and Wryyyyyyys

Prologue 5 3/14


Prologue 6 2/16

Same, but with pink haired demon

Prologue 7 3/19

Same, but with Heavy Weapons Guy

Prologue 8 5/24

Same, but...oh wait something different. It was kinda abit hard though. :/

I'll do the main chapters now or later.

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