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Let's discuss potentially useful reclass paths

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- to Cavalier for Discipline and a chance to work on lance rank

- promote to Paladin for durability and better growths, or Great Knight for Luna

- back to Great Lord with a good lance rank, so that you actually have an enemy phase (I wonder though, does the double system make the lack of enemy phase as important as it normally is?)


- master all the Mage skills (or Mage+Sage)

- reclass to Dark Mage/Sorceress for Nosferatank with better speed and magic than Sariya but less defence (possibly baiting more enemies?)


- reclass to Pegasus Knight, then promote and become the party's early rescuebot

Not sure how functional these ideas will be, but I can't stop thinking about this game.

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Viole-Bow Knight, get Bow Slayer, reclass to the Draco line

Tiamo -Mercenary, same as Viole, applies to Selena too

Tiki-Griffon Knight for Carrier's extra move.

Maybe Sumia going into Great Knight for Holy Shield? Don't know if it'd be really worth it though.

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Maybe Sumia going into Great Knight for Holy Shield? Don't know if it'd be really worth it though.

Sumia won't be able to access Holy Shield no matter what you do. Cynthia can though, if either MU, Krom or Frederick's her father that is. Edited by Little Al
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Anybody that can reclass to Mercenary - Mercenary for Weapon Saver

" " Dark Pegasus - Dark Pegasus for Lightning Speed

Sumia could get some Renewal from Battle Cleric for healing herself after those arrows to the legs wings.

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Wasn't there another page for this called making broken builds?

P.S. I think someone said Paladin growth rates>Great Lord growth rates. Is that true?

We don't know for sure yet about growth rates, but Othin commented that his Soiree and Krom who reclassed into GKs started to fall behind in stats, especially SPD. I remember him saying that at a certain point, his SM!Sol had 11 more SPD than his GK!Soiree, even though Soiree started off with more SPD. His Soiree might just have been screwed though. We can only know for sure by hacking the game or asking like a 100 people to post their stat AVGs so we could make a rough estimate.

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- reclass to Pegasus Knight, then promote and become the party's early rescuebot

you can't be a rescuebot in this game....the unit who initiates the double is the one giving the bonuses not the one receiving them also if you try to switch them the unit who initiated the double cannot move on the same turn (and if you wait a turn you're just wasting time.) , it does however let the initiating unit take all the damage since you can switch them to be in front but pegasus knights/falcoknights/dark pegasus don't have very good def so they aren't very good at it.

Plus I find Liz way too useful as a Cleric-> Sage to change her class.

Edited by Velth
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Well, I also leveled Sol a lot more. But I'm pretty sure that in general, mono-weapon classes have higher growths, and Great Knights as a triple-weapon class have lower growths. It makes intuitive sense, at least.

Weapon levels can be a big obstacle to certain classes unless you're willing to grind a bit or use an Arms Scroll or two.

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- back to Great Lord with a good lance rank, so that you actually have an enemy phase (I wonder though, does the double system make the lack of enemy phase as important as it normally is?)

I'm confused by this. Are you saying lances are somehow key to having a good enemy phase? Because of what, 1-2 range? Javelins have shit power and won't do more than scratch enemies a ways into the game, and the others are rare and can't be bought. So a good 1-2 range enemy phase is basically nonexistent and exists only among sturdy mages, like Saria. Double system doesn't have anything to do with this.

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What about Berserker!Vake with a Hand Axe? Doesn't his through-the-roof strength more than compensate for Hand Axe's low weapon power? I'd expect the same from Krom's growths as well.

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What about Berserker!Vake with a Hand Axe? Doesn't his through-the-roof strength more than compensate for Hand Axe's low weapon power? I'd expect the same from Krom's growths as well.

I have Krom as a 10 Lord --> 10 Cavalier --> 15 Great Knight --> 1 Great Lord with 29 Str and C Lances. He has 32 Atk with a Javelin. Now let's look at a battle that was rather easy for this postgame team: Red vs. Blue E. Geoffrey has 28 Def and 50 HP. Ike has 22 Def and 56 HP, and Krom doesn't double him. The Black Knight has 33 Def and 58 HP... and Krom doesn't even double him. Krom can kill exactly two enemies on this map in one round: Soren and Sanaki. Granted that often has a lot to do with him being too slow which could be fixed with Double, but he'd still do not a whole lot of damage to many enemies. And while these enemies are rather strong, this was a map that was easy for my postgame team: the enemies are less strong compared to my team as a whole than the main story enemies were, and this is on Normal.

Now, Vake is another story with his 38+5 Str giving him 47 Atk. I also was able to have Berserker Basilio use a Hand Axe effectively once. But these weapons are limited in where they can be effective. If you're using a ranged attack, it's probably going to be a Short Axe or Short Spear so you can do some substantial damage, but you don't get a whole lot of those. Other thrown weapons, like Swanchika and Gradivus, are even rarer. And while we're looking at rare weapons, you do get a couple of ranged swords, although Krom's not going to be doing much damage with a Thunder Sword, he can't use Amatsu due to being unable to access the Myrmidon class, and we don't yet have a way to obtain Ragnell. So I dunno.

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As a Pegasus Knight, Tiamo seems to be outclassed by Sumia, but she has an excellent class set to make up for her growths. Her stats are more suited to Mercenary/Hero, but if you want both Weapon Saver and Lightning Speed her promotion path gets messy (Pegasus Knight → Dark Pegasus → Mercenary → Hero, or Pegasus Knight → Mercenary → Hero → Dark Pegasus → Hero).

I'm confused by this. Are you saying lances are somehow key to having a good enemy phase? Because of what, 1-2 range? Javelins have shit power and won't do more than scratch enemies a ways into the game, and the others are rare and can't be bought. So a good 1-2 range enemy phase is basically nonexistent and exists only among sturdy mages, like Saria. Double system doesn't have anything to do with this.

But even if that Javelin does 0 damage, as long as the main unit counterattacks the Double partner gets a chance to follow up with any weapon.

That said, lances and bows are completely outclassed by magic. Bolt Axes are great on a Battle Cleric/Monk, though.

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I would just like to quickly add that Velvet tears up life as a Dragonmaster. Went Lv 13 Dracoknight -> lv 5 Dragonknight so far and she has stats like 32 str, 29 def, 26 spd, 55 hp. (For context, this is at chapter 14). I expect great things from this girl once she learns Sword Slayer and switches to Griffon Knight as well.

Edited by ReedTien
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I would just like to quickly add that Velvet tears up life as a Dragonmaster. Went Lv 13 Dracoknight -> lv 5 Dragonknight so far and she has stats like 32 str, 29 def, 26 spd, 45 hp. (For context, this is at chapter 14). I expect great things from this girl once she learns Sword Slayer and switches to Griffon Knight as well.

Yeah that's pretty much the same for me. Velvet gets very strong really quickly as a Dracoknight. At Lv~10(taguel)->~14(Dracoknight)->2 (Griffon Knight) she's at.(I think those levels are right)

51 HP, 6 mag, 30 Str, 25 Skl, 28 Spd, 22 luck, 19 def, 7 res.

She must have high personal growths or something to make up for her starting in a class with no weapon rank.

Edited by arvilino
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I'm having similar results with Chambray. Reclassed him to Barbarian as soon as he joined, but it was a bit late so I didn't feel like dragging him around with a Bronze Axe while waiting for him to promote, so I replayed the first two Spirit Talisman maps and had him solo them, reaching LV10 with D Axes, letting me promote him and give him decent weapons.

He is now a LV3 Berserker with the following stats, no boosts.

HP 68

Str 37

Mag 6

Skl 25

Spd 29

Luck 23

Def 20

Res 6

What the fuck.

I've been leaving Velvet as a Taguel, though.

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Hmm, perhaps it's to make up for Beast Stone not giving as big buffs as the Dragonstones do?

Level 23 with 37 STR? Holy Sh*t.

What's more, he'll get Axe Expert later as well...

Edited by eharper256
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Hmm, perhaps it's to make up for Beast Stone not giving as big buffs as the Dragonstones do?

Level 23 with 37 STR? Holy Sh*t.

What's more, he'll get Axe Expert later as well...

For comparison, from my NM file, Vake, a 10 Fighter --> 10 Barbarian --> 15 Berserker --> 2 Warrior:

HP: 67+5

Str: 38+5

Mag: 2

Skl: 30

Spd: 25

Luck: 18

Def: 26

Res: 7

He was one of my best characters on that file, and Chambray is already nearly caught up to him in raw stats at 14 levels lower. I think I underestimated him in viewing a need to give him a chance to catch up with grinding.

I imagine like in FE4, all the kids have growths calculated off their parents that are automatically higher.

Based on how the cap inheritances work, that seems to be the case. Certainly, the kids all seem to have very high stats for their level, as seen with Chambray above. Brady seems to be the exception, but that may just have been due to not using his parents enough. On the other hand, comparing his stats between the two files:

10/1 Battle Monk (NM)

HP: 34

Str: 11

Mag: 10

Skl: 10

Spd: 10

Luck: 10

Def: 13

Res: 10

10/4 Sage (HM)

HP: 31

Str: 9

Mag: 14

Skl: 13

Spd: 12

Luck: 12

Def: 12

Res: 10

Converting the Sage stats to Battle Monk and comparing to the Battle Monk:

HP: 35 (+1)

Str: 13 (+2)

Mag: 12 (+2)

Skl: 12 (+2)

Spd: 11 (+1)

Luck: 12 (+2)

Def: 14 (+2)

Res: 11 (+1)

I don't remember what his stats were at 10/1, but with room for three level-ups, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference, even with using his parents more.

Edited by Othin
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Do you know if Mariabel and/or his father also have bad stats/growths?

Mariabel doesn't look too great either; at low levels promoted, her stats look pretty similar.

Father first time was Ronku, second time was Frederick.

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I'm having similar results with Chambray. Reclassed him to Barbarian as soon as he joined, but it was a bit late so I didn't feel like dragging him around with a Bronze Axe while waiting for him to promote, so I replayed the first two Spirit Talisman maps and had him solo them, reaching LV10 with D Axes, letting me promote him and give him decent weapons.

He is now a LV3 Berserker with the following stats, no boosts.

HP 68

Str 37

Mag 6

Skl 25

Spd 29

Luck 23

Def 20

Res 6

What the fuck.

I've been leaving Velvet as a Taguel, though.

This is interesting since I have been training Chambray as a Taguel only and he has worse stats than what you listed. Maybe Taguel class growths suck or something, but we can't know for sure. I may just be screwed.

And for Brady, he has been performing well for me as a Paladin. I reclassed him first thing, trained him 17 levels before promotion, and now as a lv 7 Paladin he has:

60 hp

29 str

13 mag

28 skl

27 spd

29 luck

28 def

23 res

So he seems to be no slouch if changed to a physical class. Although Krom is his daddy so that probably helps.

Edited by ReedTien
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This is interesting since I have been training Chambray as a Taguel only and he has worse stats than what you listed. Maybe Taguel class growths suck or something, but we can't know for sure. I may just be screwed.

And for Brady, he has been performing well for me as a Paladin. I reclassed him first thing, trained him 17 levels before promotion, and now as a lv 7 Paladin he has:

60 hp

29 str

13 mag

28 skl

27 spd

29 luck

28 def

23 res

So he seems to be no slouch if changed to a physical class. Although Krom is his daddy so that probably helps.

Well, even including Beaststone bonuses, Taguel --> Berserker gives:

+12 HP

+8 Str

+0 Mag

-4 Skl

+1 Spd

+1 Def

-1 Res

Mainly a difference with HP and Str, but a damn big difference.

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