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Dialogue changes (spoilers)


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I like how people regard name changes between the American and European versions as idiotic but are fine with all the changes between the JAP and American versions

Me too. You can never truly get an exact translation from another language, so any names we may have translated ourselves doesn't mean that's what they really should be. Also, from America to Europe (certain parts anyway), there IS NO language translation, so changing anything is pointless.

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I don't. You can never truly get an exact translation from another language, so any names we may have translated ourselves doesn't mean that's what they really should be. Also, from America to Europe (certain parts anyway), there IS NO language translation, so changing anything is pointless.

L'Arachel is the perfect example of this

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It was never Rachel. It was Larchel.

There's a difference >___<

I know, but for us Americans and Europeans they make more drastic changes than Larchel-Rachel. It just would have been easier is all.

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Larchel? That's a weird name

wait, what the hell am I thinking... FE is full of odd names...

anyone know anybody named "Hawkeye"?

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Larchel? That's a weird name

wait, what the hell am I thinking... FE is full of odd names...

anyone know anybody named "Hawkeye"?

No, but I know a guy by the name of Crazy Horse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently on 2-F and I'll post some of the changes I've found.

-The 'More Merchants' conversation never mentions anything about your first forged weapon being 'free of charge' (they still mention scrap metal though and the conversation is still 3 star.)

-Muarim's description IS fixed.

-I'm playing Normal, and I can't access skills during part 2, when you say that happes in hard mode, do you mean Japanese Hard Mode?

Something interesting I thought I'd mention, the class description for Black Knight says he was 'one of Deain's four horsemen'. 'Horsemen' is probably a mistranslation of 'Riders'.

Also, I've found another naming inconsistency: 'Old Speech' and 'Modern Speech' should be 'Ancient Tounge' and 'Modern Tounge'.

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Wait! Muarim isn't Ike's sister!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

I think we've established that...

Still though, I feel outraged that they would make a mistake like that. They sure are smart...

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I think we've established that...

Still though, I feel outraged that they would make a mistake like that. They sure are smart...

I am outraged that the European translators fixed the problems but changed some names that were perfectly fine!

They change Sentinel to Lancer, but Impale's description still reads Sentinel?! How could they get away with that!?

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Before that was discovered, I actually speculated that Lancer would have been a good title for them....Maybe it is just me.

i also thought that lancer was going to be the character class. never would have thought of sentinel myself

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Before that was discovered, I actually speculated that Lancer would have been a good title for them....Maybe it is just me.

Lancer sounds like a name just thrown out there. Sentinal sounds like a nice powerful class name... oh yeah

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*Facepalm* A sentinel is like a guardian of something.

sweet. Now Neph and Aran are even cooler. Danved isnt... he cant improve :P

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