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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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I don't see a reason for mafia to have NK'd on N1. What would they have to gain from it, aside from maybe causing some confusion later on? First off, they would have had to predict that something like this would occur at the end of the game, which is highly unlikely. Second, they don't really have much to gain from giving up the kill. The mafia wants to wittle the town down as quickly as possible, since they win by wittling down the town.

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I don't see a reason for mafia to have NK'd on N1. What would they have to gain from it, aside from maybe causing some confusion later on? First off, they would have had to predict that something like this would occur at the end of the game, which is highly unlikely. Second, they don't really have much to gain from giving up the kill. The mafia wants to wittle the town down as quickly as possible, since they win by wittling down the town.

I can see a few things.

Yes confusion. Guess what's happening now? I think you're all jumping too conclusions too quickly. Maybe it might just be me being paranoid, but I'm trying not to leave any possibility unconsidered right now. Town should not have got to this point, so I'm not going to throw the game by mislynching.

Next, it wouldn't change the votes required for majority. It would have still been five, making it easier for them to divert a lynch off them by virtue of requiring the almost majority of town to vote for them. Making that day and future days much easier on them.

If neither of them were under fire D1, they could spare the kill because it would mean that misinformation could spread, and because they had a jailer, makes me think they could fake a killblock.

It was explicitly stated in the rules that they could not kill once. I don't really see why they wouldn't take the opportunity if it arose, mmm?

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We can look at it as much as we want. Fact is, you are our only remaining PR ATM, and your results can't help us here. Either Rapier blocked the N1 kill and Shinori is scum, or mafia NK'd and any of us could be the final scum. We have the best chance of finding scum by lynching Shinori, IMO.

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You know, I really should have targeted you this last night. It would have cleared up so much more.

##Vote: Ether

And you know what? I have a really large suspicion right now that you are actually the last mafia. Nothing makes complete sense with you, and I really don't like it.

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Shinori, Mafia Neighbor, has been lynched.

Manix, Town Rolecop, Aere, Town Neighbor, and Ether, Vanilla Townie, have won the game!

Yeah, most undeserved town win ever.

Might write postgame after school tomorrow if I'm not tired.

Edited by Prims
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Also, next time I host a game here it's just going to be no majority = game ends instantly, everybody loses. When deadline is incoming, you get your act together.

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Yeah, you should have inspected me last night. Because we already know what Shinori's role was, he claimed it already. Since you are a Rolecop, and don't get alignment, the only people left to investigate were me and Eclipse. As for nothing making complete sense with me, you are free to think that if you want. Everything I've done this game was pursuing what didn't seem right to me, from you and Blitz on Helios D1, to calling you on this now. You were perfectly happy with lynching Shinori last phase, and all of a sudden, I'm a better target because "Oh what if mafia NK'd on N1?"

Mafia NKing ever is a terrible play, because mafia needs to kill off townies to win. I don't see what part of this you aren't getting. Yes, mafia NKing causes confusion, you know why? It causes confusion because it makes you question whether your information is right, regardless of whether they NK'd or not. Mafia NKing is a terrible play, because regardless of whether they tried to kill and were blocked, or whether they NK'd, you would have no way of telling the difference. The idea of "maybe they NK'd" is clouding your vision, when the final mafia is right in front of us, and we have the most solid evidence available to us in the setup that he is scum. We have a confirmed roleblock on Shinori, on a night that nobody died. There is not a single other role in the game capable of messing with that kill, and even with that, you are unwilling to believe that Shinori is mafia because "maybe they NK'd?!" Honestly, I would say you were mafia right now for all the idiotic shit you are spewing, except I can't believe you would be stupid enough not to hammer if you were mafia. That slight confidence is slipping, as is my patience.

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... I seriously read your vote as being for Shinori, because it's 12 AM.



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Yeah so I'm a retard. Probably a fitting end to this game.

I don't think Shinori would have won had it carried on, though.

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Reposting because paged:

shortened version of what I predict postgame will be (town side):

Ether: seriously, lurk less, I don't know if you were busy or something but yeah (mainly talking early on)

Aere: see what Ether said except more potent, you barely did anything

Manix: why would you ever claim a better role than the role you have to draw attention away from yourself, seriously

Rapier: learn 2 think, you should have been on Shinori's ass all D2

Paperblade, eclipse: no immediately notable complaints here. eclipse felt inactive D2 but I think she was busy?

Blitz: ;_; probably consider not leaving your vote on ether all day while not actually pushing a case on him next time?

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ps: I was reaction fishing for the last time there Ether. I needed to see what you would say. That would have determined my vote.

Oh so you weren't being a completely moronic asshat. Good to know. Please don't do it again. I couldn't believe you were about to throw the game.

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Yeah, I needed something else to go on, because your voting patterns didn't match up with town sided at all.

You passed my test, I probably would have moved my vote.

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Sorry for being so damn flippant over it, but mafia does not NK. Ever. I don't give a fuck what the excuse was, don't do it. I was serious about what I said there, if I chose to NK as mafia, I would have claimed mafia in-thread out of shame. If they had NK'd, how horribly bad town played, and how lucky we got at the end, none of that would have mattered. Had mafia actually NK'd N1, they deserved the loss.

Okay. I think I'm done.

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Sorry for being so damn flippant over it, but mafia does not NK. Ever. I don't give a fuck what the excuse was, don't do it. I was serious about what I said there, if I chose to NK as mafia, I would have claimed mafia in-thread out of shame. If they had NK'd, how horribly bad town played, and how lucky we got at the end, none of that would have mattered. Had mafia actually NK'd N1, they deserved the loss.

Okay. I think I'm done.

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