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A Possible Alternative to Posting ROMs

luigi bros

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I was bored so I tried an experiment. I created a blank file with extention .gba. I created a patch based off of FE7 unmodified, and when I patched it to the blank gba file it became FE7. I then patched it to an Final Fantasy IV Advance ROM and it worked.

So my question is, is this an allowed alternative to posting ROMs?

This might not be the right section, so if it belongs somewhere else, please move it.

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What's wrong with just posting the .ips/.ups file? I mean, that's what's done here anyway.

I really doubt that getting around copyright infringement is that easy. I mean, would putting the ROM in a .rar file change anything? Then why should it for a .ips file?

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No, because the intent is still to distribute a fully functioning game. Changing the file extension and having to apply a simple extra step does not change that.

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a .ips file doesn't contain copyrighted code.

It does in this case. You're basically retaking the entire game and making it a patch. This is why I was doubtful of VincentASM's decision on making the stolen prototypes public--he did just what luigi did in the first post, only with the final game as the base, rather than a dummy file. But you can tell from the size, ambiguous changes aren't being made available, but huge blocks of Intelligent System's games are. That's a problem.

Patches can contain copyright data--if I remake Super Mario Bros. with Bart Simpson as the main character, my patch is going to contain information and graphics regarding this character. It's no longer me changing stats or other data which has no real meaning in terms of copyright--now I'm actually dealing with something which is not mine.

Really, a more sneaky (but still incredibly amateurish) method is to just slip the game inside an image file or something. A facking huge one, but at least that isn't blatantly hiding the data. It's like, 2% less blatant.

Edited by Celice
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I really doubt that getting around copyright infringement is that easy. I mean, would putting the ROM in a .rar file change anything? Then why should it for a .ips file?

I think you misunderstood the post from not reading the whole thing.

What's wrong with just posting the .ips/.ups file? I mean, that's what's done here anyway. If people are willing to play the hack, they know how to get the ROM.

He was saying, just post the .ips/.ups of the hack, and not provide workarounds for obtaining the rom.

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