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H5 Questions

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I've finally finished H3 and next I was planning on targeting H5. I still wonder which characters I should exactly use. So far I know I'm gonna use Marth (obviously), Shiida, Jagen, Barst, Wolf, Wendell, Hardin and Abel. I have this in mind so far:

Marth - Lord (duh)

Shiida - Pegasus Knight -> Dragon Knight

Jagen - Paladin/Dragon Knight

Barst - Fighter -> Warrior

Wendell - Bishop

Hardin - Cavalier -> Paladin

Wolf - ???

Abel - Cavalier -> ???

I have not yet decided whether or not I should use Ogma, he usually turns out good, but I've had playthroughs in which he really got speedscrewed, even with speedwings. Should I use him or should I reclass Wolf to hero? And would it be worth it to train both Wolf and Sedgar?

And about Abel, I've so far always simply promoted him to Paladin and he always turned out good, but I've heard he also makes an excellent sniper. The extra range would be helpful...

And are there other characters I should consider using?

Also, I wonder on what level I'd best promote my units. On lower difficulty playthroughs I usually promote around level 15, would it be a better idea to promote on level 10 on H5 instead?

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Well, id say barst should go fighter->Hero since it gives him more move and spd. Wolf should either be hero or general. Abel should promote into a paladin/draco. As for when to promote, i usually find myself needing to promote caeda in ch11 as soon as a i get a master seal. Her level can be 14-20 by that point depending on how much you used her.

Edited by PKL
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first rule of thumb for H5: don't constrain your units to a single promoted class

sniper, draco, pally, and SM are all usable for class set A units who were PK or cav in their unpromoted lifetime

class set B units are more constrained but barst prefers hero and wolf likes to go into anything useful early on because he sucks

i always promote asap; contrary to PKL's experience though, i can barely get caeda to L10 prior tk her chapter 11 promotion

Edited by dondon151
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Protip: Warrior class is much inferior to Hero. Hero has 8SKL and 4SPD versus... 1STR.


It's worth noting that Warriors (vice Heroes) trade 10% SKL/SPD growths for 20% STR growth, so Warrior isn't totally obsolete if you're going for growths instead of bases.

Hero's still generally better.

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Barst has enough of a Str base and passable enough growth during his Fighter stage to really need to worry about Warrior.

Like dondon said, don't be afraid to switch around in classes. Hardin kind of likes Myrmidon in some of the Axe-heavy chapters, and Barst doesn't mind Mercenary in them either (and definitely in Chapter 8). All of the promoted classes for your Class A units barring Sage and Bishop should be more than good enough to use. Swordmaster is nice for doubling the Fire Dragons for example.

Wolf is a tricky pony to utilize, but there is a nice little cheat to him in Chapter 8 that Interceptor used for Sedgar. Warp him on one of the top-left forts (The one with the Cavalier reinforcement preferred), equip Javelins, don't forget Vulneraries, and go to town. Remember that he obviously has to be a General for this.

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Right. I agree with the advice given so far.

Abel and Hardin can easily switch back and forth between Paladin and Draco to meet the needs of the current chapter. You can swap one to Sniper and slap on the chapter 12 Arms Scroll - bam - instant Silver Bow access. Barst wants to go Hero for the speed. The first Master Seal should be used on Caeda ASAP. The other seals should be used as soon as you get them.

I typically also include Cain, Ogma, and Cord. But that's mostly because I can't resist the allure of the large amount deployment slots this game offers. Heh.

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I prefer Draug above Cord, but it didn't seem like a good idea to deploy a unit with almost no defense in H5... And for some reason Abel has always turned out much better than Cain for me, to the point where Cain is actually far inferior.

But I get it, change classes and promote ASAP, thanks :)

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