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The value of "Serenes Forest"? $$$


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From webstatsdomain

"Review of Serenesforest.net

Serenesforest.net is 4 years and 4 months old, it is ranked 226,945 in the world (among the 30 million domains). This site is relatively popular among users in the United States. It gets23.1% from United States. This site is estimated worth $4,010USD. This site has a good Pagerank(2/10). It has 182 backlinks. It's good for seo website. Serenesforest.net has14% seo score. Serenesforest.net is safe and can be available by children, contains no malicious software and is not used for phishing."

More info: http://www.webstatsd...enesforest.net/

$4,010USD... not bad xD

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Serenesforest.net is 4 years and 4 months old

The site??? Or the forum?

Because I'm pretty sure that's the forum. Actually "pretty sure" is a little loose huh? I know it's the forum x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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And then, number one:

Google.com is ranked 1 in the world (among the 30 million domains), a low rank means that this website gets lots of visitors. This site is relatively popular among users in the United States. It gets 29.4% from United States. This site is estimated worth $97,402,597,403USD. This site has a excellent Pagerank(9/10). It has 4,921,671 backlinks. It's good for seo website. Google.com has 97% seo score. Google.com is safe and can be available by children, contains no malicious software and is not used for phishing.

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