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fe6 NM auction draft


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Auction Draft!


1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Roy, Marcus, Merlinus, Lalam/Elphin, and Fa are free for all to use.

3. Three units will remain undrafted.

4. The game will be played on Normal Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Use of the Warp staff is banned.

4. All Gaiden chapters are required to be visited. Chapter 20x (either route) does not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken.

5. NPCs may do as they please without penalty.

6. The game must be played out to the True Ending.


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty per unit, per chapter.


1. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.


(names go here)

Me:Klien-45, Bartre-51, Yuno-1, Ward-45., Lott-80, Saul-90, Miledy-370, Igrene-30

Noah-136, Cecilia-37, Zeiss-37

Kopf:-Wendy-10, Lilina-40, Dieck-225, Alan-275, Thany-150

Zealot-75, Ellen-125, Niime-100

Marth-Echidna-155, Percival-155, Lance-301, Dorothy-5, Douglas-1

Tate-131, Bors, 7, Hugh-13, Asthol-232

SRC :Sophia-6, Wolt-5, Shin-40, Garret-6, Sue-1

Barth-1, Geese-36, Fir-101, Karel-6, Chad-5

Lugh-140, Dayan-1, OJ-12, Treck-35, Cath-1, Yodel-8

Clarine-210, Rutger-120, Gonzo-150


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Ch1 and 2 ROy gets epic lvls!

Went Ward+Lott+Roy on shit, and Marcus silver-lanced the dangerous crap.

Ward keeps gaining spd, and Lott keeps gaining str/spd and little def.

Ch7, I get Noah and insta armourslayer :awesome:

Ch8, Bossrush and grab chests, while getting exp for Noah

Ch9, get Fir, and Crit-Kill SHin for a perfect lvl on Ward.

ch10, promoted Noah at lvl 18, and watched his 15 str/16 spd and axes rapes.

Lott gets his 2 special villages and Ward helps Roy and Marcus get Klein.

Ch11-Bartre get, civilians saved.

Bartre gets spd on his first lvl! :awesome:

Ch12, Ward promotes and has 20 spd at 19/1.

Fun shit


Chest key for white gem and then rush boss with Warriors Three!

(Thor reference kids)

So, apparently Ward is spd blessed....

ANyways, got Miledy, fed spdwings and promoted after 2 great lvls in ch13.

Bought a ton of killer weapons and also promoted Saul.

Body ring to miledy.


Saul critkills everything, and theives get spdwing and silver card.

Miledy bosskills.


Bossrush, and the Lott promotes at lvl 20, with 17 str/spd, 15 def, and 9 res.

Igrene, Klien, Bow!Warriors, and Aircalibur!Cecilia meant dead wyverns all over the place.


I found that I didn't have enough cash for hugh, but w/e

Took theif penelties to get delphi shelid, after taking one to gain 2 lvls to steal it.

(Ashtol back in the isles, bite me.)

ch16x was fucked up, but I fed some kills to Zeiss, and promoted him to 20 str/15 spd/16 def.

and had the Gant Lance jusssst for him :smug:

and on to Illia, and sleep and berserk and long range magic and ballistae and Miledy and Noah raping everything.

Got Juno for ferrying Elphin/Roy, and got Lott/Ward to D bows.

PKL would be horrified at the slaughter of the Pegasi.

Junos first lvls were +str/def so I was happy.

and then off we go to bern and Gale and using alot of my sacred weapon uses......

And Bartre crit-killing every wyvern with hand axes!.

and, I discovered that I ran out of healing staves and healing items.....

Miledy bosskills Murdock, and Roy gets to B Cecilia.

The Warriors 3 Assrapes wyverns, along with Noah getting to S lances and A axes.

And then Fa becomes a liability.....

On to Zephiel, and fucking berserk staves.................

RNG abused for berserk missing and Longbow Klien critting the fucker.

Roy kills Zephiel on EP, while the Warriors 3 pwn the manakete respawning.

Next chapter, got Karel and all, Noah got to S axes and the Warriors 3 plus the Wyvern duo obliterate everything in sight.

Ward double crits Manakete with hand axes, and the thought of Lumberjacks taking out dragons is damn Manly.

Then I go through the most tedious task of getting to Jahn in the next one, and after having Noah break Malte on him

(After having Noah solo and rush through every chamber, since Miledy kept getting crit shot by EVERYTHING.)

RoyXCecilia A happens! :3

Roy killed Idoun,

and the not important shit rolls

fe6, 250 turns

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