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Some things about FE 4

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I reach chapter 9 in this game and i find many things that interesting me :

1. At chapter 4, I want to repair Aira's iron sword and Lex's brave axe. So, i sent them back to the castle. Since they were lover, i found short conversation between them in that castle. Was that married scene or they doing "something" in that castle? (The conversation letter is weird, imo. So, I didn't know what happened in there)

2. Because this is my first time play this game, I want to ask something. What's the mean of "490-5" for Julia's lover point to Celice? The others have +2 or +1. But -5?mellow.gif

And last :

why Ethlin bring her daughter to the battlefield? What a foolish woman she is!

Seriously, because of her, i find is difficult for me to recruit Altenna with Leaf. And the addition with defeat Trabant. Sigh...............

Edited by whitewings ilia
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1. If their unit data lists them as lovers, then that was a lover's convo between them.

2. That means that Celice and Julia start with 490 love points. For each turn that passes, they lose 5. I dunno why they start so high, but as for the reason for the -5, it'll become apparent in the final chapter.

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First off...How are you on chapter 9 with Lex and Arya? But regardless,

The scene that occurs is basically just a quick convo between lovers saying something like "____ , you're back!" while the other responds back to them saying something like "____ , I'm glad your safe as well." Or words to that effect. Its quick stuff like the supports in 10 were.

As for julia and celice, there is a reason behind it. It's nothing to worry about though, as in our game is not glitched or anything.

But anyway, how are you liking FE4, if at all?

EDIT: i guess i'm too slow...

Edited by Eriad
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I reach chapter 9 in this game and i find many things that interesting me :

1. I want to repair Aira's iron sword and Lex's brave axe. So, i sent them back to the castle. Since they were lover, i found short conversation between them in that castle. Was that married scene or they doing "something" in that castle? (The conversation letter is weird, imo. So, I didn't know what happened in there)

They can talk any time after you conquer Phinora if they're lovers.

2. Because this is my first time play this game, I want to ask something. What's the mean of "490-5" for Julia's lover point to Celice? The others have +2 or +1. But -5?mellow.gif

That means they start with 490 lover points, and lose 5 LP every turn that they're both in your army. Since they gain 5 LP for standing next to each other, it's supposed to stop them falling in love, since

they're half-siblings.

(There are a couple of tricks to make them fall in love, but if you're at chapter 9, you wouldn't be able to do them until the next playthrough)

And last :

why Ethlin bring her daughter to the battlefield? What a foolish woman she is!

Seriously, because of her, i find is difficult for me to recruit Altenna with Leaf. And the addition with defeat Trabant. Sigh...............

That's why I hate Ethlin storywise. :angry: (Gameplaywise, healer on a horse is awesome). It's difficult to recruit her, but your dancer can make it easy for Leaf to approach her.

EDIT: Doubly slow!

Edited by Baldrick
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First off...How are you on chapter 9 with Lex and Arya? But regardless,

The scene that occurs is basically just a quick convo between lovers saying something like "____ , you're back!" while the other responds back to them saying something like "____ , I'm glad your safe as well." Or words to that effect. Its quick stuff like the supports in 10 were.

As for julia and celice, there is a reason behind it. It's nothing to worry about though, as in our game is not glitched or anything.

But anyway, how are you liking FE4, if at all?

EDIT: i guess i'm too slow...

Uh, i guess i must edit that thing....

So far, i like this game. Although this my first time, but i think this game is more challenging. Seize more than 1 castle? Really interesting!

Edited by whitewings ilia
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I really like the fact that the chapters were so long in that regard. It made them each fight feel more connected than the other games where every fight was broken up, with the next fight happening close by, then randomly you wind up halfway across the continent.

I could go on and on, so suffice to say that it's cool to hear that you're liking it!

Edited by Eriad
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  • 2 weeks later...

-5 is the exact amount needed to overcome adjacent love growth (+5)

The 490 is because they originally were supposed to fall in love, but they changed that. It's also to screw with people. (Or the glitches aren't so, and someone on the Dev Team wanted to keep it possible... which it is. But needs glitching to work.)

Lover convos are lover convos... I think they're generic at that.

Never had any issues with recruiting Altenna. Of course my army ends up mostly in the castle once Trabant is down. (And poking out her group without harming her or aggroing Hannibal is easy...)

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Getting Altenna isn't too hard--just have Leaf and a few others stay near the main castle and take on her group, as long as there's someone who can take a hit (She got a Silver Lance and Javelin from Cuan as well as the Gae Bolg and used the Javelin instead) from the Javelin they'll be fine. Then have Leaf talk to her. When she reappears she usually flies in Celice's direction automatically.

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