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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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I'd have to load the videos again to take pictures... Anyway, here's the Elincia part:


Elincia: Yes. Elincia from Crimea.

Krom: (gasp - sound effect, not text) Queen Elincia from Tellius legends/folklore?

Edited by NeonZ
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Don't need pictures, but I was curious about your translated versions, as you included - if possible.

More for the Magvel characters, since they were more in dispute. But regardless, that's very interesting about Tellius. Did you see anything that might indicate how long it might have been?

Edited by Othin
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I'd have to load the videos again to take pictures... Anyway, here's the Elincia part:


Elincia: Yes. Elincia from Crimea.

Krom: (gasp - sound effect, not text) Queen Elincia from the legendary/folkloric Tellius?

I knew it.... Tellius is a folklore....and Ike is a Legend.... AWESOME!

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Hm... After thinking about it, I've reworded that. He just mentions "Tellius legends/folklore", it doesn't necessarily imply that the continent itself is known just as a legend. Anyway, I'm still reloading the other video with the Eirika segment.

And, no, dates aren't mentioned directly at all. Right after Krom says that, Elincia she goes "Eh?", Krom says that it's nothing and changes subject back to the battle.

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Anyway, for the Eirika part:

Krom: This is a... Talisman? A certain "Kind Princess Eirika".

Krom: She appears as a queen in Magvell legends/folklore...

Elincia: ? Talisman... is it? I don't understand well...

Elincia: If you wish so, please keep it.

(Battle ends and switches to the blue screen where there's a long dialogue with the DLC character)

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Anyway, for the Eirika part:

Krom: This is a... Talisman? A certain "Kind Princess Eirika".

Krom: She appears as a queen in Magvell legends/folklore...

Elincia: ? Talisman... is it? I don't understand well...

Elincia: If you wish so, please keep it.

(Battle ends and switches to the blue screen where there's a long dialogue with the DLC character)

From what you've said, I think it safe to say that the other games are at least mentioned in Iris legend. That's better than nothing, especially in the case of Magvel.

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Where were you living....we already got a Celice DLC, Ike will come with Vanguard Class...BELIEVE.....gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Right, well Sigurd could still do it.

Ike I think would be the least likely to bring a new class, given he is the only lord to use a "normal" class.

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Why not more mage classes? Or another race like Taguel and Manakete?

A new beast race would mess things up in the backstory and bringing laguz back would either need a whole new system of transforming or break canon completely and have them use the same item as taguel do.

also imo there is no need for more mage heavy classes, mainly because tomes are all in one rank and sage already combines staffs with it so a new class based on magic would either just reuse an already existing weapon combo or just throw dark magic in sage weap combo which would totally ruin magical classes since it instantly becomes the best mage class, demon fighter did an interesting thing combining it with axes though.

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Hopefully when Sigurd/Celice appear, they bring a Master Knight class

We should see Sigurd in some special class containing bows/tomes. The maximum is three weapons, but I suspect it would be named Master Knight regardless.

Right, well Sigurd could still do it.

Ike I think would be the least likely to bring a new class, given he is the only lord to use a "normal" class.

Ike isn't going to have a DLC class, but he should turn out to have a unique class regardless, shared with Paris. Paris's class looks like a modified Hero with a cape, and he's going to be released the day before Ike's announcement. Makes more sense than having him overlap the Mercenary class tree with Roy, especially with his association with Paris.

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So if that was the case I believe Ike will be a special Hero or Normal Hero with Aether....I don't think we had any Hero class to....maybe they will consider the Hero as a separate class after all....Eliwood being a Cavlair isn't out of Question Lyndis being a Myrmidon isn't out of question, Sigurd will probably be a Paladin, Hector a general, Cellica a Dark Knight ....

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So if that was the case I believe Ike will be a special Hero or Normal Hero with Aether....I don't think we had any Hero class to....maybe they will consider the Hero as a separate class after all....Eliwood being a Cavlair isn't out of Question Lyndis being a Myrmidon isn't out of question, Sigurd will probably be a Paladin, Hector a general, Cellica a Dark Knight ....

We've had Roy as a Mercenary.

It's extremely likely that the extent of the remaining character DLC will be the conclusions to the current sets, which means three more maps with three more characters, all high-level maps with high-level characters. It's obvious that we'll get an FE7 rep for RvB3, while the most likely remaining characters for LvD2 and LvD3 are Sigurd and Ike.

LvD2 should have another special class, like KvK2 and RvB2. This time, it'll be gender-neutral and have access to a three-weapon combination containing bows/tomes; there's no question of this. If Sigurd gets this class, it leaves room for Eliwood to show up as a Paladin in RvB3: the ST maps narrow it down to either him or Lyn, and because unpromoted classes are no longer an option, Lyn would have to be a Swordmaster and be redundant with Celice - and that's not going to happen.

So Sigurd will have swords/bows/tomes or lances/bows/tomes; hopefully the latter. This leaves Ike. Again, Hero would be partially redundant with Roy, but not entirely. Meanwhile, his announcement will come immediately after Paris's release, so it might make more sense for him to appear in Paris's class. Paris's class, after all, looks like a Hero with a cape, which Ike is, and there are other connections as well.

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I think that theme only applies to the first two. Look at King vs King - we got the sidegame leads in the first two battles (Leaf and Alm), but got a lead from a main game in the third battle (Celice).

I still hope there's a 5 star scenario though...

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