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Weapon Icon problem


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So I'm trying to get these few icons into the game. I export the Weapon Icon thing out of GBAGE.


Open it in Usenti and paste the icon over the Iron Sword one, for convenience. They both use the same palette: I checked a million times, no joke. (I also realized I put the tiles in the wrong order later, I'm a bit sleepy).


Save it, and insert it in GBAGE while ticking off the "Abort if new graphics bla bla" and "Import Palette" boxes.


After pressing OK, I get this box with a rather small ammount of colors rather than the million colors it apparently should have.


And GBAGE shows this after.


Then, after opening the rom, all item icons palettes are screwed.


So, can anyone explain why this happens? I followed the Icon Insertion tutorial as best as I could, and even tried this same method on a different computer, but the result was the same. Here's the icon I was trying to insert, if it helps.


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I would recommend not hitting "insert palette" because I've had that issue as well.

alternately, use feditor to insert graphics

I've tried both inserting the palette and not, but both end up screwing up the palette. Not inserting it gives the result in the OP, while inserting it does fix the weapon icons, but screws up everything else, like this:


I guess I could go through the whole icon list by parts, skipping the segments that don't have Weapon Icons as to not screw up the rest of the game, but I really want to know why the first method doesn't work.

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I've tried both inserting the palette and not, but both end up screwing up the palette. Not inserting it gives the result in the OP, while inserting it does fix the weapon icons, but screws up everything else, like this:


I guess I could go through the whole icon list by parts, skipping the segments that don't have Weapon Icons as to not screw up the rest of the game, but I really want to know why the first method doesn't work.

As I'm sure you're now aware, the book wasn't inserted correctly. You have to flip the two.

One Second, I'm going to look at something.


It works perfectly for me, I properly inserted it. Try not hitting abort graphics if bigger? I leave that clicked. Did you insert some other color?

Do you have the most updated version?

Edited by Bryan
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Do you have the most updated version?



Ok, so it apparently was a problem with the version of Usenti I had on my computer (v 1.5.1). I downloaded v 1.7.10, and now it works. Stupid me not having my stuff up to date.

Anyway, thanks a lot!

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Ok, so it apparently was a problem with the version of Usenti I had on my computer (v 1.5.1). I downloaded v 1.7.10, and now it works. Stupid me not having my stuff up to date.

Anyway, thanks a lot!

I meant of GBAGE, but i'm glad to have helped.

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