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Plans for your favorite children character(s)!

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They should promote to Griffin Knight instead.

Well, Griffin Knights give +1 Movement in Double, which is pretty h4x, and they also have more SPD, but Mark and Jerome will already have Carrier, and Dragonmasters get more STR, HP, and DEF. Admittedly, Griffin Knight sounds much cooler than Dragonmaster.

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I promoted Mark to Griffin Knight and Jerome to Dragonmaster and felt that Mark had an overall better combat performance than Jerome just because of the higher Spd. But that was probably more of a matter of luck and Mark's level lead due to joining earlier and without Rainbow Cry while Jerome spent a ton of time spamming Rainbow Cry instead of fighting than a matter of the actual +2 Spd from the class being the difference itself.

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Also, Vake x Tiamo. Did Othin do this one too? He might have, but I was thinking about this from earlier anyways. Vake gets Counter from the Warrior branch, and Tiamo gets Lightning Speed from Dark Pegasus. Then Selena goes Hero with those skills. Tiamo's MAG will suck, but whatever.

Also, Krom x Olivia. Lucina gets Aether and Myrmidon from Olivia. She reclasses into Myrm and then promotes to Swordmaster. Alternatively, I might get her to level 15 Great Lord and then go straight to Swordmaster. That'll probably be better, actually. Azure... i don't know. Royal Weapon + Sol? Two Heroes might be redundant, but I like Heroes, so eh.

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I did do Vake x Tiamo, but I didn't use them in those classes until endgame, so I can't say anything about the effectiveness of that particular plan. I should note that LV15 skills tend to take a while to get, and can be tricky to pass down for that reason.

Lucina can get Myrmidon from Soiree, Olivia, or MU. All three are great options for that reason. Royal Weapon + Aether + Astra is an amazing combination and can lead to over a 50% chance of activating one of the two skills on any given attack, and she's the only character with the combination. For this reason, I recommend getting Royal Weapon before using a Change Seal; it's much easier than way, and of the kids, Lucina is particularly easy to level up.

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From a bit of testing the children appear to get personal base stats that involve the average of the parents personal stats minus some unknown formula(or maybe it's just a set of numbers unique to each child or pairing).

So a Strength Drop will give the parent 2 points of Strength and the Child(assuming they aren't recruited yet) will start with a 1 point higher strength, or in the case of certain pairings, two children gaining a point of Strength. So there's even more reason to use the statboosters earlier than later in this game(in Lucina's case, if you're ever going to use statboosters on Krom you should use them on him before the end chapter 13 so Lucina can benefit from the as well).

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I've actually got a few questions as I've been lurking around the forums:

1: Can ALL of the children characters pair/marry(get S supports, in other words) with ALL of the other children characters? I'm leaning toward Brady/Noire if possible.

2: Can any of the DLC/Spotpass/Streetpass characters be used as parent candidates for the children? I can't recall if I'd seen this answered or not, as I remember asking specifically if other MU's can be customized or used for parenting(or breeding, if you will).

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All children characters can form S supports with any opposite-gender children other than siblings. You can't pair them all with each other, though; unless you pair one with MU, one will be left out.

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Brad-Man, the Dark Knight (okay, this is one is for giggles because of the name)

Mariabel x dark haired MU (Let's call him Bruce)

Dark Knight

+Secluded Lady (Mariabel)

+Magnificent Flame(MU)

+Crimson Curse

+Slow Start

+Life Absorb

Priest -> Dark Mage -> Dark Knight

Okay, okay, it's nothing special, but the name just popped into my head and wouldn't let go until I wrote it down.

Anyway, this should lead to a decent magic using Brady.

Now to find someone to make his Robin

Darn! He can't support Nightwing Jerome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had one plan for Noire that would probably work if Greg (or MU specced for magic) were her father.


+Weapon Saver


+Crimson Curse


+Accuracy +20

I've been trying to experiment around with different Nosferatanking builds for other characters, and I think this might work. Weapon Saver could be inherited from Greg, and Crimson Curse could be inherited from Sariya. Right when I recruit her, I could always just class change her into a Sniper, level her up for 5 levels until she gets Accuracy +20, then level her up some more until I can class switch her into Swordmaster for Astra, then class switch her to Dark Mage for Curse, and then just level up and class change to Sorceror from there.

So that's Archer>Sniper>Swordmaster>Dark Mage>Sorceror. Enemies have -25 Avoid when they get close to Noire, she'll have the +20 Accuracy needed for Nosferatu tomes to always hit, and Weapon Saver to ensure that she never runs out of Nosferatu uses. I just have one question for anyone that can answer: If Astra activates on a Sorceror with Nosferatu equipped, does it still have the HP draining ability with every hit? Or is that nulled out with all 5 hits?

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Hunter (Long brown hair)

- Lv 10 Strategist

- Lv 10 Archer

- Lv 15 Sniper

- Lv 20 Bow Knight

Best Stat - Strength

Worst Stat - Luck


- Magic Square (Lv 10 Strategist)

- Early Initiative (Lv 10 Archer)

- Accuracy +20 (Lv 5 Sniper)

- Bow Expert (Lv 15 Sniper)

- Bow Slayer (Lv 15 Bow Knight)

Not much to explain. Pretty much a straightforward bow unit.



- Lv 10 Dancer

- Lv 10 Myrmidon

- Lv 15 Swordmaster

- Lv 30 Dancer


- Avoid +10 (Lv 1 Myrmidon)

- Vantage (Lv 10 Myrmidon)

- Astra (Lv 5 Swordmaster)

- Sword Expert (Lv 15 Swordmaster)

- Special Dance (Lv 15 Dancer)

I'm sure I'm not the only one with this plan in mind. Pretty much a swordmaster that can dance.


Azure (Brown hair)

- Lv 10 Mercenary

- Lv 10 Barbarian

- Lv 15 Berserker

- Lv 20 Hero


- Accuracy +20* (Inherited from Hunter)

- Sword Expert* (Inherited from Olivia)

- Wrath (Lv 5 Berserker)

- Axe Expert (Lv 15 Berserker)

- Sol (Lv 5 Hero)

Azure'll be a Super Hero! Sword and Axe expert combined with Wrath and increased Accuracy, not to mention Sol to stay alive. =)

Mark (Pink hair)

- Lv 10 Strategist

- Lv 15 Grandmaster

- Lv 15 Falcon Knight

- Lv 20 Bride


- Rainbow Cry

- Lance Expert

- Love Cry

- Bonds

- All Stats +2 / Magnificent Flame

My little girl's going to be a bride, no doubt with both Rainbow and Love Cry for +6 to all stats. Bonds to heal people and Lance Expert. All Stats +2 for extra boost just in case, but I might replace it with Magnificent Flame.

I realize these builds will take a while, but it'll be worth it in the end.

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Assassin Noire for craps and giggles. She is meant to be a Magnificent Flame spammer due to her naturally high magic. At some point (before I try Lunatic or Lunatic+) I am doing an all Assassin/Trickster (plus Krom) run through.

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Brady father donny good growths passed down. He will be miles better then....

I considered that when I was messing with the stat calculator, but I think I'm leaving Donny paired with Nono. N_n's growths with Good Growth's are outrageous, and I want Brady to have access to every class. :3

And because I want him to have my hair color. Who does that, right?

Though... I'm thinking about pairing MU with Velvet now for Chambray and a Taguel Mark(F). Taguel family trio! Not to mention I wouldn't dump Violet in a dark alleyway when her son comes from the future like I would Mariabel. I'm so evil.

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