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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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Raise the stairs by a tile, so that the half-stair, half-pillar is in-line with the walls of the descending floor. The tiles still pop out a lot though, so you may want to use the darker cobblestones or the tiles like in that middle-ish chest room.

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uh... Anouleth, could you put that in the same palette as the other castle palette?

The way I interpreted prime made it sound like you were supposed to use the same palettes.

uh... for a start, it's pretty much the same palette (green). I used Castle Green 1 from the custom tilesets.

Second, in the OP:

"Palette swaps are allowed, but the actual type of tileset needs to remain the same (Overworld/Generic Castle). Custom palettes are a go."

So I should be able to use any palette? I'll still change it if you want.

EDIT: I changed it. I decided the FE8 colours were nicer.

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Hey, Anou is there a quick way to do palette swaps in Tiled? I can't seem to figure it out short of importing a second tileset and redoing the map. That's one of the nice things about Mappy even if it is missing a few other features.

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You could either just change the settings when inserted into the ROM or change the bitmap in Usenti, or change the actual Tileset in Usenti :P (Idk about any others though and you're not even asking me so I'm gonna shut up now :$)

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Feaw, are all three dark blue floors a level above the light blue center region? Seems to be, but seeing stairs with the top of the tile lower than the bottom is unusual, and not how I'm used to seeing it.

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...And then Feaw fires a torpedo to blow everyone out of the water D=

Naw, it hasn't rocked my vote--other submissions are staying afloat, better. The map depends way too much on symmetry for it to be interesting, and a lot of the flow is dead. Could be an interesting defend chapter at least.
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Feaw, are all three dark blue floors a level above the light blue center region? Seems to be, but seeing stairs with the top of the tile lower than the bottom is unusual, and not how I'm used to seeing it.

The bottom part is one level lower, and the top part is one level higher.

It's just that the walls aren't all on the same level either.

Naw, it hasn't rocked my vote--other submissions are staying afloat, better. The map depends way too much on symmetry for it to be interesting, and a lot of the flow is dead. Could be an interesting defend chapter at least.

Expected/10. You really don't have to say this, Celice, I know you hate my maps (and I don't mean this in a butthurt way or anything, just stating that facts).

Also, I didn't intend this as a defend chapter. The middle plateau is perfect for long-ranged enemies, whereas the main corridors contain the elite forces.

It could also work as a defend chapter, yes.

And I don't see what is wrong with symmetry, nor a lineair design.

Sure, if a game has only these kinds of maps, surely it'd be bad, but a few maps like this can't hurt, and actually improves it by having more variety.

And lol, thanks Prime =).

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tbh it looks like any given feaw indoor map to me

That's part of the problem as well, for why the map is pretty bland and hokey :E

Expected/10. You really don't have to say this, Celice, I know you hate my maps

Naw, I don't hate your maps. I don't even remember most of them. If I do see them, I'm seeing a map, not your map. If the map happens to be boring, lacking, or anything like, then it doesn't matter who made it. It's still boring. I brought it up to balance out Prime's left-fielder.

You should fix your kaleidoscope eyes, so your facts aren't broken molds.

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Is it because you don't understand how to tiles match up, or because it didn't turn out looking as you hoped? If the former, the tiles aren't actually that confusing--there's one shallow tile and four corner pieces to that shallow piece, so it's just a matter of using the corner pieces to edge off the shallows. The detail is ambiguous enough that you can carve out sheer-edges of shallows using various corner pieces as well, as they're modular in their design: they fit pretty much any purpose in the water.

There's also a few extreme shallow tiles, but those are more like corner edges for land/water edges, rather than shallows in themselves.

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Well, if it'll help to make it look less like tilespam, at least while designing the shallows, you can design them with plains-tiles instead, so you can get the right image of them on the map, then go back and replace them with their respective shallow tiles.

Also, at least in tiled, you can have the program draw random tiles for you out of your highlighted palette of tiles. You can then let the program decide out to shade out the shallows at it randomly chooses which ones to place as you draw in the shallows.

Edited by Celice
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