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it's much smoother, basically :) It doesn't actually seem like it would affect much but it's fricking awesome.



Well I've been having that for a while now. Unless it's smoother than they already made it.

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Well I fucking love it. These people are clueless :S

Oh they are missing so much fun! Aren't they? ARENT THEY!??!!?

Sorry, I only use IE.

Safari or Opera user, right here.

And I don't own a Mac.

There's a door over there guys.

@Freohr, why did you disable updates? They are sunbeams from a much brighter sun than our own!

Edited by Fenrir
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my phone runs opera faster than any other browser I can find.

As for Safari. Well, it's just much less heavy of a program that Firefox, so it doesn't force close on me when I run Illustrator, Photoshop, Bridge and Indesign all at once like FF.

Thus I ask. Is this update that sweet?

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@Freohr, why did you disable updates? They are sunbeams from a much brighter sun than our own!

Idk how to disable its updates. I just stopped it when it was in the middle of forcing me into one. And I do so because they aren't that much different and I hate it when they try to interrupt me when I'm trying to get onto the internet. Especially when it wants to close windows I have already open and running. My patience with them is quite short x3

Thus I ask. Is this update that sweet?

I'd say its smooth scrolling isn't any better/different than Opera's smooth scrolling. Sooooooo.....

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Well I fucking love it. These people are clueless :S

excuse me mister I have a name

I haven't turned off updates or nothing. My vvat is quite genuine

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Thus I ask. Is this update that sweet?

Probably not. But let a man be exited.

Idk how to disable its updates. I just stopped it when it was in the middle of forcing me into one. And I do so because they aren't that much different and I hate it when they try to interrupt me when I'm trying to get onto the internet. Especially when it wants to close windows I have already open and running. My patience with them is quite short x3

Oh ok that makes sense I guess.

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1. It's just a web browser so calm your tits.

it's much smoother, basically :) It doesn't actually seem like it would affect much but it's fricking awesome.

2. I have it updated and enabled and don't notice anything. If anything it seems worse than it was before.

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Firefox's one fault compared to IE as far as my preference goes has always been that scrolling distorts the page, rather than "pausing" it or whatever IE does. Looks about the same to me, still.

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Man, I just updated FF to see what the fuss is about. Turns out there's no difference as far as my computer goes whether the option is checked or not. Do you need a mouse for this or something? I've been using my inbuilt trackpad scrolling ever since I got the computer and never saw the use for a mouse.

Gonna stick with Chrome like I always do.

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Did you change it in the options? It's somewhere in there.

It was already enabled by default. I had to uncheck it to see the difference.

It's noticeable after comparing them side by side, but not exactly something worth hyping. :Knoll:

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