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Prototype version of Tellius in the Prototype of FE9

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I noticed in the prototype version of the game that have the Map of Tellius looks alot different from the final and it had some locations looked alot like not shown in the final and Kilvas looks like its missing in the prototype.

Here's this image of beta Tellius that I found.

Might compare with Japanese version in FE Museum and English version of Tellius.

But what are these locations in the prototype map if anyone might know?

  • Garia (I assume that would be Gallia)
  • Daine (I assume that would be Daein)
  • Selinos (I am not sure if that might be Serense Forest?)
  • Raiza
  • Persis
  • Noad
  • Est (That kinda shares the name from the Archanea/Akaneia character)

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Over the years, I've come to believe that the prototype version isn't actually that much different from the final map, besides the fact that the prototype map has Tellius as an island.

Selinos is indeed Serenes and I figured Persis, Razia and Est were later fused with Begnion. Noad could even be the nation beyond the Desert of Death.

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It's also interesting that Phoenicis is located in a different spot than the final product had it in. I wonder why it changed, or why it was put there in the first place.

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