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The Resistance V


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Anyhow, I want to hear what Blues and Slayer think about the latest results.

To be honest with you i didn't expect the spy to sabotage if he was in the mission.

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I really dunno what to say- I did say spies might not sabotage the second mission because they'd give themselves away.

I would like to point out that Scorri has pointed yes to every mission proposal for this game.

Hi Tables, sorry I was gone for a while and then sleeping a lot. So far, I've found you to be the most trustworthy out of the remaining group of three. For a while I had literally a null read on Marth, and a neutral vibe on Slayer, but as the conversation has progressed, I've started to feel better about Marth in general, and more suspicious of both Proto and Slayer. Currently, that's my guess for the spy team. That's why I voted for yes for you and Marth, because in my opinion, that looked like the best chance we had to pass the mission. Because even though finding a spy would be nice, I'd much prefer to pass to mission. However, at this point I will vote yes for any team that is two members of the group that hasn't gone on a mission yet because I think that is our best option no matter who is on that team.

I would like you to point out why it was our best option, when you were suspicious of Slayer. I recall you said an ITS with the two man mission would be fine, but Shinori didn't confirm his usage of ITS. I would've thought you would've voted no based off of that. You wanted a 3 man-mission right? Also I recall you saying Shinori would have some explaining to do if he didn't use ITS, but your first post after Round 2 and you didn't attend to that matter. Maybe you forgot about that, but I'm kinda wary of you now.

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So, I specifically said a two man mission would be best. As for why I voted as I have:

Mission 1.1: Contained me, and two other people at a point in the game where I had few reads on people, and figured that it was a decent enough group.

Mission 1.2: At this point, the mission had me, Proto (who I was leaning town towards) and Shinori who was the one proposing the mission. Once again, I figured it was a good group that had the possibility of passing, so I voted yes.

For both Mission 2.x, I had specifically said that I would support any two man mission that included two people who were not part of the first group of three since I believed that had our best chance of succeeding. As for why I didn't push Shinori about the ITS card after the first one was because he would either use it or not. If he didn't use it, I would have pushed him about it then. But he did use it. So I didn't see any reason to mention it again.

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is cool.

Alright. I'm pretty much sold on doing a four man mission at this point. Obviously I'd like it to include me. Currently my thoughts are the following possible teams:

A: scorri, tables, shinori, slayer

B: scorri, tables, shinori, marth

C: scorri, proto, shinori, slayer

D: scorri, proto, shinori, marth

I'd probably prefer to not do C as that has both of the people I'm leaning towards most likely being on the scum team right now, but I'd be up for listening to why it might be a good idea. Thoughts?

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All of those from my point of view could be dangerous but we are likely to get info. Frankly for info I think we should only have one person from the mission that was sabbed 2 people from the 2 man mission and then 1 other person which could be from the failed mission or tables. Having the same exact team that was on the sabbed team won't help us weed out who's a spy and who isn't. Scorri, Marth, slayer, and X would be decent. At the moment we have the least info on tables from him not being sent on any missions cause we are assholes like that and because of the fact that marth and slayer but supported the last mission, which makes me trust them a liiiiiiiiiiittle more, but not much.

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Having the three people that were not sent on the first mission, is likely to contain a spy in it too though :/. Also, shinori the last mission doesn't really contain much info AFAIK because if there was a spy he probably didn't want to risk it. As for the team we should send i'm not entirely sure, but i think we should send 2 people from the first team (scorri/shinori/proto) and 2 people from the second team (the rest)

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A: scorri, tables, shinori, slayer Meets the conditions outlined above, I like it.

B: scorri, tables, shinori, marth Read A

C: scorri, proto, shinori, slayer Do not like, too many people from the first mission. Will not support.

D: scorri, proto, shinori, marth Read C

Marth Slayer Tables me(Scorri) Do not like, has too many people from the second team. Will not support

Scorri, Marth, slayer, and X Provided that the X is a person from the first team i'd be fine with that.


Team 1 is Proto/Scorri/Shinori

Team 2 is Slayer/Marth/Tables

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Slayer, you've been in enough Resistance games that you should know by now that, if you're resistance any four man team (in a six man game) which doesn't include you is guaranteed to include a spy. Remember, there are four resistance in total, so if you aren't on a mission then at most three resistance are on the mission. So you supporting B from now on I would read as an auto-scum tell.

I don't have much time, so I won't comment entirely on each mission but I'm leaning towards Proto being scum (about 75% chance), rather than Shinori (25%) or Scorri (15%). On team two, I'd say probably Slayer (65%) rather than Marth (25%) (This implies I'm about 85% sure there was exactly one spy in mission 1). So take that as you will. I'll comment more later.

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Alright. So, right now, the mission I'm leaning the most towards is me, tables, marth, and shinori. Now, before people start saying that I'm copying tables here, note that I said from the start for this mission my bet for the scum team is Proto and Slayer. So, I am probably going to propose that one.

Also, what do you guys think I should do with the Strong Leader card. Any suggestions?

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Slayer, you've been in enough Resistance games that you should know by now that, if you're resistance any four man team (in a six man game) which doesn't include you is guaranteed to include a spy. Remember, there are four resistance in total, so if you aren't on a mission then at most three resistance are on the mission. So you supporting B from now on I would read as an auto-scum tell.

Its unlikely that i'll be included in any mission (since people do not trust me or so it seems anyway), and personally the 4 people on the mission are like to vote yes. Now if it has me, it is likely to contain a spy. If it doesn't have me it guarantees a spy, and another spy might be upon it. 2 spies mean they will likely try to A) send signals to each other, B) risk it and potentially double sabotage C) not sabotage.

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Oh wait I am. Derp. I for some reason thought you didn't have me on the team. -.-" I mean i have minor quirks with the team but i want the info and it has me on it which means chances of success go up by 25%~

I'm okay with the team.

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Alright, I still want some more people's opinions on this and the whole card thing, but if no one says anything in the next 2 or so hours, I'm just going to go ahead with the following team:

scorri, Tables, Shinori, Marth

and give the card to tables.

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A: scorri, tables, shinori, slayer - I'm not in it, both scorri and Shinori are in it, so I'm totally against this one. There is the possibility of a double-Spy, which has its own unique benefits.

B: scorri, tables, shinori, marth - Same as above, except Blues looks scummier than Slayer to me, so there's a higher chance of a Double-Spy.

C: scorri, proto, shinori, slayer - At least one of scorri, Proto, Shinori is a Spy (1.2). There is an even less chance of getting a double-Spy than A or B, so this is worse than both of those options.

D: scorri, proto, shinori, marth - Same as above.

Marth Slayer Tables me(Scorri) - It is very likely that one of Marth, Slayer, I eat tables is a Spy (1.2), so this is like proposal C and D, except it's even worse because the possibility of a Shinori+Scorri scumteam would put the Spies in the best position here.

Scorri, Marth, slayer, and X - If X is me, this would be the best proposal from all six. Even then, I would have preferred I eat tables > Blues. I do agree with Scorri over Shinori though.

To summarize, if we want no Spies, I want the team to be (scorri > Shinori), I eat tables, (Slayer > Blues), Proto. If we want two Spies, it should be scorri, Shinori, (two of Blues > Slayer > I eat tables). From an objective point of view of an uninformed observer, the best way to get two Spies in is to have two scummiest people from scorri, Shinori, Proto with the two scummiest people from I eat tables, Blues, Slayer.

Double-Spy missions can provide a lot of info if we're lucky. A double-sabotage would confirm two players as being 100% Resistance, and Spies would likely try to send signals to prevent that from happening, which we can try to intercept, potentially destroying the Spies. The main problem with trying for a Double-Spy team is that there is a good possibility that the team being sent only has one Spy in it instead of two, but that possibility is also present when trying to go for a No-Spy team.

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