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Considering getting Skype.

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NOTE: If I do, I will NOT accept or use voice or video chat.

Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?

EDIT: I know, I have Skype, but I got it so that I can voice and video call people. There are plenty of other messenger programs out there. Not using the voice/video capabilities seems like a waste.

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Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?

Not exactly. Skype has a perfectly functioning traditional instant messenging capabilities, much like your AIMs, or your MSNs, or whathaveyou. Also you can listen in on voice-chats without speaking yourself, if I recall correctly.

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just get it man

it's not like it's gonna cost you anything

That's what I was thinking.

Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?

Not really, for one there seem to be people on here with Skype but not MSN. And they said it's good even without that.

Not exactly. Skype has a perfectly functioning traditional instant messenging capabilities, much like your AIMs, or your MSNs, or whathaveyou. Also you can listen in on voice-chats without speaking yourself, if I recall correctly.

I wouldn't want to listen in either, but otherwise that's what I was thinking.

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That's what I was thinking.

Not really, for one there seem to be people on here with Skype but not MSN. And they said it's good even without that.

I wouldn't want to listen in either, but otherwise that's what I was thinking.

That's fair enough, but why don't you want to call people with it, if you don't mind me asking?

EDIT: Hah, fair enough.

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I thought Skype calls were somehow expensive? Or maybe that's a server thing. Does Skype have servers? I'm so ignorant wow

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Arrr that's exactly what I asked the dudes who claimed it cost stuff. Or what I thought I was asking, anyway. wake up sheeperson

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Actually I use it mostly for hack project team chat. Old school typing style. All the other IMing systems are pretty much dead in comparison anyway you might as well get skype.

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Bah! If you've heard one person with an American accent, you've heard them all...

Bah! If you've heard one person with a British accent, you've heard them all...

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I'm afraid of internet peoples' voices.

EDIT: And them hearing mine.

why on earth would you be afraid of that

ugh I don't understand you

I don't understand anyone


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Maybe he's self conscious about his voice

Some people have pretty terrible voices

not saying he does because I've never heard it but it's a possibility

Or you can be like me, has terrible voice unless singing, don't really care, it's not so bad it's nauseating anyway

Don't understand what's so scary about other people's voices though it's not like they're all going to go satanic black metal on his ass

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