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Fire Emblem comics


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So I did a quick search around the forums and I couldn't any threads dedicated to Fire Emblem comics. That changes, starting today! Post your favorite FE comics (or images) and let's see what happens.

I'll start by posting my 2 favorites:

And now, a Fire Emblem comic


Titania meets the Black Knight



Don't hold back! I want to all kinds of FE comics (but try not to make it too creepy)

Edited by Starwave
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digs through dA faves

[spoiler=wolf and sedgar]after_recruitment_by_homerun01-d4mvxki.jpg


[spoiler=not really a comic, but...]Provoke__d_by_avi17.jpg

[spoiler=rebecca and wil]fe_secret_santa_by_suraisu-d4ippkz.jpg



[spoiler=miccy and pelleas]take_my_hand_by_professor_tammi-d3hz8mg.png

[spoiler=lol matthewxjaffar]hate_by_insanishvikkixd-d3ate9i.jpg

[spoiler=loli tiki]fe11___loli_au_by_supertimer-d4c0om0.jpg

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Haha Executioner you're absolutely on point, those were just the kind of comics I wanted to see. I'm a bit wary of checking out sites like DA and tumblr nowadays for fan comics since they're usually grody, but I now realize that the potential to find an amazing comic outweighs the bad. (looks for FE8 / FE10 comics)

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digs through dA faves

[spoiler=wolf and sedgar]after_recruitment_by_homerun01-d4mvxki.jpg


[spoiler=not really a comic, but...]Provoke__d_by_avi17.jpg

[spoiler=rebecca and wil]fe_secret_santa_by_suraisu-d4ippkz.jpg



[spoiler=miccy and pelleas]take_my_hand_by_professor_tammi-d3hz8mg.png

[spoiler=lol matthewxjaffar]hate_by_insanishvikkixd-d3ate9i.jpg

[spoiler=loli tiki]fe11___loli_au_by_supertimer-d4c0om0.jpg

I LOLOED with the one with Shino. Also the one with wishblade is so damn true!!!

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now some more digging for things that aren't in my faves

[spoiler=an art class, apparently]A_Fire_Emblem_art_class_XD_by_FelixEarth.png

[spoiler=roy and roy from fma]__Firepower____by_Sakura_Star.png

[spoiler=green bros]When_Happiness_Gets_Creepy____by_ItaLuv.jpg

[spoiler=your dad]FE__You_ARE_the_Father_by_KumiKoalaStar.jpg


[spoiler=soren and miccy, note that I don't really agree with this but whatever]A_Low_Blow___SPOILERS_by_PyrrhicComedy.jpg

[spoiler=moar oscar and boyd]Oscar_is_a_Smilin___Fool_by_Hail_NekoYasha.png

[spoiler=pretty boys]Fire_Emblem__Pretty_Boy_by_Kuromin.jpg

[spoiler=sothe's woes]Sothe_in_Fire_Emblem_GoD_by_RevanRayWan.jpg

[spoiler=shinon and rofl]PoR__Ch18___Recruting_Shinon_by_supertimer.jpg

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Ok another good batch of com-

(sees your dad)


Oh my Ashera, that was fucking hilarious. Didn't even see the punchline coming, despite me being obsessed with that joke (and annoying the hell out of my brother with said joke). It caught me by surprise too since I was eating and I ended up chocking a bit. Where do you find these amazing comics :O

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I'm determined to find moar :awesome:

[spoiler=hector and eliwood, lol vulneraries]Fire+Emblem.png

[spoiler=shinon, gatrie]Provoke_by_Hail_NekoYasha.png

[spoiler=ssbm, but close enough]Rubix-Cube-Comic-the-legend-of-zelda-519064_650_1703.jpg?1339722472457

[spoiler=more ssbm...meh]comic961.jpg

[spoiler=support comics]

[spoiler=GuyxLouise C support]Guy_Louise_Support_C1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgGuy_Louise_Support_C2_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=GuyxLouise B support]Guy_Louise_Support_B1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgGuy_Louise_Support_B2_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=EirikaxForde C support]Erika_Forde_C_Support_1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgErika_Forde_C_Support_2_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=SerraxFlorina C support]Florina_Serra_Support_C1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgFlorina_Serra_Support_C2_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=SerraxFlorina B support]Florina_Serra_Support_B1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgFlorina_Serra_Support_B2_by_The_8_Elements.jpgFlorina_Serra_Support_B3_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=SerraxFlorina A support]Florina_Serra_Support_A1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgFlorina_Serra_Support_A2_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=LutexVanessa C support]Lute_Vanessa_C_Support_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

[spoiler=LutexVanessa B support]Lute_Vanessa_B_Support_1_by_The_8_Elements.jpgLute_Vanessa_B_Support_2_by_The_8_Elements.jpg

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Couldnt find the one with mist rolf and shinon.

Gist of it is:

Mist: I'm ready for bed now rolfie!xxx

Rolf (TO shinon): I'm nervous, what if I hit her...

Rest is self explanarory i prsume.

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