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Why is it that every time I search Fire Emblem on google I in up finding hentai?

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Its happens every single time!!

"Looks up Fire Emblem Ike'

Results: Yaoi of him and Soren.

Looks ups Fire Emblem Lyn"

Results:Yuri and her doing very naughty things with dudes from FE7.

The list goes on and on and on.

Why do these images allways appear? I mean I have no problem with them it just gets annoying. Hell one time my dad thought I was looking up porn.

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"Looks up Fire Emblem Ike'

Results: Yaoi of him and Soren.

Looks ups Fire Emblem Lyn"

Results:Yuri and her doing very naughty things with dudes from FE7.

That's funny, because I just Googled both of these things, and I did not see a whole lot in the way of porn. I had to go through the results a second time before finding a couple questionable pictures of Ike. Lyn, being a female character, had more, but it wasn't nearly as bad as you make it seem.

I did see a whole bunch of pictures of creepy Ike and Soren dolls. I'll take hentai over that any day.

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Ugh, story of my life.

I was looking for FE comics, and ended up finding things that should be better off left un-found. Deviant Art is a little better (but not by much :/)

(tries to bleach his memory)

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the real question is why am i not this lucky

the ike thing made me lol though. im pretty sure 80% of fanart of him is him and soren doing sexual things.

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I fail to see the problem here.

The problem being you'll see/find shitty hentai because people have horrible taste in hentai.

Yes, this all sounds wrong. It's supposed to since we're talking about shitty hentai.

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What CAN you image search and not find lots of porn?

I haven't come across Volug rule 34 yet. The guy's got everything, abs, tail, urry, shirtless, yet I can't find any rule 34 of him.

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IT'S ALL TERRIBLE (and yeah none of it is Volug who I'm pretty sure is objectively more attractive than Ike or Soren but fangirls are weird, so...)

I'll just go ahead and continue not looking up Fire Emblem on google images.

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I've searched for pictures of FE characters before, and not found any hentai, so you must be doing something that I'm not.

I haven't come across Volug rule 34 yet. The guy's got everything, abs, tail, urry, shirtless, yet I can't find any rule 34 of him.

I can't find any of Calill, either

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I've searched for pictures of FE characters before, and not found any hentai, so you must be doing something that I'm not.

I can't find any of Calill, either

Try looking Lethe.You'll see what I mean.

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Everyone knows that unless it's yaoi, hentai artists usually draw nasty ugly guys

Usually if I'm searching for Fire Emblem I end up with safe stuff. Lyn's probably the riskiest search since she's the only female lord of the most well-known North American Fire Emblem game. And overall she's probably the most well-known female lord because of her presence in Super Smash Bros Brawl as an assist. And the North American version edited in some Gainaxing for good measure.

I've never had problems searching for the cast of FE9/10, and the only Shadow Dragon troubles I had was due to the affiliation with Masamune Shirow, so you must have done *something* to your searches.

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search that into google w/o safesearch and the very first pic is hentai

now people can stop saying "lul i dun see any pr0nzorz"

also make sure to use japanese names in your future searches, happy hunting!

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