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fun cooking shows?


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Somewhere along the lines, I've discovered four awesome people who make cooking videos on youtube. Two are primarily about Japanese cooking, one about Korean, and one... Middle-Eastern? (likely politically incorrect, but over that way). I really enjoy watching their shows and learning new recipes while still being entertained. Do any of you know of any other similar video-cooks from other world cuisines?

Cooking with Dog - one of the more popular shows, and the cook has recovered enough to put on her first video since her accident. The type of cooking is much more formal than the next video, but it's still enjoyable.

runnyrunny999 - this guy is adorable at times and tries out different recipes people ask him to make. He tries to make videos to show that if he can cook it, we can cook it. A lot more chill than Cooking with Dog's channel.

Maangchi - This lady is pretty awesome. She does lots of Korean recipes, and does lots of visits with her fans across the world. She has a very cool personality that's catchy and matches her kind of cooking.

Vahchef - Sadly, this account was inactive for a while, but I liked seeing types of food I didn't normally see elsewhere. He was pretty fun to watch and had some nice tips, and he actually uploaded a recipe again just a month ago or so.

I kinda wish I knew some French, and German, and British channels similar to these channels.

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I kinda wish I knew some French, and German, and British channels similar to these channels.

For French (at least a French chef) I would recommend youtubing Jacques Pepin. I think he's really likable and of the stuff that I've seen from him on TV he does amazing stuff as far as bread goes. I don't think he has a dedicated channel on youtube though.

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I just remembered I forgot to include

. It's an American guy... and he's the forever-alone guy.

He actually had quite a cool ending for his mini-series.

I was just about to post this. Go Henry, man. ;_;7

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