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[FE8] 13th's Atheist Draft


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Then I will have to ask Mr. Sigurd to prove this. If he's emulating, I need a picture of his Eirika, to see if he's used her, or else he needs to reset.

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However, given the tools to do so, I could upload my save, which you could see a 1.00 Eirika on, then hack to the end of the game to confirm that it was a single turn. I'll need a site to upload it to, but I'd be glad to do so.

There is a very slight possibility that my memory is more hole-ridden than a slice of Swiss cheese, but I still maintain that it was legitimate.

Edited by Shota Sigurd
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Chapter 6:

Franz rush, assisted by Torch!Moulder (whose survival I had to rig once or twice). Attacked Novala on the PP, and he suicides EP. Gotta love our classic OP motherfucker.


Chapter 7:

Franz bumrush, with Vanessa dropping Eirika off. Joshua gets a few kills. Franz promotes at 19.50 as Eirika seizes.


Edited by Shota Sigurd
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Yeah. You can have them sneak by while Ephraim takes the kills. The reinforcements are annoying, though.

>while Ephraim takes the kills

But Ephraim is banned.

E: I phrased the first question poorly. It should have been, "without anyone taking a penalty".

Edited by Shota Sigurd
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Oh, oops. Forgot.

Maybe send someone back there to avoid the penalties? And you have Forde, so you could have him rescue Ephraim.

yeah, sorry, I'm probably not helping :(:

Edited by CR-S01
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Oh, oops. Forgot.

Maybe send someone back there to avoid the penalties? And you have Forde, so you could have him rescue Ephraim.

yeah, sorry, I'm probably not helping :(:

I can avoid a penalty; the issue is the two players without either Christmas Cav.

Chapter 8:

Fucking hate this chapter without Ephrape. Seriously. So much.


Chapter 9:

Hate this map. Even more than Chapter 8. I hate it. Hate it. HATE IT. SO MUCH SO MUCH SO MUUUUUUUUUUCH. I had to burn most of my Killing Edge charges to beat it; I also REALLY need to get Forde up to scratch. He's coming along decently, though...


Chapter 10:

Have I mentioned how much Franz rocks lately?


Chapter 11:

Took far more rigging than it should have.


Chapter 12:

You have one guess as to who kicked all the ass. And it's not Cormag.


Chapter 13:

Cormag kicks some ass.


Edited by Shota Sigurd
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