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Character profiles (some spoilers)

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This topic contains translations of the character profiles in the actual game, translated by the legendary TheEnd.

The game's been out for a while and I'm sure a bunch of people have already checked out the support conversation translations to gleam info about the characters, but I'm hoping some people will find these useful for reference purposes or whatever.

I'm also looking for people with the game and who are able to take clear(ish) screenshots (enough to read the text), since I'm missing a bunch of profiles, especially for the kids.


A noble from some country. Though he's always joking, he's actually a sharp and able man who rarely shows his true intentions. He's apparently in search of a bride and, as such, asks out any and everyone in his path. He's at the mirror more than anyone else in the army.


A mercenary who wanders between nations. He has a friendly and refreshing personality. Despite his mature appearance, he's surprisingly easy to hurt, getting depressed whenever people call him "uncle". Among his companions, he's the slowest to feel muscular pain.


A Manakete unattached to any nation. She looks, acts and speaks like a child, but she's actually over a thousand years old. She really loves playing outside, like a child would, and is always looking for a playmate. She wakes up later than everyone else in the army.


A saint of Iris with a calm and composed nature. Constantly mistaken for a female because of his beautiful face. He tends to pay attention to the tiniest details. Prays to god more than anybody in the army.


A dancer who travels across the continent in a caravan. She's extremely shy and withdrawn, but a dancing genius with many fans across the lands. She can summon more of her strength than usual for the sake of others. The best singer in the army.


A dracoknight who serves Duke Viole's family. She's a domestic woman, who's good at cooking and sewing, but her dragon partner Minerva is absolutely vicious. Her aesthetic sense is bizarre and she calls bugs and monsters "cute". Of all the people in the army, she's the scariest person to anger.


A sorcerer from Perezia who always wears a smile on his face. He's unusually cheerful for a sorcerer, but also incredibly cruel, having no qualms about cursing or killing people. Has the lowest blood pressure among his comrades.


Krom's daughter from the future. A kind princess with a strong sense of justice, who believes that saving the world is her mission. She loves her father dearly and is always worrying over him. Has the weirdest sense of humour in the army.

Mark (F)

My Unit's daughter from the future. Because she has almost no memories of her life in the future, nobody knows what timeline she's from. Possesses a childish enthusiasm and is quick to play along with others. Her dream is to become a tactician like her father. She moves around the most within the army.


Mariabel's son from the future. He appears menacing and strong, but lacks any fighting talent and has poor reflexes to boot. The scar on his face was caused by a violin string. He's a crybaby who cries over the smallest things. Often mistaken for a bandit by his comrades.


Sumia's daughter from the future. She's optimistic, cheerful and brimming with energy. Due to her admiration of cool heroes, she diligently studies dramatic entrances. However, being as clumsy as her mother, her entrances are often dramatic for the wrong reasons. Famous for her nonsensical sleep-talking.


Tiamo's daughter from the future. She developed an impudent personality because of her inferiority complex from being compared to her "perfect" mother. However she's confident in her good looks and is willing to use her cuteness to her advantage. The biggest squanderer in the army.


Velvet's son from the future. He's timid and extremely cowardly. Afraid of the extinction of the rabbit Taguel race, he's reluctant to fight on the front lines, but will put himself in danger for his friends. Has the loudest voice in the army.


Sariya's daughter from the future. Since she was used as a guinea pig for her mother's curses, she has developed a cowardly and negative personality. She may look delicate, but she's a completely different person when she snaps. She's the fastest escaper in the army.

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Danke Vincent! It's too bad about Olivia though. We never get to hear her sing, despite being the "best singer in the army". Also sucks that the Bishop isn't in this game considering Libera's a saint :(

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Thanks, Vincent and TE~

Oh man, some of them made me laugh, so much. And god I really fucking love Serge.

"Piss me off? Here Minerva, food!" <---impression I got from the supports

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Hey guys

I found the Chinese versions


Have a Fred because I can:


A knight in service of Iris.

Also the subcommander of Krom's Vigilante Force.

He very serious in his work, and I mean serious.

Although he's always happy to help people,

sometimes he ends up making matters more complicated.

He likes making fires the most (campfires?) out of everyone in the army.

Birthday is 8-26.


Member of Krom's Vigilante Force.

Is the same inside and out*, and doesn't care about little detaily things.

So she ends up having more bearing than the average guy.

Which causes her to have lots of female fans.

She gets headaches dealing with mounds of love letters.

Is the worst cook in the army.

Birthday is 12-5.

*The way she acts is the way she is, unlike some people who have a totally different personality than they present.


A thief of Iris.

Calm and collected, and has a clear mind. As long as you pay him,

he's willing to do pretty much any job.

He's especially fond of sweets,

and has around candy and snacks hidden on his person.

Nosebleeds the most out of everyone in the army.

Birthday is 1-2.


A Taguel warrior with no attachments to any country.

Although is the last remaining rabbit Taguel,

She doesn't especially have a sense of duty to continue her species.

She's a woman of logic, common sense, and depth, and is cool (note: I don't know which sense of cool is this)

She's the fastest eater in the army.

Birthday's 11-8.


Princess of a small country on Varm

A strong personality and always cuts to the point.

Different from the people of Iris

Has a hint of archaicness to her.

Thinks highly of her brother, Renha.

Best diver of the army.

Birthday's 1-11.


Feria's East King.

Forthright personality, A hero of woman who yields to no man.

Treats her opponents equally no matter whom.

But also has a side to her that pays attention to her surroundings and an attention to detail.

Good friends with the West King Basilio, but also his rival.

Likes doing push ups the best out of the whole army.


Feria's West King.

A very capable man, but the way he acts normally

gets him called "idiot" quite often.

His position is like the protector of Krom and co.

Is both the rival and friend of the East King Flavia.

Is the most overreactive one of the army.

Birthday's 8-13.


Soiree's daughter from the future.

She has a kind heart and is protective of others weaker than her.

Loves sparring, and if she sees someone who has the ability she will challenge him or her no matter whom.

Hates people who look down on her because of her gender.

Likes armour the most out of everyone in the army.

Birthday is 9-29.


Serge's son from the future.

Things medding with the past isn't a great idea.

Always wears a mask and acts on his own,

but is more likely to get lonely than the normal person.

Wishes his parents were alive.

The person who gets the worst sleep in the army.

Birthday's 9-1.


Olivia's son from the future.

Outgoing, and likes to socialise.

He likes women a lot and tries to pick up girls every day,

but often he's seen as a pervert and gets slapped instead.

Secretly trying to become a dancer.

In the army he goes out at night the most often.

Birthday's 8-7.


Original emperor of the Varm Empire.

Hates losing and escaping.

Enacted a military-based reign of terror during his time.

Strict personality, and talks in a hard to understand way.

Became a lot easier to deal with after he joins.

The biggest promoter of vegetarianism in the army.

Birthday 's 9-14.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Azure wants to be a dancer? Haha ... if only we could get a male dancer. :P

Still waiting for Loran's to be translated. ^^;

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Miriel's son from the future.

Has an intelligent mind, and a dedicated student.

But tends to get into messes created by the people around him.

Because of his ability to notice minute details

He can solve many arguments in an instant.

His glasses shine the most out of anyone in the army.

Okay no more for tonight

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Poor Brady... a scar from a violin string. I'm a sucker for the yankee archetype, even though in real life I hate those kinds of people. I guess the Japanese variation often has a funny, pathetic twist. Basilio's profile makes me think I'd probably like him a lot too. If only we could have had a male dancer in Azure, but too bad it would break the game. And... Valhart as a vegetarian. I would have never guessed.

Overall, despite the use of cliches, I still find a lot of the profiles really funny. Lots of silly, and sometimes unexpected, quirks.

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Damn it, I want to see Vake or Liz's profile also.

and lol at Loran's. Isn't his only competition with his glasses is his mom? But seeing these profiles are very interesting reads. They provide alot of info on the characters.

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Oh dear, why did those awesome ChinaFE members have to translate the profiles just when I finally had time to work on them? I have a feeling TheEnd might scold me if I rely on the Chinese translations too much though ^^;;;


Those screenshots look awesome, thanks! If it's not a bother, I might bug you for some other screenshots, again for reference purposes.

Edited by VincentASM
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Oh dear, why did those awesome ChinaFE members have to translate the profiles just when I finally had time to work on them? I have a feeling TheEnd might scold me if I rely on the Chinese translations too much though ^^;;;


Those screenshots look awesome, thanks! If it's not a bother, I might bug you for some other screenshots, again for reference purposes.

No problem, just let me know which ones you need when you get around to it.

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Now I'm definitely hoping Tara Strong gets to be Lucina's English voice. It would be absolutely perfect if she did.

I'm certainly hoping to see more on the way. Keep it up!

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