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[FE11] NM Draft


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Okay, chapter by chapter~!

Chapter 1: I think a Silver Lance on EP and another one on the next PP should do the boss in. If not, Caeda with the Wing Spear will most definitely do the trick.

Chapter 2: I wouldn't recommend waiting for Darros; Castor should be able to handle what you need. If you positioned things right, you could recruit Castor and then have Caeda kill his hunter buddy.

Chapter 3: Jagen needs to run to the boss ASAP. You'll have to choose between Navarre's Killing Edge or a lower turn count; I prefer the former. Castor can hit once, but unless he dodges, he dies. Ditto Cord.

Chapter 4: You might as well take the extra turn to recruit Merric; Excalibur is deadly in Wendell's hands.

Chapter 5: Reclass Merric to Cavalier, and have him recruit Wendell on his own; trade Excalibur over for maximum giggles. Have the Wolfguard draw the archers away from Caeda, so she can kill the boss in peace.

Chapter 6: This one's always a doozy. You'll want Julian to recruit Rickard, not Marth (have someone like Cord open the door). Meanwhile, have Jagen (as a Paladin) charge forward, and kill archers first. Caeda should be able to take care of everything else, with a bit of Vulnerary use. Castor can shoot the guys in the north room (I'd have Wendell attached to him), and I'd have Cord on thief-killing duty.

Chapter 6x: Trap one of the starting pirates on a fort, and have Rickard counter on EP while Wendell heals; you want to end when Wendell hits B staves (Rickard should have a good chunk of experience on him, and hopefully he'll have a few Luck points to his name). Secondary goals are to get Cord to C axes, Darros to C in whatever weapon you want, Castor to B bows (if possible), and Marth up at least three levels. It'll take a while, but it's well worth it.

Chapter 7: No archers, so Caeda should have minimal problems flying down and finishing the boss. The most dangerous unit on the map is the healer; have Caeda blick him first.

Chapter 8: Caeda buys herself another Wing Spear and books it to the boss. I think you can recruit Roger and get the minimum turn clear (in which case someone else will have to get the Spear), but I sure as hell hope Jagen can wield an Armorslayer while on a horse. If Cord is all the way in front, and if he runs his full move every turn, he can Hammer the boss, too. Whatever you do, DO NOT TRIGGER THE REINFORCEMENTS TO THE WEST.

Chapter 9: If you've been feeding Marth levels, and if he can wield the Silver Sword, let him loose on the boss. Rickard must open the treasure room door by turn 3, if you want all the loot. Skip Jeorge; your team shouldn't need him.

Chapter 10: The arrow guys spawn well away from Caeda, so have her fly over and kill the boss. If you do things right, the enemy reinforcements won't reach the front of the castle before you seize. Minerva isn't worth the time.

Chapter 11: If you have a female generic, you can reclass her and use her as Jake bait; then you can do with him as you please. Once he's gone, everything else on the map should fall quickly.

Chapter 12: I'm assuming you promoted Caeda. Have Jagen run forward and open the door so Caeda can Silver Lance his pathetic hide in. After that, the boss/mini boss should be no problem. If you feel like it, have Cord Hammer the general. Make sure Midia survives this map; if you need future bait, Boah should be the other survivor. TAKE EXTRA TURNS FOR THE BOOTS!

Chapter 12x: Train everyone that joined since the last gaiden chapter. Kill Horace, unless he's been recruited.

Chapter 13: Have Midia recruit Astram; you'll get an additional sword for your efforts, and they make excellent bait. If Marth runs his full Boots movement every turn, he will be able to seize on turn 3. Caeda and Jagen should rush ahead; if Jagen has C swords, you can alternate between Levin Sword and Silver Lance for best results. The next-easiest guys to take care of are up north; it's possible to bait one of the ballista so it moves towards your guys.

Chapter 14: Have Rickard in the most forward spot so he can open the bridge while standing on the river. Obliterate the ballista, then get rid of the Ridersbane guy. Buy some Keys as needed, then let your horses open the door and go nuts in the boss room.

Chapter 15: Bait the Thunder mage just to the east on turn 2, so whoever's playing with Gharnef will live a bit longer. It's possible to get the Energy Drop, but it requires some fancy flying. Your strongest flier should go ahead of Marth and make life miserable for the welcoming committee! :P: This is a great level to feed Castor some juicy kills.

Chapter 16: In order for this one to work, things must be done in a very rigid order. Any deviation will delay you. Marth MUST run his full movement every turn; however, something with 10 Move can open the cell door on turn 1. Since you had three fliers (Minerva, Jagen, Caeda), you should be able to kill all the Horsemen on the island; if you do, it'll make things much easier for Marth later. You'll need to clear the prison, then the reinforcements to the south. You can also reclass Cord to Pirate/Berserker, and have him walk on water and wreak havoc. If done right, Marth will have just enough Move to seize on turn 6. Don't forget to go shopping here! Don't recruit Samson/Arran; they are not worth the time. EVER.

Chapter 17: Is boring. The hardest part is hitting the Secret Shop before seizing. Really. Buy at least one Poleax; you'll thank me later.

Chapter 17x: The Paladins are the experience dumps. Make sure to abuse that Poleax you bought earlier! Rickard can sneak some kills off of various suicidal units; learn how to bait them. Unless you have a bunch of units that need to be promoted, you'll want to feed Marth as much experience as possible; if he's under level 15 after this spree, seriously consider giving him the Seraph Robe.

Chapter 18: You have a little bit of wiggle room, so have Caeda charge ahead of Marth. The Ridersbane guys shouldn't be a problem, unless you like leaving Caeda half-dead. Have someone near Est's spawning position for Mercurius. Make sure you've got enough Ridersbane for a future chapter.

Chapter 19: Figure out what items you want, and plan your strategy around that. Undrafted units can't open doors/chests, but they can ferry keys. The Heroes are fairly fast, so you'll definitely want Caeda killing them in a hurry. Do not hinder the Starsphere thief; you should be able to kill him right before Marth seizes. I prioritize the Geosphere, because I hate doing the final chapter. I also prioritize the Bullion, so I can fund my stat booster party. . .and the Lightsphere, to make the final chapter much easier. After that is Starsphere (nice, but not vital), Seraph Robe (same room as Geosphere), then Speedwings (last room before the Starsphere). Anything after that is dependent on my party; if my mages look weak, I grab the Spirit Dust; if I'm running low on Master Keys but need a final Seal, I tick off the Sniper.

Chapter 20: Don't deploy Rickard or anyone who can't cross rivers; reclass all Paladins to Dracoknights, and any axe guys to Hero (and maybe 'zerker if they absolutely need the axe rank for Poleax/Hammer). Have Cord the Hero cross the river and immediately Hammer a general. Someone needs to fly over the river and take out the Arrowspate ASAP. Marth should run over the river, too. As long as you don't lower the bridge, you won't have to worry about the initial Paladins. Use your weaker (but not ORKO'd) guys to take out the Paladin swarm that greets you (with Ridersbane; they all have swords). Have either Cord with a Hand Axe or Caeda with a Javelin get into Camus' range, and weaken him, then make sure he dies the next turn. Clean up the general, kill the Pachyderm, and get rid of Lorenz before Marth has to seize (if Caeda recruits him, that's just peachy).

Chapter 20x: Feed experience to whoever you think needs it; your weapon levels should be pretty good at this point.

Chapter 21: Have Marth skirt just to the west of the three generals, then move all the way north, then seize the throne. Meanwhile, put someone durable in range of at least two of the generals, and carefully bait the eastern Dracoknights; you'll need to hit the secret shop before leaving the map.

Chapter 22: Your goal is to kill the two Horsemen as quickly as possible. Punch a hole through the enemies, and let Marth run. Don't get Starlight; the Lightsphere on its own is infinitely more valuable.

Chapter 23: All class A people to either staffbot or Paladin. Run through this chapter like your pants are on fire. You should be able to do this even if the real Gharnef is in your way. Don't forget Pure Waters!

Chapter 24: Straight over the mountains. Either bait the Snipers so they run elsewhere, or have something with Iote's Shield get rid of them. Kill the boss sometime before turn 4, and don't forget the shop!

Chapter 24x: Last-minute training; stomp through this one if at all possible.

Final: I abuse the Geosphere, but it's possible to do it without abusing it. If you start three high-move units in the weird little alcove, you can reach Medeus by turn 4. Paladins can double Medeus on Normal Mode; take advantage of it.

Hope that helps! You had Caeda, so stomping through the game wasn't that big of a problem. Cord can provide some frail backup, but I think I would've had Castor as Caeda's shadow. Jagen's useful for a very long time, and Wendell for eternal staffbot. Next time, grab one of the Wolfguard instead (Roshea's Speed is fixable thanks to infinite gaidens, and Vyland's not that bad on Normal), followed by Radd (he'll turn out really bulky in the end).

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Thanks Eclipse, I had done some of what you were suggesting.. But there is quite a bit there I failed to factor in, well there is always next time! Thanks again.. I'll probably be saving this all to a word document haha.

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Hey, no problem. Every team will be different, so make sure to take note of who's on it, and what they look like. The standard gaiden/prologue thing for drafts is 20 turns, which makes training a bit harder. Lastly, don't forget to kill off your undrafted units; not getting to the free experience that is the gaiden chapters didn't help!

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Now, back to the draft!

Chapter 20 - 5/108

Promoted Tomas, then reclassed all Paladins to Dracoknights. Figured Julian could take the heat, so deployed him. Did not deploy Boah or Jake.

I was able to get Abel to Camus in good time; Abel did 30 x 2 damage via Ridersbane. Matthis and Jagen harassed the Paladins over the river, and Julian ran to the arena for some training. Tomas and Gordin helped to clear stuff for Marth, and Caeda somehow survived to recruit Lorenz (and by that, I mean that the Pachyderm went down so damn fast that it didn't have time to shoot Caeda).

Edited by eclipse
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Nobody really gives a crap about this, but I haven't finished and I want to.

Chapter 10: Navarre, Hardin, Draug, and Bord move inside while the rest goes west. Roshea almost dies to a double draco assault, but then flees. Cain kills the Master Seal guy, and Marth and Jagen kill the boss.


Chapter 11:

Well, this was very easy. Not much to say here, except haha to the enemies. They all went for Roshea but he survived. Sacced 4 people here.


Chapter 12:

Castle levels are never good. This wasn't an exception. I got both master seals, and killed Volztin on turn 8. It was ok and Midia/Macelame both survived.


Chapter 13:

Great place for leveling my units. Also, low turncount ftw. Had a couple close calls e.g, Midia and Roshea with only 1 hp, Vyland almost dying next hit. Navarre got a str, speed, and def level. Seized on turn 5.


Edited by Nuxl
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  • 3 months later...


Chapter 20x - lolfree

Chapter 21 - 3/111

Chapter 22 - 7/118

Chapter 23 - 7/125

Chapter 24 - 4/129

Now, those stats that I've been procrastinating on:

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      18.75  32  13    0    8   16   19   11    2
Abel      Drakky    17.81  41  24    1   26   23   11   19    3
Jagen     Drakky    13.02  29  12    1   15   10    4   13    3
Gordin    Drakky     8.05  37  15    1   15   14   15   21    3
Barst     Hero       5.89  42  18    1   24   20   15   14    3
Julian    Thief     17.99  29  10    0   12   20   19    8    1
Matthis   Drakky     8.23  40  16    1   10   12   10   15   10
Roger     Hero       2.77  42  19    1   14   20   14    9    3
Jake      Ballista  14.90  28  13    0   10    6    8   16    0
Tomas     Drakky     9.97  43  18    1   14   17    9   15    5
Boah      Sage      12.43  23   3    8   10   12    6    5    9
Elice     Mage      10.85  Base everything

Endgame's gonna be the Abel and Tomas show, just as soon as I stomp through Chapter 24x.

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Chapter 24x - 74

I decided to level Elice as a Mage, then promote her. It was amusing, to say the least.

Endgame - 4/133

Used my stat booster collection to turn Tomas into Abel the Second (namely, two Paladins with max Speed and the ability to use Gradivus). With those two, and with the Geosphere, it wasn't much of a contest.


Marth - Kind of became irrelevant once my class A guys were whipped into shape.

Jagen - Hit hard with a Silver Lance all the way through.

Abel - MVP right here. Started good, and stayed good.

Gordin - Decided to go the tank route, which was kinda unnecessary, given that this was NM.

Wrys - Bleh.

Barst - His Speed was eh, but he still managed to wreck things early.


Matthis - Hit harder than Gordin, which isn't exactly something to brag about (nonwithstanding a ton of Curate levels).

Roger - Lagged behind Barst, and that was not a good thing.

Boah - Staffbot

Tomas - Had enough in him to become the second half of the team needed to kill Medeus in one round. Very impressed with his showing.

Elice - Staffbot the second

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