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Noob Questions

Vanguard 1

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I have multiple questions I need to ask about hacking:

How do you remove the tutorial from FE7. I want to use this game, but want to remove all the chapters where Lyn is the main character

What program should I use to make sprites and animations?

How do you even open FEditor Advance? I have opened it with a program, and can see all the files, but can't find anything labeled application.

Is nightmare the best program to hack with? Are there alternatives? If so, what would you recommend?

What is a good tutorial for making custom animations, map models, portraits, and weapon icons?

How to I edit the interface? I tried downloading a program, but all I got was an image of a FE7 background in negative.

Is there any things I need to avoid for now until I get the hang of it?

Is it possible to raise the maximum stats? I want to raise the limit to 80 health, 40 all stats.

Is adding in a 3rd Tier Possible?

Can I add more Trainee units to FE8, or can I just have 3 different types?

Is it possible to add branching promotions to FE7?

Can I edit the possible promotion paths in FE8(or possibly FE7)?

Can I edit the world map in FE8?

Is it possible to raise the maximum level to something higher than 20?

Thanks in advance.

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Your answers:

1) Skip to Eliwood mode

2) Sprites and animations are a spriting thing, learn how to sprite in the spriting forum. Common progarms are MS Paint, Paint.net, Gimp, and Usenti.

3) There's a batch file called "run", try that. Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed. You can also just run the .jar file or whatever.

4) Nightmare is -a- program to hack with. Look at the Ultimate Tutorial; brief it; MANY programs are used. There is no "one" program to hack Fire Emblem with. The "big 3" programs are Nightmare, FEditor Adv, and the Event Assembler, but there are many other programs used, like GBAGE, NUPS, Zahlman's Song Editor, etc.

5) Making such stuff is one thing, for how to hack it into the game, try the Ultimate Tutorial. There's a Table of Contents.

6) What interface? It sounds like you used GBAGE or something, if you mean the menus and stuff, you do use GBAGE, but just going in there without knowing anything isn't going to help. Start with the basis, then as you learn more go for harder stuff like editing graphics, and use tutorials and experimentation to help you.

7) You take things in steps. Start mastering Nightmare, then FEditor Adv, then some miscellaneous programs, graphics, and go for Events and Music last. If you look at the UT it goes from easier to harder stuff, generally, with some exceptions (applying and making patches, for instance, is a basic skill that you should probably learn how to do early on).

8) Allies' health caps at 60 unless you use stat bonuses: enemies health caps at 127, IIRC. These are game limitations, both of which haven't really been hacked. You can go above the normal game-limited cap of 31 by using class and character stats accordingly, but I won't get into the details here, ask it later when you actually have that issue or something.

9) Yes, but prepared to do a tone of work: you're going to have to make a lot of new classes, a lot of new battle sprites, map sprites, class data, caps, generic class portraits, promotion data, and more. No one's ever made a thorough set of 3rd tier classes AFAIK simply because of the amount of work it is.

10) I'm not sure but I'd say adding in more would require some level of ASM...

11) Not without some major assembly hacking, I don't think.

12) If I understand what you're saying, then yes.

13) A little, it's not been thoroughly hacked AFAIK, and there's not much research or documentation on it. :\

14) Yes, there's a nightmare module that does that. At least, for FE7...

15) Go out, experiment, explore, read up on stuff. You'll learn a lot just like that. When you have questions, don't be afraid to flat-out google them--if you can't find it out, there's a chance someone either knows the answer, knows where to find the answer, or can come up with one for you.

16) Plan well, be organized, efficient, and smart about how you do things. You'll be saving yourself time and since you probably have a life I'd like to think time is an issue.

17) Good luck.

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How do I do a skip to Eliwood mode. Does this simply involve starting with him, or choosing an option? How does this work with a blank rom without Eliwood mode unlocked?

My goal was to actually make a bow-user only patch. Since it would be my first, I would probably just use available classes. It would be pretty simple, but I wanted to have a trainee bow-user. There would probably only be like 8 classes, but I wanted to base it on FE7, with branching. Thank you for all the answers. This helps a ton. I am taking it a step at a time, but I want to see where I can go from there. At this point, I was lucky to be able to class-change Seth to a sniper.

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How do I do a skip to Eliwood mode. Does this simply involve starting with him, or choosing an option? How does this work with a blank rom without Eliwood mode unlocked?


The Eliwood Mode and Multi-Lord Seizing patches are in that topic.

The videos should pretty much show you what they do.

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I have one more question. How can you give a Sniper both Balliste and Critical Bonus. I found an option for all of the above, but this includes things like dance and play.

EDIT: Also, how do you give a unit both stealing and lockpick use. I looked on thief, but only saw a - next to a class skill option.

Edited by Vanguard 1
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add the two together

so for example if (example values, replace with whatever it is for real) 0x8 is crit bonus and 0x4 is ballista, then you add the two to get 0x0C for crit bonus + ballista

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At the beginning of the game, I replaced Lowen with Leila, and leveled her up through the game like a normal unit. As soon as I reached chapter 19, she dissapeared. Story-line-wise, she does die soon, but why does she leave my party. I have played the previous chapter over and over again, keeping close watch on her. She leaves every time. Any advice?

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