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halfrohp's 2nd sprite drop off & correctional facility


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Gonna post as much as possible in the OP so it doesn't become as cluttered as last time.


Ezra, my first and favorite endeavor. Needs more sprites.

Gave him these:EzraFXmage.png

His own sprites, the Effect Mage.


Amatis, my second favorite work, need to have her sprites changed.


Leroy, needs everything.


Henry, my second work. Needs frames. Has these:


His map and battle sprites.


Eliza, my latest. Needs everything.


Storyteller for Elibian Nights, entered way too late. Unnamed.


My attempt at female Lucius.


Older Lute.


Old Artur.


It's-a me!


Hammer lord will crush you.


My awesome character banner.



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th_CustomHead.png Bump, I know. I need critique, are the proportions right?

Neck seems to go out a bit too far on the left where it meets the chin, for a 3/4ish head his chin should be sticking out from the neck. Also, his hair bothers me, one eye would be completely covered and the other eye would be almost completely covered, it doesn't really make sense. That's all for now though I think

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Oh yeah.


I could totally make this a thing for your character in MoH...?

Sure, just let me finish it.

Neck seems to go out a bit too far on the left where it meets the chin, for a 3/4ish head his chin should be sticking out from the neck. Also, his hair bothers me, one eye would be completely covered and the other eye would be almost completely covered, it doesn't really make sense. That's all for now though I think

Okay, working on that now.

Oh my god, my little brother popped up right as I reply to this. Wants to play Super Mario Galaxy.

th_CustomHead-1.pngUnsure of the neck thing, gave him some eye space. Anything?

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Looking better, neck looks good to me but now I noticed his head seems to be a bit too wide on the left side underneath the hair unless you're trying to make a wider face for him. Also, hair looks good providd you clean up the line you made, the position is better though

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Looking better, neck looks good to me but now I noticed his head seems to be a bit too wide on the left side underneath the hair unless you're trying to make a wider face for him. Also, hair looks good providd you clean up the line you made, the position is better though

th_CustomHead-2.pngHair? Tried referencing Sigune for shading. Still working.

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How gung ho are you about full customing the hair? What I would do to simplify the process is splice Leila's hair (her hair would fit almost perfectly) then custom over top of it.

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his eyes should never be that close to his ear

at that head angle his hair would be completely covering his face

i say again

don't try to fc because you're bad at it

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His hair and head are both way too wide and incredibly off angle from Rath's body, which is not a good thing. The ear and eye are much too far off to the right (OPV) and everything you've worked on has atrocious shading and makes my eyes bleed. And that's really not a good thing.

And I'm not saying that you can't fc but I am saying that you really, really, shouldn't even try it until you get better at splicing.

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I counter your barely relevant poster with my own!


Now that that's out of the way, her point (I'm assuming) is to further highlight how pathetic your attempt at shading is. Full Customing is an incredibly tough thing to do, and you clearly don't even have the basics down. YOU AREN'T SPECIAL. YOU WILL NEED PRACTICE. YOU WILL NEED TO ACT ON THE CRITIQUE YOU ARE GIVEN.

Reference other shading and you'll see what I mean. Your guy has sickening desu eyes. His hair looks like somebody shat on his scalp. Reference someone with similar hair, from either FE7 or FE8; Karel might suffice.

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Well for the most part I was illustrating that the head proportions are really off compared to Rath, but yeah the shading is awful. I asked my brother (who is the least artistic person I know) what he thought of it and he said so eloquently "His hair looks like poo", so... yeah....

Really, at this point I would just scrap the whole thing and go back to splicing, because there is quite literally no way of salvaging this. As Furet said, full customs are incredibly difficult and require a lot of experience and skill. Hell, I've been spriting for about five years and I never even attempted to fc anything until last year, and even then I was complete balls until a few months ago. Just work on improving your technique with splicing and slowly work your way up from there, okay?

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